Clayton's Jade (Runes Stone Series) (8 page)

BOOK: Clayton's Jade (Runes Stone Series)
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It took all of her will power, which she did not have a lot of, to pull back from him.  “How do you feel this morning?  If you are able, I need you to get dressed and meet me out at the table.  I had one of my dreams last night, so we need to make some plans.”

“I believe I can move around very slowly.  Just give me a little time and I will be out there.”  Smiling at her he went to pull the covers back so that he could get out of bed.

Getting up she smiled at him as she turned and walked out the door.  Once out in the kitchen she poured two cups of coffee and sat down to wait for him.  Today was a good day to be inside.  There was a light haze outside.  With both of the guys injured it wouldn’t be good for them to go outside.  She had a detailed map of the area surrounding the house.  She was having a hard time locating the place she had been attacked in the dream. 

She heard him coming down the hall towards the kitchen.  He had put on pants, but that was it.  There went her concentration.  Well, it didn’t go away, it was just redirected.  She wanted to run her hands down his chest and not stop.  “What happened to wearing a shirt?”  There was no way in hell they were going to get anything done if he didn’t put one on. 

“I couldn’t bend down to get it out of the drawer.”  Before he knew what was going on, she raced down the hallway to his room grabbed a shirt from the bottom drawer and took it out to him. 

“There now, you can put it on.  I have to be able concentrate on the problem, not you.”  Did she just say that out loud?  Crap.  Maybe he didn’t catch that.  Looking over at him she could see the huge grin on his face and knew that he had.  Double crap.  Ok, just play it off.  “This is a map that has been in the family since we bought the land.  Every generation updates it with the natural changes of the land.  I figured if I looked at it long enough I would see where the attack is going to happen.  Also, we don’t have enough people here.”  Hopefully that would redirect his thoughts.

“Now that the shirt is on you can look at me.  I am very glad that you like my chest.”  She kept her eyes averted knowing her face was red.  Her and her big mouth when would she learn to think before she spoke?  “Where is the most likely spot that this is going to happen?  Do you have any idea when this is going to take place?  I have more people we can bring in and I think you know some people that can help.  Between the two of us we will gather enough to fight them off.”

“It will happen the second night of the full moon.  All of my people will be in ware form.  Brad will have to be in the ocean before he can shift.  As for where the attack happens I haven’t figured that out yet.  I will be in cat form when it happens.  I will be more agile, but so will they.  I woke up before the actual fight.”  She was glad she didn’t see the fight, she didn’t want to see who gets hurt and who doesn’t. 

“What area do you normally stalk when you are in cat form?  That would help us narrow down an area.”  She looked worried so that dream must have been bad.  “Could you go and grab my lap top from the bedroom.  It has a list of people stored in it.  That way I could get started on getting ahold of them to get out here.”  After she had left the table he got a good look at the map.  It was much more detailed than what he had found.    I guess if you come from a family of shifters its best if you know the land around you like the back of your hand.    Looking at this map he realized that there were a lot of places for an ambush situation.  He now had an understanding of why she was worried.

“Here is the laptop and I grabbed my phone, I couldn’t find yours.  The place I have woken up around the most in is this upper left section.  I have clothes stashed all over this area, also in a couple of other places.  If you are up to it tomorrow I can take you out to them.”  He was watching her point out the different areas while opening his lap top up.    As she looked at the map she flashed back to her dream.  As she had been chasing the rabbit she caught sight of a fallen tree there had been a hint of blue under a log.   “I was here.” She had been closer to the house than she had thought.  “It’s only about fifteen minutes from the house.”  They were blocking me from getting back to the house.  I am just one person.  Why would they corner me?  It doesn’t make any sense.

The more she thought about it, the more confused she got.  Getting up she went down the hall to check on Vie. When she got to the door she remembered what Vie had said, you will have to decide.  She was in heat and would have to decide.  She was going to have to trust him and not get scared.  However people were always of afraid of what they didn’t know so how would she fight it?  “Vie, are you awake?”

“Yes, Just very weak.  What do you need to know?”  Vie always knew more than she let on.

“I had a dream last night and other creatures were chasing me.  Why just me?”

“You are one of the keys to stopping Ragnarok.  You now realize what decision you have to make and that is why you are here.  You have nothing to fear.  The desire that has awakened in you is natural.  There will be bumps along the way, nothing in life is ever easy as you already know.”   So she still had to figure out how to keep from changing into her cat.   “When you are ready the want will override the fear within.  You’re closer than you know.”

She already wanted him
, that much was obvious, at least she thought so.  Her concentration went out the window when he was around and she always wanted to touch him.   There was more to what she was already feeling.  She was already experiencing a constant ache that never seemed to go away.  “Thanks for the help.  I guess in the end I will have to figure it out on my own.”

“I’m going to my place to finish resting up.  I will go and heal Brad a little more and then he should be good to go. You should be fine today and I will be back in action by tomorrow night.  If you need me you know what to do.” And just like that she was gone.  Wasn’t it sad that the first thing she thought of was having a free bedroom?  She didn’t think that he was up to doing anything today, but it didn’t stop her from thinking it.  Maybe they could cuddle tonight and go from there.  Ya right, like all they would do is cuddle, they could barely stop kissing once they started.  Shaking her head she went back out to the kitchen and found him talking on the phone trying to get people out here to help. 

“Do you need anything?” she whispered into his free ear as she passed by him.  Grabbing the coffee pot she refilled both cups.  Taking the note pad from the kitchen counter she sat down at the kitchen table and started to write.  She wasn’t really paying attention to what she was writing when she heard him say, got to go see you tomorrow.  He was staring at her like a new toy that he wanted to unwrap.  What had caused that?  Looking down at the paper that she had written on she turned several shades of red.  Written on the sheet were the words; need, want, aching, arouse, appease, there were more but she knew what he had seen.

“You have something on your mind?”  That look in his eyes set her whole body ablaze.

“Yes, but it’s nothing we can act on right now.  You are still healing and can barely move.  It can wait.  Besides, we have other things to do.”  Even though she said the words her mind wasn’t listening and from the looks of it he wasn’t either.

He got up from the table, grabbed her hand, “I may be hurting, but I’m not dead.  We can take it slow and easy.  I have wanted you since the day I
first arrived her.” She stood and looked him in the eyes then pulled him towards the bedroom. When they shut the door he looked her in the eyes “are you sure?”

“Yes, I am very sure.” Then his lips touched hers in a soft kiss.  As her lips parted his tongue slipped between them, delving and probing every crevice of her mouth.  She breathed in his scent, a light musk with a twinge of mint.  His hand lowered to the round curve of her rear.  Her hand wound around his waist and up his back.  She loved the way he felt, his warmth and touch set her body on fire.  The fire raced through her veins and settled between her legs.  The more they kissed and touched the more she burned.  She wanted more and this time she wouldn’t stop.  Her hand swept down and cupped the front of his jeans.  Her thumb moved in slow circles along the center.  He wanted her, she could tell by how tight the front of his jeans had become.  His mouth moved from her mouth to the side of her neck.  He started to move her back towards the bed.  As the back of her legs touched the bed he lowered her onto it, his hands moved to her jeans and undid them and drew them down past her knees.  She immediately kicked them off so that she could better move.  Her hands went to the back of his neck drawing his mouth towards hers; she wanted to feel his mouth back on hers.

His shirt needed to come off, she wanted to feel skin, however he had other plans as his hand lowered and she felt his fingers slide into her.  Her whole body jerked from nerves firing at the same time through her whole body.  She had never felt this before and wanted more.  Her hips moved towards his fingers, wanting more as she tightened inside to hold them there. 

    This created even more friction within her body as his fingers withdrew then plunged back in.  She couldn’t stop the moan as his lips trailed d
own her neck to her breast.  He sucked the tip of her breast into his mouth his fingers plunged into her again causing her whole body shutter as a small scream came from her lips.  She had felt the release of the pressure that he had built within her.  He stood up and with a speed she had never seen before his clothes were off and he was back on top of her.  He was bigger than she realized.  How was he ever going to fit inside of her?  The pulse in her neck was beating a mile a minute as his hips dipped towards her.  She could feel the tip of him parting her then he withdrew.  The next time he went a little deeper then withdrew.  Then he kissed her and sank into her all the way and felt her tense up then waited for her body to adjust to him.  When he felt her body relax into his he began to slowly move his hips until she caught the rhythm.  Every time he withdrew and would plunge back in sent her nerve endings into a dance that had no ending in sight.  All she could think, feel, and see was him and what he was doing to her.  Just when she thought she couldn’t take anymore, warmth spread through her as her entire body released at the same time that his did. 

Wrapping his arms around her he rolled over until she was tucked alongside of him.  She draped one arm over his chest and closed her eyes.

She awoke to a new sensation; his hand was skimming the very tip of her nipples.  Every time he barely touched them it sent a shock straight to the core of her causing liquid to pool.  She took his hand and brought a finger to her lips and sucked it in, using her tongue she slid all around it like it was a prized lollypop.  He slowly pulled his finger out and replaced, with his mouth.  His hand traveled down finding her wet and swollen.  He needed her now, later they would be slow.  He slowly glided into her silken sheath until he fitted against her completely. 

When they were both spent in the afterglow
, she was tracing small circles on his chest.  “Unless you want more, I would stop that.  As it is you are going to be very sore, in fact I believe soaking in a bath would be a good idea.” He picked up her hand and kissed it in the center of her palm.

“Be that way.”  She got up and went to the bathroom to run a tub full of water.  “So are you going to be joining me?” 

“As much as I would love to I had better stay here.  If we don’t take a break you won’t be walking very well tomorrow.  In fact while you take your bath I will go and finish making those phone calls.  I believe we only have three days until this fight is going to happen. You need to talk to Brad and get going on your end.”  Pulling up his pants and buttoning them he headed out to the kitchen.  He couldn’t believe he still wanted her.  For now he had to let her rest if he could keep his hands off her until tonight.   It was going to be a long afternoon. 

After he had left the room she went in and checked the tub, turned off the water and stepped in, sat down and slowly sank into the water.  The hot water just barely covered the tips of her breast.  She just lay in the water until she felt her muscles relaxing almost to the point of turning into Jell-O.  When the water started to turn tepid she got out, releasing the water as she did.  Grabbing a towel, she dried off.  Trying to figure out what she was going to wear she went to her closet and found a brilliant sky blue shirt that would look good with a pair of jeans.  Pulling out a matching set of undergarments she got dressed.  After looking in the mirror to make sure she looked nice she went into the kitchen and found Clayton on the phone.

From what she could see he was about half way down a list of people, by most of the names was a reminder to  e-mail to backup.  

“I am going to take the cell phone into Brad’s room and hope that we get cell service so he can start making calls from our side.  If we don’t have a signal we will wait until you are done.”    If they had to be good then she couldn’t be within arm’s reach of him.  She was sore but it was a nice sore.  She wondered if sex was always this intense or if it was being with him that made it that way.  It was too bad she didn’t own any provocative clothes.  Those would be fun to wear around him just to see how far she could push him.  Oh well, not in her budget to buy. 

Brad was lying flat on the bed when she came through the door.  “Do you need some help to sit up?  I can grab a couple of extra pillows if you need them. Quick version of what’s going on; on the second night of the full moon I will be attacked about fifteen minutes from the house.  You can’t help but you know people who can.  We need to get them here.” 

“I can move myself to a sitting position if you have a couple more pillows to put behind my back.  Do you have a phone for me to use?”  She tossed the phone at him along with a pad of
paper then went to the hallway closet and pulled two pillows out from the top shelf along with pillowcases.  When she got back to the room she put the cases on the pillows and helped put them behind Brad, adjusting them until he was comfortable.

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