Combust: A Devil Chaser's MC Romance (6 page)

BOOK: Combust: A Devil Chaser's MC Romance
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My hands are still trembling as I unload the car, but as soon as I walk into my house, everything seems okay. I know it’s crazy, but having Dillon there makes me feel safer. It doesn’t really make any sense. The man can hardly get out of the bed without help, but his presence really does set my mind at ease.

I go back to check on him, and he’s hobbling out of the bathroom when I walk in. I go over and offer him my shoulder. He reluctantly takes it and says, “I could’ve made it on my own.”

“Stubborn,” I say, raising my eyebrow.

“I like to think I’m determined.”

“No… you’re just stubborn,” I tell him with a laugh. I help him to edge of the bed and say, “I thought I’d make us some spaghetti for dinner.”

“Did you get a movie?” he asks.

“I got several. I wasn’t sure what you’d like.”

“I told you to pick one you’d like,” he tells me as he eases back onto the bed.

“I like anything,” I say with a shrug. “I’m going to make dinner. Do you need anything?”

“Can I help?” he asks. I want to laugh, but I can tell by his expression that he’s being serious.

“Getting a little cabin fever?” I ask.

“You have no fucking idea.”

“How about trying to move to the sofa for a little while? The change of scenery might help,” I offer.

“It’s worth a shot. I’m about to lose my mind in here.”

Once he’s settled on the sofa, I go into the kitchen and start dinner. I’m almost done making the salad when my phone rings. I look down at the screen, and my skin crawls with anger. I am completely fed up with this bullshit. I’ve given up all hope that someone from the hospital will call to say that my suspension has been lifted. I know who is calling, so I answer, determined to end this once and for all.

“Hello!” I roar into the phone. After a few seconds of silence I say, “Hello, asshole. Why do you keep wasting my time? Stop being a damn coward and say something!” Still no response. “I’m done with this! If you want me, come and get me!” I screech as I take my phone and throw it across the room. I watch with great satisfaction as it hits the wall and shatters.

“What the hell was that?” Dillon shouts from across the room. Shit! I was totally caught up in the moment and forgot he was even there. My eyes shoot over to him, and I’m surprised by the look of anger on his face.

“It’s nothing,” I say nonchalantly, hoping that he won’t make a big deal out of it.

,” he says as he points to the scattered mess that used to be my phone, “isn’t nothing.”

“It’s not a big deal. Just don’t worry about it,” I say as I turn back to the salad.

“Ana,” he growls. I look over to him and he says, “Stop. I want to know what the hell is going on. It’s obvious that something is up with you. Now, I want to know what the hell it is.”

His stare is intense, letting me know that he has no intention of letting this go. I want to tell him everything, but I just don’t see the point. There is nothing that he can do. “Really, Dillon. It’s okay. You don’t….” I start.

“Now, Ana.”

I stare at him, trying to understand why he even cares. From the first moment I laid eyes on him, I knew he wasn’t like any man I’d ever met. I felt so drawn to him on the one hand, but I didn’t even know how to act around him on the other. Hell, most of the time I want to clock him in the head, but then there are times that I have to fight the urge to kiss him. My feelings for him are so strong and overwhelming; it is beyond frustrating. I consider telling him to go to hell, but there is a nagging part of me that wants him to know what’s going on. I need him to know.

“It’s a long story,” I try to explain.

“I’m not going anywhere. Come over here and tell me what’s going on.”

I turn the oven off, walk into the living room, and sit in the recliner next to him. I slowly drag my fingers across my eyes and temples as I try to decide where to start.

“Ana,” he demands.

“Okay,” I say sarcastically. “I’ll tell you everything, even though you won’t tell me
…. But it isn’t going to help.”

He sits patiently and listens as I tell him everything that happened with my suspension, and everything that has been happening since. There were several times that he looked confused, like he was trying to piece it all together. It was a lot to take in.

He waits until I’ve told him everything before he asks, “Tell me more about Jason. What do you know about him?”

“He’s one of those rich kid brats that doesn’t like it when things don’t go his way. I didn’t realize how bad things really were until I found out his father actually owns the hospital. There’s no way I’m ever going to get out of this mess,” I explain.

“What about those patients you questioned him about? What was the deal with them?” he asks.

“There were some discrepancies in their charts… wrong medications, and they were running unnecessary tests on some of the patients.”

“What happened to them?”

“I don’t know. I was suspended later that afternoon, so I wasn’t able to find out.”

“Do you remember their names?”

“Yeah, I wrote them down when I noticed the problems,” I tell him. It’s strange how just talking about this with him is giving me some sense of hope, like maybe there is something he can do to help me. I know it’s stupid of me to think that he would even want to help, but I actually feel like there’s a chance for the first time in months.

“Good. I want to know everything that you have on Jason and his family and those patients at the hospital. If there is anything else you can think of, I want to know that, too.”

“Why?” I ask.

“Just get it for me, okay?”

“Okay,” I reply. We sit there quietly for a few brief moments just staring at each other. I don’t know what it is about this man, but I feel such a connection to him. I long to be closer to him. I want to go over to that sofa and just press my lips against his, but I’m frozen in my seat… unable to even speak.

“So, how about that spaghetti? I’m starving,” he asks with a smile.

I don’t answer. I just get up and go into the kitchen to get everything ready. Just as I am about to take him his dinner, I notice that the snow is beginning to fall. I can hear the light taps of sleet hit the windowpane, and I begin to wonder if it’s going to be as bad as everyone says it’s going to be. Even though it’s been nice, this weather is pretty typical for this time of year. For some reason, we seem to get our worst winter weather in February and March. Lately, we’ve gotten more ice storms than actual snow, and I’m not a fan of ice storms.

We talk all through dinner, and he finally shares a little about his life back in Paris. His face lights up when he tells me about his club and his brothers. Each one of them seems to hold a special place in his heart, making me want to meet them for myself. I’d heard about motorcycle clubs like his, but I’d never known anyone that was actually a member. I’d always been a little curious about them, wondering if they were filled with dangerous men just looking for trouble. Even the shows on TV made them out to be villains, but hearing him talk about it made me realize how wrong I had been about them. These clubs brought people together and created families that cared a great deal about one another. I really want to go to Tennessee and meet them for myself, but I know it is doubtful that will ever happen. Once he’s back on his feet, Dillon will be gone, and I’ll probably never see him again.

“I’ll need to get in touch with them soon. Let them know I’m okay,” he explains.

“Well, I’m sure they’ll be excited to hear that you’re okay,” I tell him, trying not to sound too disappointed. I look towards the window, unable to face him. I had always known he was only going to be here until he was mobile, but I hated the thought of him leaving so soon.

“Which movie do you want to watch?” I’m relieved that he’s trying to change the subject. I’m not ready to deal with him going just yet.

“I’m up for anything. You pick,” I tell him, handing him the stack of movies.

Without even looking, he grabs one of the movies and hands it to me. “Let’s watch this one.”

I look down at the title and smile. He picked one of the scary movies I’d wanted to see for months. I usually don’t watch them, because I hate being in the house alone after seeing one. I thought I might try it tonight since he is here, though. I really doubt that he’ll even like it, but I decide not to try and talk him out of it. I get up and put the movie in the DVD player. After turning out a few of the lights, I head back towards the recliner.

“No… sit over here with me,” he says, moving his legs over to make room for me.

I don’t resist, mainly because I don’t want to. I'm thrilled at the idea of being close, even if it is just for a little while. He pulls at the blanket, offering me enough to cover my legs. Once I get settled, I look back over to him. With just the glow of the television screen, I can see that his blue eyes are focused on me, and my heart pounds in my chest. My body tingles everywhere. I want to reach out and feel him, to know the touch of his skin against mine. Resisting the immense temptation, I look back over to the TV. After a few minutes, the creepy music begins to play, and the main character is sitting in a dark house seemingly unaware of the danger lurking behind the closed door.

“What is it with women and scary movies?” he asks.

“Hey, I gave you the chance to pick. Who knows? You might like it,” I tease. “Either way, it’s too late now.”

“Oh, is that right?” he snickers. “We’ll see how you feel about scary movies when the lights go out from the storm.”

“Shit,” I mutter under my breath. “I hadn’t really thought about that.” I love my little house, but it gives me the freaking creeps when the lights go out. It’s completely back in the woods, and I feel so secluded when I’m out here alone.

“Don’t worry, I’ll protect you from all the things that go bump in the night,” he says, laughing out loud.

“Somehow, that doesn’t exactly make me feel better. You can barely make it across the room without help,” I tell him playfully.

“Hey, I’m doing better. I could totally kick some ghost’s ass if I needed to,” he says confidently.

“Right, I’m sure you can,” I mock.

“Don’t you doubt it for a minute,” he says with a smile.

“Just so you know, if something does come after us, I’m not one of those girls that will wait for you, pulling you along as the bad guys come after us… and I really doubt that I’d come back to help even when the coast was clear. Because let’s face it… the coast is
clear. I would just run without looking back, and I wouldn’t give it a second thought.”

“Now, that’s just mean. I would come back for you,” he says, sounding defensive. I can’t hold back my laughter. He seems so sincere that I almost tell him I’m kidding, but that would take the fun out of it. I know there is no way I’d ever be able to leave him behind. I’d already proven that.

“Ahh… that’s sweet. Still not coming back for you, though,” I snicker. I am now laughing so hard my stomach hurts.


“There’s no reason for both of us to die,” I try to tell him.

“That’s fucked up. I can’t believe you just said that!”

“I'm kidding, Dillon. I wouldn’t let the Boogie Man get you!”

“Nah, it’s too late now,” he says, shaking his head in disbelief. “And I thought you were sweet.”

“Sweet? No, I am definitely not sweet,” I snort.

“You’re all kinds of sweet, Ana. I like it.” The minute the words come out of his mouth, the room turns quiet. I focus my attention back to the movie, not knowing what to say to him. I want to tell him that I like him, too, but I worry that I’m reading too much into things. He’s just being nice. Of course he thinks I’m sweet, I just saved his life.

I am relieved that the movie is just scary enough to distract us both from the awkward tension of our earlier conversation. Every time it starts to get frightening, I inch a little closer to him. By the time the movie is over, I am practically lying on top of him. The credits start to scroll across the screen, so I get up and look out the window. It’s really coming down. The trees and back porch are totally covered in ice. It’s beautiful, but I worry that it won’t be long before the power goes out.

“Wanna watch another one?” I ask, thinking we might as well make the best of it while we still can.

“You got another scary one?” he asks.

“I think so. Why?”

“Play it,” he tells me. I’m putting the new movie in when I hear my sofa pillows hit the floor. I look back, and Dillon is tossing them all to the ground.

“Whatcha doing?”

“Making room for you,” he says, like it isn’t a big deal at all. He says it like we’ve done this kind of thing a thousand times. His words are nonchalant, but they’re laced with expectations. He wants me to lay down with him while we watch the movie. Holy crap! How the hell did this just happen?



Chapter 9





This girl is totally fucking with my head. Her warm body is pressed against mine as we lay here watching another one of these damn scary movies, and I can’t get enough of her. She’s absolutely the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen, and she’s so close that I can feel her heart beat against my chest. My hands tremble with need, wanting to touch her…to feel her soft skin. I want to let my fingers roam over the curves of her body, exploring every inch of her. She’s almost asleep, and I hate that the movie is almost over. I don’t want her to move. I want to keep her here next to me, but when the lights start to flicker, I know we need to start a fire. The temperature is dropping, and we’ll need something to keep us warm.

“Where do you keep your firewood?” I ask her.

She curls her hands up and semi yawns as she rubs her eyes, trying to wake herself up before she says, “In the garage. I’ll go get some.”

“I’ll get it. Just need to know where it is.”

“Umm, no. I’ll get it. I don’t want you pulling your stitches. It’ll just take a minute. I’ll be right back,” she said, throwing the covers off her legs. I hate that she’s fucking right. I’m starting to feel a lot better, but I’m not up to manual stuff just yet. The stitches are still fairly fresh, and I don’t need to take any chances on tearing them. I need a few more days, but I’m getting closer. She clambers back into the room, and her arms are full of lumber.

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