Colt & Serena: A Hysterics Companion Novella (The Hysterics Book 2) (3 page)

BOOK: Colt & Serena: A Hysterics Companion Novella (The Hysterics Book 2)
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There’s A First time For Everything


heer instinct took
over and before I even knew what I was doing, Colt was slammed against the brick wall behind Mountain Breath and my tongue was shoved down his freaking throat.

Hunger consumed me as his hands grabbed at my hipbones and a deep, throaty growl emanated from him. “Serena, you’re so fucking perfect.”

I pulled at his belt, undid his pants zipper and button, and was about to pull at his boxers when his hand gripped mine. “Are you sure about this?”

I nodded and crushed my lips to his again.

His breath hitched as his fingers locked into my hair. He swiftly pulled back from me, panting. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

I nodded and tried to kiss him again, but he kept me away.

“Serena, I need to hear you say it. Once this starts, I won’t be able to stop. Please, be honest. We don’t have to.”

I hadn’t been with a guy in years. Sex usually repulsed me after working long hours with a chick’s cunt in my face, but Colt was different. He lit a fire inside me that I hadn’t felt for so long. It was my day of liberation and I was going to take full advantage of serendipity in that moment.

Our eyes locked intensely. “Colt, I want this. I want you. I want to feel you, all of you.”

Without another word, I was in his arms, back against the bricks, feeling his lust grow. 

Why did I have to wear jeans today? What the fuck was I thinking? I should have worn my cute new red dress that just came from Tobi last week.

“Colt?” A husky voice came from behind us.

Colt let me go and fastened his belt, quickly wiping his lower lip as he spun around. “Yeah?”

“I thought that was you.” 

I could barely make out the face of the guy walking toward us, but I could tell by the way Colt’s shoulders dropped a bit that he knew our interrupter. 

“Mav, what are you doing over here this late?”

Maverick Steele. 
The Maverick Steele.
Could this day get any more insane?

“Dad called and said he needed some help with a late night liquor delivery, so here I am.”

Colt and Maverick did the dude half-hug before Maverick looked over at me. “Sorry for interrupting, I’m Mav.”

Colt cleared his throat. “Maverick, meet Serena. She’s working over at Vatican now. We met after Dane and Fae got new ink.”

I took his hand. “It’s so nice to meet you.”

“They did what? That asshole, getting tattooed without us. Doesn’t he know we all need new ink?”

My knees where shaking, partly from the temperature rapidly dropping and partly from the excitement building in the pit of my stomach. My new life was starting off pretty fucking crazy-exciting. 

Colt chuckled. “Yeah, my thoughts exactly.”

“Well, I should really get in there, I think the truck already started to unload the kegs. It was nice to meet you, Serena.”

“Likewise,” I called after him as he waved from the back door. 

Colt grabbed the back of my neck, pulling me around to press his lips softly onto mine. “Car?” he whispered as our lips brushed together.


here was
something utterly captivating about watching Serena pull her jeans off in the back seat of my 1974 Pontiac GTO. I barely let anyone into my car, let alone dreamed of potentially messing up the leather by having sex in it, but there was a first time for everything and if Serena wanted me this badly, I was not going to waste one second driving her back to my place.

With a fistful of her blonde hair, I pulled her down onto the seat so I could get on top of her. “You’re so beautiful.”

In the dimly lit car, I could barely make out all of her ink, but the mystery of her story was that much more intriguing. Shifting her a bit, I pulled her tank top over her head and slowly started to kiss down her collarbone. I wanted to enjoy every inch of her, taste her sweet skin, feel how much she longed for me. Goosebumps rose under my lips as she dug her nails into my shoulders.

“I want you inside me.” She moaned, but she was going to have to wait a minute for her wish to be granted.

I made my way down her body, tracing my fingertips over her hardened nipples as I bit lightly on her hipbones. The smell of her lust pooling as I got farther down her body was intoxicating. Softly I let my tongue glide over her soaked clit. Gentle moans escaped as her hips rose into my licks. Her sweetness consumed me as my hunger grew. Sucking her clit into my mouth, I let my teeth softly graze her tender skin. As she cried out my heart started to race.

“Colt. Please. Fuck me.”

I pulled my wallet out of my pocket, tossing it up to her. Without even a word, she knew what to do. The sound of a wrapper being ripped open was my cue to stop exploring her sex with my tongue.

I took the condom from her and made quick work of getting it on. 

“I want to ride you.”

Don’t have to tell me twice.

Rolling onto my back, Serena’s gorgeously toned legs wrapped around my waist. Deeply, our lips locked as she grabbed my dick and let the tip trail down her lips and push at her opening.

As she pushed down onto my length, my eyesight went blurry. She gasped as I filled her and gripped my nails into her ass.

“God, you feel so fucking good.” My voice was low as I bit down on her bottom lip.

We got into a quick rhythm as her breath hitched and moans leapt from her throat. I thrust my hips into her, pulling her harder and harder down onto me, letting my cock get as deep into her pussy as possible.

“Fuck, no one has ever been that far inside me.” She cried out. Her tits bounced in my face as she leaned over just enough to get the head of my dick in the perfect spot. Within seconds we were both teetering on the edge.

“I’m not going to last much longer, babe.”

She moaned into my chest. “I’m about to come. Come with me, Colt.”

A growl resonated deep in my gut as I started to pulse and she shook on top of me. Panting, I pulled her hips hard onto mine as we both rode out our climaxes. 

Her head fell onto my chest, her lips barely brushing my skin. “This is the first time I’ve ever fucked in a car.”

I laughed, a little relieved. “Me too.” 

Only witches play

Some time later


he morning began slowly
as coffee awakened my spirit. Unlocking the front doors to Vatican was always interesting to me. I loved the calm quiet moments I got right before the work day began. It would be a little while before Cruz and the rest of the guys rolled in. The peaceful stillness, the smell, the wonder, the excitement—it all seeped into my veins. I knew I had finally found my true calling and it liberated my soul. 

About damn time.

I had craved this feeling for far too long and now I was grazing the surface with the slightest touch of my fingertips. I had been tattooing full time for nearly eight months, but I was still the new kid on the block, paying my dues. I flicked all the lights on, set up Cruz and Mason’s stations, and began to call clients to confirm their appointments for the next few days.

Right as I was putting the phone down, a new UPS driver strolled through the glass doors. 

I hopped off my stool and went to grab the small box on top of the high stack of packages. “Lots of stuff today.” I giggled, just trying to spark up a conversation. “How exciting! I hope they’re all for me.”

The dude looked down and read my tank top while mouthing the words awkwardly as he stood in the reception area of the shop:
Nerdy, Dirty, Tattooed, & Curvy

“Tongue-tied?” I teased as I set the boxes on the counter, hoping my new ink had come in early. 

“What?” The guy was just staring at me, the dumbest, most confused look glued to his face. “I, uh, do I know you from somewhere?”

I shook my head. He looked to be barely twenty with a patchy beard that was more akin to peach fuzz. Then it clicked. This shit happened all the time, but most of the time the dudes were too shy to ask, or already knew the answer. 

I smiled sweetly as I started to cut open the boxes. “Do you watch lesbian porn?”

“Holy shit. You’re Honey Dixon, aren’t you?” The excitement in his voice was palpable as I tried not to laugh at my own stupid porn name.

“Fuck, I haven’t been called that in years!” I giggled and nodded as the kid’s eyes grew wide and red took over all of his visible skin.

“Well, it was nice to meet you.” He slowly started to back out the door, eyes glued to the floor.

“You too. See ya next time.”

He attempted a smile. “Yeah, this is part of my route now.”

I bit my lower lip and pushed my tits together just to watch the kid’s jaw drop as he practically ran back to his truck.

The rest of the day remained pretty uneventful. I tattooed a butterfly tramp stamp on a chick for her eighteenth birthday with all her giggling friends flocking around her, but that was pretty much it.

I was sketching out an eagle chest piece for Rodney when Cruz came up to the reception desk.

“You can get out of here a little early tonight if you want.”

I looked up at my boss who had a shit-eating grin on his face. “What’s up with you?”

He shrugged. “Oh, I just got a text from the misses and we’re finally having another baby!”

The excitement of the news coursed from Cruz right into my heart. I hopped off my stool and wrapped my arms around his neck. “That is so amazing! Congratulations!”

“Thank you. So, I think we’re just gonna close early tonight. Slow day, seems fine.” He shrugged and winked at me. “Go home. I am sure Colt will appreciate a little extra time with you.”

I finished up the drawing and checked the time; The Hysterics were probably still practicing over at Colt’s parents’ house. I folded up the eagle and typed Colt’s number into my phone.

“Hey babe,” he answered right after the first ring. “We’re working on a new song, might be here a while.”

“Need Chinese food? Help fuel the creative mind?”

I heard him yell to the rest of the guys, “Serena is offering Chinese, any takers?”

“Have a pen, babe?”

I jotted down the orders for the guys and Fallon. “All right, anything for Leilani?”

Colt chuckled. “No, babe, Leilani is an infant. She won’t be eating Chinese for a few years.”

I heard Fallon yell, “Don’t make her feel dumb because she was trying to be thoughtful you ass. Thanks for thinking of the baby, Serena!”

“See you soon, babe,” I said before Colt could get another word in edgewise.

* * *

parked behind The Judge
, Dane’s second lover, and grabbed all the takeout from the back seat.

Colt met me at the front door with helping hands. “Are your parents here?”

He shook his head. “Out to dinner with one of mom’s new clients. She’s really excited to decorate their house; apparently it’s a fucking mansion or something. All I know is that she thinks her entire career as an interior designer has been training her for this one job.”

“Well, that’s great for her.” He pecked me on the cheek and led the way down the stairs to the basement.

Fallon jumped up from the couch. “Thank goodness, more estrogen. They have been especially bad tonight.”

Rodney leaned into his mic. “Just because we’re using your lyrics, Fallon, doesn’t mean you get to be bitchy when we mess up a bit.”

“I didn’t know you were writing again!” I hugged Fallon and took a spot next to her on the lumpy couch. “Where’s the baby?”

Falling pointed up. “Sleeping in Colt’s old room. Thankfully, she passed out right after I fed her and hasn’t stirred yet. Fingers crossed.”

“All right, gents. Let’s try this one again and then we will break for dinner.” Dane counted off with the bass drummer and they dove into a fast-paced dark song that was completely captivating.

Captivatingly dark

She sighed, licked her lustful lips

Letting him breathe in her skin

Look close for innocence

He tries to grasp her

Just far enough away to leave empty hands

Fading into the shadows

A faint glint of laughter lingers

So close, but too far from his muse

Mocking him

She will haunt his dreams

Staying just far enough away

Driving him mad

Indulgently bright, the morning sun taunts his sleepless fight

Shining in and reminding him

In the darkness of the night

Only witches play

“Fallon, those lyrics are amazing!” I mumbled with lo mein practically hanging out of my mouth.

She giggled, adding soy sauce to her wonton soup. “Thanks. It feels good to actually write again, and the words mean more than just ink on a page.”

“Oh, Rodney, I finished up that eagle for you today. Wanna see?”

“Fuck ya I do!” 

I jumped up and handed the folded paper over to the lead singer.

“Serena, you are one talented chick!” He awkwardly fist pumped me and looked over to Colt. “You better fucking marry this chick before she leaves you. We need a tattooer in the group, makes things super convenient.”

Colt’s eyes locked on mine. “I think we’re doing just fine as it is. We’re living together, what more do you want from me?”

Dane laughed. “It would be nice to not be the only old man of the group.” He squeezed his wife’s hand and kissed her on the cheek. “I should probably go check on Leilani.” 

“So guys, we need to start really planning our next tour.” Maverick threw a dumpling in his mouth as he raised an eyebrow right at Colt. Colt was basically like the band leader when it came to promoting, tours, dealing with their manager, all that jazz.

“I’ll make some calls in the morning and get the ball rolling.”

Maverick shot him a quick smile. “About fucking time. I miss the road.”

My stomach sunk. The last time they had gone on tour, I had only been able to join them for a few weekends because of work. Colt and I were still such a new couple that traveling with them for months on end made me nervous, and now the thought of my new family being away for an extended amount of time again was about to destroy me.

Fallon looked over to Mav. “I will probably have to sit a lot of this one out because of the baby.”

Dane was trotting down the stairs with his bundle of joy cradled in his arms, sucking on a pacifier. “You will be coming on the road and so will she, at least for part of it. If it doesn’t work then we will think of something, but I am not going to spend months away from my girls. It just ain’t a fucking thing, babe.”

Fallon rolled her eyes as Leilani started to fuss in her father’s arms. “We’ll just have to see.”

Colt grabbed my hand. “Ready to head out?”

I nodded. “All right, guys, I think we’re done for tonight. See you all back here tomorrow, same time?”

They all agreed, and Colt and I made my way to my car.

“See you at home?” Colt kissed my forehead and opened my door for me.

“See you soon, babe.”

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