Come Away With Me (23 page)

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Authors: Kristen Proby

BOOK: Come Away With Me
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You’ll probably need a few formal dresses if he continues to plan things like the other night, which, by the way,
holy shit
. Plus, you may have to go to a movie premiere or something sometime, and you have to look the part.”

Holy shit is right.

I’d never considered that. Does he go to the premiers of the movies he works on now?


Two hours, and a few thousand dollars later, we leave the store loaded down with bags and boxes. I can’t believe she talked me into all of this.

I’m happy that she also managed to snag a few things for herself. Luke would approve.

I have purchased three new evening dresses




undergarments for them, a few blouses and jeans, two new pairs of shoes –Manolo Blahniks! – and a new Gucci handbag.

I might chicken out and return it all tomorrow.

Jules also scored a new pair of Louboutins and a handbag. She looks beautiful as we leave the store and head to the car. She’s the happiest I’ve seen her since her tryst with her boss; smiling, carefree and relaxed.

Three hours at the spa and two hours of spending someone else’s money at Neiman’s will do that to a girl.

We head back to our house to get ready for the party tonight. I’m really excited to see Jules’ family and to meet her new niece, little Sophie.

Luke will be here in an hour.

“Are you going to wear that pretty new red top with the new jeans?” Jules pulls her new Louis Vuitton handbag out of its brown dust cover and makes quick work of moving all her things into it.

“Yeah, I think so. That’s an awesome handbag.” Aside from shoes, handbags are my weakness, and I can’t help but ooh and aah over my pretty new Gucci bag.

“Have I mentioned that I like your boyfriend?” Jules smirks.

“He is an over the top guy, that’s for sure.”

“He really loves you, Nat. I can see it written all over him. He just wants you to be happy.”

My heart goes a little gooey at her statement. She’s right. And if spoiling me with some new things makes him happy, who am I to complain?

“Did you warn your family about him? I don’t want them to go fan crazy on him today.”

“Yeah, I did. They’ve had plenty of time to go fan crazy in private. You know they’ll be cool. Besides, I have brothers. They don’t care that he’s sexy.”

“Good point.” We smile at each other and then head upstairs to primp for tonight.


“Hello, gorgeous.” Luke pulls me in his arms and kisses me soundly.

“Hello, handsome.” I smile up at him and usher him inside the house.

“Are you ladies ready?” He looks delicious in his black jeans, and un-tucked white button down shirt. I run my fingers through his soft blonde hair.


“You look happy.” He kisses my cheek and hugs me to him again. “And beautiful in this red blouse.”

“It’s new.” I feel my cheeks flush.

“Yeah? I like it very much.”

“Thank you, for everything.” I kiss him, cupping his beautiful face in my hands.

“Did you have fun?”

“We had a great time. You spoiled us today. Thank you for including Jules.”

“I’m fond of Jules.”

“Oh?” I raise an eyebrow.

“She loves you and she’s your best friend.”

Damn, he’s just so sweet.

“Oh, God, please don’t be like this all night.” Jules walks into the foyer and rolls her eyes.

“Hello to you, too.” Luke laughs and kisses my forehead, then releases me.

“Thanks for today, Luke. We had a great time, and I am now the proud owner of this delightful handbag.” Jules smiles sweetly.

“It suits you. You’re welcome. Shall we go?”

I grab my camera bag and follow Luke out to the car. He raises an eyebrow, glancing at my bag. “Do you think I’m going to a family dinner with a brand new baby without my camera? I’m a girl, Luke.”

He smirks and opens my door for me.

Luke and I follow Jules in separate vehicles to her parent’s house. They live in a new subdivision in North Seattle where most of the houses look alike; well-kept lawns, small front porches with hanging baskets of colorful flowers and kids riding bicycles on the sidewalks. The house is average in size, with a large back yard.

No one, even the Montgomery’s themselves;





anonymous donor that paid the mortgage off for them earlier this year.

“This is a nice neighborhood,” Luke comments and I smile at him.

“It is. It suits Jules’ parents. They’re empty nesters, so the house is the perfect size for them. I’m glad it’s a nice day today; we can all sit out in the backyard.

Her dad has done a great job landscaping it. You’ll love it.”

We pull up to the house and Jules’

mom, Gail, comes running out to greet us.

“Oh, my girls are home! Hello darling.” She envelops me in her arms and I feel tears prick my eyes. This woman is so special to me.

She pulls back and looks at me, her hands still gripping my shoulders. “You look lovely, dear. Happy birthday.”

“Thank you, Gail. This is my boyfriend, Luke.”

“Mrs. Montgomery.” Luke offers his hand, but she also wraps him in a big hug.

“It’s so nice to meet you, Luke.

Please, call me Gail. Welcome.”

His smile is wide and a little bit shy.

“Thank you.”

“Hi, Mom.” Jules hugs her mom tightly.

“Everyone else is here. We’re in the backyard. Your dad is grilling, and I’m praying he doesn’t burn the house down.”

Luke takes my hand and we wander through the beautifully furnished home, past the state-of-the-art kitchen and out to the backyard. I smile at Luke’s gasp.

“I told you,” I murmur to him.

The back of the house faces a greenbelt, so there are no neighbors behind them. The yard is just under an acre. Beautiful shrubs and bushes border the tall privacy fence that encloses the yard. There are stone paths lined with solar lights leading to different gardens. There is a riot of color from all the flowers, reds and yellows, purples, pinks. Some of the gardens have little benches next to them to sit and enjoy the day.

There are also large fruit trees for shade. Steven Montgomery spends endless hours on this garden, and it shows.

The patio is also large and covered.

There is a huge stainless steel grill in the far left corner, with smoke billowing out of it now. There are two round patio tables with six chairs around each of them in the middle of the patio, and to the far right is a seating area of two rocking loveseats.

“I could spend all day out here,” Luke murmurs and I nod.

I glance at the tables and spot two familiar, but unexpected faces and whirl around to Luke. “Your parents are here!”

He blushes a bit and shrugs. “Jules asked me if she could invite them, and I thought it would be a good idea. I want our families to get to know each other, Nat.”

“Wow.” I’m struck dumb. He never stops surprising me.

“Is it okay?”

Is it okay? I love him. His parents are lovely, and yes, I want them to know my family. Jules’ family is the only family I have.

“It’s great.” He smiles, relieved, and kisses my hand.

I lead Luke over to the tables and begin introducing him to Jules’ large family, hugging Lucy and Neil.

“It’s so good to see you, darling girl.”

Lucy holds me extra tight and I return the embrace.

“Thank you for coming. I’m happy to see you both.”

Jules’ dad abandons the grill and jogs toward me. “Come here, birthday girl!”

He sweeps me up in a big hug and twirls me around in a circle.

“You’re too thin. I’m going to fatten you up today.”

I laugh and kiss his smooth cheek.

He’s a shorter man, but solid muscle like his sons, balding on top, but he used to be blonde like his daughter. He’s one of the kindest men I’ve ever known. “I can’t wait. I’m hungry.”

“Good. Is this your man?” He turns to Luke and holds out a hand.

“Yes, this is Luke.”

“Some kind of fancy movie star, aren’t yo u? ”
Oh, God
. He’s going to give Luke a hard time. A hush falls over the patio as everyone stops talking to listen to the exchange.

I blush scarlet and start to interrupt, but Luke puts his hand on my elbow and smiles down at me before shaking Stevens hand firmly.

“No sir, I’m not fancy or a star.

Thank you for including me and my family here today.”

“Am I going to have to kill you for hurting her?” Steven keeps Luke’s hand in his own, narrowing his eyes at him, and I just want to die. Now.

Holy fucking shit.

Luke laughs. “No sir. Can I help you at the grill?”

“You know your way around a grill?”

Steven smiles and I exhale deeply.

“I do.”

“Well why didn’t you say? We’re cooking ribs and chicken.” And just like that Steven slaps Luke on the back and leads him over to the grill.

Jules’ brothers wander over to introduce themselves to Luke and offer him a beer, and the chatter resumes.

Isaac’s wife, Stacy, hugs me tight.

“Happy birthday.” She’s a petite woman with red hair and laughing blue eyes.

“Thank you. You look fantastic!

Where’s the baby.” My eyes scan the patio until I find Sophie cradled in Jules’ arms on one of the rocking love seats.

Stacy and I join her and I hold my hands out. “Baby. Mine.”

Jules laughs. “I just got her.”

“I don’t care. I’ve never held her.

Hand her over, Montgomery.”

Jules passes me little Sophie and I just melt. She is tiny, less than two weeks old. Her dark hair is long and soft and a little wild in the way baby hair is, and Stacy has put a pretty pink headband on her. She’s in a beautiful pink little dress with pink bloomers and she’s barefoot.

I run my hand down her cheek and press my lips to her forehead. She’s sleeping, oblivious to the party going on around her.

“Oh, Stacy, I’m in love with her.” I smile up at the new mother and she preens.

“She’s such a good baby.”

“She’s precious.” I look down at her again and move her so she’s resting on my chest, curled up under my chin. I rub her back and begin to rock and hum.

There is just nothing like having a newborn on you.

“You’re so sweet,” I murmur down to her.

I look up to meet Luke’s intense gaze.

He’s watching me, his look unreadable.

What’s he thinking?

I smile at him and one corner of his mouth curls up and his eyes soften.

I glance to my left and find Luke’s mom, Lucy’s gaze also trained on me thoughtfully. A slow smile spreads across her face and she winks at me.

Sophie makes a mewling sound and I look down at her. I grab her pacifier and plug it into her mouth and she sucks greedily as I run my fingertips down her soft hair.



Jules is laughing. “I asked you if you brought your camera.”

“Of course. I’m holding my newest model now. Maybe we can get some family shots after dinner?”

“Absolutely. Now give me back the baby.”


“You’re so selfish.” Jules scowls at me and Stacy laughs.

“Yes. Sophie and I are going for a walk.” I stand with her and wander down one of the paths to a shady garden.

“Aren’t the flowers pretty, Sophie?” I croon to the sleepy baby and rock her back and forth.

“You’re good with her.” Luke has joined us and I smile lazily at him.

“I love babies. I never had siblings, so I’m living vicariously through Jules.”

I shrug and kiss Sophie’s head.

He reaches out and runs the back of his finger down Sophie’s cheek and I feel my heart flip. His finger looks so big on her tiny little cheek.

“She’s sweet,” I murmur.

“You’re sweet.” He tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear and runs his thumb down my jaw before slipping his hand back in his pocket.

I gaze down at the sleeping baby and for the first time in my life I imagine that I might have this one day. A husband and a baby and when I picture it in my head, it’s this man before me by my side.

I’ve got it bad. Stop this. Get rid of the baby.

“Hey! Dinner’s ready and I want that baby back!” Jules is standing at the edge of the patio yelling toward us, and I smile at Luke.

“I’m gonna have to arm wrestle her later to get this baby back.”

Luke laughs and escorts us to the patio for dinner.


This has been the best birthday dinner of my life. The Montgomery’s have folded Luke’s family into their own seamlessly, engaging them in lively conversation




company. Neil and Lucy seem relaxed and happy, laughing with Steven and Gail, sharing stories about when their children were young.

All of the brothers; Isaac, Will, Caleb and Matt have teased Luke mercilessly about being a famous actor, asked questions about pretty actresses, and done a lot of talking about football since Will is currently playing with the Seahawks, and they’re men.

What is it about boys and football?

Luke has laughed more than I’ve ever seen him, and I’ve fallen even more in love with him while watching him with my family. He’s been attentive to me, refilling my drink, holding my hand and keeping tabs on where I am all evening.

I suspect I would have felt smothered by anyone else, but he makes me feel loved.

Because he loves me.

Baby Sophie has been passed around all evening, and is currently lying quietly in Lucy’s arms. Lucy is cooing at her.

“Aren’t grandkids the best?” Gail smiles






“We don’t have any yet, but I can’t wait.” Lucy grins at Gail and then over at Luke and he squirms in his seat.

I can’t help but laugh out loud at him.

“Do you find me funny, baby?” Luke narrows his eyes at me but I see the humor in them.

“Yes, that was funny.”

“Okay, cake time!” Jules comes out of the house carrying a beautiful chocolate cake with twenty six candles lit on it.

“You’re going to burn the house down with that, Jules.”

She smirks and sets it in front of me.

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