Colton's Dilemma (Shadow Breeds) (23 page)

BOOK: Colton's Dilemma (Shadow Breeds)
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Then the man on the bottom grunted and said “Pull out, Dave, let me come in her ass,” then he shoved his huge cock into her ass, thrust twice then growled as he too came.  It was at that moment that Kryton stepped up to the bed behind the naked man, “Well, Dave, at least you got a good ass fuck before you died,” he said just before he plunged his knife through Dave’s back and through his heart. 
Before the woman and other man could react, Craig and Drake stabbed them both through the chest and slit their throats.  The vamps left them dead in that sexual position as they walked out of the room. “You are one sick bastard, Kryton,” Craig said, shaking his head as they walked out. They made quick work of the six young pups in the next room, but as Kryton kicked open the door to the largest room at the end of the hall they faced a wall of snarling¸ older male were-humans; at least twenty that Drake could quickly count.  “Finally, a challenge,” Kryton growled as he rolled his shoulders.  As the were’s rushed forward and all hell broke loose, Colton and the others in the basement could hear the pandemonium and knew they were needed but they were dealing with issues of their own at the moment.

There were cages,  most of them empty, a few with sleeping newly transformed humans but other than that the basement appeared empty – too empty.  “Something’s not right down here.  This basement’s too small,” Colton said as he began to look for a hidden door in the walls.   “I agree sir, and I smell a lot of dog over here,”
Hansen said by the far wall near a book shelf.  Colton joined him and it only took a few seconds to find the trigger release that allowed them to swing the bookcase away from the wall and reveal the tunnel.  The moment they did they could hear the voices, “Let me go you fucking fang prick,” a female voice shrieked.

“But, darling, I thought you liked me?” Stryker’s voice said with a chuckle.

Colton turned to Hansen and Tyson, “Go help Kryton upstairs, Tess and I will take care of this.”

As Colton and Tess neared a widening of the tunnel into a cavern they saw a flash of light.

“Ow, son of a bitch!  Did you just shoot me in the ass with a bolt of lightning?”

“Yes, and I’ll do it again if you don’t put
me down you blood drinking bastard.  How did you escape anyways?”

“Escape?  You mean I was your prisoner and not your guest?  I’m crushed.”

Just then Colton and Tess stepped into view.  Stryker spun around to face them, a grin on his face, Tess’ sister slung over his shoulder, “Your Highness, this is your sister I presume?” he said as he turned back around so that Tess could see her sister’s face.

“Tess?  Why the fuck are you still with that fucking vamp?”

Stryker set her roughly on the floor pinning her arms at her chest as he said, “Mind your tongue around my King and Queen, wolf-girl.”

Qu-Queen? You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.  You’re a vampire now and you’re a vampire Queen?  What a royal fucking disappointment you are, sister dear.  And what a relief it will be to finally get rid of you once and for all.”

Tess stepped closer and made a face as she sniffed, “Still challenged in the bathing department I see,

Stryker guffawed, “You just got dissed, sis.”

“Shut up, prick.”

Colton turned to Tess, “What should we do with her, Tess?”

“I don’t know.  We can’t let her go.  She hates me right now, we let her go and she’ll just form another army.”

“I can turn her, Sir, let me take her to my place,” Stryker said.

Colton turned to him, “Are you sure? She’s female.”

“Yeah, but she hates me.  I’ll have to adjust my methods a bit, but it’ll still work, I’m certain of this, Sir,” Stryker said.

“Does someone want to fill me in?” Tess said.

“Stryker has experience turning captured prisoners over to our side.  In fact he has a one hundred percent success rate.  But they’ve all been male, never a female.  And I’ve told you about Stryker’s, ummm reputation¸ with the ladies, so I’ll leave this up to you my dear,” Colton said.

Tess looked at Stryker, “Yeah, he didn’t need to tell me that you’re a sex machine, I felt that the moment that I met you.” From behind her Colton growled, “relax darling, you have nothing to worry about.  Now, Stryker, you’re saying you can transform her without hurting her or using any sexual methods or seducing her?”

“Seducing a woman who can’t stand the sight of me? I’ve never met a female who looked nauseous when she looked at me, I love this.  No, I won’t use anything sexual, no torture
.  My methods are mental.  I slowly bring them around to our way of thinking using repetition, highness.”

“Tess, don’t send me with this vamp, please, I’m begging you,”
Selena whispered.

Tess glared at her sister, “Oh, because you were such a great sister to me, sending me to be raped by a fucking werewolf and then trying to kill me
.  You’re lucky I don’t cut your heart out myself,” then she turned away.

“Fuck you, you ungrateful bitch, I only did that because I wanted that stupid alpha-male Shane to fuck me and change me.  He did and now he’s dead
, I killed him myself, and now I’m the fucking alpha-female.  You take me away and this pack won’t have a leader.  Someone else will challenge and take over in my absence.  I’ll lose everything I’ve worked for.”

Tess walked up and got into her sister’s face, “I’ve got news for you, bitch, your pack is dead, you’ve got no one to lead.  Stryker, get her out of my sight.”

Stryker tossed Selena over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and carried the yelling, cursing woman through the cave.  A flash of light had him yelling, “Woman, I know my ass is irresistible but you shoot a lightning bolt at it one more time and I’m going to bite you.”

“Your ass is disgusting and it stinks, asshole,” she yelled.

“Yeah? Then why are you so obsessed with it?” he said, smiling.

“Fuck you,”
Selena said, pouting.  She knew when she’d been bested and should keep her mouth shut, or at least she should, “I dare you to turn me around,” she mumbled.

“So you can shoot me in the dick? Not a chance sweetheart.”


Naw, be careful little girl, you wouldn’t be able to handle the huge heat I’m packing so don’t push too hard.”

“Oh please, you’re probably a tiny needle dick
who over compensates with a huge ego.”

As she said this, Stryker had climbed the basement steps and emerged in the hall, meeting up with Kryton and the others who were covered with blood, nursing a few wounds, Tyson was popping a dislocated shoulder back into place while Craig was holding his left hand – which had been sliced off.  Kryton grunted when he heard what
Selena said, “I don’t know who you are lady, but his ego is much smaller than his dick – hell he could
on the damn thing if he needed to.”

“You are all a bunch of assholes,” she said as Stryker carried her out the door and onto the porch where he sat on porch swing and pulled her onto his lap, pin
ning her down so she couldn’t move.  She turned and tried to bite his nose but he ducked out of the way. 

“Why do I have to be on your fucking lap, asshole?”

“Because it’s the only way I can keep you fully restrained, Selena.  And my name is Stryker.”

“Gee, that’s nice, asshole.”

Everyone emerged onto the porch.  Colton went into ‘doctor mode’ and immediately began checking injuries.   “We’ll reattach that hand as soon as we return to my place, Craig.   A few stitches required, an amputated limb to reattach but other than that everyone isn’t looking too bad.”

  Hansen and Tyson headed through the woods to retrieve the cars and bring them to the house.  Colton turned to Stryker, “decided to be the bait, eh?”

“The opportunity presented itself last night and I had to take it.  I knew you’d figure it out, Sir.” Stryker said as Selena continued to squirm and try to break free in his lap.

started to hurl an insult but Tess shot out her hand and said, “Selena, shut up and sleep,” and suddenly Selena’s lips were stuck together and her head dropped down onto Stryker’s chest.

“Thank you, Highness.”

The SUV’s pulled into the driveway and they all piled into the waiting vehicles.  One headed to the house but the SUV with Stryker, Colton, Tess and Selena detoured to the airport first to drop off Stryker and Selena.  Stryker’s private plane was waiting to take him to his home – a castle built in Scotland in the fourth century and owned and restored by Stryker for the last three hundred years.  As the SUV pulled up to the plane on the tarmac, Colton asked Tess to wait in the car while he got out with Stryker, who was still carrying a sleeping Selena over his shoulder.  She watched, confused, as Colton said something to Stryker, causing him to look over at her in the SUV and smile and then Stryker reached out with his free arm and hugged Colton. 

As Colton headed back to the car and climbed in, Tess asked, “What was that all about?”

“Later, my love, let’s just get home and replenish right now,” he said as he laced his fingers through hers and leaned his head back on the seat and closed his eyes.


After showers, feedings, debriefing and stitching, the vampires were all hunkered down in various rooms, sleeping away their aches and pains as their bodies healed – all but one vampire.  Colton stood, naked, by the window, watching a sleeping Tess, nervous but with a contented glow in his heart.  She took a deep breath, rolled to one side, her eyes fluttered open, found him and smiled, “Why aren’t you sleeping?”

“Because I’m watching you.”


“Because it makes me happy,” he said.

“Do you want to know what makes me happy?  That beautiful naked body in this bed pressed up against mine,” she said as she threw back the covers.

He smiled but held out his hand to her, “I will but first, come join me for a moment.”

“Okay,” she said as she climbed out of bed.   As she reached him by the window, though, he dropped down onto one knee and she gasped, “Colton what are you doing?”

“Tess Hamilton, my heart, my love
, you are the best of me, will you please do me the incredible honor of coming to the old country and becoming my wife, my Queen, in a ceremony that is over a thousand years old and join me at my side as a leader for our people?”

“That’s what you were talking to Stryker about?” Tess said.

“Is that a yes?”

“Oh, yes, yes, a thousand times yes,” she said as she threw her arms around his neck and began kissing him.



Scotland – Three months later

She stood, staring in the mirror, as she smoothed her hands over the smooth creamy satin of her wedding gown, wishing that she wasn’t sad because her sister wasn’t going to be a part of her wedding. ‘Yeah, my sister who hates me’, she thought.  A knock on the door brought her thoughts back to the moment, “Come in,” she said.

She tried not to gape, but the sight that entered the room, well, Stryker, in a form fitting tuxedo with his hair pulled back in a loose ponytail meant brain to mouth close just wasn’t happening.

He stopped just inside the door and stared at her as if he too were stunned by her appearance, “You look
breathtakingly beautiful, Highness.”

Tess blushed, “Thank you Stryker, I could say the same about you.”

That got a grin out of him and he walked towards her, “Are you about ready, Ma’am?”

She spun around, “What have I got to do to get you to call me Tess ‘cause this ma’am and highness shit is making me feel about a million years old and I don’t like it.”

That made Stryker blush, “Alright, I will call you Tess in private but when we’re in public I have to show respect for you, your husband and your titles so I will not be calling you Tess in public.”

“I can live with that.  Can I get you to do the clasp on my pearl necklace please?”

“Sure thing, Mmm,ummm, Tess,” he said as he took the necklace from her.  Stryker tried his best not to notice her creamy neck as she swept her hair up and out of the way or way that the back of her dress dipped down showing all of her smooth back and even just a hint of butt cleavage.  This woman was his Queen for God’s sakes, he absolutely could not think of her in that way, but he was also a man, a man who loved women, a man who had denied himself the touch of a woman since he had been in New Orleans because he was busy working with Tess’ sister Selena – a decision he was now definitely regretting.

“How is she doing?” Tess said, forcing his eyes back to hers and away from her fine ass.

Stryker cleared his throat,  “Better but she is a stubborn one.  She is going to take a long time to break.”

“Can I see her while I’m here?”

He smiled, “We’ll see.  Maybe in a few days, but she’s still pretty mad at you.  I don’t want her ruining your wedding day, okay?”  Then he turned and stuck out his elbow, “Shall we go and see if your beau has gotten cold feet?”

Tess threw her head back and laughed, “He does and he will be looking for his balls.”

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