Club de Fleurs 2: Sadie [Club de Fleurs 2] (Siren Publishing Menage and More) (14 page)

BOOK: Club de Fleurs 2: Sadie [Club de Fleurs 2] (Siren Publishing Menage and More)
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Oh, Jenna, I didn’t want to get you in trouble, I’ll leave today.” Sadie hadn’t thought about Kyle’s reaction.

“Oh, honey, I was kidding. Kyle doesn’t care if you are here. He’ll be as worried as I am. And as for the punishment, he hasn’t spanked me in weeks, I miss it.” She smiled, and Sadie smiled too, for the first time in days. Jenna always could cheer her up. “So tell me what happened.”

“Petal’s back. She was Dave’s former slave. How can I compete with that?” Sadie cried.

Jenna didn’t know a lot about Dave and Petal. She knew that Petal had left when Dave first opened the club several years ago, and that was about all.

“Sadie, did he say he wanted her back?”

“I don’t know I left and haven’t spoken to him or Evan.”

“Do you think that’s fair to them? How do you know he wants her back? I thought you three had something special going.”

“I did too, but now I don’t know.” Sadie was starting to wonder if she shouldn’t have stayed to fight for her men.

“What does Evan have to do with Petal anyway?”

“Nothing that I know of, but I didn’t want to talk to either of them.”

“That’s not fair. I know they have both been trying to find and talk to you. At least listen to your messages.”

“How do you know that?”

“They’ve both called here looking for you. Don’t worry. I told them you were all right, but not that you were here. I’ll probably get my ass beat for not telling them you were here, but I can deal with that. Kyle won’t be happy that I lied for you…” Jenna wasn’t worried about Kyle. She knew how to deal with him. She just wanted her friend safe and happy.

“I guess it wouldn’t hurt to listen to the messages,” Sadie said.

“Yes, and after you do that, call Evan. Even if you can’t talk to Dave, Evan deserves a phone call from you to let him know you’re okay. It’s been a couple days and they are both worried about you,” Jenna said as she waddled out the door.

Chapter Sixteen


Sadie grabbed her phone and sat to listen to the messages. There were several over the past few days starting from minutes after she had left the club. They went from concern and worry, to pleading and begging her to call. The last one had come just a few minutes ago and it was from Evan. “Baby, I know you are ok, cause I just talked to Jenna. Please, please call me back. Dave needs to explain to you what is going on and I miss you so much. Neither of us are sleeping and we are worried about you. Please talk to us. We will come to you, but we need you. Please, please call me. I love and miss you.” His voice broke and Sadie could hear the concern, worry and love. She got up and started to pace the room. What had she done? Running away like a fool. How was she ever going to fix this?

Still pacing, she took a deep breath and dialed Evan’s phone number. “Thank God, baby. Are you ok? Where are you? Can I come there? I need to see you,” he said, answering the phone before she could say anything.

“I’m fine. I’m staying with a friend. I will meet you somewhere,” she replied, not wanting to tell him she was staying with Jenna and risk getting Jenna in trouble.

Sadie looked up and saw Jenna standing in the door. “Evan, hold on a minute.” She told him and, muting the phone, turned to Jenna.

“Don’t be mad at me,” Jenna started, “but Dave and Evan are both down in the living room. Do you want me to send them away?”

Staring down at her phone, Sadie answered, “I should, but no, I’ll come down. I didn’t want them to know I was here. Are you going to be in trouble?” She was worried about her friend.

“Nothing I can’t handle. Kyle and I had our own rough patch. He will want to help you guys, like you helped us. It will be okay.” Jenna smiled, remembering what her friends had done to get her and Kyle back together. “You go down to the living room and deal with your men. I’m going to lie down for a while. These babies want a nap.”

“Are you ok? I’ll send them away and do anything you need.” Sadie was concerned for Jenna.

“Just tired. Deal with your men. I’ll be fine after a nap.” Jenna looked pale, but maybe she was just tired.

“Ok, I’ll check on you after I talk to them,” Sadie answered.

“Good, I want all the dirt.” Jenna smiled and waddled off to her room.

Sadie went and splashed some water on her face. Since she had been lounging in sweats, she changed into a skirt and top before going to see her men.

Sadie took a deep breath, and walked to the top of the stairs. Looking down, both men were standing at the bottom of the stairs.

Chapter Seventeen


Sadie walked slowly down the stairs and she saw Evan hold Dave back from coming to meet her. When she reached the bottom step, both men started talking. Sadie put one hand up to quiet them. “Let’s sit down and talk. Not here, Jenna is resting and I don’t want to disturb her,” Sadie said firmly.

The men allowed her to lead them to the living room. She purposely sat in a chair, knowing if she sat on the couch, they would crowd her and she couldn’t touch them yet.

Indicating to the men to sit, she folded her hands in her lap and said, “I’m sorry if I worried you. I should not have run away like that…”

“No, you shouldn’t have,” Dave said, “but I understand why you did. I wish you would have stayed and listened to my explanation and I hope you are willing to listen now.”

“Okay,” she said quietly.

“As I’m sure you know by now, that was Petal, my former slave you saw in the club. I did not know she was going to be there or that she was even in town. I haven’t heard from her in several years, and she showed up unexpectedly. She’s gone now and won’t ever be back. I saw to that. I don’t know why she thought she could walk back into my life and I don’t care. I no longer want to have anything to do with her. I only want you. You are the person I love now. I never had the feelings for Petal that I have for you. You mean more to me than she ever could. I threw Petal out of the club after explaining that she would never be welcome there again. But you were already gone.”

Sadie sat for a minute and let Dave’s words sink in. She really didn’t know what to say or how to react. She did know that she had made a terrible mistake. She should have stayed instead of running. What was going to happen now? She covered her face with her hands and started crying. What a screw-up she had made.

Dave knelt down in front of her and pulled her hands away from her face. “Hey, there is nothing here that can’t be fixed. Evan and I want you to come back to the club with us. We want to look for a house for the three of us to live in. Do you want to try again? Will you come with us now and talk? We can fix this,” he said, brushing his lips across her knuckles.

Evan knelt beside her chair and took one of her hands from Dave. “We can fix this. Please come with us and talk. Everything will work out, give us a chance.” He turned her hand over and kissed the palm.

Both men were being so sweet, how could she resist? “Petal’s gone?” she asked.

“Forever,” Dave answered.

“And you want me to come back?” Her voice was small and quiet, full of doubt.

“Forever,” he answered again.

“You’re not mad at me?” she asked with a quiver in her voice, looking at Evan.

“I won’t deny we were worried and scared, but no, I’m not mad at you. I want you to come with us and we will all talk. If you want to come back here tonight, you can. But we need to talk and work things out. Baby, I miss you and I miss holding you at night. I want you back in my arms and will do anything to accomplish that.”

“Really?” Sadie still wasn’t sure of herself.

“Really,” both men answered. They stood up and pulled her up with them. “Do you need anything before we go? Let’s go eat and talk.”

“I want to go and check on Jenna. She didn’t look good, and I’m not sure I should leave her before Kyle gets back,” Sadie answered, chewing on her lip.

“That’s a good friend, baby. Why don’t we just order pizza and we can talk here if you’re comfortable with that?” Evan suggested.

“That should work,” Sadie answered. “I’ll just run up and check on Jenna. Can you take care of ordering the pizza while I do that?”

“Go check on her. Evan and I will be fine. We’ve been here lots of times and know where everything is,” Dave answered.

Sadie found Jenna curled on her side, crying. “What’s wrong, honey?” she asked.

“It’s too early,” Jenna answered.

“Honey, are you having pains?” Sadie asked, a little scared. The babies weren’t due for a month or so.

“Yes, I’m scared. It’s not time yet,” Jenna cried.

Sadie yelled for Dave and Evan. “We have to get her to a hospital. Call Kyle.” She looked panicked.

Evan called for an ambulance, and Dave called Kyle. Sadie sat and held Jenna’s hand, trying to be as reassuring as she could. “Honey, it’s going to be ok. We’ll take care of everything, Kyle is on his way. You just breathe and concentrate on those babies,” she said, squeezing Jenna’s hand.

“I’m so scared,” Jenna whispered. Sadie was too, but didn’t want Jenna to know it. Her sisters had children and she knew babies could be unpredictable, but she didn’t know much about twins.

Evan had run down to meet the ambulance and Dave was pacing nervously. Sadie sent him down to help Evan, not wanting his pacing to upset Jenna any further.

After what seemed like forever, but was probably only a few minutes the ambulance arrived and Jenna was swiftly taken to the nearest emergency room. Sadie rode with Jenna and the men followed in one of the trucks.

Chapter Eighteen


When they arrived at the hospital, Sadie went with Jenna and the men were escorted to a waiting room. The doctor informed Sadie and Jenna that everything was good, and this was to be expected with twins. He stated it could still be several hours before the babies arrived.

Sadie hoped so. She didn’t want her friend to suffer, but she wanted Kyle to be there to see his babies born if possible.

While the doctor was examining Jenna, Sadie stepped out of the room and called Evan to tell her men what was going on. Finding out it would still be several hours before Kyle arrived, Sadie went back to be with her friend.

The next few hours were uneventful and Sadie managed to doze in the chair while Jenna slept. The doctor had given her some medicine and she was much more comfortable now.

The sun was just starting to come up when she heard a commotion in the hall. She looked out to see what was going on, and saw Kyle storming down the hall. Running to him, she explained that Jenna was sleeping and that he needed to calm down.

He allowed her to lead him to the room. Seeing Jenna, tears started in his eyes and he whispered, “She’s beautiful.”

Sadie left them for a few minutes of privacy and went to find her men.

She found them in a waiting room, uncomfortably dozing in chairs. They both looked exhausted, but she was glad they were there.

Dave saw her first and reached for her. She went to him and allowed him to pull her into his lap. Snuggling close, she whispered, “HI,” not wanting to disturb Evan.

“Hi,” he said against her mouth. “It’s been too long,” he said, nibbling at her lips.

She opened for him and allowed him in. He was right. It had been too long. His hand drifted over her breast and she melted into his arms. The sound of a clearing throat brought them both back to reality, remembering that they were still in the hospital waiting room.

Evan stood over them. “I want some of that.” He looked hungrily at her. “But not here. As soon as those babies decide to make an appearance, the three of us need to get home. Someone needs to be punished and fucked. Not necessarily in that order.” He grinned.

Sadie giggled and relaxed back into Dave’s arms. She couldn’t wait.

A nurse walked into the room. “We need you. Follow me,” she said sharply. Jumping up, Sadie grabbed Dave’s and Evan’s hands and hurried down the hall toward Jenna’s room.

They heard Kyle yelling and ran to the room. Jenna was upset and Kyle was storming. Who knew what had set him off? Sadie had the men take Kyle and calm him down, while she did the same with Jenna. Apparently one of the nurses had suggested that Kyle should leave, not knowing he was the father. Sadie soon got everything straightened out and everyone back on an even keel.

There was way too much tension and testosterone in the room. She hoped the babies would come soon. Everyone was tired and cranky and keeping tempers down with three Doms was not going to be easy.

Several hours and several pots of coffee later, the doctor decided that Mother Nature was taking too long and started Jenna on a medicine to speed things up. It didn’t take long from there.

Sadie was in the delivery room with Kyle and got to see the miracle of her niece and nephew being born. Kyle Jr. and Rose came into this world kicking and screaming, two very healthy babies.

As soon as Jenna, Kyle and the babies were settled back into a room, Sadie’s men whisked her off. They couldn’t wait to get her home.

Chapter Nineteen


All the way home in the truck, Evan kept Sadie busy while Dave drove. He kept her in his arms and played with her mercilessly, teasing her constantly. When they arrived at the club, Dave took her and carried her to his suite, taking her straight to the bathroom.

Setting her on the marble counter, he started the Jacuzzi filling. Standing between her legs, he fisted his hands in her hair and kissed her. He took her lips gently at first, then applied more and more pressure until they were both weak and panting. He was lost and she was his salvation. He would never let her go again.

Evan came in the bathroom with drinks, scotch for the boys and tequila for Sadie. He quickly stripped and sat in the tub. Dave lifted Sadie off the counter, stripped her, and sat her in the tub with Evan.

He handed Evan a condom and took one for himself. Lifting Sadie, Evan told her, “On your knees, bend over.” She did and he applied a liberal amount of lube to her back hole. Applying more to himself, he guided her back to sit on him, pushing his way in. Once he had her positioned, he nodded to Dave who crawled in front of them and lifted Sadie’s legs over his shoulders, slowly fitting himself into her pussy.

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