Cloud Riders (Lord of the Planets) (55 page)

BOOK: Cloud Riders (Lord of the Planets)
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Conom stood, shaking his head and smiling, oblivious to those around him.

‘What happened, man?’ Ald said to him, trying to snap him out of his trance-like state.

He turned slowly to Ald, his eyes glazed with unshed tears. ‘I feel her now. This is how they are all with each other. They have the power to feel each other’s emotions. That’s how they knew she was safe with me. They can feel her and now she has given me that same power so I don’t worry about her.’ He threw up his arm and punched the air. ‘And my God, she’s so happy!’ He put his arm around Ald. ‘Let’s go party, man! Just us. It’s what she would want us to do. Stuff the woman unless there are two of them.’

Ald laughed joyfully. His friend was back and all the hostility in him that they’d seen a few minutes ago was gone. Could she have guessed what was going to go down with them and once again worked a last bit of magic to prevent an eruption of discord?
Man, she is good!

Covin and Lepius just grinned and shook their heads.

When she’d first come to them a few days ago they would have thought Conom was a goner—totally in love with a married woman and about to have his life ended by a young girl who looked too innocent to even know what was going on. Now, not only had she turned it around and healed all their hearts, she had also given them all exactly what all living creatures crave: love.

A heavenly tone whispered in the air around them.

King Lepius and your friend Covin, warriors of the universe, you have both already been chosen. When your goddess comes she will need the man she
loves and the man she is in love with forever by her side. Take care of each other while she is gone and when her mission is complete she will come home to the ones she has entrusted with her heart and soul. Trust me, face your fears and jealousies and be there always to catch her when she falls. I promise the reward is worth every hardship you go through without her. Never forget my lesson, my sweet new friends.

And here ended the lesson as Covin and Lepius both felt Cassie release them.



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Dedicated to the late, Lin Hall, first editor for believing in this story and encouraging me to publish.

To all who helped make this story come to life: Shaun Behan, supportive husband who doesn’t like reading Fantasy but who read this book anyway Jody Bidgood, loving daughter who believed in the story Margaret Behan, avid reader of all my manuscripts And to my cheer squad Juri and Frank, thank you to all.

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