Cole: A Bad Boy Romance (3 page)

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Authors: Michelle Hart

BOOK: Cole: A Bad Boy Romance
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Chapter Four



“Ta-da!” Heather announced, swiveling the chair around to face the mirror.


My face was caked in makeup, my eyes covered with dark blue eye shadow. My hair was teased to almost twice it's size, combed in directions I never thought possible. It felt like I had a basket on my head.


“John is going to come his pants when he gets a look at you,” Heather said, doing some finishing touches on my hair.


“Why are you always so disgusting?” I asked her, still trying to comprehend my new look in the mirror.


Heather giggled. “You know you want it. Don't deny it.”


I shook my head. “Byron is going to freak if he finds out I'm going to a frat party.”


Heather glared at me through the mirror. “He's not going to find out, Claire. You need to get out of your brother's shadow. You're in college now. A full-grown woman. You can make decisions for yourself.”


But Heather didn't know much about my brother. Probably because I rarely brought him up and always kept her away from coming over to our house. Byron knew how to find out information. Being the head of an MC gives you those kinds of perks. He also had a famous temper that wasn't to be trifled with.


Heather had a point though. I let Byron run my life ever since we were kids. I couldn't let him control me for the rest of my life.


“You can't go to the party wearing that old t-shirt. Let's see if I can find you something,” Heather said, walking over to the closet. “Here, try this on. It will go good with your jeans.”


The off-the-shoulder top was bright and colorful with reds and blues streaking across. It showed off my black bra straps and way more of my shoulders than I was comfortable with. “I don't know if it's for me,” I told her.


“Are you fucking kidding me! You look so fuckable that I might switch teams.”


I shoved Heather away. “Come on. Let's just get this over with.”


Heather rubbed her palms together with a devious grin. “Time to go out and make the boys drool over us.”


The two-story frat house was overflowing with students as we made our way inside. Nena's “99 Red Balloons” boomed through the home, shaking the foundations. Heather told me this was supposed to be an invite-only party but the door was wide open and people off the streets were flooding in.


“I'm going to go get us a couple drinks,” Heather shouted to me over the music. I nodded and waded through the crowds of dancers. Alcohol would really help in this situation. I kept my eyes on the lookout for John but couldn't find him anywhere.


Heather was taking way too long to get those drinks so I went searching for her. The kitchen was packed with frat guys doing keg-stands and cheering each other on. I walked back towards the front door and found Heather being pulled up the stairs by a guy. They stopped at the top to make out and the boy sneaked his hand up her miniskirt. It felt wrong watching but I couldn't look away. I imagined myself in her place being felt up by John.


“Some show, eh?”


I looked behind me to see John holding two red plastic cups in each hand. His blond hair was combed to the side and his red letterman's jacket was an instant turn-on.


I couldn't help but blush crimson around John. He was just so dreamy. But I had to keep it under control. Couldn't show him how much of a dork I was. “That's my friend up there. She's only been here five minutes and couldn't keep her hands off the first guy she met.”


“Want a drink?” he asked, offering me one of the cups.


“Desperately.” I didn't even care what it was. I grabbed it from John and took two long gulps. It was a classic margarita and the tequila scorched my throat on the way down. Heather and the guy sneaked into a nearby room and the show was finally over.


“I've seen you in a couple of my classes,” John said, sipping his drink.


My knees wobbled. I couldn't believe John was talking to me! Maybe he'd take me upstairs and do dirty things to me.
No! I wasn't like Heather.
It would be nice if he took me on a couple dates first.“Yeah I've noticed you too,” I replied smoothly.


His smile was infectious. I couldn't keep my eyes off him. I took another swig of tequila and let the alcohol dull my senses. I kept telling myself over and over in my head, “Don't make a fool out of yourself, Claire.”


“Your hair looks really nice,” John took a loose strand and tucked it behind my ear. My entire body turned lobster red. I wanted John to kiss me right now.


There was a commotion behind me that distracted me from John's penetrating gaze.
Holy fucking shit!
Byron and two bikers came barreling into the party pushing and shoving people out of the way. His eyes locked on me and I knew I was royally fucked. How did he find me so fast?


“You're coming home with me right now, Claire,” Byron yelled.


I steeled myself. I knew I was in for a big fight. “I'm not going with you.”


Byron looked offended. I'd never disrespected him before. He grabbed my wrist and tightened his grip. “We're going now.”


John stood in between Byron and I, breaking his hold on my wrist. “The lady doesn't want to go. I think you and your boys should leave.”


I wanted to scream at John to stay out of it. He didn't know who he was dealing with.


Too late.


Byron swung his right hook and connected with John's temple, sending him crashing to the ground like he was nothing. My hand reactively slapped Byron across the face. I'd never hit my brother before and it felt kind of good.


But it only infuriated Byron even more. He tried to grab me but I escaped his grasp. “Don't you touch me!” I screeched for the whole party to hear. I walked past Byron and left the party. He called out after me but I didn't care. I was done with Byron.


I walked the middle of the street at a quick pace, hoping to lose Byron and his men. I could hear their motorcycles in the distance but they weren't close. It was late at night and the moon was high in the sky. It was chilly out and I wished I had brought a cardigan or something.


I definitely wasn't going to live with Byron anymore. Maybe Heather would let me sleep in her dorm until I figured things out? But I couldn't go there now because she was still at the frat party. I walked towards the school, thinking that the library would be a good place to hide out.


Bright headlights approached me slowly in the dark. It looked like a car until it got closer and I realized it was two motorcycles. Byron had caught up with me. There was no running away now. I stood in the middle of the street, full of defiance. He wasn't going to get me to go with him. He'd have to knock me unconscious like he did with John. Poor John. He didn't deserve that. I hoped he was okay and that he'd forgive me.


I shielded my eyes from the blinding lights as the bikes rolled to a stop at my feet. It wasn't Byron and his buddies. Two white guys stared at me with evil eyes. The strong one grabbed me and covered my mouth before I could scream for help.

Chapter Five



Tater and I had been sitting outside on our bikes all day waiting for this hot bitch to come out of the dorm hall. The sun had fallen and there were still too many people walking around. It was a Saturday night and that meant parties. Tater and I were going to be here for a lot longer than we thought. Blaze really wanted to punish us for going against him.


“I'm fucking starving, Cole.” Tater rubbed his giant belly.


“I saw a gas station not too far from here. Get me some chips while you're over there.”


“But the cafeteria is right there.” Tater pointed to the building next to the dorm hall.


I laughed. “There not going to let you in.”


Tater pulled out his .357 Magnum. “If I show them this, they'll let me eat the entire place.”


“Is food the only thing you can think about.”


“And pussy.” Tater smiled.


“Speaking of pussy...” Byron's sister and a friend walked outside looking all dressed up. “Show time, Tater. We'll get some food later.”


“Son of a bitch,” Tater whispered under his breath. “Should we take her now?”


“Still too many eyes on us. Let's wait and see where they go.”


“Can we take both of them. Her friend is looking good too. I'd like to watch them take turns polishing my pole.”


My aching cock agreed with Tater. Why were college girls so fucking hot? It was their little skirts and young bodies.


We followed far behind the girls on our bikes keeping a safe distance. They walked through residential neighborhoods until they came to a huge party house. Music was blaring through the windows and kids were partying on the balcony, throwing trash and furniture down on the lawn below.


“Fuck, Cole, they could be in there for hours. We should have taken them already.”


“No this is good. Byron's sister will come out all wasted. She'll barely give us a fight. She might even come willingly.”


Tater shrugged. “Whatever. I think it's time to get our dicks wet. That party has to be flooding with easy pussy. Let's take turns keeping an eye on the place while the other has a little fun.” For being such a fat slob, Tater sure had a ton of confidence. The Rabid Dogs patch on his back could do that to a man.


“We can't fuck this up, Tater. Blaze will have our heads if we ruin this. We stay on our bikes with our cocks in our pants and wait for this little bitch to come out and play.”


Tater sighed and agreed. One night fucking some college chick wasn't worth the wrath of Blaze. Even in high school Blaze was a scary motherfucker. One of the nerds forgot to do his homework and he broke two of his fingers without a seconds thought. Nobody messed with him after that.


As we sat across the street in the dark, three motorcycles came roaring down the road and jumped the curb of the frat house, stopping right on the trashed lawns. It was the Fires of Hell. I waved for Tater to get down when I spotted Byron. If he caught us out here, there'd be a shootout. I pulled out my Remington and checked the magazine—full to the brim. I watched as Tater did the same. If Byron even looked in this general direction, I'd have to fire first.


The Blacks went inside the party while we waited with our breaths held and guns close to our chest. Byron's sister burst through the front door and ran down the street. Byron was yelling something at her that I couldn't make out.


“We need to follow her right now,” Tater said, standing up.


“Get the fuck down.” I grabbed Tater's arm and forced him back to a crouch. “We wait for Byron to go and then we follow the girl.”


Byron nodded to his men and they drove away in the opposite direction of his sister. When the coast was clear, Tater and I rode towards Claire.


She struggled on the back of my bike as we drifted through the night. I had to duct tape her hands around me so she could hold on. “You better stop twisting and turning back there. We don't want you falling to your death, do we?” Her mouth was taped shut but her motionless body confirmed she heard what I said.


Claire was certainly one hot piece of ass. Her smooth legs were begging to be spread so I could fill her up. Her big breasts were pushed against my back and all I could think about was why I didn't duct tape her hands to my cock so she could stroke me with every bump of the road. It took every ounce of willpower to follow Tater and not ditch him so I could pull over, bending Claire over my bike and sinking into her.


We arrived at the clubhouse and I cut Claire's hands loose. She took that opportunity to try and make a run for it. Tater stopped her with a hard slap to the face that almost knocked her down. I lifted her light figure and placed her over my shoulder, carrying her through the door. I could take her for a ride in my room for a few minutes and nobody would even notice.


Blaze saw me and fucked my plan. “Take her to the basement, Cole.”

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