Clash Of Worlds (34 page)

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Authors: Philip Mcclennan

BOOK: Clash Of Worlds
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“Wait! Wait!” shouted the man.

“What is it?” asked Lucius, who no longer sounded as polite as he had done previously.

“You will need this too,” said the man, showing Lucius the blade.

The white haired man looked at the blade with little enthusiasm.

The old man could see Lucius had little interest in purchasing the item so he desperately tried to show him the benefits of it. He swung the blade around as if he was cutting through things. “You see! It will help you cut through the veins in the jungle.”

Lucius held out his hand, inviting the man to place the blade in it. Lucius took hold of the blade and examined it closely. He then looked up at the man and pointed the blade at him. The man looked afraid, thinking that the white haired man might strike him down. The thought had crossed Lucius’ mind. He thought all humans weak and tiresome creatures. He resisted the temptation to kill the man however, thinking it unwise to cause panic in the town until he accomplished what he set out to do.

The white haired man forced a smile and reached into his pocket. He picked out a handful of coins and flung them in the air. Joy filled the village man’s face as he tried to catch several of the coins. Lucius took his leave as the man crouched down on his knees, scrambling to pick up the remaining coins that had fallen through his grasp.

After traveling around ten miles to the east of the fishing port, and covering the distance in no time at all due to his enhanced speed, Lucius reached a large field. In the distance, he could see the tropical paradise that was the Silva Jungle. Lucius tossed aside the blade he had bought back at the fishing port. He also disposed of the map, crunching it up into a ball and dropping it to the ground. Neither item had any use for him now.

A glare of yellow light began to form around Lucius and his clothing began to change. Ditching the archaeological attire he had worn, he reverted back to his now trademark Underworld warrior’s uniform, which consisted of dark shaded pants and long white trench coat. In his hand appeared the gem artefact that he had obtained in Sydney. Lucius held up the gem, which began to give off a purple glow. “Time to awaken gatekeeper.”

The ground began to shake. Smoke and dust rose in the distance from within the heart of the Silva jungle. Something began to appear from within the mist that had formed inside the trees. A large stone like object rose from within the jungle and increased in size. A pyramid had risen up from the ground and stood in the middle of the green lands. Only the top of it was visible from Lucius’ location.

The white haired man grinned to himself. “The second act is about to begin. Guard your temple well gatekeeper, for the vermin will be along shortly, and it is a meeting that is much anticipated.”


Professor Milton and James walked down a busy corridor inside headquarters. Everybody seemed to be in a rush. The corridor was filled with all kinds of different people. They varied from other agents to high-ranking government officials from numerous countries. James and the professor did their best to weave in and out of the huge melee.

“Where are we going sir?” asked James.

“You’ll see soon enough. Now then, we’ve done nothing but talk business up until now. Let us talk about something else for a few moments. After all, it’s been a while since we’ve had a chance to meet up.” Professor Milton was right. They had not seen each other for several months due to their work commitments. Since it was he had who personally recruited both James and Chad to the World Order when they were still children, he felt an extra responsibility to the pair of them.

Both James and Chad felt as fondly towards the man as he did for them. In the absence of any parents, they looked to him as their father figure. They knew they could depend on him above anyone else, and the pair would often speak to him over the telephone for hours on end.

Professor Milton was eager to find out how James was adapting to life in the city he had been assigned to as an agent. “So, how are you finding New York?” he asked.

James had been sent out to the west to oversee New York, as well as other areas in North America. The World Order had many high-ranking officials in that part of the world, and it was even rumoured that several of the patriots, the people who had overall control of the world, were based in America.

“New York is amazing, the people are nice…well most of them anyway.”

The professor smiled a little, knowing very well just how much hard work the people of New York could be. Professor Milton had studied as a teacher in the Big Apple many years ago before he became involved in the recruitment process for government agents. The man was a collective genius, and it was his teachings in the city that caught the eye of the organisation, who made moves to acquire his services. The professor always had a great eye for noticing potential. He brought many of the young kids in New York to greatness and had a fondness for the city. He knew how rowdy and energetic the people could be, but he knew they were a good-hearted bunch.

James and the professor talked about the city for a while, slowing down their progression through the corridor to somewhat of a strolling pace. At one point, they entered a lift, and despite it being full and each of them being stood on separate corners of it, they still continued their conversation. One might forget that the man was actually James’ superior officer. The two talked as friends and as men. The pair got a little carried away and talked about all sorts of things including each other’s love lives or lack of them for a better term! Finally, the professor stopped them at the entrance to a large metal door. They were at the entrance to the headquarters laboratory.

Professor Milton and James now got back to business. They entered the room, which was full of all kinds of scientific gadgets. The room was large and set off from the rest of the headquarters. This was because, in the event of an emergency, the laboratory needed to be put into isolation. They tested a lot of dangerous elements down here and could not run the risk of contamination. The room had three scientists inside conducting experiments. One of the scientists spotted the pair as they entered and walked over to greet them.

“Professor, I heard you were coming. So good to see you sir,” said the scientist. He was around five feet six inches tall and wore a long white jacket, as scientists commonly do. He wore small tinted glasses and had long dark hair that fell to his shoulders.

“James, let me introduce you to John Stewart. He is the head of our science department,” said the professor.

“Nice to meet you,” said James, shaking the scientists hand.

“Ah James, the professor’s told me a lot about you. Your skills as an agent are legendary already.”

“Thanks,” said James, feeling slightly embarrassed about the high praise he was receiving.
Legendary? I’ve only been with the organisation two years.

“How have the tests been progressing?” asked Professor Milton.

“Progress had been slow sir. The item is like nothing I’ve ever seen before,” replied John Stewart. “Item?” enquired James, who had no idea what they were referring too.

“Computer, bring up item 297” said John.

Bringing up item 297 onto deck 5,”
spoke a voice generated from within the computer.

“Come on, over here,” said, John gesturing for the two men to follow him. James, Professor Milton and John Stewart made their way over to a containment desk in the laboratories corner. A hatch opened from within it, and up rose a sword, the same blade that Lucius had used during the battle in Sydney.

“A strange object,” said the professor as he examined it closely. The sword was placed in a metal box container, which was connected to the computer mainframe at the headquarters. “Computer, run a match on this object against every known element.”

Beginning search now,”
the computer replied.

“What are you looking for sir?” asked John Stewart.

“I’m matching the material of the item against any other known material. I’m eager to find its origin,” answered Professor Milton.

The computer began to make a quiet beeping noise. “
Search complete, I have ran simulations with every known element known to mankind. The object is not made up of any man-made or natural material and has a zero percent match with all,”
said the computer.

“It’s just as I thought,” said the professor.

“What is it sir?” asked James.

“All in good time my boy. I have a theory.” The professor now spoke to the computer once more. “Computer, run a match on the unknown item, with item 297.”

Conducting match,”
said the computer. James attempted to speak, but Professor Milton gestured for him to hold his tongue. “
Match completed, 72 percent match with sample 297.”

“I knew it!” The professor was pleased that he had been correct in his hypothesis.

“You knew what?” asked James, who had become very confused at this point.

“Come with me James,” said the professor.

The professor and James said their goodbyes to John Stewart and headed out of the laboratory. The pair ventured down to the restricted section of the headquarters building, which was located deep within the underground levels of the structure. The pair walked down several long narrow corridors and every so often, Professor Milton would have to scan his identification card through a security device or enter a pin number into a numeric keypad to proceed any further through several reinforced doors. James was a little surprised by how heavily locked down the area was.

“I’m guessing whatever it is you’ve got down here, it’s not for prying eyes?” said James sarcastically as he looked at cameras high up on the walls. The cameras were armed with guns that were attached beneath them, presumably to see off any intruder that dared to venture down into the area.

The two men reached a huge steel door, which was over six feet thick. It was similar to that you might see on a safe at a bank. The professor turned to James. “Listen to me carefully James. Down here the deepest, darkest secrets known in all corners of the world are kept. Do not tell anyone about this place. There are those that would pay much to obtain the secrets possessed in this facility.”

James nodded, not quite knowing what to make of it all.

“The reason I have brought you down here, is to show you this.” The professor keyed in another pin code into a numeric pad to the right of the steel door and swiped his card through the slot next to it. The steel door opened slightly. “Let us go inside,” said the professor and the pair entered the room.

James made his way inside and stopped dead in his tracks. He looked around all corners of the area. He looked upwards, downwards, to his left and to his right.
I’ve seen this room before.

“You recognise this place, yes?” the old man asked him.

The room had been made into an exact replica of the room from the tower in which James had discovered the mysterious dragon headed dagger during his agent examination two years ago. The room had the exact same interior, all the way down to the materials in which the computer had simulated.

“Yeah I know this room…but why have you done this?” asked a very bewildered James.

“It’s because of this,” answered the professor who began to advance into the middle of the room. He reached a huge stone, around three feet tall and similar in width. The stone was covered with an old sheet, which Professor Milton unduly removed. Underneath was the dragon headed dagger, which James had uncovered on the small island near Puerto Rico.

James had not seen the object since that day. He had long forgotten about its existence but instantly recognised what it was. James remained silent, still unsure as to why exactly the professor had brought him down to the lower levels of the base.

“You remember this I take it?”

“Yeah,” James answered casually, nodding at the same time as he spoke.

“I remember your report on this object all those years ago. You spoke of it giving off a strange glow am I correct?” asked the professor.

“That’s right,” said James, who kept his answers short. He wished to let the man speak for he wanted answers as to why he had brought him here.

“Well, this dagger has not had any sort of glow since that day, over two years ago. We have run countless tests, tried all sorts of things.”

James, who was becoming very intrigued by what the professor had to say, continued to listen.

He carried on. “The object seems invulnerable to everything we have. We’ve tried to melt it, freeze it, even laid it beneath four tons of solid steel, but still the object escapes without so much as a scratch. It reminds me of something or someone.”

“What’s that?” asked James.

“You,” replied the Professor.

How does a dagger remind you of me?

“Much like this object, you seem to have the extraordinary ability to come out of even the most impossible scenario’s unharmed. You are not invulnerable of course, as your latest battle has shown, but those were exceptional circumstances.”

James interrupted, “I don’t follow you.”

“My theory is this. This object, in my opinion, is not of this world. It is different from every known element and matter form I have come across. Then there is you and Chad, again totally unique in your incredible abilities to do things I have not seen any other man or woman come close to replicating.”

James folded his arms, deep in concentration.

“You only show vulnerability to something or someone of a similar level. For instance, you show vulnerability against Chad, would you agree?”

James nodded. Then a rather disturbing thought began to enter the agent’s mind. “Professor…you don’t possibly think that I could be…” A ringing phone cut James off mid-speech. Professor Milton picked out his mobile phone and answered it.

“What? When did this happen? I’ll be right up.” The professor hung up and looked at James. “Come on, we’re needed upstairs.”

“Yes sir,” said James, and the pair left the room. Just before James exited, however, he took one last look back at the dragon dagger. His mind wondered in all directions. He had so many questions.
Where did these mysterious items come from? How am I connection to them? What is my connection to Lucius?
James tried to bury these thoughts for now though, after all, he had a job to do.

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