Cloak Games: Thief Trap (20 page)

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Authors: Jonathan Moeller

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I nodded. 

“Say it,” said Morvilind. 

“Yes,” I croaked. 

He sighed and tapped the vial again. 

I spent a bad few minutes screaming. 

“Yes, my lord,” I said when I could form words again. 

He crooked his finger, and I spun around and landed in a heap at his feet. 

“You may depart,” he said. “Await me at the Marneys’ home tomorrow. It is time for your brother’s yearly cure spell.” 

“Yes, my lord,” I said. I dragged myself to my feet and left.




The next day I took my motorcycle to the Marneys’ house. 

James wore his old dress uniform, and Lucy her nicest dress. Russell wore a suit that was too big for him, but he would grow into it. Morvilind arrived with a half-dozen of his human servants. After he had deigned to accept the Marneys’ greetings, he cast the cure spell.

It was a work of tremendous power, drawing upon all of the elements and sources of magical power I could not identify. The spell was complex beyond my ability to comprehend. Silver light and golden fire blazed around his hands and sank into Russell. When he finished, Russell looked…stronger, a little less pale, a little less sickly. 

Morvilind was a hard and ruthless man, but he kept his word. 

He left once the spell was complete.

Russell was fourteen. That meant Morvilind needed to cast the healing spell six more times before he was completely cured. That meant I had six years left. I had to obey Morvilind for six more years until he cured Russell of the frostfever. 

I just had to stay alive for six more years. 

Or find the power to cure Russell myself and break free of Morvilind. 

That night I sat with a cigarette and smoked with James. 

“Russell looks better every year,” said James. “When Lord Morvilind first brought him to us, I feared that he might not live to reach his tenth birthday.” 

I nodded, watching the smoke curl away into the night. 

“Your work for Lord Morvilind,” said James. “It is dangerous, isn’t it? You’ve got the look.”

“Look?” I said, startled. “What, do I have lettuce in my teeth?”

“No,” said James. “The thousand yard stare. The men-at-arms would come back from the Shadowlands with that look.” 

We sat in silence for a while.

“This was a bad one,” I said at last. “I can’t tell you about it. But this…it almost didn’t go well.” 

“It’s a good thing you’re doing, Nadia,” said James. 

“It is?” I said. If he knew the truth about me, he wouldn’t say that. 

“Your brother’s alive because of what you’re doing,” said James. “When things get hard, that’s what you have to remember.”

I nodded. I hoped he was right.




Several days later I walked unnoticed through the lunchtime crowd on Wisconsin Avenue, my mind focused upon my new spell. 

No one noticed me. 

I grinned. That was the point.

The scroll I had found in McCade’s temple had been a spell of mind magic and illusion, a spell called Occlusion. It didn’t turn me invisible like a Cloak, or disguise me as someone else like a Mask. Instead, the Occlusion spell made me…unnoticeable. People simply didn’t notice that I was there. So long as I did nothing aggressive, no one paid any attention to me. It wouldn’t work around another wizard, but I had been in many situations where the Occluding spell would have come in handy. 

I stepped into the coffee shop, released the spell, and looked around. It was a cozy sort of place, with wooden chairs and tables and a variety of junk pinned to the wall as some sort of art. Most of the customers were office workers stopping in for lunch or a snack. 

Corvus sat at one of the tables, waiting for me. He wore a denim jacket, T-shirt, jeans, and his oversized sunglasses, and a pair of cardboard cups waited on the table before him. He rose as I approached and drew out a chair for me. I blinked in surprise at the archaic gesture, but sat anyway. 

“You even wear those things inside?” I said as Corvus sat. 

“The Shadowmorph does not like the sun,” said Corvus. 

“Or fashion,” I said.

He smiled a little at that. “I am surprised you came.”

“So am I,” I said. “I half-expected that this would be a trap to kill me.” In fact I had circled the building three times while Occluded, looking for signs of an ambush, but had found nothing. 

“No,” said Corvus. “I keep my word.”

“I think I know that now,” I said. “So. What did you want to talk about?” 

“I repay my debts,” said Corvus, reaching into his coat. He withdrew an envelope and handed it to me. I opened it and my eyes got wide. It held hundred-dollar bills, a lot of them.

“What’s this?” I said. 

“Half the bounty for the decree,” said Corvus. “You earned it. I would have failed if not for your help.” 

I hesitated. This was blood money. Stealing was one thing. Killing people for money was something else. 

But I really could use the money. 

I tucked the envelope into my purse. 

“There is a card with a phone number in the envelope as well,” said Corvus. “If you need my aid, call that number.”

“Giving me your phone number on a first date?” I said. “Little forward, isn’t it?”

He didn’t even blink at that. “Technically, this would be the second date.”

“Robbery and infiltration do not count as a date,” I said. 

Corvus shrugged. “I am not familiar with modern standards of courtship. There is something else I can do for you.”

“What?” I said. 

He raised a hand. I flinched, fearing that he was about to cast a spell, but he only reached out and touched me on the forehead. It drew an odd glance from a passing couple. As he did, I felt a surge of magical energy, and the symbols and patterns of a spell burned themselves into my mind.

A spell. He had just given me the knowledge of a spell. It was the spell he used to conjure globes of lightning. 

“Why…why did you do that?” I said.

“Because,” said Corvus. “You saved my life, and it is an appropriate gift. You have no magical means of defending yourself. Now you do.” 

“Thank you,” I said. “I…thank you.” It was a tremendous gift. 

He rose. “Take care of yourself, Katerina Annovich. Don’t follow any more strange men into alleys.”

I imitated the mocking little salute he had given me in the temple. “You have my solemn promise. Corvus…thank you. Really. You don’t know how useful this will be for me.”

“I can guess,” Corvus said, and then left.

Later I sat in my Duluth Car Company sedan, and I cast the spell. A little snarling globe of lightning appeared over my fingers, and I smiled and dismissed it. Corvus had indeed given me a powerful gift. 

Perhaps I could put it to good use. 

For I was still alive, and Russell needed only six more healing spells. Russell was still alive, and I had survived my latest mission from Morvilind. 

For now, that was victory enough.



Corvus stood in a New York City penthouse, finishing his report. 

The Firstborn of the Shadow Hunters sat by the window, gazing at Manhattan’s skyline as he listened. He looked about sixty, thin and tough and wiry as an old tree, but he was older than sixty, far older. 

“This Katerina Annovich,” said the Firstborn at last, “you do not think she is a servant of the Dark Ones?” 

“No,” said Corvus, thinking of the strange gray-eyed thief. “I suspect she is being coerced. Likely a cult of the Dark Ones is holding her family captive, using them to compel her obedience.” 

“She knew illusion magic,” said the Firstborn. For a moment the lines of his Shadowmorph stirred against his seamed face. “Someone must have taught it to her.”

Corvus nodded. 

“Find her,” said the Firstborn, “and keep watch over her. She might be the key.” The ancient man looked up at him. “This is vital, Corvus. Find her. If we can find her, perhaps we can find her master…and strike the greatest blow against the Dark Ones since the High Queen was driven from her homeworld. Go with my blessing, my son.” 

Corvus bowed and strode to the elevator, thinking of the gray-eyed thief. He hoped she wouldn’t need the spell he had given her. He hoped he could find her before the Rebels or the Archons or the cultists of the Dark Ones did. 

The woman who called herself Katerina Annovich was in far more danger than she realized. 


Thank you for reading CLOAK GAMES: THIEF TRAP. Look for Nadia's next adventure, CLOAK GAMES: FROST FEVER, to appear in late 2015. If you liked the book, please consider leaving a review at your ebook site of choice. To receive immediate notification of new releases, 
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Other books by the author

The Demonsouled Saga

MAZAEL CRAVENLOCK is a wandering knight, fearless in battle and masterful with a sword.

Yet he has a dark secret. He is Demonsouled, the son of the ancient and cruel Old Demon, and his tainted blood grants him superhuman strength and speed. Yet with the power comes terrible, inhuman rage, and Mazael must struggle to keep the fury from devouring him.

But he dare not turn aside from the strength of his blood, for he will need it to face terrible foes.

The priests of the San-keth plot and scheme in the shadows, pulling lords and kingdoms upon their strings. The serpent priests desire to overthrow the realms of men and enslave humanity. Unless Mazael stops them, they shall force all nations to bow before the serpent god.

The Malrag hordes are coming, vast armies of terrible, inhuman beasts, filled with a lust for cruelty and torment. The Malrags care nothing for conquest or treasure, only slaughter. And the human realms are ripe for the harvest. Only a warrior of Mazael’s power can hope to defeat them.

The Dominiar Order and the Justiciar Order were once noble and respected, dedicated to fighting the powers of dark magic. Now they are corrupt and cynical, and scheme only for power and glory. They will kill anyone who stands in their way.

To defeat these foes, Mazael will need all the strength of his Demonsouled blood.

Yet he faces a far more terrible foe.

For centuries the Old Demon has manipulated kings and lords. Now he shall seize the power of the Demonsouled for himself, and become the a god of torment and tyranny.

Unless Mazael can stop him.

for free. Mazael's adventures continue in
Soul of Tyrants
Soul of Serpents
Soul of Dragons
Soul of Sorcery
Soul of Skulls
, and
Soul of Swords
, along with the short stories
The Wandering Knight
The Tournament Knight
, and
The Dragon's Shadow
. Get the first three books bundled together in
Demonsouled Omnibus One


The Ghosts Series


Once CAINA AMALAS was the shy daughter of a minor nobleman, content to spend her days in her father’s library.

Then sorcery and murder and her mother’s treachery tore her life apart.

Now she is a nightfighter of the Ghosts, an elite agent of the spies and assassins of the Emperor of Nighmar. She is a master of disguise and infiltration, of stealth and the shadows.

And she will need all those skills to defend the Empire and stay alive.

Corrupt lords scheme and plot in the shadows, desiring to pull down the Emperor and rule the Empire for their own profit and glory. Slave traders lurk on the fringes of the Empire, ready to seize unwary commoners and sell them into servitude in distant lands. Yet both slave traders and cruel lords must beware the Ghosts.

The Magisterium, the Imperial brotherhood of sorcerers, believe themselves the rightful masters of the Empire. With their arcane sciences, they plan to overthrow the Empire and enslave the commoners, ruling all of mankind for their own benefit. Only the Ghosts stand in the path of their sinister plans.

And the Moroaica, the ancient sorceress of legend and terror, waits in the shadows, preparing to launch a war upon the gods themselves. She will make the gods pay for the suffering of mankind...even if she must destroy the world to do it.

Caina Amalas of the Ghosts opposes these mighty enemies, but the cost might be more than she can bear.

Child of the Ghosts
for free. Caina's adventures continue in
Ghost in the Flames
Ghost in the Blood
Ghost in the Storm
Ghost in the Stone
Ghost in the Forge
Ghost in the Ashes
Ghost in the Mask
, and
Ghost in the Surge
, along with the short stories
Ghost Aria
Ghost Claws
Ghost Omens
The Fall of Kyrace
Ghost Thorns
Ghost Undying
Ghost Light
, and
Ghost Dagger
. Get the first three books bundled together in
The Ghosts Omnibus One
, and get the first four short stories bundled together in a
World of the Ghosts Volume One


The Ghost Exile Series


Caina Amalas was a nightfighter of the Ghosts, the spies and assassins of the Emperor of Nighmar, and through her boldness and cunning saved the Empire and the world from sorcerous annihilation.

But the victory cost her everything.

Now she is exiled and alone in the city of Istarinmul, far from her home and friends. Yet a centuries-old darkness now stirs in Istarinmul, eager to devour the city and the world itself.

And Caina is the only one that stands in its way...

Ghost in the Cowl
Ghost in the Maze
Ghost in the Hunt
Ghost in the Razor

Ghost in the Inferno
, and
Ghost in the Seal
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Ghost Sword
Ghost Price
Ghost Relics
Ghost Keeper
Ghost Nails

Ghost Lock
, and
Ghost Arts

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