Claiming Aubrey: The Soldier's Revenge

Read Claiming Aubrey: The Soldier's Revenge Online

Authors: Lexi Arabella

Tags: #babysitter, #virgin sex, #first time sex, #rough breeding

BOOK: Claiming Aubrey: The Soldier's Revenge
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Claiming Aubrey

(The Preacher’s Girls)




Lexi Arabella


Copyright 2013 by Lexi Arabella



This story was previously published as ‘The
Preacher’s Virgin Daughter.’


This work of fiction contains graphic
sexual content and is for mature audiences only. It is intended
only for those eighteen years of age or older.
characters portrayed in this ebook are consenting adults eighteen
years of age or older.



Smashwords Edition, License Notes

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The Preacher’s Girls series:

Claiming Aubrey

2. Claiming

3. Claiming Ellie




Gavin Clark

Why did I put myself through the torture of
attending service at Reverend Steve Hall’s church every Sunday,
when Steve Hall was the man I hated most in the world?

It’s not like his was the only church in Pine
Falls. There was a perfectly good one that was even closer to my
house, but I drove past it every Sunday morning, heading to the
church of that bastard Reverend Hall.

Not that anyone else in town thought of him
as a bastard. Nope, the preacher was one of the most well-loved,
well-respected people in Pine Falls.

So why did I go to his church when just the
sight of him made my blood boil in anger?

The answer sat in the front row of church
every week, gazing adoringly at Reverend Hall as he preached- his
wife, Elizabeth, who also happened to be the girlfriend Steve Hall
stole from me all those years ago.

Sure, it happened decades ago, and even back
then no one else thought of the situation as Steve Hall having
stolen Elizabeth from me, but I sure as hell did. Elizabeth and I
had been high school sweethearts, with me being a few grades ahead
of her. We promised to write each other every day when I enlisted
in the Army after graduation.

And we did, until the letters dropped from
daily to weekly to monthly, and then the day came when I got a
letter from Elizabeth saying I’d always have a place in her heart,
but that she’d met someone else and was engaged to be married.

Now, Elizabeth was Elizabeth Hall, and Steve
had gone on to become a preacher. They had three gorgeous daughters
who looked just like her. Daughters who should have been mine.
Daughters who should have been calling
Daddy, not that
bastard Reverend Hall. While I was serving our country as a
soldier, Reverend Hall was stealing away the love of my life.

I had married, had two sons, and was now
divorced, but I still never got over Elizabeth, even though no one
knew it. How could I get over her when Reverend Hall had everything
that should have been mine? A loving wife who was just as beautiful
as she was twenty years ago, and three innocent daughters who grew
more beautiful each week.




“You go on in and save us seats,” I said to
my teenage son Jeff. “I want to put this up first.”

With my younger son Danny trailing behind me,
I walked over to the member announcements board that was hung on
the wall of the church lobby, holding the ‘babysitter wanted’ flyer
I had typed up and printed out that morning. School was letting out
for the summer at the end of the month, and I would need someone to
look after Danny while I was at work. Jeff had a summer job, and
wouldn’t have wanted to spend his vacation watching his
five-year-old brother, anyway.

I pulled one of the unused thumbtacks out of
the corkboard, using it to pin my flyer up in a clear spot.

“Hello, Mr. Clark.”

I turned around to find Aubrey Hall standing
behind me, smiling up at me. I was struck by how much she looked
like her mother had back in high school. Aubrey had the same creamy
skin, kissable pink lips, and flowing golden hair. Even with her
fairly modest church dress covering her, I could see that her
little body was enough to drive any man crazy- softly curved hips
and perky little breasts that would fit nicely in my large

“Hi, Aubrey,” I said, remembering to speak.
Luckily, Aubrey didn’t notice my gaze wandering over her body,
since she was peering over my shoulder at the announcements

“You’re looking for a babysitter?”

“A babysitter? Oh, yes, I am looking for a
babysitter.” I reluctantly tore my eyes away from the hint of
cleavage I could see peeking over the top of her dress. “I need
someone to look after little Danny here this summer.”

“Well I’m looking for a babysitting job this
summer, actually.” She ran her fingers through her hair and lowered
her voice. “Daddy wants me to work at the church like I usually do
in the summer, but he still treats me like I’m a little girl, you

“Yeah,” I said, forcing myself to keep my
eyes on her face. I couldn’t blame Reverend Hall for being an
overprotective father. If I had a daughter as innocently sexy as
Aubrey, I wouldn’t want to let her out of my sight either.

“But I’m eighteen now and I want to try
getting a job on my own, without my daddy’s help. I have
references, if you need them. I mean, if you’re even interested in
considering me for the position.”

Of course I was interested in having the
preacher’s daughter in my house every week day for an entire
summer. In fact, nothing had ever interested me more.

“You’re hired.”

Aubrey’s eyes widened and she clasped her
hands together. “

I reached behind me, ripping my short-lived
‘babysitter wanted’ ad from the board. I crumpled the paper in my
hand and tossed it in a nearby trashcan.

“Really,” I said, smiling down at her.

“Oh, Mr. Clark!” she squealed, bouncing up
and down in excitement. Her breasts jiggled as she moved, and I
couldn’t keep my cock from hardening a bit as I watched. “I’ll be
the best babysitter you’ve ever had, I promise.”

Aubrey squatted down in front of Danny,
beaming at him. “It looks like you and I are going to be spending a
lot of time together this summer, little guy.”

I could hardly believe the opportunity that
had just fallen into my hands. Looking down her dress from above,
my groin ached as I imagined grabbing Aubrey’s bare breasts in my
palms, pinching her nipples as I shoved my cock between her thighs,
fucking her tight little pussy until I spilled my seed deep inside
Reverend Hall’s precious virgin daughter.


I was curled up on the couch in the living
room of the Clark home, holding the book I had just finished
reading and wishing I’d thought to bring another one with me. Danny
was upstairs in his bedroom taking his afternoon nap, and since he
was really tired from running around the neighborhood playground
all morning, I knew he wouldn’t be waking up for another few

I loved my summer gig. Mr. Clark was super
nice, and he paid me ten bucks an hour- way above the going rate
for babysitters in Pine Falls- to watch Danny, who was no trouble
at all and lots of fun to be around. But there wasn’t much for me
to do while Danny was napping, other than read.

Yawning, I raised my arms above my head and
stretched my body as I sat up. My shirt lifted up a bit, and though
there was no one around to see me, my daddy had lectured my sisters
and I enough about the importance of modesty that I quickly yanked
my shirt back down over the little expanse of belly that had been
exposed. In a rush to leave the house on time that morning, I had
grabbed a shirt I wore a lot during previous summers out of the
closet. It must have shrunk in the wash, since it fit a lot more
snugly than I remembered.

Getting up from the couch, I headed up the
stairs to check on Danny. I slowly turned the doorknob to his
bedroom, taking care to be quiet although I had learned over the
past few weeks that he was a pretty heavy sleeper. Peering into the
room, I saw that he was still asleep in his bed, snoring

I pulled the door shut, wondering what to do
as I walked back down the hall. As I passed the master bedroom, I
paused in front of the closed door. Mr. Clark’s bedroom was the
only room in the house I hadn’t seen yet. He had told me to make
myself at home, so maybe he wouldn’t mind if I took a look

Stepping inside, I felt guilty even though I
wasn’t doing anything wrong- or at least that’s what I told myself.
I smiled when I saw there was a tall bookshelf in the corner of the
room. The top shelf was full of trophies and military medals. I
fingered the little golden plaques affixed to the trophies, reading
them to find they were from Mr. Clark’s high school days. I was
surprised to find out that he had been a star football player. I
had known he was a soldier, but his football trophies showed that
he went to the same school as my mom at the same time she did. I
wondered if they had known each other back then.

Books filled the next few shelves. I browsed
through them, trying to find something I would like. They were
mostly autobiographies, and I came across one about Amelia Earhart
that seemed interesting. I picked it up, ready to head back
downstairs to read it, before noticing that there was a row of
movies on the bottom shelf.

I didn’t watch many movies or much
television, since Daddy said most of it was mindless trash filled
with sinful, anti-God messages. Once in a while, we went out as a
family to the movies, but my parents always picked Christian flicks
with strong religious themes.

A few times at my friend Dana’s house, I had
watched romance movies with her. I loved them, even though I knew
I’d get in so much trouble if my daddy found out I was watching
something he hadn’t approved first.

Bending over, I read the spine of each DVD
case, pulling them out to look at the cover and read the summary on
the back if it seemed promising. Not one of them was any good. They
were all action movies, and I wanted to watch a movie about two
people falling in love and holding hands, not fight scenes and
explosions. Just as I was about to pick up the Amelia Earhart book
and leave with it, I noticed I had skipped over a case that didn’t
have a title on the spine. I pulled it out and saw that there was
no cover or description on the back. It was just a plain black

Curious, I opened the unmarked case to find a
disc inside. The words
Forbidden Desire
were printed across
the case in red lettering. It sounded romantic, like the last movie
I watched at Dana’s house- a sweet story called
Hidden Love
a movie about two teens who fell in love during a war.

Pulling the disc out of the case, I walked
over to the television in front of Mr. Clark’s bed. I turned it on
and popped the disc in the DVD player before grabbing the remote,
jumping into Mr. Clark’s bed, and pressing play. I settled on my
stomach, propping myself up on my elbows and resting my chin in my
hands, and kicked my legs in the air behind me as the movie

It didn’t take long for me to realize that
Forbidden Desire
wasn’t a love story, and it
wasn’t the kind of movie God- or my daddy- would
approve of me watching. It started out innocently enough. A girl,
who looked to be around my age, was home alone when the doorbell
rang. She answered the door and let an older man in, who turned out
to be her dad’s best friend. Things quickly turned wicked from
there, but I was so shocked that I couldn’t stop watching as the
depraved scene unfolded before me.

The man started off by kissing the girl as
soon as he walked in the house. Daddy didn’t allow me to date, but
I had kissed Aaron Parker once in the bushes behind the church. The
way the man was kissing the girl onscreen was nothing like my
fumbling peck with Aaron Parker, though. It was unlike any kiss I
had ever seen. The man crushed his lips against the girl’s, roughly
pawing at her breasts through her shirt as he pushed his tongue
into her mouth.

I couldn’t imagine being kissed like that,
touched like that, and especially not by someone my daddy’s age.
Grabbing the remote, I placed my thumb over the stop button, but I
couldn’t bring myself to press it. Instead, I watched in disbelief
as the girl responded by sliding her hand down the man’s body and
rubbing him through the crotch of his jeans.

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