Claiming Lori (4 page)

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Authors: Marteeka Karland & Shara Azod

Tags: #ISBN 978-1-60521-656-0

BOOK: Claiming Lori
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Alex furiously pounded Lori. Only Michael’s gruff, “Turn her over. Work on her ass while you fuck her, Alex,” helped him hold off his orgasm.

Jack grunted his approval as he pulled out of her mouth, while Alex flipped her over, raised her ass and started pounding her again. This time, he wet his fingers and gently inserted one, then two into her asshole, fucking her there as well.

Lori threw her hips back, obviously loving what he was doing to her. She didn’t protest when Mike slid his body beneath hers, positioning her legs around his hips and caressing her ass, or even when Alex pulled out of her pussy. Pulling on a fresh condom, he pressed the head of his cock at the entrance to her ass. She stilled, letting Jack’s cock loose from her lips.

Alex gingerly pressed himself forward and stopped when he felt her stiffen. “Are you okay?”

“It hurts, but it’s bearable. Just go slow.”

Everyone was still. Alex let Lori set the pace of this new invasion. She slowly rocked her hips back and forth, sliding a little more of Alex into her ass with each backward movement. It wasn’t long before she felt his muscled abdomen against her ass, and she looked back at him.

“Are you all the way in?” she asked a little breathlessly.

“Yes,” Alex said through clenched teeth. “God, your ass feels good!”

“Slowly. Do it slowly for a while,” Lori said as she again reached for Jack’s cock.

Alex did as she asked, and Michael continued to caress her ass cheeks and back, pulling her pelvis so her clit rubbed against his dick as it lay on his abdomen between them.

It wasn’t long before Alex was fucking her ass as easily as he had fucked her cunt, and Lori was throwing her hips back to meet his aggressive thrusts, moaning around Jack’s cock as she did. Alex gave one final, punishing thrust before he stopped, ready to come.

“Oh, God, Jack. She’s so hot and tight.”

The two men exchanged places. Reaching for another condom, Alex watched, not offering his cock to Lori’s eager mouth. Michael used this pause in the action to slip into Lori’s cunt while Jack positioned himself at her rear entrance. Mike kissed her as Jack slid gently into her and then all three began moving, slowly at first, then with more vigor as Lori became used to the sensation and got more turned on. Soon they were both pumping furiously into her like she had been doing this for years.

Jack pulled out of her ass and disposed of his condom while Mike turned her over. Lori groaned as they moved her into the new position, balanced her on her arms and legs. Alex had never seen a sexier woman as she took her pleasure without hesitation.

“Just lay on top of me, sweet. I’ll support you,” Mike murmured.

Easing herself back on Mike’s strong chest, she brought her arms down to her belly and spread her legs, bending her knees and simply relaxing into his strength. Alex loved her passionate expressions. It was obvious she loved what they were doing.

“That’s it, Lori,” Jack breathed. “Spread your legs for Alex. Use your hands and spread your pussy lips for him. Show him how you want him inside your cunt.”

She did as he instructed, looking up at Jack with lust in her eyes. Alex glanced at his brother and saw the same intense emotion reflected in his eyes as well. He was hungry for her, as they all were.

“Fuck me. I want more!”

“You’re going to come this time, baby. I want to feel your cunt squeeze the life out of my cock. Do you want to come?” They all were on the verge, and Alex wasn’t sure how he’d ever live without this. Of course, he didn’t intend to try.

“God, yes!” she all but screamed. “Make me come. Please.”

* * *

Alex slid into her with ease as he and Mike gave her the ride of a lifetime. Mike slid into her ass as Alex was sliding out of her pussy and Jack fucked her mouth. The pace became so intense there was no way she could keep up with them; all she could do was lie there between her men and enjoy the ride. And enjoy it she did!

It wasn’t long before she felt it. It started at her cunt where Alex was joined to her, then spread through her abdomen and legs. Soon, her toes began to curl, and she wrapped her arms around Alex, gasping for breath, and let out a war cry of pleasure. Her nails raked Alex’s back unconsciously as she bucked and thrashed about between them.

When the last of her spasms began to wane, Jack pulled out and, with a hoarse shout, came on her breasts and stomach, with some of his seed dripping down to her bald pussy. Michael swelled inside her and, not being in a position to pull out, shot his load deep inside her ass with a groan.

Lori felt Alex’s cock growing in his excitement as well, but she wanted her lips around him when he came. Tugging at him until he offered her his cock as his brothers bathed her in their cream, she eagerly sucked and pumped him, making him lose his control. Lori held him to her until she’d sucked the last drop from him.

They all lay still for a few minutes, Lori still on top of Mike, Jack and Alex to either side, all of them sated.

“God, that was fantastic!” Michael said, his voice muffled in Lori’s ear as he nuzzled her neck.

“You can say that again.” Lori sighed. “Thank you, guys.”

“We should be the ones to thank you,” Jack said. “This kind of relationship isn’t for everyone. I just hope you can live with it.”

“Somehow, I don’t think it will be a problem.”

They all rested a while, then Mike carried Lori to the shower and bathed her before all four piled up on Lori’s bed. Just before she drifted off to sleep, draped across Mike and Jack with an arm stretched out to touch Alex, Lori mumbled, “All of you better be here when I wake up in the morning.”

Jack chuckled and kissed the top of her head. “No worries, sweet. We’re not going anywhere.”

“Ever,” Alex agreed.

There was a short silence before Mike added, “So, just keep that in mind the next time you try to sneak out.”

Lori giggled and snuggled closer. “I don’t think there’ll be any sneaking out anytime soon.”

“Ever!” all three men interjected. Lori just giggled again. One thing was for sure. She was definitely going to have fun driving them as crazy as they’d driven her over the years. And she’d enjoy doing it for a very long time indeed.






Six months later


Lori sighed happily as she assessed how she looked in the full-length mirror. Hair just right, makeup perfect; she was just about ready. Still, she had a hard time wanting to leave the exceptionally large master bedroom. The room itself gave her so much pleasure. The whole house was something out of a fairytale. Jackson, Alex and Michael had really outdone themselves when they presented her with the plans of the home they were planning on building just outside of town. The place was absolutely perfect, with wide-open spaces and plenty of room for a huge family. It was something she’d wanted her entire life, being the only child of a widower who was rarely at home. She wanted lots of kids, lots of love and a home filled with laughter.

They were waiting for her, she knew it, but she wasn’t about to hurry. Making her men wait was something at which she excelled; why they expected today to be any different was beyond her. Besides, she wanted everything to be perfect.

“I swear I think you love driving Jackson crazy.”

Lori smiled over her shoulder at Alex and Michael, who were supposed to have walked her down the aisle about five minutes ago. Alex, who’d just spoken, fidgeted in his tuxedo, casting glances at his watch every few seconds. To the world, she was the beloved fiancée, soon to be wife, of Jackson McAllister. Here, in their own private little world, she would be the wife to all three. They were even having a private ceremony after the wedding guests had gone to solidify their pact. It was more than a dream come true -- it was an absolute fantasy.

“Just Jackson?” She couldn’t even bring herself to fake a pout. She was just too happy.

“You know you have us all wrapped around your little finger.” Michael didn’t hesitate to come up and wrap his arms around her. “But if you don’t get your sexy ass going, Jackson might come up here and throw you over his shoulder to get you to the altar.”

Too true. Her Black Jack had been champing at the bit for days, more anxious for this day than even she was. It was so cute to see the big, bad head of the family sweat every last detail for their wedding, wanting it to be perfect for her. Lori understood his need to make sure she was legally married to at least one of them. It gave them all a sense of security.

“Okay, I’m ready.”

No nerves, no doubts. Lori stepped boldly between two of the three men she loved with all her heart, ready to begin their lives together.





Marteeka Karland


Erotic romance author by night, emergency room tech/clerk by day, Marteeka Karland works really hard to drive everyone in her life completely and totally nuts. She has been creating stories from her warped imagination since she was in the third grade. Her love of writing blossomed throughout her teenage years until it developed into the totally unorthodox and irreverent style her English teachers tried hard to rid her of.

Want to see what’s up with Marteeka? Check out her website at or join her Yahoo! group at [email protected]. Marteeka always welcomes e-mail from her readers. You can reach her at [email protected].




Shara Azod


Shara Azod is the first one to admit she is a little off. Her favorite movies are
Steel Magnolias
Apocalypse Now
, with a little
Animal House
thrown in for fun. When not planning to take over the world, she can usually be found having deep and meaningful conversations with her kids about the meaning of life or trying to talk her husband into buying her weapons -- just in case of Armageddon.

Read more at Shara’s website:

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