Clouds In My Coffee (27 page)

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Authors: Andrea Smith

Tags: #paranomal romance, #Fantasy, #Adult

BOOK: Clouds In My Coffee
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“Marco! Oh God, fuck!”

My hips are bucking up against his face with the pulsating release of my climax.

“God baby, that’s it, keep coming, don’t stop.”

And I don’t until I’m sated of my juices and a thin film of perspiration coats the both of us.

We’re not finished though as we take a few moments to catch our breath. Marco leans back on his haunches and I watch as his one hand grips his hard erection. He slowly strokes himself while watching my face.

God I love watching him touch himself!

“What is it you want, Parrish?” he asks, his eyes locking with mine.

“That,” I reply, not blinking.

“Say it.”

“Your cock.”

“A complete sentence please, using my name. I want to know whose cock it is that you want.”

I flush a bit. He’s so controlling. “I want your cock, Marco. I want your cock fucking me.”

“Very good,” he growls softly. “Let’s see what I can do about that.”

He raises up and he sees my surprise that he hasn’t gone for a condom. “No, mia caro, I think we’ll go bareback this time. Any objections?”

He strokes his cock, waiting for my answer.

“None,” I whisper, spreading my legs wider.

With one, quick and powerful thrust, he buries his cock inside of me. My legs immediately wrap around his hips, drawing him in even deeper. We both start moving in synchronized rhythm; our own signature rhythm that we have down perfectly.

As if reading my mind, his lips leave mine briefly to whisper, “We’re a perfect fit, aren’t we Parrish?”

And I tingle when he says that because it seems kind of intimate. “We are,” I reply, my mouth capturing his again, so that our tongues can mate in perfect rhythm too.

Marco swivels his hips and rocks into me deeper, his cock ring rubbing back and forth against my sweet spot. I pull in a sharp breath as the bundle of nerves there swell in response to the gentle massaging.

“Oh God,” I moan, “You lied, babe.”

He stops and raises his head to look at me.

“Don’t stop,” I whine, “I just meant those condoms don’t allow for the full pleasure of your cock jewelry.”

He continues to thrust in and out and, once again, my G-spot is at the receiving end of Marco’s lovely Prince Albert piercing as it thrums against it over and over again.

My orgasm mounts with a fury and I can tell he’s close as well. Our rhythm picks up, the thrusting is deeper and when he moans my name, that’s all it takes to push me over and I come again. It’s stronger this time, more intense, and I feel my pussy clench his cock as he comes inside of me.

He stills, gritting his teeth and then the throbbing of his release is felt deep within me as he empties himself into me. His lips work mine with an urgency as he comes and I wrap my arms tightly around him, my pussy milking every last drop from him.

We relax against one another. I bury my face into his neck, savoring his masculine scent and feeling so connected at the moment to this man that I barely know.

“Well, that was pretty fucking awesome,” he says, lifting a damp lock of my hair from my cheek. I feel his lips brush across my brow.

“You okay?” he asks.

I nod. I’m feeling mixed emotions now and it’s confusing. Should sex be this good when it’s just about the sex?

What are the rules?

Are there rules?

Should there be rules?

“Want to grab a shower, babe?” he asks.

“Sure,” I reply lifting my head and gazing at him. “Let’s have some good clean fun for a change.”

Chapter 45

I enter Dad’s house as quietly as possible. It’s eight-thirty on a Saturday morning and I hope like hell he and Sheila have decided to sleep in since they have staff working for them on the weekends.

No such luck.

Dad’s reading the paper and I smell coffee and bacon from the kitchen where Sheila, no doubt, is preparing breakfast.

“Good morning, Parrish,” Dad says, lowering his newspaper to peer over at me.

Yeah, I did the one thing I wasn’t supposed to do. I spent the night with Marco. After we showered, which had included a mind-blowing finger fuck, he ordered room service for us.

We’d eaten, fucked some more and then we fell asleep all tangled up in one another. I think there even might have been some ‘spooning’ involved.

Fuck me.

When I had woken up around eight and was horrified to discover I had slept over. I quietly extricated myself from underneath Marco’s arm and dressed as if the place were on fire. I got to the lobby and requested a cab. I had decided against waking Marco before I left. I mean what would I have said to him? It had been ‘no-strings’ sex, and while it had been smokin’ hot sex, I wasn’t inclined to treat it as anything more than that.

Just sex. That’s all.

I feel my father’s eyes upon me now.

Waiting for a response.

“Morning, Dad,” I reply, feeling as if I’ve broken curfew or something.

“We were worried about you last night when you didn’t come home,” he replies, staring at me. “We tried your cell, but apparently it was turned off.”


“We?” I ask.

He gives a slight smile, “Okay,
” he clarifies, still expecting an answer I suppose.

I walk over towards where he’s sitting. “Dad, I’m twenty-seven,” I say, “I guess I didn’t think I had a curfew. I’m not
or anything am I?”

He gives a soft chuckle. “I hear what you’re saying, Bambolina, but, no matter the age, parents worry. Someday you’ll understand.”

I lean down and give him a kiss on the cheek. “I’m sorry, and, you’re right. I actually hadn’t meant to stay out, but there were some late developments with this whole Cece thing…”

He holds up a hand to interrupt my trail of lies. “No explanation needed. Just glad you’re okay.”

“Well I’d like to fill you in, Dad. Things are wrapped up and I need to think about what’s next for me.”

“Okay,” he says, “Let’s talk over breakfast.”

Over breakfast, I update Dad and Sheila on the situation with Cece. I had told Dad a week ago that he could let Sheila know about my gift, which he had. She is totally in awe of it and I can see her eyes widen when I tell them both what’s going to happen today with Cece and Erik.”

“Do you want me there, Parrish?” Dad asks.

“No, Dad, but thanks. It kind of makes me nervous if there’s an audience and I’m not sure if I could pull it off. I’ll be fine.”

He nods and I can tell he worries about the whole transitional thing. But there’s no need.

“Parrish,” Sheila says, “I just want you to know that I think what you’re doing is so fantastic. You’re truly blessed and I guess I’d like to think that if my Charlie were stalled, someone with your gift would be there to help him.”

I look over as she dabs a tear from her cheek. “Thanks, Sheila. And I promise you that if Charlie were stalled, I’m sure Ma would let me know.”

She nods and, still choked up, starts clearing the table.

“Parrish,” Dad says, “No pressure on you leaving, you know you can stay here as long as you like?”

“Thanks, Dad,” I reply, putting my hand over his on the table, “But sooner or later, my money will run out. I need to think of getting a job somewhere.”

He looks over at me and smiles. “Well, you realize that as my only heir, this resort will be yours someday, right?”

I look over at him sharply. “I don’t want to think about that, Dad. I’ve only just found you.”

He pats my hand with his other one to comfort me. “I’m just saying that it wouldn’t hurt for you to start learning the business here. Sheila and I would like to retire eventually and you could learn at your leisure, while earning an income.”

“It is something to consider,” I reply thoughtfully. “But, Dad, I really need a place of my own, you know?”

“I understand,” he says, “You could always move into one of the chalets on sight. They’re furnished with everything and that could be part of your compensation, how’s that?”

I actually loved the idea.

“Can I think about it, Dad?”

“Of course, sweetheart.”

I get up from the table, and give him another kiss on the cheek. “I’m so glad you’re my Dad,” I whisper heading out of the kitchen. And I truly am.

I shower and change and head out in Sheila’s car en route to the cemetery for one last time. I hope like hell I can pull this off.

Erik’s company truck is already parked in the lot when I arrive. He gets out when he sees me and I walk over to where he’s standing.

“Hey Parrish,” he greets, all smiles. “God, I don’t know how to act when I see her again.”

“Hi Erik. Well, for the moment, just relax, okay? I need about five minutes before you come over to her grave to get the transition going, can you hang tight here?”

“Sure. No problem,” he replies, glancing at his watch.

I make my way over to her grave, hoping I’ve allowed myself enough time with only five minutes. Hopefully, everything will go just as well as it did with Ma.

“Cece,” I call out, “Front and center, babe. Erik’s here and he’s going to be stopping by in a couple.”

“Oh God, I’m so nervous,” she says from behind me. “How do I look?”

I glance over at her and smile. Because she looks just like she does every time I see her, I mean, what does she think will change?”

“You look perfect,” I reply, seeing that she’s holding her little baby bundle. “I see you’re going to fill him in on Erika, huh?”

“Can I?” she asks, her expression hopeful.

“We’ll give it a try,” I say. “Let’s do this. I guess you just walk into me...”

“No need to explain,” she interrupts. “Your mom stopped by earlier and gave me instructions. I have to focus all of my spiritual energy on merging my spirit into…”

“Fine,” I interrupt. “Let’s do it.”

I brace myself for the merging and as Cece closes in, I can see that her spiritual form has developed a glowing outline, which I presume is her metaphysical aura focusing. But that’s just a guess on my part.

I can now feel the heaviness and warmth spread throughout my body and the tingling sensation from the tip of my toes to the top of my head as she transitions her spirit into my body. My mind goes blank, and my conscious awareness ceases to exist.

I am Parrish no longer.

Chapter 46


Wow! This is totally far out! I feel like I did when I was alive, which is totally different than what it feels like in the spirit world. Here I’m aware of the cold chill of the winter air and wish I had a jacket to put on.

I hold Erika closer to me, shielding her bundled body from the wind as it whips around us. Thankfully, there is a thicket of evergreens nearby that might help shield us from the wind. I move over to it and wait.

I try to imagine what Erik will look like. He’s fifty-nine and will turn sixty this year. It doesn’t matter though. He will always look like the Erik I left behind in 1974.

And there he is now. I recognize him by the way he walks. He’s wearing a wool overcoat; dressed very conservatively. No signs of hippy left in him.

I giggle and he turns when he hears it.

“My God,” he says, rushing over to me, “It
you. My Cece.”

“Hey Erik,” I say, smiling at him, feeling my ponytail bouncing. “You’ve changed a lot.”

I realize what a dumb, teenager kind of remark that is, but hell, my spirit is still a teenager. He’s just gonna have to deal with it.

He laughs his magical laugh that hasn’t changed a bit. “Yeah, well shit, that’s what forty-some years will do to you, I guess. You look the same. Still beautiful, still perfect.”

I blush and, yes, it is a bona fide reddening of my cheeks. “I was never perfect,” I argue. “Far from it.”

“You were perfect to me,” he insists. “God, how it tore me up to lose you, Cece. You have no idea what that did to me, what it still does to me when I see you right now. My life has never been the same since you were taken from me. All I have now are regrets and guilt over what I might’ve done to change things. And what might have been if I had.”

“No, Erik, stop. Please, you can’t second guess destiny. If I’ve learned anything, being stalled between worlds, is that things don’t happen accidentally even if we think they do. Everything is pretty much predestined. There’s a purpose to everything.”

He looks over at me, wiping a tear from his cheek. “What have you there?” he asks, noticing the blanketed bundle in my arms for the first time.

“This is someone I want to introduce you to, Erik. This is the daughter that was lost when I died. I needed for you to know and I especially am glad that you can see her with me and know that we’re together.”

“A daughter?” he asks, moving nearer, as I pull the blanket away from her face allowing him to take a closer look at his daughter. Her eyes flicker open and she gazes up at him. She has the same dark, brooding eyes that he does and it’s very apparent.

“Oh God, Cece,” he whispers, running a calloused finger down her soft, rosy cheek. She smiles up at him. “She’s got my eyes.”

I nod, smiling up at him too. “That she does. Her name is Erika.”

“Erika,” he repeats. “My daughter Erika. I love that you named her after me. She’s my only child. I don’t have any here.”

He’s sad and I fully understand the feeling of loss he’s suffered and continues to suffer. “Erik,” I say, “We’ll be here for you when it’s your time, I want you to know that, okay? I love you and I hope that you’ve managed to find happiness in your life.”

He shrugs, “It kind of comes and goes. A failed marriage. No life partner and now this. I find out I have a daughter that I won’t see again. I mean, what the hell, Cece? I thought seeing you would make me feel better, but it hasn’t. I feel cheated. God cheated me when he allowed that fucker to kill you. He took you and my baby from me. How am I supposed to respect that? You tell me…how?”

“You need to have faith, Erik.”

“Bullshit! What I need to do is get in my truck and drive to wherever that son-of-a-bitch is and blow his brains out!”

“No!” I scream, startling Erika. She whimpers in my arms and Erik immediately softens. “I’m sorry, baby girl,” he croons to her, placing the back of his hand gently against her cheek and caressing it. “Daddy didn’t mean that, I promise. Daddy loves you and your mommy, okay?”

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