Closer_To_You (12 page)

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Authors: Reana Malori

BOOK: Closer_To_You
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Lifting his head for just a minute, he kissed her lower belly as he used one hand to free himself from his slacks. Next order of business after making his woman explode would be to remind her exactly why they were so good for each other. Chanting her name, his need for her could not be contained. “Penelope. Penelope. Baby, I want all of you. Don’t hide from me.”

Once his cock was freed, he turned back toward the gift in front of him and went back to pleasing the woman in his arms.

“Yes! Yes! Oh my damn. Gabriel, baby, just like that,” the begging and pleading tone of her voice pleased him immensely.

The words reached him, but for the moment all he could focus on was her release. Nails scratched his scalp as she tried to grab hold of his hair. Hips pumped back and forth as Penelope tried to match the rhythm, but became lost in her own erotic pleasure and the feel of his tongue.

With a few more flicks of his tongue and suctioning her clit into his mouth, Penelope let loose a string of curses and her body tensed up as the release she had been fighting for roared through her body like a freight train. Taking a few minutes to enjoy the fruits of his labor, Gabriel felt his desire and lust for this woman become something more. She was so much more to him than he would have ever expected. As he felt her start to relax, he released her from his mouth and kissed a path up her body. He slowly stood up until he was once again at his full height. He leaned in and captured her mouth with his, kissing her with such intensity, there would be no doubt that he wanted her with a passion unlike anything he had known before.

Breaking the kiss, he placed his forehead on her, “Hold on baby, I’m taking you to bed.” Bending his knees, he scooped her up in her arms and began making his way upstairs

“Gabriel, put me down. I’m too heavy for you to be carrying me up the stairs like this.” Her voice was muffled since she was lying in the crook of his arms.

“No, you’re not. I love carrying you in my arms like this.” Gabriel knew that he spoke the truth. He always spoke the truth. And if he and Penelope were going to have a chance in hell of making it, he would not break that rule now.

They made it to her bedroom in record time and he laid her down gently as he stood up to stare at the beautiful woman lying on the bed. Damn, who knew that he would find his future when he was least expecting it.

“Why are you just standing there, Gabriel?” Her arms outstretched, he gazed upon the woman that had given him a whole new outlook on life.

He removed the remainder of his clothes, tossing them across the room without another thought. Lying down between her legs, he took her face between his hands, forcing her to look at him. “I got you, Penelope. Don’t run from me, from us. We can make this work. You and me.”

“Gabriel, I’m scared.”

“Why?” He would do everything in his power to stop her from feeling this way.

“It’s too soon.”

“No, it’s not. When we met, it was just a man meeting a woman. A very sexy and alluring woman, but a woman. Neither of us could have foreseen how this would have played out. I never told you who I was and there was no way you could have known.”

“What if someone finds out?”

“They won’t.” And fuck them if they did. He was not giving her up.

“But, if they did, then what?”

Sighing, he pushed up further until his hard shaft was bumping at the entrance to her hot channel. “Then so be it. I don’t give a fuck if they find out. I’m not letting you go.” Shifting his body, he began a slow slide inside of her. Her head lolled back and her eyes rolled into the back of her head as his thickness filled her once again. “Kiss me, Penelope. Don’t let the outside world interfere with what we have.”

A slow smile came over her face and her hands reached down to grasp at his firm ass, pulling him closer and holding him tightly against her body as he sank even further into her. Their lips met in passion as he began to slowly thrust his hard shaft in and out of her body, his hips were shifting and pushing against her body as if he was a conqueror reclaiming land that been stolen from him. Never would he let her go. Never.

It no longer mattered how long they had known each other. Their positions at the company had no bearing. He would just make sure that they kept this world, their private world, separate from the public scrutiny that would ensue. All that mattered right now was claiming his woman again.

The sighs and moans she made were music to his ears. Clearing his thoughts, he focused his attention on Penelope and did everything he could to make her scream out in ecstasy the remainder of the night.




The next few weeks flew by for Penelope and Gabriel, but life was good and she had no reason to question their relationship. As promised, he made an effort to keep things separate and when at her townhouse or his room at the hotel, they never brought up work or the takeover, or anything even remotely related to what was happening at IntelliPoint. For that small concession, she was grateful. Although she wondered why she didn’t feel guiltier about sleeping with Gabriel with everything going on with her company, she never thought about ending it.

There were times he had to fly back to New York to take care of business and show his face, but since things were heating up in DC with the acquisition, he was in the area at least three to four days a week. The entire time he was here, they were always together and their connection grew even stronger. Even when he was away at his home in New York, they would talk to each other over video conference, even going so far as to masturbating on video for each other. It was one of the most erotic things she had ever done. And the fact that it was Gabriel on the other side made it even better. Just thinking about her behavior with this man made her blush hotly. There was nothing he could ask of her that she would not do. He was so damn good to her and she loved every minute of her time with him.

A constant smile was on her face during the day at work and she never seemed to get frazzled, even with all the demands that were still being placed on her. There were a couple of weekends when she needed to work, but even that was okay, because she knew that either Gabriel would also be there and she could see him, or he would be arriving into town that night.

The only downside was that they were limited to staying in his hotel or her townhome. Because of the acquisition, they both felt it was necessary that they stay out of the public eye as a couple. Neither of them wanted to deal with the questions that it would inevitably raise if they were seen out together. But, sometimes, no matter how hard she tried not to, she became pensive. For someone like Gabriel to be hiding his girlfriend away from everyone, she couldn’t help thinking it was because he did not want to show her to the world. Those thoughts would enter her mind on occasion, but then Gabriel would call or send her a text message letting her know he was thinking about her. Luckily, she only allowed those negative thoughts to linger for a few seconds before pushing them to the background.

Coming back to the present, Penelope considered that maybe she had been unhappier than she thought at work. Even Bettye, her colleague, had remarked on her change in demeanor. They were in the lunchroom grabbing a coffee when the subject came up.

“Girl, you need to tell me what is up with you lately.” Bettye glanced at Penelope from the corner of her eye, smiling as if she knew something Penelope did not.

“What do you mean? Nothing’s up. I’m just trying to keep my head above water, like everybody else.” Trying to slow down her beating heart, she hoped no one had caught on to her relationship with Gabriel.

“Mmmm hmmmm. I know some man must be giving it to you good. All I’m saying is that you have been mightily happy over the past few weeks.” Turning to lean up against the counter, Bettye stirred her coffee slowly. “So, who is he?”

“No one, Bettye. Seriously. Girl, you’re crazy. You know I’m just trying to keep up with everything going on around here.” Penelope was sweating bullets. Bettye was not only the office gossip, she was like a dog with a bone. Once she got an idea in her head, she would not drop it until she wrangled every bit of information she could.

Bettye continued to look at her as if she knew Penelope was keeping secrets. “Are you sure there’s no man in your life? No one special? I’m not trying to pry. I’m just curious about what’s going on with you lately.”

Penelope almost laughed at the thought. Yes, she was trying to pry. Bettye was the typical office busybody, even if she tried to deny it.

“I’m just saying, there’s been a change in you. And if it’s some guy, then I want to know if he has a brother or cousin that can sweep me off my feet as well.” Taking a sip of her coffee, she continued, “Come on, girl, hook a sister up.”

Laughing at her friend, Penelope felt more comfortable telling the little white lie that would keep her secret safe for a while longer, “No. No one special. I’m just doing my thing and having fun. Plus, I haven’t met a man yet who can turn me out.” Turning toward her cup of coffee, she proceeded to put creamer and extra sugar in her cup.

Bettye continued, not knowing that she was moving into treacherous territory. “Yeah, I feel you. But let me ask you something. Have you seen that guy GT Banks, head of GTB Technologies? Girl, that man is fine with a capital F. If I had just a bit more confidence, I would climb his ass like a tree and have my way with him.” Laughing at her own joke, Bettye failed to see Penelope’s skin blanch at her statement.

“Yeah, I’ve seen him. He’s alright. Honestly, I hear he’s a bit of a jerk. He’s trying to tear our company apart. I mean, if he was just some Joe Schmo off the street, he might be okay. But can you just imagine how selfish he would be? Anyway, I think you’re right. It’s time for me to start dating and find a man.”


“I mean, I need a man that can blow my mind every day and take me on vacations to the Caribbean. I want a guy that’s proud of me and doesn’t want to hide me away.” Stirring her coffee, she was caught up in her own thoughts as she continued, “You can have Mr. Banks all you want. Plus, he may be good for a night or two, but anything more than that would probably be too much. As for me, I want a real man.”

“Penelope!” Bettye whispered harshly.

When she looked up at her friend and saw her looking at a space behind her, she knew the shit had hit the fan. Slowly turning around, she prayed with everything in her that Gabriel was not the person standing behind her. Even if it was him, he would understand. Right? They had agreed to keep everything low key and under wraps. He would know that she had said those things simply to throw Bettye off the scent. Wouldn’t he?

Finally turning so that she was facing the door, her worst fear had come to life. There was Gabriel standing at the door and by the look on his face, he had heard more than enough. Face red and lips thinned out, not only did he look completely pissed off, he looked hurt. Which she couldn’t understand. Based on everything between them and the amount of time they had spent in each other’s arms, he would know she did not think of him that way. That it was only words.

However, the bigger issue at hand was that her own CEO was standing next to Gabriel. And, well, he simply looked pissed more than anything. Oh hell. Looking over at Bettye, who looked back at her with a look of fear and pity, a look she knew was reflected in her own eyes, she knew her world was about to implode.

Chapter Eight



“I’m very disappointed in you, Penelope.” Her boss, Gene, was shaking his head and looking at her as if in shock. “Unfortunately, we need to send you home for the rest of the afternoon.”

What? “Gene, this is not necessary. It was just talk. I said nothing inappropriate and should not be sent home. Who requested this?” She had a sneaking suspicion that she knew exactly who had requested her departure. How could he betray her like this? Gabriel knew she was just trying to throw Bettye off their scent.

“Does it matter?” Standing up from behind his desk, Gene opened his hands palm up as if to say he was at a loss for words. “This will blow over tomorrow. These negotiations are...tense. Everyone is on edge and David felt that your conversation with Bettye, as trivial as it may seem to you and I, could damage the discussions.”

Sighing, she stood as well and prepared to leave his office. No, it hadn’t been David. This had been all Gabriel. Her CEO may have been embarrassed, but he did not care for Gabriel one bit. If he had a choice, David probably would have enjoyed seeing him uncomfortable. Sure, she had stuck her foot in her mouth, but being sent home because of it seemed a little much.

However, if she were honest with herself, the look on Gabriel’s face was unlike any emotion she had seen from him before and she knew that he had taken her words wrong. Then again, all they had ever done was have sex, mind-blowing, amazing sex...but sex, nonetheless. “Fine, I’m leaving. Gene, my intent was not to mess anything up.

As Gene began to speak, she interrupted him, “Yes, I’m well aware that my intent does not overrule how the information was received.”

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