Claimed by the Elven Brothers: Decision (An Elven King Novella Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Claimed by the Elven Brothers: Decision (An Elven King Novella Book 1)
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I needed
. I needed to feel that silky hardness inside me





I boldly pushed against Seren’s chest until he took the hint and lay back
against the blanket that was just as silky as his skin, stretching his legs out
as Locien released me briefly so that I could shift to straddle his groin more
comfortably. The feel of his hard, silken cock pressing up against the
moistness of my sex was positively sinful. I couldn’t help rocking my hips
slowly back and forth a few times so that his firm heat rubbed against my clit,
then down the folds of my vagina and back up again, bursts of pleasure shooting
up my spine and making me cry out involuntarily.

Seren watched me with half-lidded eyes, his hands moving to grip my
hips firmly as I continued my pleasurable grind against him, the throbbing and
pressure between my legs increasing again with every stroke. I slid my hands up
the incredibly soft skin of his arms until I gripped him at both elbows to gain
more purchase as my hips sped up on their own accord. He, in turn, raised one
of his hands to cup my breast, caressing and squeezing it in time to my
movements while his thumb brushed teasingly, maddeningly over my now sensitive

God, I needed him. I needed to feel that thick hardness currently
sliding between my legs impale me until I was stretched to the brink. I paused
and raised myself up on my knees and off his groin just enough for me to reach
a hand down between us to encircle his cock and position it up against my entrance.
I lowered myself down onto the head, pushing slowly as I had never before taken
such an impressive member into my body and was not so far gone yet that I would
risk just roughly impaling myself down onto it like I really wanted to.

Once I was fully seated, I began to rock my hips in earnest, spearing
myself over and over as I watched Seren’s already lustful expression melt into
something closer to ecstasy. I marveled that I was able to affect this
beautiful creature beneath me so thoroughly. It was almost as heady as wine.

A sudden warmth pressed up against my left side as Locien joined in the
action again. The older elf dipped his head to first plant a soft kiss against
my neck, followed by a sensual swipe of his tongue right against a sensitive
point in my neck that made me moan and quiver in reaction. Locien cupped my
other breast and began to fondle it a bit more aggressively than Seren as his
mouth moved from my neck to capture my lips in a hard kiss. I opened my mouth
to admit his insistent tongue, sliding my own slowly against it as he began to enthusiastically
explore every inch of my mouth.

Locien’s fingers brushed lightly against my cheek as he slid them into
my hair and cradled the back of my head as I continued to ride Seren with a
quick, steady pace that he had begun to match with an upward thrust of his
hips. His thick, long cock rubbed against places deep within me that had me
moaning into Locien’s mouth as both brothers worked my body back up into a

I gasped and pulled my lips from his as a sharp pain exploded from the
nipple Locien had been teasing with his thumb. I had only a split-second to
register the self-satisfied grin that stretched his lips before Locien lowered
his head again, this time down to the breast he had just pinched. Then that talented
tongue shot out to lick across the now hypersensitive nub, the cool wetness
soothing the sting and making me shudder in pleasure. He then took my nipple
completely into his mouth and began to alternate between sucking fiercely and
rolling the little nub with his tongue.

Locien’s now free hand slid down my belly and to my gyrating groin,
reaching down with his fingers to begin rubbing my clit in slow, exaggerated
circles that made me cry out and lose my rhythm against Seren. Without missing
a beat, Seren took over, clutching my hips with both hands again and proceeded
to thrust up into my passage with deep, powerful thrusts that shook my entire

I cried out again as Locien bit down onto my nipple just hard enough
that I momentarily felt more pleasure than pain, and it was suddenly too
much—the sting of my nipple, the spasms of pleasure those skillful figures were
eliciting from the center of my pleasure as well as Seren hitting that
particular spot deep within my passage that made my nerves sing
just right
My entire body suddenly exploded with a pleasure so overwhelming that it bordered
on painful, making me scream.

The spasms of pleasure seemed to go on forever as Seren continued to
thrust up into me while Locien continued his relentless caressing of my clit,
both actions seemingly amplifying each wave of ecstasy that reverberated
throughout my body as the pleasure did not seem to be waning at all. I was all
but sobbing by now, only Locien’s hand against my breast preventing me from
collapsing onto Seren’s chest in an incoherent mess.

I clutched at Seren’s arms as though they were a lifeline, my nails
digging deeply into the soft flesh, as he gave one final, heavy thrust and
released his seed deep within me, his face a picture of pure ecstasy. His hips
almost immediately began to move again, continuing to thrust shallowly until my
tight passage had milked every drop from him.

Locien gave my shoulder one last kiss and mercifully stopped his
stimulation of my groin, allowing me to finally collapse down onto Seren’s
body. He snaked his arms around my waist as I trembled and tried to get my
breath back, the last remnants of my orgasm still making my groin throb.

Seren kissed my lips softly before he tightened his arms around me and
sat us both up with one strong, upward push. Then before I could blink, Locien
was grabbing me around the waist and lifting me off Seren’s cock. He turned me
to face him, and then I slumped bonelessly against Locien’s chest as he settled
me onto his lap, our groins pressing intimately against each other and
awakening a spark of desire within me. I was actually a little shocked that I
still had the energy for such a strong reaction after such an emotionally
draining climax.

I laid my head against his shoulder and wrapped my arms around his neck,
kissing the soft flesh beneath my lips in order to assure him of my continuing
desire. He entered me slowly, and I shivered as I once again felt my slick
passage stretched and pleasingly filled. His hands cupped my ass in a strong
grip and began to guide my hips into a slow roll as he thrust upward in deep,
powerful strokes that rocked me to my core.

Although I wasn’t facing him, I could feel Seren’s eyes on my back to
the point that it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. I should
have been embarrassed, at the very least bothered, that someone was blatantly
watching me in such an intimate moment, but it was almost as though his gaze
was part of what Locien was reigniting within me. We were no longer touching,
but I still felt the younger elf in every pore of my body.

It was in that moment that I understood just how utterly different the
were from humans. They may resemble us, speak our language, but their essence
was as different from us as the wind is from the earth because there was no way
a human partner could ever make me feel such a deep connection. It had always
been pretty much wham bam thank you ma’am with all of my exes, sex being all
about them getting off and if I happened to get a little pleasure out of it,
then great.

However, with Seren and Locien, an act that should have been purely
carnal due to its threesome nature was anything but frivolous. They were
me. For once in my life, I wasn’t just a piece of meat
to rub one out on.

I made sure to roll my hips against Locien in a more exaggerated,
hopefully more sensual way, looking to give Seren a show as I concentrated on
tightening my inner muscles around the thick member pounding into me. I felt
more than heard Locien’s sharp intake of breath as his hips started to speed up
in reaction.

I wasn’t sure if I was even physically capable of climaxing anymore
today, but I was damned sure going to give it my best shot, angling my body
forward just a bit until the head of his cock was rubbing against that fantastic
spot deep within me that made me tremble.

The pressure continued to build within my groin until one particularly
hard thrust finally tipped me over the edge. I moaned loudly and ground myself
down onto his cock, the pleasure not nearly as strong this time, but still a
thousand times better than I had ever experienced in my world. A few more deep
thrusts and Locien came as well with a soft grunt.

Later, as I lay drowsy and warm sandwiched between them, all of us
wrapped within the blanket that had been spread out onto the meadow, I knew I
was in trouble because after experiencing such mind-blowing sex with two of the
hottest, most attentive guys on the planet, there was no way I could ever walk
away from them now, no matter the consequences.





I woke to the sensation of something lightly trailing through my hair,
and for a split-second, I was completely confused as to what it could be. Then
I felt the surface beneath me move, and I stiffened, my mind beginning to go
into full panic mode as I realized that I was
on somebody! Shit—what
the hell had I gotten myself into last night?

“Megan, it’s all right. You are here with me,” a familiar voice crooned
into my ear, and just like that, all the tension in my body just melted away. I
could have cried with relief.

Of course…

Yesterday I’d had the hottest, most explosive sex
with a
couple of elves, and given that it had been Seren’s voice that had just
whispered into my ear, it was probably his chest that was currently pillowing
my head.

I opened my eyes and was met with quite possibly one of the most
gorgeous faces in existence, looking way too put together after the rough and
tumble of our sex play. Damn, what a sight to wake up to!

“Sorry. I forgot where I was,” I murmured sheepishly as I raised a hand
to rub the remaining sleep from my eyes. “Is it morning yet?”

“In the human realm, no,” he replied. “Perhaps it is around midnight.”

“Really? But it feels like I was asleep for a long time.”

“You were. Remember that the flow of time within the Inbetween is much
slower than in both the human and elven realms.”

“Oh, yeah, I forgot about that.” I glanced over my shoulder and was
surprised to find the space behind me empty. “Where’s Locien?”

“He has gone back to the elven realm in order to bring us a meal. He
had hoped to return before you awoke, so I am certain he will be disappointed.”

I snuggled closer to him. “I’m certainly comfortable enough right now
to drift off again, but that would be a waste. It’s more fun to be awake right

I rose up a little in order to kiss him softly on the lips.


I sighed, laying my head back down onto his bare chest. “I know, I
know. No sex unless it’s the three of us. That’s not what I meant anyway. I
love to cuddle, and you and Locien are the first guys I’ve been with in a long
time that are willing to do it.” I laughed, suddenly feeling a little
embarrassed. “Sorry. I doubt you want to hear about my horrible exes right

Seren began to run his hand through my hair again. I never knew something
so simple could be so soothing. I swear if he kept that up, I really would fall
back asleep.

“You can talk to me about whatever you wish,” he said.

“I suppose there
a few things I should probably ask you about
right now,” I agreed, “the first being something I really should’ve asked you
about before I slept with you.”

“Are you still concerned about a possible pregnancy?” he interjected.

“Yes, a possible pregnancy concerns me a lot, but you said that I
wasn’t fertile right now, and for whatever reason, I believe you. What I do
want to know is
you could possible know something like that? Can you
smell it or something?”

He chuckled. “It’s nothing as simple as that. I am not certain I can
explain it well, but when a woman is fertile, whether
or human, the—air
about her is much more energized, something akin to the atmosphere during a
thunderstorm. As my people are naturally attuned to the various energies that
surround us, it is just something we can all sense. Perhaps it is a sense we
evolved because of our difficulties in conceiving children.”

“You never have explained that completely to me, or if you have, those
memories are now gone. You mentioned something about your ancestors being
responsible, but
can’t any of the elven women have kids?”

He sighed, suddenly sounding weary. “That, I fear, is not a question so
easily answered. One of many reasons is one I have mentioned before, that elven
women have never been very fertile. Perhaps it is nature’s way of keeping our
population in check because of our long lifespan. It is unusual for a couple to
conceive more than two children even after a few thousand years of trying. Most
cannot conceive at all. Adding to the difficulties is the continuing problem of
our females gradually being born barren in great numbers every few thousand
years until eventually, as is true presently, none are left that can conceive.”

“If you have so much trouble fathering children with your own women,
then I’m shocked that it would even work with a human.”

“As much as many would like to think otherwise, the
aren’t so very different than humans physically in some very fundamental ways.
The flipside of a coin, remember? However, although it is easier to conceive
with a human, it does not mean that it is
or that it will happen
right away. Our king has been allowing a few of us to seek human brides for
almost twenty years now, and in all that time, not a single child has been born
other than those he has conceived with the Royal Wife. Understand, if you choose
to become our mistress, it is a status I doubt will change for at least a few
decades, if not a century or two.”

I raised my head. “You really don’t think I would get pregnant right

He smiled. “We would try every moon-cycle of course, but I would not be
surprised or even particularly concerned if a child were not born after even
twenty years.”

“But Emily said that she got pregnant within the first month after
marrying the king,” I pointed out. “How do you know I won’t be the same?”

“The king and the Royal Wife are a special case,” Seren replied. “You
would know it just from the appearance of their son, Prince Thaylan, alone. His
Majesty says it is a result of them soul-bonding almost from the very beginning
of their relationship.”

“What’s so different about their son?” I asked curiously. I wondered
why Emily hadn’t brought any of that up yesterday.

Once again he flashed me that enigmatic smile that could make even the
coldest heart swoon. “If you decide to come to the realm, I am certain Emily will
introduce you. You must see him, stand in his presence, to truly understand.”

I huffed in frustration. “You’re not playing fair again, neither one of
you does, but I think you know that. Fine. I’ll just have to wait and see for

Seren’s eyes suddenly widened, and I felt a huge amount of satisfaction
in knowing that I had managed to catch him completely off-guard.

“You mean…” He said it softly, trailing off as if he didn’t dare allow
himself to believe where his thoughts were leading.

I smiled wryly, “Yes, you win. After that incredible night we spent
together, there’s no way I could walk away from something like that. No matter
who I was with in the future, they would never measure up to the way you and
Locien made me feel. You’ve ruined me for everyone else, so now you both will
have to take responsibility and take me with you to the elven realm.”

For one alarming moment, his eyes seemed to shimmer and became so
filled with emotion that I was afraid he was about to burst into tears, but
then he slowly reached both hands down to cup my face almost reverently, making
my chest tighten as an unfamiliar emotion began to swell within me. No one had
looked at me like that, as though I was something precious, and for one
horrifying moment, I felt my eyes begin to burn as they threatened to well up
with tears.

“You are certain about this?” Seren asked, his voice thick with
emotions that he couldn’t quite contain.

“I was hesitant only because I wasn’t sure I could handle being a
mother,” I finally admitted, to both him and myself. “I didn’t have the best
childhood, and it soured me on the thought of having any children of my own.
But if you really think it won’t happen for a few decades then, well, to me, a
few decades is practically an eternity. It would give me a long time to come to
terms with the idea. Hell, who knows the kind of person I’ll even be in ten
years. What you and Locien are offering me is well worth the effort to change.
You are offering me the chance to see a whole new world, to finally become a
part of a family. How can I
say yes?”

“Then it will be done,” he promised. “Locien is going to be very cross
with me when he returns as I shall have to send him right back.”

I laughed, feeling giddy suddenly. “Somehow, I don’t think he’ll mind
it this time. What are you sending him back for?”

“Before we can go any farther, we must inform the king that we have
found a potential bride. He must come here to approve you before a mage can be
sent to perform the transmutation of your body that is necessary in order for
you to live within the elven realm.”

“Wait—you really mean a ‘mage,’ mage? Like someone who actually uses
I asked incredulously.

“After everything you have seen these past few days, the thought of a
surprises you?” he teased.

I sniffed. “It’s not like humans see these kinds of things everyday—if
at all. Last week I would have called anyone who said mages were real—or even

Seren nodded. “We have so much to show you. A mage is just the tip of
the iceberg. That is why I hope the Royal Wife will accompany His Majesty here
as his presence without her can be quite daunting, if not frightening, these

“How so?” I asked warily.

Just the
of meeting an elven king was daunting in and of
itself. The last thing I wanted to hear was that just the sight of him could be

“Standing in his presence when the Royal Wife is not beside him to
temper it is how I would imagine standing on the surface of the sun would feel
like if it did not instantly vaporize you,” he explained. “The sheer amount of
energy that naturally flows from him has brought many a powerful
to their knees from proximity alone.”

“Talk about an initiation,” I said with a shudder.

After hearing all that, I could only imagine how terrifying it must
have been for Emily when she was first brought to him. Yet, when we spoke, she
seemed so genuinely happy with her life. It certainly gave me high hopes for my
own future within the elven realm.

“King Sethian is a noble and fair ruler,” Seren soothed. “You have
nothing to fear from him. I only wanted to prepare you for what you may face
when you stand before him later.”

“Yeah, about that—is he just going to ask me a bunch of questions? How
does he go about ‘approving’ a human bride?”

“The approval is not so much about you as a person as it is about the
suitor, or suitors in this case. The
can so easily enchant the
minds of humans that this final approval is His Majesty’s way of ensuring that
the human woman has not been coerced in any way.”

I made a face. “Speaking of coerced, have you figured out which elf
screwed around with my mind, yet? That still really freaks me out that someone
was doing things to the inside of my head.”

“Unfortunately not, but I suspect that it was one of our political
rivals out to sabotage our chances of continuing our family line. I don’t know
if you still remember this, but we are cousins to the king. Our father was the
previous king’s brother, so Locien and I are in direct line to the throne
behind Prince Thaylan and Prince Anir.”

“No I
remember!” I exclaimed. “I knew you both were royals
but I never thought you might be princes!”

He shook his head. “Our father held the title of prince, but the title
given Locien and me is Stewards of the Royal House of Elerren. We handle all
the affairs of our household and all the minor houses connected to us. There
are many families we govern who crave the power we wield, thus we are
constantly looking for shadows where it seems there are none.”

“Sounds brutal,” I remarked sympathetically.

He nodded solemnly. “It can be. That is why I must ask this again. Are
you still certain that you wish to tie yourself to not only us but the House of
Elerren? We both shall do our best to shield you from our enemies, but no doubt
you will experience some of the more unpleasant attitudes some of my people
hold towards humans, and especially our human brides.”

“Yeah, Emily warned me about that, but it’s really not all that
different than all the various prejudices that humans have against each other.
I’ll be fine.”

“On that note, as much as it pains me to say this, I think it’s time we
rose and got dressed,” Seren said. “Locien should return any moment now, and we
still have many things to discuss before I send him to talk to the king.”

I squeezed his waist affectionately before reluctantly pulling myself
out of the circle of his arms. “According to Emily, we’ll all have thousands of
years to cuddle, so I don’t mind,” I said with a grin, sounding much more
nonchalant about the idea of an extended lifespan than I was. I suspected that
I would freak out about it once I had more time to really think about all the

“So,” I said conversationally as I began pulling on my clothes, “Are
you gonna tell me about this ‘change’ that I have to go through or what?”


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