Claiming Noah (42 page)

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Authors: Amanda Ortlepp

BOOK: Claiming Noah
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Amanda Ortlepp always wanted to be a writer, but it took thirty years and a decade of working in marketing and communication roles before she started writing her first book. That story was abandoned after a few months because Amanda stumbled across the topic of embryo adoption and quickly became fascinated by it. She started writing a new book, which eventually became
Claiming Noah
. It is set in the inner west of Sydney, where Amanda lives and works. Amanda is currently working on her second novel, set on the remote Eyre Peninsula in South Australia where her father grew up and where many other members of her family have lived.


First published in Australia in 2015 by

Simon & Schuster (Australia) Pty Limited

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© Amanda Ortlepp 2015

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National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry


Ortlepp, Amanda, author.


Claiming Noah/Amanda Ortlepp.


9781925030600 (paperback)

9781925030624 (ebook)


Human embryo – Transplantation – Fiction.

Adoption – Fiction.

Kidnapping – Fiction.

Mother and infant – Fiction.

Dewey Number:


Cover design: Christabella Designs

Cover image: Arman Zhenikeyev/Getty Images

Typeset by Midland Typesetters, Australia

Author photo: Philip Klaunzer

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