Read Club Ties Online

Authors: Mara McBain

Tags: #Romance

Club Ties (5 page)

BOOK: Club Ties
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“What don’t you think he is going to get over, Gin. This didn’t happen to him.”

“I’m just afraid that he will never be able to look at me again and not think about Kramer and what happened. I was raped. Yes. It was horrible. Yes. But I need to be able to move on. I can’t let that rat bastard win. If I fold in on myself and die, then that is exactly what is happening. I’m letting him take my life away from me. I didn’t let Flo tear apart my family, and I’m sure as hell not going to let Kramer.”

“Have you been this honest with Zeke?”

Ginny shook her head. “I told him that the doctor cleared me and that we were ready to go. Instead of jumping at the chance to, well, jump me, he pulls back even more. What the hell is he waiting for?”

“So you guys haven’t…I mean…nothing since…” Kat’s voice died away and she blew her breath out in frustration.

“Jesus, Kat. Not you too. I’m not fucking fragile. Just say it. We haven’t fucked since the rape. I’ve blown him a couple times, but that’s as far as it has gone.”

Kat’s face twisted in guilt and she reached over to squeeze Ginny’s hand. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. Call it what it is. Treat me like normal. Tell me to pull up my big girl panties and get over myself.” Ginny turned the coffee mug in her hands and shrugged. When she spoke again her voice was soft. “I don’t know what to think here, Kat. The desire is there. Maybe he’s just scratching the itch with someone else.”

Kat opened her mouth to dispute the thought, but closed it again as words failed her. She bit her lip. She wanted to reassure her best friend that Zeke would never do that, but history told a different tale. Taking a deep breath, she stepped out on a different limb.

“You didn’t see his face when we weren’t sure you were going to make it. He was a wreck, Gin. There were tears in his eyes, and his heart was on his sleeve. For all the faults Zeke might have, your old man loves you something fierce.”

Nodding, Ginny dashed away tears. “I love him too. If I didn’t, this wouldn’t hurt so damn bad,” she whispered.

“Fight for him. Get tough. Shove his old ass down on the bed; ride him hard and put him away wet,” Kat said with a giggle.

Ginny snorted through her tears.

“Show him that you’re the same badass broad he married and that you won’t break. Remind him that there is a world of difference between rape and sex. I’ll bet when it gets down to it, he’s every bit as afraid of bringing back memories for you as I am.”


Ginny’s stomach flip-flopped as she slowed the car to pull in their drive. The headlights played across a dark house, and her apprehension intensified. The Durango’s tires were visible as the garage door inched up. The Harleys came into view as she nosed the Charger into its parking spot. Killing the engine and closing the door behind her, she leaned back in the seat for a minute to gather her thoughts.

Walking into the quiet house, she missed Gunny for the millionth time. With Rhys and Mox gone, the dog’s absence was felt all the more. Opening the basement door, she hollered down the stairs.


“He’s across the street, spending the night with the Absher kid.”

Ginny’s fingers bit into the brass handle for a moment, and she worked to still her pounding heart. Stepping back, she closed the door and turned to look at Zeke. His body language was relaxed, one shoulder leaning against the wall, but anger rolled off him. She bit her lip as he crooked a finger at her. Mind racing, she moved slowly to him, intending to press close and give him something else to think about. He stepped back and pointed down the hall with two little words,

“Bedroom. Now.”

Ginny could feel her tail tucking as she slipped past him, expecting a size thirteen to speed her along. She chewed her lip as he closed and locked the bedroom door behind him out of habit. There was no one to hear her scream.

“You really should’ve called.”

Ginny nodded. He’d had all day to stew instead of calm down. In hindsight, that hadn’t been the wisest move. Now her hind end was going to pay the price. Not wanting to piss him off further, she stripped out of her jacket and scarf.

“Do you have any idea how humiliating it is to have a brother call me to tell me that I need to fuck my wife?”

A nervous giggle threatened. Clearing her throat, she peeked up at him and bit the inside of her cheek. If his expression was anything to go on, his male pride was more than a little tweaked. It was probably not the best time to offer to send Crux a thank-you card.

“You know you have this coming.”

“The spanking or the fucking?” Ginny asked softly.

Zeke’s fist closed in her hair and yanked her to him. She stood on tiptoe to ease the strain as he brought her up nose-to-nose with him. Thank God for boots. His lips brushed her forehead, her nose, then her mouth, claiming her in a kiss that grew in desire to be almost brutal. Wrapping her hands in the front of his shirt, she pressed close, silently begging him to never stop.

Eager hands tugged at clothes in an effort to feel skin on skin. By the time they were naked, their breath was harsh with need. Her heart soared, nearly pounding out of her chest as he tossed her easily to the bed. The feel of her man over the top of her was one she had missed so much. Her arms and legs wrapped around him, pulling him down to her.  Their bodies writhed in an erotic bump and grind as their tongues dueled. It had been too damn long.

Zeke’s need was blatantly obvious. Arching her hips from the bed, Ginny rubbed against the swollen ridge, aching to have him inside her. His weight eased back and she dug her heels into his ass in protest.

“Please,” she said, pushing the plea past her lips in a hiss of breath.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” Zeke growled in protest.

“You wanted to beat my ass a minute ago.”

“Still do. That’s different,” he panted.

“I’m not spun glass. I won’t break. I miss you so much. Make love to me,” Ginny whispered, her hazel eyes beseeching him to understand what she needed.

“I’m right here, baby.”

“I need you inside of me. I need to feel I’m yours.”

His hand tightened in her hair, wrenching her head back until her whole body bowed off the mattress.

“You are mine. Don’t you ever forget it.”

A strangled cry tore from her lips as he buried his cock in one hard thrust like an exclamation point on his claim. He faltered at her scream and Ginny felt him start to pull back. Seeing the concern creasing his brow, she grabbed the back of his head and forced his eyes to hers.

“Stop now and I’ll never forgive you.”

He searched her face for a moment, and then eased back into her. His intense gaze never left hers as he kept his thrusts slow and deliberate. She focused on the burn as her body stretched around him, startled as memories of their first time sprang from the past. Nothing in her life had prepared her for the feeling of belonging she felt in his arms. It was that complete acceptance that gave her the strength and confidence to be who she was. 

Joy surged through her. Spurring him with her heels, she smiled up at him, inviting him to take her like he really wanted to. His next thrust slammed a little deeper, drawing a soft moan from her. Peering up at him through eyes slitted in pleasure, she whispered, “God, I missed you.”

Ginny’s fingers stroked the coarse fur of her husband’s treasure trail. Cheek resting on his solid chest, their heart beats synced. Her body hummed. The cold ball of dread lodged in her stomach over the past weeks was starting to lessen. She felt like she could breathe again.

“I suppose you think a booty call is going to make me forget all about the other bullshit,” Zeke rumbled.

Ginny smirked against his skin. “I can’t say I wasn’t hoping.”

His hand cracked down on her ass, stinging like a bitch on her sweat dampened skin. She wiggled, trying to diffuse the burn.

“You’re right. I should’ve called,” she said a little petulantly. She yelped as another swat flattened her against Zeke’s side.

“Your driving wasn’t appropriate for the weather conditions.”

“Yes, SIRR,” she squeaked as his big paw lit her ass up again. “I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”

“You know how I feel about you putting yourself in danger,” he said, voice flat with disapproval.

“I’m sorry. I was pissed and—ouch! Okay, okay, I was wrong. I’m sorry. I’ll be more careful next time and mindful of the weather. You’re ruining my afterglow.”

Zeke chuckled. “But on the other hand, I’m giving your ass a very nice glow.”

She wisely kept her mouth shut.

“You deserve a lot worse.”

Not trusting her smart mouth, Ginny nodded.

“You’re lucky I love you.”

“I’m blessed.”

Zeke glared, but a yawn ruined the effect. Ginny snuggled closer to him.

“I mean it. I’m lucky to have an old man that gives a shit about me. Thanks for sticking with me, babe.”

“I’ll remind you next time you’re pissed off just how blessed you are,” Zeke mumbled and stifled another yawn. “Now let your old man get some sleep, unless that pretty pink ass wants more attention.”

“Beast,” she whispered, kissing his chest and pulling the comforter up around them.

He stroked her ass in a silent reminder as he drifted off. 


Chapter ~ 5


Mox watched the girl out of the corner of his eye. His hooded sweat-shirt dwarfed her. She’d tamed her long mane by tucking it up under an old baseball cap. Drywall dust sprinkled her slightly upturned nose. She was beautiful. Feeling the heat in his cheeks, he forced his attention back to the seam in front of him. He’d been surprised when she’d offered to help sand. It had been a long day. Rhys had grown bored and went home, but she was still working.

Running his fingers over the smooth surface, he scanned the room. Once they wiped the walls down, they’d be ready to paint.

“It’s going to be really nice when you’re done,” she said.

A grin split his face as he surveyed the place. “Thanks. I think so. A couple coats of paint and we’ll be ready to move in.”

“My clothes should be dry. I should probably go.”

Jerked from his daydreams, Mox turned to look at her in surprise. “It’s late. Where’re you going?”

Eva shrugged, obviously trying for nonchalant bravado. It was clear she had no real plan and was running scared. The idea of her alone, in the cold, didn’t sit well with him. Frankly, he didn’t like the idea of her leaving at all.

“Why not stay here?”

“I can’t just stay here. You don’t even know me.”

It was Mox’s turn to shrug. He really didn’t know what to say to that, other than, “So.”

She laughed out-loud. The unexpected amusement showcased a set of deep dimples and he was smitten.  

“I’m not sure how to fight such a compelling argument,” she said, eyes still sparkling.

Realizing he was staring again, he dropped his head, ears coloring. “I just meant that everyone is a stranger until you get to know them,” he mumbled.

“I never thought of it that way.”

Something in her voice made him look up. She was nibbling her bottom lip again. Mesmerized, he studied the full swell. Her lips were chapped from the cold. He should’ve picked up lip balm earlier.

“What about Rhys? This is his place too.”

“Rhys won’t mind. Besides, you have Ginny’s vote.”

“Ginny’s vote?” Eva asked with a funny look.

“If you didn’t, she wouldn’t have let you stay here last night. Ginny’s protective of her family.”

“She was so nice to me last night.”

“She’s the best, but you don’t want to get on her bad side.”

“I’ll remember that.”

The heavy tread of footfalls on the stairs broke the silence. Rhys burst into the room.

“I’m baaackk!”

“Of course you are. The work’s done,” Mox said without malice.

“I brought pizza.”

Eva’s stomach growled audibly.

“We’ll let you stay then. Our new roommate is hungry.”

“She’s a huge step up from your ugly mug.”

“I’m not arguing with that. What’s in the big box?”

“Ma sent over a few supplies and some more clothes for Eva.”

“She didn’t have to do that.”

“Eh, it gives her more space in her closet to go shopping and Dad something to grouch about. Not that he needs it today, but it’s normally a win-win situation,” Rhys said with a dismissive wave.  

“Making your father angry is a win?” Eva asked, doubt heavy in her voice.

“He really doesn’t care about shopping. He just grumbles so she’ll offer him sexual favors to suck-up,” Mox said with an unrepentant grin. 

Eva clamped a hand over her mouth in a desperate attempt to contain the drink of water she had just taken. Her eyes sparkled over her hand. She snorted in a bid to draw in air and control her silent laughter. Water dribbled down her chin and she made a dash for the sink.

Leaning over, she laughed until tears rolled down her cheeks. She finally slid to sit on the floor and held her ribs, gasping for breath.

“I’m sorry. I just wasn’t expecting that. I was picturing your dad, who is this huge, intimidating bad-ass, and worrying about your mom, and then you said that.”

Mox chuckled. “Ginny is the big man’s weakness. Her feminine wiles almost always keep her out of any serious trouble with him. She might end up with a red ass, but it’s usually followed by a make-up romp.”

“I want to be Ginny when I grow up.”

“Funny. I always wanted to be just like Zeke,” Mox said, offering Eva a hand up. She bounced up a little easier than expected, ending up pressed against him. He gave her pert ass a grope before nudging her toward the food. “Let’s eat, woman. I’m starved.”


Mox lay awake, staring at the moon-light creeping across the ceiling. It had been a good day. Eva hadn’t mentioned leaving again. After dinner they’d washed down walls and cleaned up a majority of the dust. She was a hard worker. It was just one more thing he liked about her.

He frowned. Rhys hadn’t missed an opportunity to flirt with her in the short time he’d been there. Was he really interested in Eva? It was hard to tell with Rhys. Flirting seemed to come as natural as breathing for his brother. Mox sighed. He envied that easy confidence with the ladies. Rejection tended to make a man think a little harder before he made his move.

BOOK: Club Ties
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