Claimed By A Charmer (The Pith Trilogy) (21 page)

BOOK: Claimed By A Charmer (The Pith Trilogy)
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“We almost didn’t make it out in
time, and you’re laughing like a loon. Cease or you’ll make me laugh.”

“It’s a good thing my mother didn’t
see. She’d confine us to our rooms for a sennight.”

“I did see. You are out to give me
heart pains,” Lady Kerr scolded, then softened her voice. “Get inside before I
forget how much I love ye and give you a what for.”

They picked up their skirts and ran
to the keep. They took the stairs to the upper floors.

“Isabel, remember when we stayed at
the Gordon’s and stayed up all night talking?”

“We had such fun.” Isabel donned
her sleeping gown, and brushed her hair. Candace moved to the edge of the bed,
making room for her. They spent the night giggling and reminiscing over their
childhood. It was a good thing too, because Isabel needed a distraction. If she
slept in her own bed, she’d most likely think about her wedding night. It
wasn’t something she looked forward to. Not because she was afraid of the
marriage act, no, it was the simple fact that she couldn’t bear Douglas’ distain
when they were together for the first time.

Isabel awoke before Candace and
slipped out of the room. After washing, changing her attire, and saying her
morning prayers, she went outside. Mist floated in the air giving the morning a
crisp chill. Dew drops fell from the trees overhead, but that didn’t stop
Isabel from taking a stroll outdoors. The weather reflected the opposite of her
mood. She was happy, and wouldn’t think about the night to come. This day was
only a day for happiness. She plucked a moist blade of grass from the ground
and rolled it between her fingers. At long last, her dream of marrying Douglas
would come true. Nothing could dampen her spirit. She was pleased Douglas
didn’t want to wait, because she wanted to get it over with. After the wedding,
she’d have to face the marriage bed, but she decided to worry about that later.


She turned at her friend’s shout. “Over

“What are you doing out on such a
gloomy day? You should be inside readying for the afternoon festivities.”

“I grew bored inside.”

“I’m glad you’re marrying my
brother. Think of it, now we’ll be sisters.”

“Aye,” Isabel said, “I only hope
Douglas won’t be disappointed.”

“He won’t. He’s been smiling all
morn. I haven’t seen him this happy in a long time. Come, let us get you ready.
My mother will be searching for us. We’ll make you look like a queen by the
time we’re finished with you.”

Isabel was pulled along into the
hall. Lady Kerr spotted them as soon as they entered and shrieked. “Where have
ye been? We must get Isabel ready.” She motioned them up the stairs.

“I found Isabel wandering in the
mist. I had to drag her back inside.” Candace laughed.

“I have a steaming bath ready for ye,”
Lady Kerr said. “’Tis your day to be coddled. I wanted to give ye this.”

Lady Kerr handed her a velvet
pouch. She opened the ties and took out a jeweled headband, made of the most delicate
gold with tiny jewels along the string. The shiny jewels sparkled and continued
around the entire length of the gold. Isabel had never been given anything so

“Oh, my lady, I cannot accept

“’Twas given to me by Thomas on the
day I birthed Candace. I want ye to have it.”

“You should gift it to Candace on
her wedding day,” Isabel said, trying to give the headband back.

Lady Kerry shook her head and
wouldn’t take the jewels back. “I have other fine gifts for her. It will make
me happy if ye would accept it.”

She couldn’t say nay after such a
sweet gesture.

Isabel spent the next few hours
being prodded with her hair brushed until her scalp hurt. She pulled the heavy
fabric of the gown over her head, feeling its weight on her shoulders. The gown
was beautiful. She’d never worn such a garment before, and even the gown her
aunt had made wasn’t as fine as the garment she was given to wed in. The
material was that of the Kerr colors, with the bliaut, sleeves, and hem lined
in a silvered threaded trim. The beautiful headband adorned her head. She
whirled around the room, throwing her arms in the air.

A knock came, and realization
struck. Once she left the room, there was no turning back. Nervousness crept
inside her heart, but she opened the door undeterred. She expected to see Lady
Kerr or Candace, but Cedric stood there, smiling.

“Milady, are ye ready? Our laird is
fortunate in his bride. Aye, we are fortunate as well.”

“Thank you, Cedric, I’m ready.” She
turned, eying the room. Nay, she would venture forward. She turned back to Cedric
and he took her arm, and led her down the hallway to the steps. When she
entered the crowded hall, her courage left, she wanted badly to flee. Cedric
held fast, veering her through the mass of people to the makeshift alter where
Douglas and the priest awaited her.

Father Tomas smiled. The crowd’s
voices stilled when she stepped forward.

Douglas grinned and reached to
touch her hair. He took her hand, then glanced at Father Tomas, and encouraged
him to start the ceremony with a sharp look.

Father Tomas cleared his throat and
began. All listened intently, and when he announced they were wedded, cheers
roared to the rafters. Douglas grabbed her, pulled her forward, and settled his
mouth on hers. At first he kissed her gently, but then it turned charring as he
seemed to forget where they were. The clamor of his warriors rose, and his kiss
turned to a smile. Isabel returned his smile.

He pulled back. “You’re mine now,

Isabel grinned at his manly pride,
nodding her agreement. He was whisked away by his warriors, and she was left
standing beside Father Tomas.

“You’ve done well, lass. He’s a
good man.”

“Thank you, Father. The ceremony
was lovely. I thank you for performing it. I hope it wasn’t a hardship for you
to come here.”

Father Tomas beamed. “Oh, nay,
Milady, I’m fortunate to serve this district. The only time I leave MacKinnon
land is for weddings or burials. I usually linger a few days for those wanting
confession. If ye want, I’ll be available in the morn.”

“Oh, thank you, Father. Do many go
to confession?”

Father Tomas chuckled. “Not many
warriors would confess a sin. I’ll probably only stay until the afternoon,
because Lady MacKinnon needs me right now. I must do all I can to comfort her
during this difficult time.”

“I heard about her daughter’s
disappearance. That is so distressing. Have you known Lady MacKinnon long?”

“Aye, Lady MacKinnon befriended me
many years before, when she was newly wedded herself. If they don’t find the
lass, she may never recover from the heartbreak.”

Brendan approached and stood beside
her. He frowned as usual, but she didn’t take offense. It was his usual look.

“I did it.”

“Aye, ye did, lass.”

“They haven’t found your niece yet,
have they?”

“Nay, we’ve been searching close to
the borders, and inquired of our allied clans. No one has heard any news of her
whereabouts. The longer she goes missing, the more I worry for her safety. I
received a missive from Colin. He is still searching in Londontown.”

“I’m sorry. I shall pray for her safe

“Milady Julianna is very upset, and
I worry for her,” Father Tomas said. “She won’t eat or sleep. I fear she will
make herself ill.”

“Aye, I don’t know what to do for
her. Julianna won’t get over this so easy, if her daughter is not returned.”

“Brendan, ‘tis the lass’ wedding
day. Let us not talk of such events,” the priest insisted.

“I don’t mind, Father. Brendan is
my friend, and if it makes him feel better to talk about it, then I shall be—”

“He’s aright, this is not an
occasion for such talk. Come, let’s join the celebration. All are probably wondering
where the bride is.”

Chapter Twenty-Nine



The guests and clans-people enjoyed
the feast’s festivities. Douglas watched his clans, feeling their joy. This day
was about the happiest he could recall in a long time. Many joined in the
singing of the ballads and the music became lively as people danced. Children
sat groggily on benches awaiting their parents. None wanted to leave the
celebration, though it was late. Their laird married, and if that wasn’t enough
reason to celebrate, they needed a good reason to let off their tension,
especially with the happenings lately.

Douglas wanted to end the
celebration, but he couldn’t, not with his followers enjoying the revelry. He
kept whispering to Isabel that they should sneak out. When a fight broke out
over who could drink the largest horn of ale, he took advantage of the
situation. The warriors wrestled in a bunch on the floor, giving them the
perfect opening to leave without their notice. He grabbed her hand and led her
from the hall.

“I’m being a coward for fleeing
like a lad, but I want to be alone with you. If my men see me leaving, I’ll be
forced to remain and subjected to their blasphemous jests.”

Isabel laughed when he yanked her toward
the stairs and to his chamber. Once inside the darkened room, he released her
hand and went to set a fire in the hearth. He lit several candles, watching her
as he progressed around the room. She seemed uneasy, and he didn’t know how to
dispel her fear. Had he ever wooed a virgin? He didn’t believe so, and couldn’t
recall. She may as well be one for all the experience she had. His body
responded to her being in such proximity. He wanted to hurry, but knew he
couldn’t. Isabel stood anchored to the floor; a stiff breeze couldn’t move her.

“Come, I won’t hurt ye.”

She lowered her eyes and walked
hesitantly to him. When she reached him, he ran his thumb over her cheek. “Look
at me, cat-eyes.”

She bravely looked up, smiling
shyly. Douglas pushed her shoulders until she was seated on the bed. He sat
next to her, and put his arm around her waist. Lifting her chin, he kissed her
lightly. He grew demanding in his attempt to woo her, and his kiss became more
forceful. He lowered her onto the covers. Wrapping the soft texture of her hair
in his fist, he gazed into her eyes. The sexual tension had built up to beyond
kindling. He lowered his mouth to hers again.

He broke off the kiss again, and
smoothed her hair. “So beautiful, reminds me of fire.”

He felt her rigidness subside, and
he continued kissing her, wanting more, but knew he had to take it slow. Douglas
tugged at the fastenings of her gown. He edged her gown from her shoulders,
pulling the material lower. When he lowered his head to take her breast in his
mouth, Isabel became undone. She shrieked, grasped his hair, tugging him
upward. He placated her by repossessing her mouth. His body responded ardently,
his discipline fled, but he had to go slow, he kept reminding himself, and
tried to calm his racing pulse. His mouth retreated to her breasts again,
kissing both exuberantly through the thin fabric of her shift. He wanted her
naked, now.

She pushed him away, and yet pulled
him forward at the same time. Douglas couldn’t wait any longer. He slid her
gown lower until he was able to pull it off completely. She lay there with only
her shift covering her. Her lovely body glowed in the candlelight. Utter
perfection met his eyes, long shapely legs led to curvy hips. He removed his
tunic, practically ripping it from his body then released the belt that held
his tartan in place. Once he was free of his garments, he joined Isabel on the

She pulled a plaid over her body,
inching to the side of the bed. He knew she was fearful, he’d taken too much
time admiring her beautiful body that she now hid under the covers.

“Isabel, you trust me, don’t you?”

Her voice muffled. “I don’t know, I

“I want you to trust me. There’s
nothing to be afraid of. You’ll enjoy this, I promise.”

She peeked from under the cover. “All
right, Douglas. I better.”

He grinned. “Mayhap you would feel
better if you could do as you wish. Is there something that you want to do?”

Isabel considered it. “Aye.” She
turned to him, and he lay back with his hands behind his head, his face most
serious. “I never took advantage when you were ill, and looked …”

Her eyes followed the path of his
chest, which was sprinkled with a light covering of hair, down toward her goal.
Did she have enough courage to continue onward? When her eyes found their
target, they widened.

Douglas laughed. He took her hand and
placed it on his now hammering erection. Isabel caressed him awkwardly. She’d
probably never been so bold to do something such as this. She moved her hand to
his chest, using her fingers to outline the contours of his muscles.

“I want you, Isabel.”

He heard her giggle when he pushed
her back onto the bed. He removed her shift before she realized it was gone. His
hand slipped up her leg, until he felt her mass of womanly curls. She shrieked
when he cupped her, applying gentle strokes. He moved his hand in a circular
motion, pressing, prodding, and teasing.

He felt Isabel’s body reacting to
his touch. She threw her head back and moaned at the pleasure he created. He
kissed her throat, letting his lips glide temptingly over her skin. He knew she
was senseless now, only feeling the warmth increasing inside her. He positioned
himself, but she seemed to know what was coming. She squeezed her eyes closed
and braced herself. He caressed her face, and she opened her eyes.

“Isabel, I won’t proceed until
you’re ready.”

“I’m ready.”

“Nay, you’re not, but you will be,”
he vowed.

“How will you know when I’m ready?”

“I just will.” He didn’t give her a
chance to reply. His mouth once again covered hers. The kiss drove her to the
edge, indicated by her sweet moans. Douglas used every stratagem known to him
to get her to surrender. He wanted to abandon himself to the fervency of their
love making. He tenderly kissed her before he knelt between her legs. This
time, she was ready. He pushed forward, slowly entering her. He reached the
point of the invasion that he dreaded. She was still a virgin.

“Hold on to me, Isabel, this may
hurt.” He pressed onward until he was fully embedded in her womb. “Don’t move,
cat-eyes, the pain will lessen.”

She looked up at him, frowning. “Is
it over?”

He chuckled then groaned when she
moved against him. He pulled from her slightly, and she gasped. An amazing rush
moved within him. She whimpered when he moved again. He moved leisurely at
first, hoping to pleasure her. The sounds she made from her throat spurred him
to thrust again. He knew her soul edged closer to the marvelous experience. Douglas
moved unconsciously, and he knew he was close to expiring. He couldn’t take
much more. A stream of sweat rolled down his forehead, as his body began shaking
with desire.

Isabel moaned, and then her mind
must have spiraled into climatic chaos. She cried out. Douglas joined her in the
climax. He threw back his head and shouted to the rafters overhead. Afterward,
he rolled onto his back, his breath raucous, his heart beat wild. He thought it
might explode in his chest. A chill from the window cooled his damp skin.

Isabel smiled and turned to him,
rubbing her hand on his forearm. “Douglas, are you all right?”

“Never better.”

“Me, too.”

He pulled her forward for a gentle
kiss. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you just slew me.”

“I’m sorry, Douglas, I didn’t mean
to.” She yawned.

He laughed. “I’m not sorry, that’s
what was supposed to happen. Did I hurt you?”

“Nay. Not really. I do feel a bit

“Isabel, you were a virgin. I’ve
been the only man to know you. It’s as it should be.”

She gasped and quickly sat up,
turning to look at his face. “I am … was? How do you know?” Her eyes narrowed
as if she didn’t believe him.

“I breached your maidenhead. If you
hadn’t been a virgin, you’d not have such.”


“Aye.” He gathered she was pleased
by the news, just as he was.

“I’m truly wed to you, and you’re
my husband in every sense.” She laughed gaily.

He smiled happily. “What’s so

“I’m relieved to know this. Thank

“You’ve nothing to thank me for. I’m
glad we married. We’ll have a good life together.”

Isabel leaned over him. “You are a
charming man, Douglas. I don’t doubt that we’ll have a good life together, but
I want you to know that I’m not weak nor simpleminded.”

“I’ve never thought you weak or

“You can’t tell me that. What about
when I carried on when we were attacked in the woods?”

“Let’s not talk about that. I’m
still recovering.” He scratched his chest, and pulled her into his arms.

“When can we do that again?”

Douglas laughed. “Give me a minute
or two.”

Isabel’s cheeks brightened when he
rose from the bed. He wasn’t modest about showing his body. Her eyes admired
his naked backside as he walked away. He blew the candles out around the room. The
only light that showed was from the hearth, to which he added a few blocks of
dried peat to the hearth. His cousin Colin discovered that the peat could be
used for warming. Although smoke would fill the room if the hearth wasn’t well-vented.
He had widened the hearth when the castle was renovated after his father’s

He stretched before he lay back on
the bedding, then placed his arm over her waist, and pulled her snugly against
him. He thought to rest for a moment before he pleasured her again, and he
closed his eyes.

BOOK: Claimed By A Charmer (The Pith Trilogy)
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