Colorado 01 The Gamble (20 page)

Read Colorado 01 The Gamble Online

Authors: Kristen Ashley

Tags: #Romance, #Mystery, #contemporary romance, #murder, #murder mystery

BOOK: Colorado 01 The Gamble
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“Fuck off, Arlene,” he clipped at Arlene and
her upper body drew back in visible affront.

“You eat with that mouth, Damon Matthews?”
she demanded to know.

“This ain’t your business.”

“Well,” I got up close to them and declared
quietly, “it’s mine.”

He swung to me and gave me a head to toe.
“Yeah? Who’re you?”

“I’m Nina Sheridan,” I announced like I was
saying, “I’m SuperGirl.”

Damon was not impressed. “So?”

“She’s Max’s woman,” Arlene proclaimed and
this wasn’t taken favorably by Damon.

“Fuck,” he muttered low, his eyes narrow and
not leaving me. “That asshole gets all the sweet pieces.”

“What’s going on?” Becca arrived before
anyone could say word one to his rude comment and Damon swung to

“You fuck off too, bitch.”

“Did you call me a bitch?” Becca shrieked,
instantly beside herself with fury and I got closer in an effort to
defuse the situation.

“Listen, Damon –” I started but he jostled
Mindy and began to move away.

“We gotta have words,” he told Mindy,
ignoring me.

“Damon, I told you, we’re on a break for a
week,” Mindy said softly, planting her feet, twisting her arm in
his hold and he stopped and glared at her.

get nailed in Denver and
suddenly on a break.”

Mindy went solid, Becca went solid, Arlene
went solid.

I, on the other hand, saw red for the third
time in my life and moved.

“Take your hand off her,” I insisted, having
got right in his face.

“Fuck off,” he bit out, right in mine.

Take your hand
her!” I yelled.

He leaned into me and clipped,

I got more in his face. “Take it

He took it off and shoved my shoulder,
shouting back, “Bitch! Fuck! Off!”

I went back on a foot and, so furious at
what he said to Mindy not thinking that, boy-man or not, he was
bigger than me and his biceps were scary, I lifted both hands and
pushed with all my might against his chest.

He went back two long paces and I shouted,
“That’s it, asshole, move along!”

Without delay, he took two steps forward,
his arm went across, down and then swung out and around,
backhanding me viciously, his knuckles connecting with dazzling
accuracy at my cheekbone.

I jerked to the side and bent double, my
hand going to my face, my hair flying then settling around me, my
eyes blinking away stars.

I was still blinking away stars when I
heard Mindy cry, “Max!” and then Max’s gravelly,
order, “See to Nina.”

Then I straightened as I felt Arlene’s hands
on me and I watched Max do with one hand what I had to do with two.
He planted his palm in Damon’s chest and Damon went flying. Max
stalked after him and did it again and Damon went flying again.

“This ain’t your business, Maxwell,” Damon
snapped, trying to evade Max’s hand but, as if it was a magnet and
Damon was steel, Max’s hand hit his chest again and Damon was
propelled back, right toward the door.

“You okay?” Arlene asked me and all I could
think to say was, “Max.”

“Come on!” Becca shouted, grabbed my hand
and Mindy, Becca, Arlene and I rushed to the door Max hustled Damon
out of.

We were followed by a slew of people.

I didn’t notice because the minute we hit
the parking lot and shuffled between two cars to get to the open
area I saw Max’s fist connect with Damon’s face and Damon went down
to all fours.

“Enough?” Max asked calmly and Damon’s head
twisted up to look at him.

Then he rose to his feet, lifted his fists
and said what I was guessing were two of the very few words in his
vocabulary, “Fuck you!”

He lunged forward swinging, Max ducked away
but righted with a powerful upper cut to Damon’s ribs and Damon
went back several paces.

Max followed him and landed two more blows,
left then right, both to the ribs again then another one to the
face and Damon went back down to his hands and knees.

“Enough?” Max repeated, towering over

Damon was coughing and he lifted one hand to
his ribs then he pushed to his feet.

“Damon, boy, stay the fuck down,” a man

“Come on, Maxwell,” Damon taunted stupidly,
wriggling his fingers at Max.

“Be smart,” Max replied.

“Fuck that,” Damon said and lunged again,
lifting a fist too slowly, Max easily deflected it then landed
quick blows to Damon’s belly, both of them causing Damon to expel
painful-sounding “oofs”. Then Max caught him under the chin and
Damon flew back and fell down to his behind.

“Stay down!” another man shouted.

“Enough?” Max asked, standing over him.

Damon kicked at Max’s feet but Max casually
stepped away.

“Dick!” Damon spat, saliva flying from his
mouth, blood dripping from his lip.

“I asked if you’ve had enough?” Max said to

“Enough of that twat, Mindy?” Damon sneered
and Max’s body, loose for the fight, got tight.

“You’re the dick!” Becca yelled and I looked
to my left to see Arlene and another lady had hold of her and she
was straining to get at Damon. I looked to my right to see Mindy,
pale and visibly heartbroken, staring at Damon and Max.

I moved to Mindy and put my arms around her,
she instantly leaned into my body, wrapped her arms around me and
put her head to my shoulder.

“You’ve had enough,” Max decided on a
mutter, turned away, dismissing him and his eyes came to Mindy and
me and even though I knew he wasn’t mad at me the look on his face
still made me shiver. “Jeep,” he clipped.

I nodded. “I’ll run and get our purses.”

“I’ll get them for you,” another lady said
and took off.

Damon pushed to his feet behind Max.

“Max, he’s up,” a man informed him and Max,
now two feet away from Mindy and me, turned around.

Come back tomorrow, asshole, get
her shit. Don’t want her back,”
Damon said to Max, swiping at his lip with the back of his

Mindy made a funny, sad noise and my arms
got tighter.

Her name’s only one on the lease, Damon,
figure you should get
shit out. I’ll be there, you give me the keys,” Max called

“I ain’t fuckin’ movin’,” Damon

“Then you get home from work tomorrow, your
shit’ll be in the snow,” Max told him.

“Touch my shit, we got problems,” Damon

“We don’t already got problems?” Max asked
the obvious.

Damon glared at him then made another
threat, “This ain’t over.”

“Damon, be cool, stand down,” someone
advised but Max, apparently, had had enough.

He walked back to Damon and Damon tried not
to appear to cower and mostly succeeded since he didn’t retreat but
he still looked a bit scared.

“You mistreated what amounts to my sister
and backhanded my woman, how is it in that scenario that you’re put
out?” Max asked quietly but loud enough for everyone to hear.

“Mindy and me ain’t none of your business,”
Damon shot back.

“There isn’t a Mindy and you,” Max

“Your woman put her hands on me,” Damon
accused accurately but he was beginning to sound like he was

She’s wearin’ heels, boy, but she’s five
foot seven, you got five inches and at least a hundred pounds on
her,” Max replied and I figured he was being a might bit generous
with the weight but I wasn’t going to correct him, mostly because
he wasn’t done talking. “And, lastly, she’s a
. You don’t ever strike a woman in anger.” Damon
continued glaring and Max continued speaking. “I’m feelin’ generous
since you’re bleedin’, so I’ll point out you should learn a lesson
from this. A man hurts your woman, you take yours from that man.
take it
from your woman.” Damon just kept glaring at him so Max asked, “You
got me?”

To which Damon muttered, “Just fuck

Max’s back was to me so I couldn’t see his
face but he didn’t speak and I suspected he was examining Damon to
see if he was really that dumb. Deciding that Damon was indeed
really that dumb, Max shook his head, turned and walked away.

“Here’s your bags.” The lady who ran to get
them handed both to me.

“Thanks, um…?” I said, looking at her


“Thanks, Jenna,” I whispered, she nodded to
me and I led Mindy to the Jeep.

The lights flashed as we walked to it and I
knew Max was behind us. I helped her into the back, tossed our
purses to the seat beside her, moved to the passenger side door and
saw Max there.

“You okay?” I asked, looking at him but he
didn’t answer.

His fingers and thumb caught my chin and he
tipped my head up to look at me in the outside lights. His face, I
noted, was no less scary and it got scarier when the entirety of it
went hard and tight when he looked at my cheekbone.

“Max, I’m okay,” I whispered but I wasn’t.
Now that the commotion was over, my cheek stung like crazy.

“Need to get ice on that soon’s we can,” he

“Mindy should stay at your place. That man
is… I don’t trust him.” I was still whispering.

“Yeah.” He was still muttering. “She’ll stay
with us. Get in, I’ll talk to Becca, I want her stayin’ somewhere
else tonight too. I’ll be back.”


He let my chin go and the backs of his
fingers drifted along my jaw before he moved away and jogged to

I got in and turned to Mindy. “You’re
staying at Max’s, okay, darling?”

“Yeah,” she said, looking out the

“Mindy, look at me, sweetheart.”

She didn’t look at me. “He hit you.”

“I’m okay.”

He hit you. I saw it. Becca saw it.
saw it.
Everyone saw

Sweetheart, I’m okay.”

She started crying silently, I knew because
her body was moving with her sobs and I crawled through the two
front seats and got close beside her, pulling her into my arms.

Max got in and looked around his seat to us,
his face, even in the shadows, I could see was still angry. Mindy
didn’t lift her head or stop crying.

“I’m going to ride back here with Mindy, is
that okay?”

His eyes went to Mindy in my arms, her face
in my neck and he nodded.

“Buckle up, Duchess,” he said quietly.

I nodded back, buckled Mindy first, used the
middle seat buckle for myself and held her shaking with tears frame
all the way back to the Max’s house.



Chapter Six

Somethin’ Else


I was slightly jostled but I was
comfortable, warm and mostly asleep so I didn’t let it bother me. I
could also hear a tone which was familiar but I didn’t let that
bother me either.

Then I heard a deep, gravelly voice quietly
say, “Yeah?” but I didn’t let that bother me either.

I also listened when the voice went on,
still quietly. “Yeah, she’s here but she’s sleepin’.” Pause. “Yeah,
you want me to have her call you?” Pause while the sleep slid from
me, it hit my consciousness that it was Max’s deep, gravelly voice,
it was his bed and his body that were making me comfortable and
warm and that the familiar tone was my mother’s ringtone.

Then my eyes flew open and I shot up to an
elbow, my thigh still thrown over Max’s, my hand sliding up to his
ribs when I pulled up.

Max’s clear gray eyes locked on me.

“She’s awake,” he spoke into my phone.

I started panting.

“Hang on,” he said to who I assumed was my
mother then he held the phone to me. “You wanna talk to your

I took my hand from his ribs and snatched my
phone away. Then I sucked in breath and put it to my ear.


There was silence on the line.

“Mom, you there?”

More nothing and then, “Neenee Bean, are
you in bed with a man with an

I closed my eyes tight then twisted, getting
up on my bottom, my knees coming to my chest.

“Mom,” I said, opening my eyes.

“Holy cow, sweetie, holy… holy cow.”

“Mom, um…” I twisted and looked at the
clock, seeing it was seven thirty-two and also seeing Max lying on
his back; the covers down to his waist; one hand behind his head,
the muscles in his bicep well-defined and naturally flexed; his
chest exposed to the naked eye, nearly searing my retinas with its
magnificence; and his eyes in his soft face on me. I took this all
in, the searing sensation in my retinas burning a direct path
southward and I twisted back saying, “It’s early. Can I call you

“I take it you made a decision about Niles
without me,” she noted the obvious.


“And, considering the situation as it seems,
it was the right one.”

I closed my eyes again then opened them and
said, “Mom, really, can we talk later?”

“He know about Niles?” she asked, indicating
that she didn’t feel like talking later which was kind of her


“What’s-his-name who answered the

“Yes, he knows.”

“You work fast sweetie,” she remarked then
asked, “What’s his name?”

I played dumb since Max wasn’t moving in
order to give me privacy. “Who?”

Mom didn’t like me playing dumb, then
again she never did so she nearly screeched, “
The man who answered the

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