Club Prive (10 page)

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Authors: M.S. Parker

BOOK: Club Prive
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We barely had enough strength to roll apart. He tossed the condom on the floor and grabbed the blanket, pulling it over both of us. I was already half-asleep, exhausted from drink and sex and the late hour. He wrapped an arm around me and I snuggled back against his chest. I felt his lips brush my temple and then I slipped under.


Chapter 8



The rich aroma of coffee drew me from a deep sleep and I chased it towards wakefulness. Before I could open my eyes, my head began to throb. Right. Lots of alcohol last night. I searched my memory for more. I remembered Krissy dragging me to a club. Seeing Gavin there. Dancing. Kissing Gavin.


Adrenaline flooded through my body, jerking me the rest of the way awake. Gavin. I’d had sex with Gavin last night. Mind-blowing, toe-curling, feel-it-in-my-bones sex. I could feel the aches in my body that only came after a night of fun. They were much more pleasant than the pounding in my head. At least I wasn’t nauseous.


“Morning, sleepyhead.”


Gavin’s voice cut through the pain, surprisingly not making it hurt more. I opened my eyes, fully expecting to wince at bright light. Instead, the room had a dull glow that seemed perfectly manufactured for a morning-after hangover. There, standing beside the bed, was an image to make my aching head completely worth it. Gavin had put his jeans on again, but wasn’t wearing a shirt. And I was pretty sure he wasn’t wearing anything under his jeans this time either. The thought made my stomach tighten.


“Here.” Gavin handed me a glass of water and a couple aspirin.


I sat up and swallowed them gratefully. Only after I did that did I notice that Gavin’s eyes had dropped. I looked down.


“Shit!” I grabbed the sheet and pulled it up over my breasts, heat flooding my face.


“Don’t do that on my account.” Gavin’s voice was amused, but there was a more serious expression in his eyes. “I always appreciate the body of a beautiful woman, especially when it means I can remember what it was like touching her.”


I pressed my thighs together as arousal spiked in me. The memory of his touch ghosted over me.


Gavin took a step back, as if the distance would help him collect himself. “I made you coffee.” He gestured towards the table where two steaming mugs sat. “I didn’t know how you’d want it, so I got out a little bit of everything.”


Coffee sounded really good, but I wasn’t about to get up naked. I looked around, unsure if I should try to get that dress back on. As if he’d read my mind, Gavin reached down and picked up the shirt he’d been wearing last night. He handed it to me, then headed for the table, keeping his back to me.


I pulled the shirt over my head. It wasn’t a long one, but it was enough to cover the essentials. I stood. Barely. The hem of the shirt just brushed the bottom of my ass. I glanced down at my panties, and had a quick internal debate about whether or not it was worth putting them on. Ultimately, I decided against it. In this instance, comfort was better than modesty.


I looked around as I walked over to the table. The room looked just as grandiose as it had the night before, but now the reality of it hit me. I was in a members-only room above a club. A room where patrons could take people to have sex. I ran a hand over my head and scowled as I felt the tangled mass of curls. It was going to take me forever to brush them out.


“Everything okay?” Gavin asked.


“I don’t think we should be hanging around, drinking coffee,” I said as I sat down, perching on the edge of the chair so that I wasn’t putting bare skin on expensive wood. Still, I reached for the cup. I wasn’t about to let good coffee go to waste. I added just a bit of sugar and took a sip. Ahh. That was good.


“It’s okay,” Gavin said. “I’m friends with the owner. As long as no one else reserved it, we can stay all day if we want.”


I had to admit, the idea of spending an entire day here with Gavin was appealing. More than appealing actually. I could feel myself getting wet at the thought of hours upon uninterrupted hours with that body. I really needed to get my thoughts off of what Gavin and I could do with a day here.


A question from last night popped into my head and I blurted out the answer without thinking. “Four.”


Gavin looked startled. “What?”


I blushed, but refused to backpedal. He’d asked and I wanted him to know. I wanted him to know more about me and I wanted to know more about him. “You asked me last night how many lovers I’d had. The answer’s four.”


I watched his face, curious to know his reaction to my admission. How someone reacted to the answer to that question was very telling. Krissy and I were the same age, within just a few months of each other, and she thought I was practically a nun. Her number was somewhere around twenty-five, or more accurately, it had been the last time we’d talked about it six months ago. I was betting she was pushing thirty now.


“Four.” His expression was unreadable.


“Before last night,” I said. On impulse, I added, “And they were all long-term relationships, only one shorter than a year.”


Now I saw surprise flit across his face. I wondered if that was because I hadn’t done the whole hook-up thing before or because I’d broken my MO with him. I didn’t ask about that though. Instead, I turned his question back to him. “What about you?”




“Don’t you think it’s only fair?” I countered. I took another drink of my coffee, feeling the caffeine spreading through me, speeding the relief of the medicine I’d taken.


He stood, giving me a half-smile that was just shy of being too smug. “Probably less than you’d guess.”


“Oh really?” I picked up on his teasing tone, watching as he walked towards me. “How can you be sure I’d guess a high number?”


He stood in front of me, looking down as I turned towards him. “I am good in bed.”


I raised an eyebrow. “That sure of yourself, are you?”


He reached down and, before I could realize what he was going to do, he’d picked me up and set me on the table. Now we were almost eye-to-eye.


“I had a great time last night. Didn’t you?”


His tone was still cocky, but I could hear a faint undercurrent of something that sounded a lot like insecurity. Ignoring the fact that I wasn’t wearing anything under his shirt, I spread my legs, grabbing the waistband of his jeans and yanking him towards me. I ran my hands up his sides and around to his chest, surprising myself with my boldness. There was something about him that brought it out in me.


“I did,” I said. My palms skimmed over his nipples and he made a sound in the back of his throat that sent a rush of wetness straight south.


His hands slid up my legs and I saw his eyes widen as he realized I hadn’t put my panties back on. He moved his hands around so his thumbs were on the insides of my thighs, just barely brushing against my lower lips.


“You’re wet.” His voice was hoarse.


I nodded. He took his hands from me, keeping his eyes fixed on my face. I heard the sound of a zipper and couldn’t resist flicking my eyes down to confirm my suspicions that he was bare beneath his jeans. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a condom. I looked back up at him and saw the question on his face. I nodded again.


He didn’t give me time to think about what was going to happen. He ripped open the packet, slid on the condom and grabbed my hips. He entered me with one hard thrust and I cried out, falling back on the table. Dimly, I was aware that I’d knocked both cups of coffee to the tile floor, but I didn’t care. My brain was scrambling to process the overload of sensation that my body was feeling.


Gavin slammed into me, over and over again, showing none of the hesitation he’d had the night before, and I keened as he drove me towards a climax. The curve of him was rubbing against my g-spot with every stroke, and my unstimulated clit throbbed with its need for attention. It didn’t matter though. This was no slow burn or buildup. This was going to be a quick, brutal explosion, and I wanted it. I grabbed onto his wrists, digging my nails into his flesh hard enough that it had to hurt. His grip on my hips tightened until I was sure I would have bruises.


“Come on, baby. Come for me,” he spoke through gritted teeth, and I knew he was close.


I was close, hovering on the edge, each thrust into my body taking me near, but not enough to tip me over. I released one of his wrists, and slid my hand under the shirt I was wearing, pushing the material up as I took my nipple between my finger and thumb. A light pinch was all I needed, and I was coming.


I cried out my pleasure as Gavin gave one final jerk of his hips, and buried himself completely inside me. He arched himself over me, the muscles in his legs and ass flexing as he came. He rested his head on my chest, turning his face to press a kiss to the side of my bared breast.


We stayed like that for only a minute or so, then he was standing and pulling out. He pulled off the condom and did his pants up again as I climbed off the table and pulled the shirt down as far as it would go again.


“Don’t worry about the mess,” Gavin said before I could bend down to pick up the cups. “The cleaning crew will take care of it. Trust me, they’ve seen worse.”


I nodded. An awkwardness that hadn’t been there before was settling in the air. Last night, we’d fallen asleep right after sex. Now, I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to act. I walked back to the bed, intending to pick up my clothes and figure out what I was going to wear on my walk of shame home.


I was trying to bend over without flashing Gavin when something caught my eye. I leaned over, reaching out to the base of the post at the head of the bed. It was a leather strap with a buckle. I looked at the other end of the bed and saw the same thing half-hidden next to the mattress.


“Gavin?” I had to know if what I suspected was accurate. “Is this for what I think it’s for?”


Gavin walked over to see what I was referencing. “Of course,” he answered. “What else would it be?”


What the hell had I gotten myself into? I raked my fingers through my hair, wincing as a finger snagged on a curl.


“Carrie,” Gavin said softly. “You do know that this is also a private adult club, right?”


My answer must’ve been written on my face because he looked both amused and sympathetic.


“I’m sorry. I thought you knew,” he said. “Twice a week only members are allowed in the club. That’s why it has a room like this, to make sure its members’ wishes and desires are satisfied.”


I had two choices. I could give in and completely freak out, or I could shove down the panic fluttering in my stomach and satisfy my curiosity.


I chose option number two.


I walked over to the far wall and opened one of the chests. I heard Gavin walk up behind me but didn’t look back at him. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the contents of the chest. There were ball gags and nipple clamps – things that I only recognized from some cop shows I watched where the killer was into this kind of thing. Also in the chest were dozens of things that I didn’t recognize and wasn’t sure I wanted to know what they were used for.




Gavin reached past me and closed the chest. “I don’t think we need those just yet.”


My head snapped around, my eyes wide.


He laughed and I scowled. That wasn’t funny.


He reached for the door on the wardrobe and opened it. “Just kidding.” He reached inside and pulled out a large dildo. Okay, it wasn’t large. It was fucking huge. It made Gavin’s cock look average-sized.


He grinned at me. “You mean to tell me that you’ve never used anything like this?”


“No.” I shook my head. I couldn’t bring myself to tell him that I didn’t even use a regular-sized one. “And put that back. You could seriously hurt someone with that thing.”


He winked. “You don’t know what you’re missing.”


I smacked him on his bare shoulder, the sound of my flesh against his making it sound much worse than it was. His skin barely turned pink.


“Hey, that could be part of it, too.” He rubbed the spot where I’d hit him.


“You wish,” I retorted. My stomach was twisting in a different way now, a combination of desire and fear. What kinds of things were Gavin really into? He was a member of the club after all.


I didn’t have a chance to answer the question because, at that moment, Gavin reached out and grabbed me around the waist, pulling me against him. He lowered his head and covered my mouth with his. I closed my eyes, opening my mouth and running out my tongue to meet his. They twisted together, chasing each other back and forth until we finally had to break apart, gasping for air.

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