Colun's Passion (Alien Mates Book Four 4) (12 page)

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Authors: Serena Simpson

Tags: #General Fiction

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Jim’s shield cracked like an eggshell, and she chuckled in glee. “Threaten me will you?”

Something caught her holding on to her tightly. Then her house began to speak. It told Jim to leave and never come back, or it would allow Sara to finish him off.

“Sara,” her house spoke. “Until you learn control you will become my prisoner.” She fell to the floor, and when she woke up, she was in bed. Her mom told her she had a bad fever, then Jim came to tell her he wanted a divorce.

Her dreams of happy ever after went up in smoke as she watched her husband walk out the door. The elusive feeling she was trying to hold onto dissipated like smoke, and she had nothing but her family and a house.




“Where is she?” Colun had pulled himself up after Voyager told him Sara would need him. He didn’t know how long he wandered around looking for her until he ran into Voyager.

Voyager was sitting on the side of an old wooden bridge. His legs were swinging, and the beam of the bridge was in front of him keeping him from making a splash into the water below.

Colun took a seat next to him. This bridge was one he may have seen thirty or forty years ago.

“We’re still in the trials but the period has changed.”

“The trials are funny like that. They can send you to any year you have ever lived. Personally, I think they can do the future too, but it is too much work, so they avoid it.”

“Who are you, Voyager. I feel like I know you, and I’m sure you’re not a Matra despite the form your wearing.”

“Would it matter if we have been friends for years or if you are just meeting me? Either way, you would have to pass the trials on your own.”

“I’m not here to pass the trial; I’m here to make sure Sara gets home safely. I was never meant to come here, Voyager. What do I know about love, faithfulness or anything the female heart needs? Freya knew I wasn’t the one even when I tricked myself into believing I had a chance.”

“You either leave here, or you die here.”

There was the whistle of the train in the background and Colun smiled; it reminded him of the time he spent in Newburg.

“I know, in the end Sara is more important than I am.”

“Maybe you are right.” Voyager stood and pointed in front of him. “Head in this direction and you will find everything you need.”

Voyager disappeared in front of his eyes, something he knew the Matra couldn’t do. Colun stood and started walking. The town of Newburg came into view; he knew where he was. The cars were old and simple; the people were friendly and time seemed to move slower. He walked until he came to the B&B. It was beautiful; it had a new paint job, and the windows shone like jewels. Over the years the B&B looked like it had been around for years. It was just an illusion, but they couldn’t live in a place that looked like the sun, rain and snow never touched it. This house, the new B&B, replaced the one they supposedly lost in a fire a few years ago. The house had decided to change configurations and needed a cover story.

He walked up the stairs of the porch, the house greeting him even in this old memory. It was so quiet inside; he wondered where everyone was. He walked up to the floor where he stayed. You couldn’t see it from the outside. The house was well over ten stories with only four that could be seen with the human eye. A noise caught his ear. He walked until he found it.

Gabe was in the bathroom, throwing up everything he ate. His body curled into himself, and he moaned with a pain he couldn’t keep hidden inside.

Colun walked over to him, cleaned him up and carried him to bed. How many years had he done this for Gabe, watched over him even when Gabe didn’t know he was there?

He searched for Rylan every day, but Xolon was wily and knew enough to stay away from Colun.

He left the room once he was sure Gabe was sleeping and went to look in on Cal.

“It does not look like he will be much of an advisor, does it? He is little and scrawny, but that does not matter. He does not listen, and he cannot even feel his surroundings.”

“It’ll take time, but I’ll teach him all of that. He’ll be the most sensitive one here.”

Voyager shrugged and walked out of the room.

They walked into Victor’s room. He was sleeping with his soul-bond snuggled in his arms.

“Can you believe that one day he will ascend to the throne?”

Colun looked at him; he was still young. If they were on their planet, his parents would rule for centuries more before that responsibility fell to his shoulders. They weren’t on their planet, and he was already becoming the leader they needed even without the official title. Everyone knew who Victor was; he simply hadn’t stepped up yet.

“He does not have much longer, neither does Cal. The Arbrins/Matra’s will need a real leader. Too bad you will not be around when Victor and Cal need you.”

Damn you; Colun thought as Voyager disappeared. He cursed up a blue storm using all the new words from this planet and all the old words from his planet. When he finished, he looked at Victor, who was staring at him in open mouth amazement.

His location changed leaving Victor and the rest of his family. He stood in the foyer of the B&B and stopped long enough to promise his boys and Sara, that he would do his best to live a long life for all of them.

Chapter Sixteen



Sara stood up; she wasn’t sure where she was, but she remembered the last time she actually could recall. She was running away from Colun with a beast following her, and she was buck naked. She looked down to find herself dressed. The relief she felt made her knees wobbly. Why was she dressed like this? She wasn’t complaining mind you, but wasn’t she a little too old for this outfit. She had a cute red blouse that complimented the short skirt that was black and white with hints of red along the border.

Clothes were clothes; she’d take what she could get. Now to find Colun and get out of…” Her hand went to her head, and she fell to her knees as the memories of Jim came back to her. He was a Destroyer?

She shook her head and laughed. It must be the stress. Memory after memory swam through her brain allowing her to see her life in a different light. They had been there, but she always felt like something was keeping them from her. Now they poured in like a drain opened dumping the good and the bad on her. Jim wasn’t the only monster in her life. She was a walking magnet for evil, except she also attracted Colun, and he wasn’t evil. The power she had but couldn’t control kept her safe.

That’s why Colun’s power hadn’t returned to him. Not because it wanted to kill her but because it wanted to be closer to her power like she wanted to be closer to Colun. She thought about her house. It thought it was keeping her safe, but it wasn’t. It hindered her from achieving the control she needed.

She stood and walked until she found a tree. It wasn’t one of the old ones from the beginning of time. She knew this tree; it was around in her youth. She climbed it knowing where every handhold was. Leaning back against the tree, she closed her eyes and walked into the room in her mind one more time. This time, she paid attention. The walls of the room were a forest green, and she smiled because she liked green.

There were three treasure chests in the room. They were huge, the kind Sara thought a real pirate might want. The first one was on the right; it was the one that held her armor. She walked over to it and saw many other types of cloaks and shields. When this was over, she would come back and learn how to use all of them.

The second was sitting next to the back wall in the room, directly in front of her. That was the chest in which she found her ability to fight. She walked to it opening it to find different and strange weapons. She had an arsenal that she didn’t know how to use.

The last chest was on her left. It was locked; this chest had never opened for her and didn’t look like it wanted to open now. She walked to it and studied the lock before she touched it. It shocked her making her back away as she shook out her hand. Should she leave it alone?

A feeling of danger pressed through her body. She moved to the chest again. If this chest was dangerous, then she needed to deal with it. Maybe it held a killer inside or worse, but whatever it was she would stand strong. She grabbed the lock that burned her hand and held on as the flames heated up. She held on until the lock crumpled into dust.

She opened the chest refusing to look at her throbbing hand. Within the chest, lying in a bed of silk was a sword, highly polished and gleaming as if it were waiting to be picked up and placed on a dress uniform. She picked it up with her right hand the same hand that held the lock. It fused into her skin until it turned on her and pierced her in the heart.

She fell, unable to cry out.




“Have you ever wondered why we have the trials?” Colun asked Voyager as they walked out of the B&B.

“It has been my pleasure to witness different mating rituals all over the galaxy. I do not question them, but I do try to learn from them.”

“What have you learned from this one?” They were walking through the trees that were behind the house. There were no open areas back there. The trees were full and thick, the perfect cover for aliens that needed a place to run and play.

“From your ritual I have learned that coming together means being bare before the other person and being honest with yourself. Because you bond on a mental and spiritual level, you cannot lie to yourself. You have to know who you are, both the good and the bad.”

“Sometimes I wish we had a chance to get it wrong like the rest of the world.”

“You have that chance. I believe your kind is slower to love and commit because they are too aware of what getting it wrong means.”

“You say that, Voyager, but here I am getting it all wrong and Sara will pay for my mistakes.”

“Looks like you may be right after all, Colun.”

In front of them, Sara was lying in the grass.

“Sara.” Colun ran to her feeling for a pulse. “She’s still alive.” He picked her up and turned to face Voyager, but he was gone.

Not knowing what to do, he walked. The terrain changed; it was smooth and soon he could hear the sound of waves. He stopped on the edge of a beach, over to his right was a small house. He took Sara there; it was empty. He laid her on the bed and took off the cute little sandals on her feet. He gave a small laugh. He had never been as interested in footwear as he was since he met Sara.

Pulling back the cover, he laid her under it before going to find something to drink. Setting a bottle of water on the nightstand, he took off his clothes leaving on nothing except his jeans and crawled into the bed with her.

She opened her eyes to find herself in a comfortable bed with her head pillowed on Colun’s chest. Yes, she thought, score one for her. If this was a dream, she wanted to stay here forever.

She leaned over and kissed him, pressing her lips gently against his. His eyes opened to look at her before his hand came up to the back of her head and his lips opened allowing her tongue to sink deep into his mouth. Her tongue caressed him before she sucked on his bottom lip.

“Morning.” Her voice was husky with passion and drowsy with sleep.

“It is now.” He pulled her back and kissed her again until she could barely breathe. “How do you feel?”

“Fine, perfect, even great. I also feel like I want to make love to you.”


“I understand if you don’t want to, but I’m going after the things I want in my life, and I want you.”

His groan, sexy and deep, made her pussy throb between her legs. She could think of lots of reasons he should turn her down. If he knew what she married or what she had entertained in her life, he would walk away from her. Heck, if she were him she would turn herself down and still she couldn’t help reaching for the one being in this life she wanted.

He flipped her over on her back. “You’re beautiful, that outfit is meant to make me hard.”

“Blame the trials for that. I woke up with it on, but I didn’t complain; at least the trial gave me clothes.”

“You look so feminine.”

She beamed up at him. “Thank you.”

There was a time in her life when that compliment would have embarrassed her. She would have thought she had to deny it or justify it, but not now. Today she was willing to hear and believe whatever Colun said because she believed in him.

He leaned over and licked at her neck making her smile because he remembered. His teeth nipped her there before he sucked on her skin. Her body heated up; she ran her hand over Colun’s back feeling the muscles there. Taking the pads of her fingers, she traced his muscles hearing the catch in his voice when she touched a spot he found sensitive.

“I want to be inside you, Sara, buried deep. I want you to feel me in you while your tight little pussy is contracting around my cock, and I pound into you making you cream all over me.”

“Colun,” she breathed. “I want that. I want to feel your cock in me.”

“Let yourself go, Sara, you don’t have to hold on too tight.” He reached for the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head.

“Mmm, looks what’s waiting for me.”

The trial hadn’t provided her a bra, so her girls had been dancing around all day. She was surprised they weren’t sore from their braless state.

Colun leaned over and took a nipple into his mouth sucking on it as his hand caressed her other breast. He stroked her breast before he squeezed it still sucking on her other nipple.

She made little mewling sounds of appreciation as she caressed his shoulders and down his back.

“I want to touch you, Colun,” she whispered as the pleasure he was giving her was making her want to shout.

He lifted his head looking into her eyes before he lay on his back and she rolled over to face him.

Her hands went over the expanse of his chest caressing him. She ran her nails over him liking the way he growled from it. She leaned over and bit the skin on the side of his neck.

“Harder love, bite me harder.”

She did, and his hips punched the air. She kissed down his chest until she got to his nipples. She hummed before she took the first one into her mouth, she was so happy.

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