Cole: A Bad Boy Romance (23 page)

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Authors: Michelle Hart

BOOK: Cole: A Bad Boy Romance
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Chapter Eight



My nightmare of a shift was finally over and I got to relax at home. I was disappointed that I couldn't say goodbye to Leland and thank him one last time. The ER was backed up and I couldn't tear myself away. I rushed over there as soon as I could but Nurse Fiona gave me the bad news that he was already gone. Maybe I'd see him again someday.


I walked down the hallway of my apartment complex and pulled out my keys. Flashes of my keys in the pharmacy flooded into me. My heart jumped out of my chest. I looked behind me expecting to find Dr. Green but nobody was there.
Don't let it get to you, Constance.


Rachel was lounging on the couch when I entered. The living room was drenched in darkness and The Notebook was playing on the small TV. I threw my keys on the keyring next to the door. I didn't want to see those for awhile.


Rachel paused the movie and turned towards me. “How was your day?” Her glance turned to horror when she saw my face. “What happened to you?”


I didn't know that I was projecting the image of a victim. Rachel picked up on it immediately. “Nothing happened. Just a little run in with Dr. Green again.” How much should I tell her? I didn't want her to worry. It was already over.


Rachel sat me on the couch and handed me a glass of red wine. “Dish it, Sis. Tell me everything.”


“He cornered me and put his hands on me.” I could still smell his nasty cologne.


Rachel's fingernail's dug into my arm. “That fucker. I'm going to kill him.” Rachel would do anything for me and that's why I loved her.


I put my hands up for her to stop. “I kneed him in the balls and a patient knocked him out before it could go any further. I doubt he's ever going to come my way again.”


“I'm so sorry you had to go through that, Constance.” Rachel loosened her grip on me and held my hand.


“I'm fine...really I am.” I took a much needed sip of wine. My head was already cloudy and the buzz came on instantly.


Rachel elbowed me in the side. “Tell me about this hero that rescued you. What's his name?”


“Leland. He's just a guy. That's all.” He wasn't just a guy...he was my hero. I don't know what would've happened if he hadn't showed up to save me.


Rachel cocked her head. “Yeah right. Just a guy my ass.” She pointed at my cheeks. “I've never seen you blush before. Ever.” This must be
man to hold your attention.


Rachel knew way too much about me. I'd never really felt anything before for a man. But Leland was different. I waved her away. “Enough about me. What did you do today? Find a job yet?” I couldn't think about Leland anymore.


Rachel downed her glass and poured another. “Do you always have to bring that up. No I didn't find a job yet.”


I felt bad. Here she was helping me out and all I ever tried to do was lecture her. “I'm sorry, Rachel. I don't even really care if you get a job or not. I just like you being here. So what did you do today?”


“How about watching the Notebook five times in a row. That sounds really pathetic when you say it out loud.”


“If it's a man you're looking for you just need to put yourself out there. You won't find anyone sitting on the couch all day.” Maybe I should take my own advice? “I think you'd feel better if you found a job.”


“I've tried but nobody's hiring. I sent out twenty resumes yesterday and got nothing back.” Rachel fiddled with the TV remote.


“I can get you a desk job at the hospital.”


Rachel shrugged. “A desk job?”


“It won't pay much but it will get you out of the house.”


“Constance, I didn't drop out of college and make our parents disown me for just a desk job,” she said with a straight face.


I stared into her eyes, not blinking. Her smile cracked first and we both collapsed into a giggling mess. I always beat her. “There's some cute doctors that I could introduce you to.”


Rachel's ears perked up. “Tell me more, Constance, tell me more.”


I shoved her away. “Just play the movie again. I need to relax.”


Rachel poured me another glass of wine and started the movie again. Noah was in the middle of building the house for Allie and she hadn't seen him in years. This movie always brought me to tears. I hated the fact that they loved each other so much and if it wasn't for her bitch mother, they'd still be together. I guess love doesn't work the way you want it to.


I watched as the beautiful Ryan Gosling pounded nails into wood and all I could think about was Leland. His shirtless chest, that spider tattoo, and his strong arms. If he could just hold me, I'd be happy forever. Damn he was so hot.


Before I knew it, the credits were rolling. I glanced over and Rachel was fast asleep against the arm of the couch, her hand gripping an empty wine glass. I draped a blanket over her, gently placed the wine glass on the coffee table, and kissed her on the forehead. I'd talk to my boss tomorrow and see if they could give her a job. It would do her some good to get out of the house for once.


I swayed back and forth as I walked to the bathroom. The wine was doing its job. I stared at myself in the mirror and my lips were stained purple from the alcohol. I removed my makeup and washed my face. I carried myself to my bed and lay down with my clothes still on. Leland's name escaped my lips before I passed out in a drunken state.

Chapter Nine



Days passed and my mind constantly went back and forth. Should I go see Constance or not. I'd never played this game before. No chick had ever drilled her way into my head like Constance did. Normally I fucked them once and never looked back. I didn't just want her once though. I wanted her over and over again. Explore every inch of that slender figure of hers.


The decision was already made for me. There was no way I could go another day without seeing her. I left the MC clubhouse against Claire's wishes. She thought I needed more rest before riding my motorcycle. I told her a man and his bike should never be parted. Claire didn't argue.


I approached my 2015 Harley Softail Slim with a smile. She was all black with “Hollywood” handlebars. She set me back ten grand but was worth every penny. One of the boys must have rode her here from the Stinky Goat—probably one of the prospects. He better not have damaged her. I quickly checked the paint for any chips or dings. It all looked good to me.


I swung my leg over and let my weight bring the bike down. I plugged my key in and hit the ignition. The familiar roar of the engine brought a grin to my face. I raced out of the line of parked motorcycles and hit the open road. I didn't even bother wearing my helmet. The wind blew through my shaved head as I weaved in and out of cars. Fuck safety...and the police.


I took my black Ray-Bans off when I reached the hospital. I parked in front and stared up at the giant skyscraper. The sudden realization that Constance was a doctor hit me. The women I'd normally been accustomed with were strippers, bartenders, and prostitutes. Constance was professional, intellectual, and way out of my league. No wonder she didn't want to go out with me. I played with the idea of leaving with my tail between my legs. But I was Leland King. Member of the Rabid Dog MC. Chicks formed lines to suck me off.


Constance would be mine. Nothing would stop me.


The ER was dead as I strolled in, a lone nurse was standing behind the counter. She wore pink scrubs and was head-deep into some paperwork. “Hi there,” I said in a low voice, my charm literally oozing out of me.


The nurse looked up and flushed immediately. Her chest heaved up and down as she gazed at me behind her lashes. “What can I help you with?”


I played around with a pen on the counter, averting eye contact. “I'm looking for Doctor Holmes.” I glanced up at her. “Do you know where she is?”


The nurse gulped. “Umm, I believe she's taking a nap in room seven.”


The information was easy to obtain. Hopefully Constance wouldn't yell at her later. It's not her fault she was putty in my hands. “Thank you so much.” I dropped the pen on the counter and swaggered down the hallway.


Up ahead a familiar doctor walked down the hall. It was him—Doctor Blue or Green—I couldn't remember which.
What was he still doing here?
Why didn't Constance get him fired or arrested? He was different than before though. He kept his eyes trained to the floor with his shoulders slouched forward. My hands balled into fists and I thought about ending it all right here. One twist of his neck and the bastard would never be able to hurt Constance ever again. But by looking at him, I knew, this boy would never harm a living soul again. He was safe...for now.


As I walked by, the doctor raised his head and his eyes went wide as they met mine. I raised my fists and cracked my knuckles, winking at him. The doctor went flying down the hallway screaming incoherently. I chuckled to myself and continued down to room seven.


I opened the door to discover Constance laying peacefully on a hospital bed in a dark and empty room. I sat down in a chair and watched her sleep. Her full lips were parted just a little as she inhaled and exhaled. Her blonde hair was unbound and messy across the pillow. Constance's chest expanded and contracted with every breath. She looked so serene, like the incident with the doctor never happened.


“How long have you been there?” she asked, rubbing her tired eyes.


I leaned back in the chair. “Only a few moments. I didn't want to wake you.”


Constance sat up and yawned. “Don't you think this is a little creepy?”


Maybe it was but I couldn't help myself, she looked so beautiful while she slept. “I didn't mean to alarm you.”


“No it's fine. The nurses jostle me awake for every small little thing. I might have a heart attack one day. So what are you doing here?”


That was a good question. Could I tell her that I couldn't stop thinking about her? No, that would be way too forward.
Keep your cool, King.


“I just wanted to thank you for saving my life.”


She smiled. “You've already thanked me a million times. I was just doing my job. I should be the one doing the thanking. You saved me from that monster.”


I nodded. “I saw that doctor in the hallway. So he's still working here?”


Constance sighed and her eyes went dark. “I thought about filing a complaint or going to the police. But have you seen the guy? Taking away his career just feels wrong. Whatever you did to him worked like a charm. He's now a shell of a man.”


My blood was boiling with rage. Just the thought of him hurting Constance again made me want to do something bad. “For what he tried to do to you, he deserves worse than death. I can make him go away for good.”


Constance reached out for me and her warm hand instantly calmed me down. “I don't think he's going to stay here much longer anyways.”


I nodded. I'd keep an eye on him. Make sure nothing ever happened like that again. “It was good to see you, Constance.” I stood up and brushed off my jeans.


She looked confused and desperate as I walked to the doorway. “Leaving so soon, Leland?”


“I have a lot to do today and not enough time to do it.” That was a complete lie. I had absolutely nothing to do today. I opened the door and began to walk away.


“I want to take you up on your offer,” she murmured. Her words made me stop in my tracks. “I'll get a drink with you.”


I turned back. “When is your shift over?”


Constance glanced down to the small watch on her wrist. “Still have three hours left.”


“I'll pick you up at ten.” I left the room without giving her a second look but I knew she was beaming at me. She didn't know it yet, but she was already mine.


I walked by the same nurse at the counter and winked at her again. She melted in her shoes. I could kill a man with all this confidence.

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