Collide (25 page)

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Authors: Gail McHugh

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Collide
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Olivia looked back at Emily and then flicked her eyes over to Gavin. “Oh shit. Did something happen between you two?”

Shaking his head, he clenched the steering wheel tighter. “Just do me a favor, Olivia. You let her know when she wakes up in the morning that I stopped for all the right reasons and nothing more.”

Having known him long enough, Olivia didn’t prod further and remained silent for the rest of the ride. The only time Emily awoke was when the car came to a stop while Gavin paid a toll going back over the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge. She mumbled something inaudible and quickly fell back asleep. By the time they arrived at the apartment building, Olivia was also dozed off into dreamland, and Gavin had to wake her up.

The sound of car doors closing awoke Emily, and she sat straight up, swaying from side to side. With her vision blurred, she was slightly able to make out Gavin standing next to the car, talking with Olivia. Sliding across the backseat, Emily threw the car door open and all but fell to the ground in an attempt to exit the vehicle. Gavin caught her by her arm before her knees kissed the concrete.

Emily shot him an icy look and yanked her arm from him. “Don’t touch me!”

Grabbing her by the waist, Gavin pressed her body to his and pinned her back against the car, his breathing heavy and his expression granite.

Olivia’s eyes widened at their exchange.

“Go inside, Liv,” he said, without turning to look at her, his eyes locked on Emily’s. “I’ll bring her up in a minute.”

“Gavin, I’m sorry. This whole thing was my fault. I shouldn’t—”

“Olivia, it’s not your fault. Just go inside,” he replied, his voice harder.

Olivia cupped her hand over her mouth and walked away.

Emily looked up at him, a wry smile tipping her lips. “You sure do love breaking girls’ hearts, don’t you?”

With his calculated eyes searing into hers, Gavin’s large hand came around the back of her neck and pulled her into his mouth. Emily didn’t resist. As a matter of fact, she gripped the back of his hair, yanking him harder against her body. Moaning into her mouth, Gavin easily dominated the kiss. He didn’t care about the passing onlookers—hell, he didn’t even care if Dillon walked up to them at that very moment. All he cared about was Emily knowing how badly he wanted her.

And as quickly as Gavin started that kiss, he ended it. Again playing the roll of a groom carrying his bride, he scooped Emily up and carried her through the lobby and into the elevator. Placing her down on her feet, their eyes locked on one another. It was only a matter of seconds before they were at it again, both slamming hard into each other’s mouths. A power struggle of the fiercest kind ensued—hands sliding up and down, Emily’s back pressed against the wall, Gavin’s hair being pulled, her legs wrapped around his waist, his growls, and her moans. Gavin was fast becoming desperate to rip off her clothes and plant himself firmly inside her right there in that elevator.

When the doors slid open, they finally stopped. Gavin raked his hands through his hair, mussing it further, and Emily adjusted her skirt. Walking with her into her apartment, they found Olivia sleeping on the couch. He followed Emily into her bedroom and watched as she climbed into her bed. Without a second look in his direction, she rolled over, let out a sigh, and passed out.

Crossing his arms, Gavin leaned against the doorway as his eyes took in her chest rising and falling with sleep. If it wasn’t for the sound of the front door snapping shut, pulling his attention away from Emily’s slumberous body, he would’ve watched her all night.

Gavin walked down the hall and into the kitchen where he found Dillon tossing his keys onto the counter.

Turning around, Dillon leveled him with a suspicious stare. “What the hell are you doing here?”

Gavin approached him. “The girls went to a house party in Staten Island, and Emily had a problem with some asshole. Olivia called Trevor, and we went out there to make sure everything was alright.”

Dillon’s forehead creased. “Wait, they were at a house party? She fucking lied to me. They were supposed to be at Pink.”

Gavin started to answer, but Dillon spoke up again.

“And why the fuck didn’t anyone call me?”

Not liking Dillon’s tone, Gavin angled his head to the side and narrowed his eyes on him. “I guess they decided to go to the party instead. Last time I checked, women had the right to change their minds.” Gavin stepped closer. “If every once in a while you checked your fucking phone while you were out, you would’ve seen Trevor did call you. And why don’t you try clearing out your voicemail, so someone could actually leave you a fucking message?”

Crossing his arms, Dillon cupped his chin, the look in his eyes glacial.

Gavin stared at him for a second, trying to quell his adrenaline, his voice eerily calm. “Like I said…we went out there, made sure everything was okay, and I brought them back here.” He dug his keys from his pocket, his eyes never leaving Dillon’s. “Be a good boyfriend and have some aspirin and water at her disposal for when she wakes up in the morning. She’s gonna need it.”

Without another word, Gavin walked out the door.

Chapter Eleven

Sea of Uncertainty

The next morning Gavin brewed a pot of coffee, hoping the caffeine buzz would jolt his thoughts away from Emily. Walking over to a window in his penthouse, he found the sky besieged by threatening gray clouds hovering over the city. It fit his mood perfectly. Agitation with his lack of self-control crawled through his system as stealthy recollections of Emily’s sweet lips weaved through his mind. The smell of her perfume clinging to his skin permeated his pores…and by God, it was intoxicating him by the minute. Though his body still hummed with pleasure from their encounter, his mind was caught in a tangled web of emotions.

A knock at the door broke through the heated events rolling around in his head. Opening it, he found Trevor wearing a wide smile, denoting he was in a far better frame of mind than Gavin.

“Damn, dude, you look like shit,” Trevor said, settling on the couch with his long legs sprawled out in front of him.

Gavin poured a cup of coffee and perched himself on a barstool in the kitchen. “I couldn’t sleep.”

“Sorry about that, bro. I, however, slept like a baby wrapped in Fallon’s arms.”

A weak smile tipped Gavin’s mouth. “Sounds like it went well.”

“Beyond well,” he replied with a smile. “I actually dig her. She has this funky, cool personality, and to top it all off, she’s a little freak. I mean, she goes both ways.”

With the cock of his brow, Gavin smirked. “Your sister goes both ways, too.”

Trevor cringed. “Did you really have to kill my buzz, bringing that up?”

Gavin shrugged casually.

Trevor stared at him for several seconds, seeming to read something in his eyes. “So are you going to tell me what’s going on with you and Emily?”

“Nothing’s going on with me and Emily,” he clipped, his tone harsh.

“Dude, we’ve known each other for fourteen years. I had a feeling something was up with you two, and last night only confirmed it.”

Gavin got up and sauntered over to the window as he contemplated what to say. His answer was slow and apprehensive. “I’m in deep.”

“Bro, please don’t tell me you fucked her.”

He turned and pinned him with a hard glare. “No, I didn’t fuck her, Trevor.”

“Well, what the hell’s going on?”

Nibbling at his lip, Gavin paced the room like a caged animal. He didn’t know how to explain what he felt for Emily. He didn’t know how Trevor would perceive him after confessing to everything either. The only thing he knew was that he couldn’t make sense of his emotions, and in that moment, he didn’t care if he should.

He felt what he felt.

End. Of. Story.

“Dude, just come out and say it.”

Gavin plowed his hands through his hair and regarded him from across the room. “I think I’m falling for her.”

With disapproving eyes, Trevor’s mouth hung slightly agape. He stood up and walked over to him. “You do know Dillon’s our friend, right?”

A frown marred Gavin’s features. “What kind of question is that?” he asked as if the answer should be obvious.

“Come on, Gavin. How did you fall for our friend’s girl?”

“I met her before I knew she was with Dillon,” he replied, the words stated through gritted teeth. He padded back over to the counter and downed the rest of his coffee.

“Wait, I thought the first time you met her was that night at the club.”

Gavin sighed deeply, placing his hands on the back of his neck. “No, it’s complicated. She delivered food to my office. I tried to get her number…” He paused, his stomach twisting as he remembered the first time he saw Emily. Even now, the thought of her nearly evaporated the oxygen from his lungs. “Or maybe I tried giving her my number. I can’t fucking remember; it was back in June. I went to her job the next day to see her, and then we were introduced a few days later.”

Trevor walked back over to the couch, sinking into it. “Look, dude, I’m going to be brutally honest here.” Gavin eyed him from across the room. “He’s planning on marrying her—soon.”

Again, oxygen nearly depleted, Gavin swallowed hard and leaned against the counter. “He told you that?”

“Surely, he’s mentioned it to you?”

“Yeah, but I didn’t think he was serious.” A gut-wrenching ache ran through his stomach as his chest constricted at the thought. “Besides, he doesn’t love her. Do you honestly believe he stopped fucking around with Monica? I sure as shit don’t.”

“Knowing him, you’re probably right. But, to tell you the truth, bro, I don’t think about it. What he does is his business. Emily’s with him for her own reasons, and as far as I’m concerned, she chooses to see what she wants. It’s as simple as that.”

“Well, it’s not that simple for me,” he replied, his tone rising.

“It has to be. You need to kill whatever the fuck is going on between you two.”

“I don’t think I can.” Hesitating, he drew in a lungful of air, his voice dropping a notch. “She’s supposed to be with me.”

“Dude, this can only end in disaster. Gavin—seriously—you need to really think about what you’re doing. Just think about it. She loves him, too.”

“She doesn’t love him,” he scoffed. “She’s just confused or something. He may be my friend, but just like all the rest, he fucks with her head and drags her into his morphed sense of need for him.”

“No. You’re fucking with your own head by thinking she doesn’t love him. Listen to yourself, bro. Take a step back and honestly listen to what you’re saying here.”

Although he didn’t speak, Gavin’s eyes hardened like shards of glass splintering away from a broken mirror.

“Look, man, I’m just being honest. It’s a bad situation. You know it, and I know it.”

“I’m not denying that it’s a bad situation!” he tossed his hands up, the words cracking like thunder. “Do I look like some kind of asshole? A snake is a snake, no matter how many times it sheds its skin! He’s no fucking good for her!”

Blowing out a breath, Trevor walked over to the door. He turned around and looked back to Gavin. “You’re like a brother to me, dude, but I think you’re trying to vilify Dillon for your own personal needs right now. And, to tell you the truth, you’re putting me in a bad spot. I can already see this shit’s gonna get crazy, and I don’t want any part of it.”

Sitting back down, Gavin looked at him from across the room, defeat playing in his eyes. “What the fuck am I supposed to do?”

“You need to forget about her. The whole fucking thing’s a mistake. And, more importantly, you have to remember that Dillon’s your friend.” Trevor exhaled heavily and shook his head before walking out the door. “I’ll call you later, bro.”

The advice was so simple. Just forget her. The words couldn’t be closer to the truth. This might have been a huge mistake, but the man at the receiving end couldn’t see that. He outright refused to. Emily would never be a mistake to him, no matter how many people he hurt in the process—including himself. Everything he and Emily could be was real for Gavin. When he said that he felt she was supposed to be with him, it wasn’t just a heated statement. It wasn’t just an inclination. From the first time their eyes met, he felt it down to the lowest depths of his soul, right down to the bottom of his core. She had been made for him in every possible way. Even though she was the very definition of off-limits, his mind and heart screamed to throw it all to the wind and let the whole fucking thing burn to the ground. Therefore, into the sea of uncertainty, he would plunge—trying to make her his—and he feared neither friend nor foe could stop him. He just prayed the woman that saturated his thoughts felt the same.

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