Claws (12 page)

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Authors: Kassanna

BOOK: Claws
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The first fella lifted the gun and dropped it. He muttered unintelligible words as he lifted it again. Holding the rifle low he cocked with the hand he could barely raise. He lifted the weapon up with his good arm. It quivered in his grip. She was surprised when he directed the weapon toward his friend and pulled the trigger. The
of the bullet leaving the barrel ripped through the night and the dull
of it hitting the dirt inches from Mais’s feet sent the animals running for cover.

, someone forgot to check the chamber. He swung the rifle around. His body juddered and the gun shook more. Sasha danced back, lowered her head, and prepared to attack.

A huge alligator stomped out of the darkness. It’s form backlit by the smoldering fire; the orange-and-yellow flames appeared to reflect off its body. It opened its massive mouth and rows of razor-sharp white teeth appeared in its enormous maw. In one flex of the gators head, it’d snapped its jaws around the legs of the hunter and started jerking him back. Dropping the gun the huntsman beat on the snout of the beast, screaming at the top of his lungs. They disappeared into the darkness with only the splashing to alert anyone that something was in the water.

Sasha shifted and ran to the waterline. “Damn it, Etienne, I know that was you. Give the bastard back!” She kicked at the dirt and stubbed her toe. “Son of a bitch.”

The other women changed forms and joined her on the tiny, weed-ridden shore.

Mais cleared her throat. “Well that takes care of that. Want to toss the other one to Etienne, too?”

“No.” Sasha growled. She glanced at one of the Wolverine sisters. “You left the other one alive.”

“Barely,” the other one responded with a smirk.

“Get him up. We’ll take him to Sint. Something is better than nothing.” Sasha sighed.

“What about your mate?” Mais stared out into the black water.

“He’ll come home soon enough.” Sasha spun on her heel toward the remaining poacher.



Etienne hid the body in the deepest hole he could find in the bayou where his pets liked to gather. He didn’t want to take too much time. Sasha had probably taken care of the other hunter and was most likely back in Betaille, no doubt with her ex-partner. Tension ratcheted up his spine, making his shoulders tight. He would trust his mate and sink that motherfucker later tonight when no one was watching. He scrubbed his face and wiggled his toes in the water off the dock of his fish camp. He still needed to find Percel. Goddess, but this day was long and he didn’t see any end to it yet. He rose up. Might as well find the cell he kept in the house and find out how everything played out. Reception was spotty but he might be able to eke out enough information to get an idea of what happened.

Hell, he’d be in Betaille, but when he saw that asshole aim the rifle at his mate, his only objective was to protect her. Headlights of a vehicle bounced along unevenly as it navigated the deeply rutted road. The rumble of the engine told him it was his truck. Only a few creatures knew where his camp was and no one to his knowledge should have known he would come to his shack. The four-by-four stopped and nocturnal insects played in the headlight beams. He waited to see who was visiting him.

The driver’s side door swung open and a lithe form climbed out of the cab. He knew that body. Sasha had come to him and he couldn’t help but smile. She chose to find him.

He raised a hand to block out the light in his eyes. “What are you doing here,

She stopped. “You didn’t come back to Betaille, so I came to find you. You owe me a hunter.”

Etienne chuckled. “Yeah as soon as I come across one I’ll have him bow-tied and sitting pretty on our porch for you to play with. I was watching. If you had just killed the ass, I wouldn’t have had to intercede.”

“He was a present for Sint.” She crossed her arms under her breasts.

“Sint has enough baubles. You had another poacher to give to her. Even dead he would have satisfied her urge for vengeance.”

“He was alive.”

“Then why are we having this discussion and how did you find me?”

“Duh, I have your scent. I could follow you anywhere.”

Etienne dropped his hand and walked closer. “But would you?”

Sasha exhaled. “Not that I would want to but yes, I would.”

He breathed slowly, holding on to the giddy feeling bubbling up from his soul. “Is Percel okay?”

She snorted. “Why wouldn’t he be? Someone mentioned that he had to run out and buy more charcoal but when I left the house, everyone in Betaille was having a right good ole time, including the ambassadors that make up the alliance committee.”

“I’m surprised you didn’t stay and reconnect with the other guards.”

“Please, I live with them in sentinel quarters. There’s nothing I don’t know that’s changed in a week. A hug, a wave, then I was gone. I had to find you to make sure you were okay because honestly, that poacher was nasty and I’m surprised he didn’t give you indigestion.” She moved in closer and reached out to up his jaw. “Much as I hate to admit this, as my mate you come first and always will.”

He grabbed her wrist and hauled her up against him. Etienne stared into her amber eyes and traced her top lip with is index finger. He leaned in and brushed her eyelids with his lips, kissed the tip of her nose, and pressed his mouth to hers. Her wild honeysuckle scent enveloped him and he walked her backward until they hit the grill of his oversize truck. Warmth bled into his arms from the smooth steel grate. He licked her lips and trailed his tongue down her throat and over her mate mark. Salt, and the natural essence that was all her, flowed over his taste buds. His cock came to life and stiffened. He hefted her up on the bumper.

A rumble started in her chest and she purred as he tugged her shirt out of her jean shorts and continued down her body. She gripped his hair as he sucked an erect nipple into his mouth and rolled it across his tongue. He splayed his palm across her rib cage and listened to her giggle. She pulled his head back. He released her tit with a wet

She loosened her fist and strands of his hair fluttered against his forehead. He reared back and gazed at her. His heart stuttered. He gripped the hem of her shirt and yanked it completely off. His erection bobbed with his movements.

“Woman you will be death of me.” He slipped his finger into the waistband of her shorts and flicked the snap free.

“Then you better enjoy the ride, gator boy.” Sasha lifted her hips and he rolled the denim material down her legs and over her boots.

Etienne skimmed his palms over her legs as he straightened. He lifted her arm and placed her hand over his chest. “See what you do to me.”

Her smile was feral and her eyes shone. He could see the countenance of her beast when she moved her head. She pulled her hand free and wrapped her fingers around his wrist to yank his hand between her thighs. Moist heat greeted his digits and her juices coated them.

She snapped her legs shut and leaned into his space. “You already know what you do to me so stop teasing me.”

He wrenched his hand free and stepped into the vee her spread limbs created and positioned his shaft at her pussy’s opening. She gripped his triceps and raised her legs, digging her boot heel into the small of his back and drawing him against her. He flexed his ass and slide into her slick channel. The muscles in her passage surged around his member. He threw his head back and grunted. Her claws burrowed into his arms as she shrieked, tightening her legs around his hips. He extended his arms and slapped the hood of his truck as she arched her pelvis to meet his thrusts. Thick, curved nails erupted from the pads of his fingers and punctured the steel top. Driving deep into her sheath with each lunge, he listened to her back slap the grill.

He went up on the balls of his feet, plunging so far he was sure he was touching her womb. Wisps of desire turned in to thick cords tying him to her. Energy flowed between them, sparking the fire that flowed through him and coiled at the base of his spine. His nuts drew up. He drove deeper. Metal screeched as he pulled his hand free and tangled it into the tight curls of her loose hair, bowing her backward. He rammed his cock as far as he could go. She shuddered and mewled, warm cream coating his member. Etienne leaned in opening his mouth against her throat and bellowed against her skin as his seed exploded from his cockhead. His body quaked after the release.

Etienne raised his head. “No two times are ever the same with you.” He eased up to give her room.

“That’s a good thing.” Sasha’s words were breathless.

“Tell me, what did Sint do with the other hunter?”

Sasha Mouth formed a frown. “I was so let down all she did was warn him, said if he did anything else she would drop a few ccs of poison in him but that she wanted him to live and remember. Loubel kicked him out of his truck a block from the hospital. I think he might have been left in a gutter. Those wolverines did a number on him. I didn’t see once spot on him free of blood. Those woman would make awesome Volkshire sentinels.”

He looked down at her. “I thought you said you weren’t so bloodthirsty anymore?” Etienne shook his head. “Never mind. Take a swim with me.”

“Not going to happen.”

“It will be refreshing and fun.”

“You forget one thing, gator boy. I can’t swim.”

“Consider this your first lesson. While we are in the water together, nothing will ever bother you. Trust me, mate.” Etienne stepped back when she dropped her legs.

“You can’t see anything in that water.”

“Cut off the truck lights. Take off your boots and let me show you my world.” He turned and walked toward the dock.

“If something eats me, it will be all your fault,” she yelled at his back.

“The only mouth on that body will be mine. Stop stalling,” he answered.

He watched the area fall into complete darkness, except for the beams of the half-moon sharing the night sky with a multitude of sparkling stars. Soft footsteps came up behind him. He swung around and grabbed her. With Sasha secure in his arms, he dove into the inlet.



Dawn was breaking, bathing everything in a golden glow. Sasha stared out the window at the passing scenery. She tapped her fingers against the interior of the door. When he turned onto the dirt road, she swiveled her head to watch Etienne. Her decision was made. As his mate, her loyalties lay with him. She’d resign from her position in Volkshire. The pain in her chest grew, tightening like a vise around her torso every mile they got closer to Betaille. She knew her heart was breaking, but her place was with the man she claimed.

Etienne brushed her cheek with his fingers and the tips came away wet. She hadn’t realized she was crying. Colin had become her surrogate father and her fellow warriors the brothers and sisters she initially wasn’t sure she wanted but damn if she hadn’t needed them over the years. Sure she could visit, but she wouldn’t really be part of the team. Things would never be the same.

“Why the tears,
?” Etienne asked quietly.

“No reason. I think I’m just happy.” She pasted on a bright smile.

“You wouldn’t lie to me, either?” He stopped in the middle of the road and turned his unblinking stare on her.

“You know that look is creepy, right?”

“Tell me what’s wrong.”

“It’s nothing.”

“Then you must not want to get back to Betaille because we can sit here all day.”

“You can be such a pain in the ass.” She crossed her arms and pursed her lips.

“I love how you talk dirty.” He grazed his hand over his growing erection.

“Fine, I was thinking I’ll miss my friends in Volkshire.” she huffed “Baby, you can visit any time you want. Once this alliance is in place, many of us will be traveling back and forth.” He put the vehicle in gear and took his foot off the break.

“I won’t be a part of them anymore.”

“Why not?” Confusion marred his voice.

“Because we’re mated.”

“I’m lost. Granted, the Blaidds and their crew are a few ingredients short of a shrimp boil but they strike me as good men. Our being mated wouldn’t stop them from loving you any less. And if they are that stupid, the assholes don’t deserve your affection and I will negate every fucking thing contracted in this pact.” He reached out to cover her hand with his, slipping his fingers between hers.

“You can’t. You need them.”

“We need each other. If your referring to our problems with the government agencies, that will clear up anyway. The other Alphas and I had to tone down some of our business dealings.” He snorted. “The assholes have named us the Cajun mafia. If they only knew. That will blow over once some of these young agents find bigger fish to fry. Someone is always looking for a way to move up and become the next big thing, but trust me some humans don’t want the general public to know we exist. And those people that we deal with are just going to bury the case under a mountain of paperwork. Issue solved.”

Sasha squeezed his hand. “It’s all good. I think I’m just emotional.”

“Pregnant already?” He cocked a brow.

“Sometimes you say the sweetest things, then you spout total crap. No, I’m not pregnant!”

“Are you sure?” He turned the wheel to pull into the cul-de-sac.”

The sun was still low above the bayou and the party that she’d left last night looked as if it was still going strong, minus the kids. Sasha spotted Sint sitting with Mais, Marree, Armand, Garmin, and Eivan. She didn’t see any of the ambassadors. Sasha climbed out the cab and met Etienne around the grill where he took her hand.

Sint called out, “Ahh, the newly mated. You two missed a hell of a party. I must admit I wasn’t sure that kitty was going to find you. I was about to send Percel out looking for y’all since I’ve been told I can’t go off by myself for some time.” She snorted.

“Keep joking, woman. You’re not too old to be taken across my knee.” Percel spoke from the deck above them.

“It’d be interesting to see you try.” Sint raised her cup to her mate.

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