Color Blind (BWWM Interracial Billionaire Single Mom Steamy Romance Novel) (6 page)

BOOK: Color Blind (BWWM Interracial Billionaire Single Mom Steamy Romance Novel)
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What? Why?” I was rendered speechless once again. He seemed to have that effect on me.


Because you saw a man you couldn’t resist. One you had to have,” he leaned in closer. “Can’t say I blame
though,” a devilish grin played on his lips.


You are absolutely a piece of work. I think I should go,” I said, reaching for my purse.


Sit down,” he demanded. “Let’s have our date and see how things go. You did promise me one date, and we’re already here.”








She looked stunning. Dale drank in her appearance as she sat at the table with him. She was cute the day that he’d met her while she was working, but out of that work uniform, she was drop dead gorgeous. She seemed to have a certain glow about her as her hair flowed over her shoulders, encompassing her face.


So, tell me more about your daughter,” I smiled at her.


Well, her name’s Nevaeh, but you already know that. She’s almost in the third grade and she’s your typical girl,” Kimberly said.


God, I can’t get enough of her
, smooth voice. Her eyes are dark and mysterious; I could look into them forever.


I bet she’s as beautiful as her mom—inside and out.”


Thanks. She’s my pride and joy. I live for that little girl.”


The entire time we sat across the table from one another, I couldn’t help but inhale her sweet scent. She smelled delicious enough to eat. And by the judge of her sexy legs and plump ass, I could eat her all night long.


Do you like the wine?”


Yes, it’s
,” she said crossing her legs.


Damn, I’d love to have those legs wrapped around my neck!
I began to wonder if she even knew what she was doing to me. My dick jerked as I thought about all the dirty things I wanted to do to her perfect little body.


Do you know what you’d like to order?” I asked her.


I don’t know,” she continued studying the menu. “What would you recommend?”


Hm. What would I recommend? Getting naked in my king size bed and climbing on top of you.


The stuffed burritos are


Is that what you’re going to get?” she asked me.


Maybe. I can’t make up my mind between those or the chicken fajitas,” I answered.  


I admired Kimberly’s radiant reflection in the glow of the candlelight that was emanating from the center of the table.  I listened to Kimberly’s sweet voice as she talked about her daughter and described how they spent their time when she wasn’t working. I could listen to her forever. She appeared so bright—too intelligent to work fast food.


How come you’re a waitress?” I asked her; it seemed to fit the conversation since she was talking about her days off.


It’s not the best job in the world, but it allows me to work the hours that I need so I’m there for Nevaeh when she comes home from school. It also helps pays the bills.”
She replied.


I marveled at how committed Kimberly was to her child, but I understood the position that she was in being a single mom.


What do you like to do outside of work?” she asked.


A little of this, a little of that. I like to play on the stock market and dabble in commercial property.”








I began to feel uncomfortable; this was way out of my league. “What exactly does that mean?” I asked meekly.


Basically, I buy, sell and trade them; they’ve made me a small fortune,” he smiled at me.


Buy, sell and trade what?”
I had no clue what he was talking about.


Stocks and commercial properties. I’m all
turning a profit where ever I can.”


What commercial properties do you own?” I asked as I nibbled at my entrée.


I own South County Mall and the Oxford Apartments as well as the Fox Valley golf course. I
also own a few other small commercial retail spaces, but they’re all back home.”


Dale did an outstanding job impressing me. I couldn’t believe I was having lunch with the man who owned one of the most prestigious living communities in the area as well as the busiest mall and an extravagant golf course.


Back home?” I asked. “Where’s that?”


I’m originally from San Diego, California. I moved to St. Louis about three years ago.” He explained, taking a bite of his chimichanga.


Wow,” I emphasized as I drank my water. “You’re not from here? Why did you move here?”


Business. I don’t like to purchase investments blindly. When I bought the gas company, I wanted to make sure it was a worthwhile investment. I wanted to visit the area, the commercial properties that surrounded the ones I intended to buy and get a feel for how much I could turn out
profit.” He took a drink, “I also needed a break from San Diego.”


I nodded, “I see.” It was obvious that this man carefully planned every detail
his life it seemed.
I didn’t know where
be in ten years from now, but he certainly had a plan.


While the two of us got better acquainted over lunch, my phone went off with a text alert; it was Lorraine. I excused myself to the bathroom and left the table.








As she walked away, I admired her long legs in her short skirt, which seemed to start at the floor and go all the way up to her neck. My eyes stared at her toned, round ass as it shifted while she walked across the restaurant. Biting my lip, my mind raced thinking of all the naughty things I’d like to do to her.


She seems to like me, but I’ll make sure by the end of the date that she fucking loves me.
I might have to step up my charm a bit, but I’m not letting her slip away. I’ve never met anyone like her. She’s smart, funny,
gorgeous and sweet. Though, she does have a bit of a
tongue. We’ll need to work on that.


Miss?” I raised my hand in the air to summons the waitress to the table. “Can we have another bottle of


The short redheaded woman nodded, “Of course, sir.”


While the waitress fetched another bottle of wine, I began to wonder if Kimberly was all right. She’d been gone quite a while.










In the bathroom, I called Lorraine to tell her how well our date was going.


He’s been a pure gentleman; a little cocky, but not as pushy as he was at work. He’s opened all my doors, pulled out my chair and has told me a little about himself, but I don’t know if it’ll
work.” I said, worried our their relationship would play out.


Why do you say that? He sounds great!”


He’s a little too perfect. Like, he owns all of these commercial spaces—including South County Mall! And he also owns the Oxford Apartments and some golf course—and that’s just here in Missouri! He owns more properties and businesses in San Diego; that’s where he’s from.”


What’s wrong with that?” My friend asked quizzically.


wasn’t getting what I was trying to tell her.


Lorraine, I think he’s loaded! I don’t want him to believe I’m with him for his money. And what if he ever invited me to some fancy event? What would I wear? My T.J. Maxx special?”


She laughed, “It’ll be
Kimberly. Really. And so what if he’s rich? You’ve never dated a man because he’s had money. Hell, most of the guys you’ve
with don’t even have jobs. You go and enjoy yourself. I’ll see you when you get home.”


Dale was scrolling through his phone as I made my way back to the table. “Sorry, I was just checking on some things. How is your lunch?” I asked him.


Good. Yours?”


I have to say, it’s delicious! I haven’t been here for quite a while.”


As we finished up lunch, Dale motioned to the waitress for the bill by signaling a check sign with his finger. I texted Lorraine to let her know that I would be heading home soon and promised to fill her in
all the details about our date. During the ride home, I reflected how great it was to have lunch with such an amazing man. I considered myself fortunate; it had been so long since I’d met a real man. I couldn’t wait to tell Lorraine all about him.








My friend Charles had tried to set me up with women since the moment I’d arrived in St. Louis. Most of them were shallow and only had one thing on their minds: my money. I didn’t get that vibe with Kimberly. I could tell that she was completely devoted to her daughter and wasn’t interested in
. She was the polar opposite of the women who were
attracted to me; she was friendly, thoughtful, gracious,
and somewhat guarded. Though she’d answered all of my questions, she didn’t volunteer any extra information about her work, family life or her past. I wondered about her history and why she was so private about certain matters.


I couldn’t wait to fill Charlie in on my date with this incredible woman. He was still trying to find a woman of his own; I couldn’t wait to rub it into his face. I think his problem was that he was looking for love in all the wrong places. He tried to pick up women at conventions,
and the country club. All those women saw were dollar bills when they looked at men. It didn’t matter if they were single or married. They were mostly interested in shopping and spending money.


Kimberly seemed more vested in family and relationships. She was the exact kind of woman I was looking for. Someone with a good head on her
shoulders who stood firm in her beliefs. I could make her mine and give her the world.









Pulling up to my house, I could see my
in the window, waiting for me to return. When I went inside, she couldn’t wait to see me, but I had to talk to Lorraine first.


!” Nevaeh greeted me.


baby! Did you have a good time while I was gone?”


Yes! Lorraine played house with me, but she doesn’t make a good baby,” she frowned.


I laughed. “Well, why don’t you go play while we grown-ups talk? I’ll come play with you
a little while.”


No, momma,” she whined.


Nevaeh, don’t you take that tone with me. What did I say?” I looked at her sternly.


Okay. I’ll go play,” she pouted as she went off to her room.



So how was it?” Lorraine pressed.


Let’s go in the kitchen while I make us a pot of coffee. I had a really great time.”


I filled her in on the juicy details of our luncheon, including the hand kiss in the parking lot as we said good-bye. As I recounted the afternoon, my mind raced a mile a minute. I hadn’t had that nice of a date in my entire life—and all we did was sit and talk over a meal. It was obvious that I had the hots for Dale.


If I didn’t know you any better, I’d say that you’re doting over
” Lorraine said as she poured creamer into her coffee.

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