
Read Cold Online

Authors: Sha Jones

BOOK: Cold
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Copyright © 2014 by
True Glory Publications

Published by
True Glory Publications LLC

First Edition





This novel is a work of fiction. Any resemblances to actual events, real people, living or dead, organization, establishments, locales are products of the author’s imagination. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are used fictitiously.


Cover design/Graphics
: Michael Horne


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The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.



I would like to dedicate this book to my Bernadette John-Lewis.


It’s the middle of the night and I can’t sleep. A part of me wants to hold Michael but my heart is beating fast at the fear of rejection from my own husband especially with the way things have been between us. I decide to roll over and turn to him but as I do, his phone buzzed. He grabs it from under the pillow, takes one look at it and gets out of bed. I look at him with concern and asked, “Baby is everything alright?”

Without turning to look at me
he replies, “Yeah I just have to finish up some papers at work.”

I couldn’t believe this shit. This was the third night in a row.

“At 3 a.m. in the morning Michael?” I asked sarcastically.

He didn’t even answer my question. He just threw on his suit he wore the night before and left the house without so much as a k
iss on the forehead. As I’m lying in bed, my head is pounding and my chest starts to burn and all of these thoughts are running full speed through my mind. In the heat of the moment, I jump up and yell, “I can’t take this shit anymore!”

I grabbed my keys and purse and ran out of the house wearing just my gown. I knew
that if I was going to catch up to Michael I needed to leave now. I’m driving like a bat out of hell and my palms are so sweaty that I can barely grip the steering wheel. I finally see Michael’s car so I slow down because I’m almost tailing him. All of a sudden, my phone rings. It’s Michael.

Oh shit… I’m caught,’
I think to myself.

In a sleepy voice, I answered
, “Hello.”

; Michael says “Hey baby, I just pulled into the office. I’m going to be here for a while.”

I couldn’t believe him. I wanted to take my car and ram his lying ass. I took a deep breath and just said
, “Ok Michael.” 

drive felt like forever. Everything around me stopped. The sky was closing in on me and world felt like it was shattering. I couldn’t believe my husband of 7 years would do this to me. Michael then pulls into a hotel but doesn’t check in. My only thought was that the other woman was already there waiting for my man to arrive. As he gets out, I park my car and wait for him walk into the hotel room. I close my eyes to keep the tears from seeping out. I held my breath and thought to myself ‘
just go home Tiffany.’
Then I opened my eyes, took a deep breath and said, “Hell naw.”

I got out of my car and rushed to the room
. I put my index finger on the peep hole trying to hide my identity and knocked on the door. Michael answered the door shirtless. Before he could say anything, I pushed passed him and entered the hotel. With tears running down my face, I yelled in a shaky voice, “How could you do this to me, to us?”

Before he could explain, a shadow appeared from the bathroom. I
looked up and my heart almost fell out of my chest. Michael looked at me and put is head down. All of the blood immediately rushed from my brain. It was like a scene from a horror soap opera. I couldn’t believe who was standing butt naked in front of me and who had been sleeping with my man this whole time.                             


Chapter 1

five minutes before 8 a.m. and my alarm clock should be going off anytime now. I roll over to reach for my husband and all I feel is wrinkles from our bed sheets. As I get up, my head starts pounding instantly.
‘I seriously need to see a doctor for these migraines,’
I think to myself. I finally find the strength to plant my feet on the floor. I grab a towel and walk to the bathroom. I could see Michael’s silhouette through the shower glass doors. He still looks just as good as he did when we first met in law school. I walk to the shower door and slowly slide it open.

Need some company?” I asked with a grin on my face.

I could see the soap suds dripping down his chocolate body past his washboard abs. He cut the shower off and looked at me with a smile.

“I can’t. I’m running late for work.”

If I couldn’t have a quickie in the shower, I sure as hell
was going to look.  As he’s drying his feet on the floor mat, I’m standing there like a bitch in heat as his dick is hanging from his body lifelessly. As I’m standing there in a daze, all I hear is, “Towel.”

I’m s
truggling to blink my eyes back into focus.

Huh?” I asked in a confused voice.

“I need the towel
,” Michael repeated.

I looked down and realized that I had the towel
in my hand.

“Oh sorry
,” I said feeling embarrassed.

He grabbed the towel and walked past me. I watched him as
he put his suit and tie on. It fit his body perfectly just like a department store manikin.

While I was down stairs making coffee, I had all of these thoughts buzzing around in my mind.
‘I wonder if he remembers,’
I think to myself.

Suddenly, I feel this warm sensation on the back of my neck. It felt so good that I didn’t want to turn around to see what it was. Michael then
grabbed my waist from behind and gently kissed me on the back of my neck. As I turned to give him his cup of coffee, I looked at him and smiled.

do you remember the day we got married?” I asked hoping that he would get my hint.

I mean, he couldn’t be stupid enough to forget that today is our 7 year anniversary. Michael
was always full of surprises so maybe he was just trying to lead me on. He pulled me closer and stared at me. The look in his eyes was so mesmerizing that it almost hypnotized me.

“Of course I remember
,” he responded as he leaned forward to kiss me on the forehead.

He then grabbed his keys from the counter and
before turning to walk out of the door, he winked at me. I knew he was trying to leave before our conversation went any further. He was never really the type of man to express himself. I had all day to get ready for tonight, but I didn’t feel like shopping alone and I definitely needed a glass of Chardonnay so I decide to call my girl Draya.

,” she answered.

girl, what are you doing today? I need you.”

sighed, “Today is my off day and I still have to work for you?”

In excitement
I responded, “Yes! Today is me and Michael’s anniversary and I want to go shopping for some lingerie.”

In a kinky voice
Draya responded, “Ooh that’s definitely worth getting out of bed for. I’ll call you when I’m outside.”                                                                                                  

After our conversation ended, I decided to start my first glass of wine without
Draya. Prosecuting criminals all day would drive anybody to drinking especially with the type of things I see, hear, and deal with on a regular basis. As I turned to grab the bottle of wine, my phone rings. It read unknown on the screen.

“Great another
private call,” I sighed to myself. \

Frustrated I answer
ed, “Hello?”

All I
could hear was heavy breathing. It sounded perverted. I imagined that there was this old scary looking man with his hand in his pants rubbing his private area. There was this long pause and the call went dead. I blew it off and continue pouring my wine. My phone then rings again. It’s like I couldn’t catch a break. I felt like I was at work dealing with my clients. Snatching my phone from the counter, I rolled my eyes and looked at the screen. It was my best friend Carl. We’ve been friends since we were kids. He’s always been my backbone and such an amazing friend.

ey Carl,” I answered with a smile on my face.

“I’m just calling to wish you and Michael a happy anniversary.”

I was a little surprised that he was calling me for that. He liked Michael but they didn’t really hang out unless I was around.

Awww thanks. How are you, Tangy, and the kids?” I asked.

“We’re fine. Tangy took the kids to the mall while I stay home to grade homework from my students.”

Although Carl was a college professor, he didn’t really look like one. He was very muscular and looked more like a fitness trainer. Quickly changing the subject, I started telling him about Michael’s strange behavior.

“Michael didn’t even hint to me that he knew today was our anniversary,” I explained.

laughed as if I was talking crazy or something.

“Tiff, your husband wouldn’t just forget his own anniversary. I guarantee you he’s plotting the perfect night. Just
be patient. Y’all women think too much,” he joked.

Well I have to get back to grading papers so I will call you later.”

With a smile on my face, I said okay and I hun
g up. I guess Carl was right. Maybe it was a “man thing.” Michael’s been working so hard and I know firsthand that being an attorney is a very busy job and it doesn’t make it any better that he’s a defense attorney and I put the criminals that he work so hard to keep out behind bars. Both jobs come with a price to pay but it’s a job that I love.                                                                                                            

I’m roaming through my closet trying to find something to wear before Draya arrives, I come across a receipt from a men’s clothing store. ‘
I see his ass made time to go shopping,’
I think to myself. I stared at the receipt trying to see if I missed something that he could’ve bought for me but there was nothing but shit for him. He bought himself a pair of shoes and a new watch. Minutes later, I heard Draya blowing. I hurried and threw on some jeans and a shirt. I grab my keys, my phone and my purse and jet out the door. When I got in the car, Draya handed me a bottle of champagne and screams, “Happy anniversary, now let’s go get you sexy!” and we sped off.   

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