Come Home to Me (12 page)

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Authors: Brenda Novak

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Come Home to Me
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Her gaze shifted to the bag he was carrying. “What’s that?”

He opened it to show her the pregnancy test he’d purchased.

“Of course. I understand now.”

“What?” he asked. “What do you understand?”

“Why you’re here. Where did you get that, by the way?”

“Jackson. Don’t worry. I wasn’t stupid enough to buy it here.”

“Come on in. It won’t take long.”

“Where’s Wyatt?” he asked as she led him to the porch and pulled out her keys.

“Cheyenne’s keeping him overnight. I have my grand opening in the morning.”

“Are you excited about that?”

She pushed the door open. “A little. Nervous, too.”

“Why would you be nervous?”

“I’m afraid no one will show up,” she said as they went in. “It’s a small town, and I wasn’t exactly popular when I lived here before. I wasn’t even considered

“You’ve always been a nice person. You were just confused.”

“No one cares about the reasons.” She closed the door with a bang. “But Riley said he’d bring some people, and Cheyenne asked Eve and some others to come, so...maybe there’ll be a decent turnout.”

Riley was certainly doing all he could to win her over. Aaron had never disliked the guy before, but that was beginning to change.

“I just hope I get some real clients out of it.” She gestured at the sofa. “Would you like to sit down?”

He shook his head. “You’re afraid there might not be a market here for yoga and massage?”

“That’s a very real possibility.”

“You could’ve gone to a big city. What made you come here?”

“I wanted to be close to Chey and Dylan, wanted Wyatt to have some family around. And I figured, if I worked hard enough, I should be able to establish
. This place is the closest thing I have to home.”

“It’ll work out.” At least, he hoped it would. She deserved it.

“You’re probably right,” she said. “I’m just feeling a little jittery, since I’ve sunk everything into a business that involves so much risk.”

He could understand why she might be nervous. She’d never had much of anything go her way. He wanted to support her grand opening, too, but he wasn’t sure whether or not to offer. He doubted she’d want him there. Besides, Riley had beaten him to making the commitment, so it would just seem like he was trying to compete.

“You’re good. The massage you gave me was incredible.”

She blanched. “That’s not the kind of massage I’ll be giving everyone.”

“I wasn’t suggesting that. I only wanted to reassure you. I hate...” He let his words trail off when he couldn’t decide how to say what he wanted to say.

“What?” She tossed her keys on the coffee table and looked up.

He hated that she regretted being with him. But she was so convinced that he didn’t care about her, she wouldn’t take him seriously even if he said he did.

“Never mind.”

She didn’t press him. She actually seemed relieved that he’d backed off. “Okay. I’ll be right out,” she said, and disappeared into the bathroom with the sack.

* * *

Presley’s hands shook as she removed the pregnancy test from its box. She already had one child by Aaron. What would she do if she was pregnant with another? And how would
react? It certainly wasn’t a secret she’d try to keep a second time. If she was pregnant, he was going to hear about it. But after having Wyatt, she knew she could never get an abortion. It just wasn’t an option for her. Which meant she might wind up raising
children alone....

“This is what happens when you screw up,” she breathed. “It’s your own fault. You
better.” She
to keep chastising herself; otherwise, the desire to be with Aaron again would take control. The second she’d seen him sitting in his truck she’d forgotten all about her date with Riley, all about everything, except him.
. For her, the pleasure he could provide went far beyond the physical. And since Cheyenne had kept Wyatt, the whole night stretched before her without any of the responsibilities of motherhood. That made her even more vulnerable.

“Did you say something?” Aaron’s voice came through the door.


“Well? What’s the verdict?”

“Sorry. Working up the nerve.”

There was a brief silence. Then he said, “I won’t leave you to face the consequences alone—if there are any. Maybe that’ll make it a

That was a nice thing to say, but what
did it mean? He’d pay for an abortion? Drive her to the clinic? How would he respond when she told him she wouldn’t get one?

“Thanks,” she said dully. She had no real hope of his support. Not the kind she wanted, anyway.

Gathering her courage, she read the information included with the kit so she’d know what she was doing.

The test strip would read the levels of hCG, the pregnancy hormone, in her urine. It could detect a rise in these levels as early as six days from fertilization. She’d been with Aaron last Monday, which meant it hadn’t been quite that long.

Maybe she’d be smart to wait another few days.

“You done yet?” he asked.

He was nervous, too, of course—and impatient to alleviate his concern. So she decided to go ahead. Her period was due any day. If it didn’t come as expected, she’d buy another test in a week or so—and if it turned out to be positive, she’d just have to tell him later.

“Takes three minutes,” she said.

“Are you timing it? Or should I?”

“I will.”

“I could use the stopwatch on my phone. there any chance I could come in?”

“No.” Absolutely not. She certainly didn’t plan on keeping the truth from him, but she felt vulnerable enough.

“Why? I’ve seen every inch of you, touched every inch. So what’s with the sudden modesty?”

“It’s not sudden,” she told him. “It’s taken two years.” Besides, she wanted to be the first to see the results. If the answer was yes, she’d need a moment to recover.

“Hurry up, then.”

After she performed the test, she set the plastic tray on the sink and held her breath while she waited. It would turn pink if it was positive, blue if it wasn’t.

Was that pink she detected?

“It’s time,” Aaron announced, startling her.

Her phone indicated the same thing. She bent closer, staring at the results.

Blue. Thank God. Sinking onto the toilet, she let her breath go. “You don’t have anything to worry about,” she called out. If the test could be trusted. “According to this, I’m not pregnant.”

He didn’t respond right away, but she imagined he was out there thanking God as much as she was.

She threw everything away, washed her hands and opened the door to find him waiting in the hallway.

“That was a close one,” he said.

“Too close.”

“Are you relieved?”

“Aren’t you?”

He looked chagrined. “Sorry for the scare. I can’t tell you what I did wrong—if anything.”

“That sort of thing happens sometimes.”

Silence fell as they stared at each other. Aaron was the first to break it. “So...I guess I’d better go.”

“Okay,” she said as he straightened. “Thanks for buying the test.”

“No problem.”

She expected him to cross to the door, but he didn’t.

“They had this big makeup case at the drugstore,” he told her, turning back. “I almost bought one.”

“You want makeup?”

He came close enough that she could smell his cologne. “Of course not. I thought
might like it. It has all these layers and tons of stuff inside. With a mirror.”

“Sounds interesting. I’ll have to check it out.” Or not. She wouldn’t have the money for something like that for quite a while.

“I’ll pick one up next time.”

“That’s okay. Don’t get it for me.”

“It looked like the sort of thing a girl could use.”

“There’s always Cheyenne.”

He scowled at her. “Dylan can get one for Cheyenne. I’m trying to be nice.”

“You don’t need to be,” she said. “I can’t return the favor.”

“Why the hell not? You’re being pretty damn nice to Riley.”

She braced one hand against the wall. “Riley’s different.”

“In what way?”

“We have no business talking about this.”

“You’re right. Good night.”

She thought she’d said good night in exchange, so she had no idea why he didn’t leave. Or how, a split second later, she came to be plastered against him, kissing him openmouthed and wet, as if she needed his tongue more than oxygen. One second he was walking away from her; the next an invisible force took hold—and it didn’t seem to be her fault any more than his. The sudden kiss

“We can’t do this,” she gasped as his lips moved down her neck.

“Okay,” he said, but neither one of them stopped. If anything, the intensity grew. Soon, he was suckling her breast while his hand worked pure Aaron magic between her legs.

Presley wanted him so badly,
badly to stop. She clung to his broad shoulders, instinctively thrusting in response to what he was doing with his fingers.

Why was he so different from every other man?
couldn’t she resist him?

She couldn’t concentrate long enough to answer those questions. She was already charging down the road that led where she wanted to go. But she forced herself to stop responding, to stop
and caught his face between her hands. “Are you going home? You
to go home.”

Suddenly, he withdrew, leaving her blouse open and her clothes disheveled. “Is that what you

Anger glittered in his eyes. He didn’t like the mixed signals he’d been getting, the confusion, the frustration, the disappointment–and then the surprise of her giving in. But she wasn’t any happier with the situation. She was involved in such a battle. Sometimes she gained ground; sometimes she lost it.

“Okay. You can stay. But it’s only for tonight,” she told him. “You have birth control?”

“I do. Plenty. And they’re brand-new. Not like that old piece of shit I used the last time.”

“Fine. Then we’ve got tonight. That’s all. And you can’t act possessive afterward or tell
especially Dylan.”

He hesitated, seemingly torn. It wasn’t like Aaron to accept less than everything he wanted. He didn’t like that she wasn’t allowing him back in her life with all the rights, access and privileges he’d had before, didn’t like that she wasn’t letting him call the shots.

She could sense his resistance, his inclination just to walk out.

Part of her prayed he would. She needed him to remove the temptation he posed. But he seemed to be entangled in the same ropes of desire that held her fast, which was a surprise. Why didn’t he head over to Sexy Sadie’s and pick up some other girl?

“If you want me to be your dirty little secret, you’d better make it worth my while,” he growled, and the next thing she knew, he was carrying her into the bedroom.


y morning, Aaron was so exhausted he could hardly move. He’d never made love so many times, and so rigorously, in a single night. He and Presley had both wanted to get their fill of each other so they could move on.

He hoped they’d accomplished that. He didn’t want to be responsible if she regressed; for one thing Dylan and Cheyenne would blame him. Neither did he want her to become as infatuated with him as she’d been before, because he couldn’t bear the thought of hurting her. He’d felt bad for two years, thanks to his behavior the night her mother died.

Even with all his good intentions, it was going to be tough to let her go. The way she put her whole heart and soul into her lovemaking created an experience that was more powerful, more erotic and far more memorable than those he’d known with other women.

“Please tell me that isn’t the sun,” she mumbled, rousing enough to speak but not enough to open her eyes.

He stroked her breast, admiring the sheer beauty of it. The recent improvements to her body were dramatic. But her breasts were the same, and he was glad of that. He’d always liked them just as they were. “’Fraid so.”

Her head popped up. “What time is it?”

The frantic note in her voice made him chuckle. “Relax. It’s early yet, barely six.”

“I have my grand opening today.”

“When do you have to be there?”

“It starts at ten, but I have a lot to do before then.”

The thought of Riley waiting eagerly for her doors to open threatened to ruin what was otherwise a great morning. “I hope you have a huge crowd.”

“So do I.” She scrambled out of bed without touching him.

“Where are you going so fast?” he asked.

“I’ve got to get showered.”

“I told you—it’s barely six.”

“And I told
I have a lot to do.”

“But you haven’t had any sleep, other than thirty minutes here or there. Come back for an hour’s nap.”

“I can’t. I need to make cookies and punch, and I have to print flyers.”

“I’ll help,” he volunteered. “Just pull up the file on your computer.”

“That’s okay.”

“Or I could start with the cookies. But having me bake probably isn’t a wise choice. Not if you want them to taste right.”

“I can manage. You’re completely off the hook.”

She could’ve taken a moment to consider his offer.... “You mean I’ve done my job.”

“At least you did it well,” she said with a smile.

Despite that smile, he couldn’t tell if she was joking and had the uncomfortable feeling she wasn’t. “So you’re sending me off without breakfast?” He was hoping to lure her back, for a goodbye if nothing else. It was over too soon. There’d been no denouement, just a series of intense climaxes.

But she didn’t return to him; she hurried into the bathroom. “You can have breakfast if you want to make it yourself.”

Aaron remained on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. He’d gotten what he wanted last night; theoretically, he should be satisfied. He
been satisfied a second ago. But her dismissal, which seemed a little too pat, had ruined the afterglow. So did picturing Riley at her studio, waiting to prove his admiration and loyalty by bringing in a herd of his friends.

“Why don’t I drive over to Nature’s Way and buy a bunch of cookies?” he asked. Hopefully, Riley wasn’t already doing

Her voice came to him above the sound of the shower. “I can’t afford it.”

“I’ll pay.”

“There’s no need.”

“You don’t want my help? Why not? We’re friends. We used to be, at any rate,” he added. Since she’d moved back, he wasn’t sure.

“Do you usually get up at the crack of dawn on Saturday and rush to the grocery store for your friends?”

“No, but none of my other friends has ever asked me.”

“I’m fine. Really,” she insisted. “Anyway, it’s probably better if no one sees you at the store this early, especially with cookies that later show up at my grand opening.”

He punched his pillow. “That’s a guilty conscience talking.”

She didn’t reply.

“So you want me to leave?”

When he heard nothing but the water running, he assumed she wasn’t going to answer him. But then she said, “I’m sure you have a busy day ahead.”

That was essentially a yes.

Put out that she could go cold so quickly, he got up and jerked on his clothes. “Thanks for last night,” he muttered and dug his keys out of his pocket.

She met him at the door, wearing only a robe. “Before you go, I just...I want to tell you how much I hope everything works out for you and...and that you’ll always be happy.”

The bright flash of optimism he’d felt when she stopped him winked out. She’d told him there was no “in between” for her; they couldn’t be the kind of friends who hung out together. But what prevented them from being sociable when they bumped into each other?
Hello, how are you?
—that sort of thing. He liked her. He didn’t want to lose her completely.

“Until I move to Reno, we’ll still be living in the same town, Presley. Are you seriously planning to avoid me altogether?”

She hesitated as if she wanted to say yes but didn’t have the heart to sound so unforgiving. “How much longer will you be here?”

“I can’t say for sure. But that’s fine. We don’t need to have any contact if you don’t want it.”

To his surprise, she didn’t backpedal. She nodded solemnly. “Okay.”

After how hot she’d been for him mere hours ago? She’d nearly ripped off his clothes.

He was tempted to pull her toward him, to remind her what it was like when they touched. But he saw how rigidly she was standing there, holding her old robe closed, so he didn’t. However misguided he’d been last night, he’d agreed to this.

“Goodbye, Aaron.”

“There’s no guarantee Riley will marry you,” he blurted out. “You could be giving up months of great sex and a hell of a lot of fun—we always have fun, right?—for nothing.”

She raised her chin in defiance. “The best way to guarantee I end up with nothing is to keep on sleeping with you.”

He felt his jaw drop. “You want

“Maybe I do and maybe I don’t,” she replied. “But I’d be a fool to lose such a great prospect just because I can’t keep my hands off someone else.”


“Off you.”

“God, you make me crazy,” he said, and marched out.

* * *

Presley let her head fall against the door frame. Sex with Aaron had been more spectacular than she ever could have hoped. There was no feeling to compare with being head over heels in love. It was a far more intense high than any drug could provide. To enhance the experience, last night there’d been a new element: she’d felt powerful. Maybe she had power with Aaron only in the bedroom, but even that was unusual and somewhat liberating. She’d always been so eager for his attention, for his touch. There were isolated incidents when she’d gotten the impression that he’d made love to her just because she wanted him to. She’d felt those incidents had become more frequent shortly before she left town. But, like last Monday, the balance of desire hadn’t been quite so uneven during this encounter. He’d wanted her every bit as much as she’d wanted him.

Regardless, their time together was over, and she refused to dwell on it. She had her future mapped out. Whether or not she ever found a man to share it with wasn’t going to be something on which she hung her happiness. She had Wyatt and Cheyenne and Dylan in her life. She had her hopes and her dreams. And she now had a way to make them come true. She couldn’t allow herself to be enslaved by craving the wrong man, especially when she’d done everything she could to assuage that craving last night—and found she was no better off than before. She had to move on and put him behind her.

Steam drifted into the living room. She was wasting hot water. Briefly squeezing her eyes closed, she took a deep breath, focused on the day ahead and hurried to get ready. She needed the opening to go smoothly.

Cheyenne called her once she had the cookies in the oven and was applying her makeup. “You all set?” her sister asked.

“Almost.” She widened her eyes so she could finish her mascara while they talked. “How’s Wyatt? Is he up? I would’ve called as soon as I rolled out of bed, but I didn’t want to wake you before he did.”

“He started jabbering a few minutes ago. So I took him into the living room, and now we’re having scrambled eggs.”

“I can’t thank you enough for keeping him overnight.” She paused to throw a frown at her reflection.
And look what you did with that time!

“He just slept,” Cheyenne said with a shrug in her voice.

Not quite. Presley knew he’d gotten Cheyenne up earlier than she normally would’ve climbed out of bed—and
spent the night with Aaron. Her sister wouldn’t be happy to learn her sacrifice had made that possible. The fact that she’d, once again, broken her resolve not to get involved with him had Presley feeling she’d taken advantage of that kindness. “You’re too good to me.”

“You’d do the same for me. Are you excited about the grand opening?”

“More nervous than excited.”

“I’m bringing a platter of sandwich rolls, and Eve’s bringing her crab dip, so don’t worry about having enough food.”

“I was only doing cookies.”

“This will give people something to do while they wait for their sample massages.”

Presley began to apply mascara to her other eye. “Thanks. That’s really nice of both of you.”

“Did you get the new flyers printed?”

“I’m doing that next. One side will have my massage specials and the other my yoga schedule. I’ll also have a sign-up sheet so I can schedule appointments right there.”

“When will you be going over to set up?”

“In half an hour or so.”

“Should I come and help?”

“Maybe after Dylan goes to work. There’s no rush.”

“Okay. I’ll see you there.”

As Presley finished the call, she received a text from Riley.

I had a great time last night. Thanks for the date, and good luck today. See you soon.

Her heart sank as she read it. She couldn’t continue dating him, not after sleeping with Aaron. She didn’t feel it was fair to Riley that she was still so fixated on her old sex partner.

Should she call him and tell him?

Not now, she decided. She had enough to worry about for one day. But she hated the thought that he was going to so much effort to bring her customers when things weren’t quite as straightforward between them as he assumed.

With a quick, worried glance at the clock, she texted him back.

You don’t have to come if it’s inconvenient.

You kidding? No way would I miss a free massage.

She was tempted to say more but changed her mind. She’d just keep him and every other man at arm’s length until Aaron was gone from Whiskey Creek and she could think clearly again.

OK. See you there.

* * *

When Dylan gave Grady, Rod and Mack some time off work to go over and support Presley’s grand opening, he did it in such a way that Aaron knew he wasn’t meant to hear. Dylan lowered his voice, said whatever he said and moved on. Then his brothers disappeared for an hour or so.

Aaron told himself he didn’t care that they’d gone without him, even though appearing as part of the group would’ve been the most natural way for him to show up. If he went over now, he’d have to do it on his own.

But he couldn’t help wondering what was going on. Was Presley getting the results she’d worked for? Were there lots of people enjoying the cookies and the massages—and scheduling future appointments or signing up for classes?

He didn’t like to think of her sitting over there, mostly alone, worrying. She’d worked so hard to graduate from massage school, get moved and set up shop; this should be a triumphant day, a day of hope.

Finally succumbing to his curiosity and concern, he told Dylan he was taking off for lunch and drove over there.

As he parked, he saw a small crowd gathered inside her studio, and felt immediate relief. She had to be thrilled.

Since she obviously didn’t need him, he nearly left. But then he saw Riley pull up.

“Shit,” he muttered.

left—if only Riley hadn’t grinned and waved.

* * *

Presley’s lack of sleep began to take its toll sooner than she’d expected it to. So much for getting enough rest last night. She’d done the opposite. But she wasn’t about to let her fatigue show. Cheyenne had come to the studio but already taken Wyatt home for a nap, so he was no longer fussing for her attention. And she had plenty of potential customers, probably the biggest group since she’d opened at ten. She had to make the most of this opportunity, needed to convert as many of them to paying clients as possible. So she smiled and explained what she had to offer—the benefits of yoga and massage—to everyone who walked in. They helped themselves to the food and punch as she massaged people in a steady stream.

Everything was going well. She could hardly believe her good fortune. Until Aaron arrived. Despite being focused on work, she spotted him the moment he strolled in, but he didn’t speak to her. He took a cup of punch and a handful of cookies, then lounged on a chair in line. Clearly he planned to get his own free massage.

Presley wasn’t looking forward to rubbing his back in front of a roomful of spectators. She was afraid that anyone who was really paying attention would be able to guess her feelings. But she didn’t dread Aaron’s impending massage as much as Riley’s. Touching Riley under Aaron’s watchful eye would be awkward, to say the least.

Maybe Aaron would tire of waiting and leave before she could get to Riley, she thought. As promised, Riley had brought several friends—Kyle among them. They were seated ahead of both Riley and Aaron. But as she worked her way down the line, Aaron didn’t leave, as she hoped. She could feel his hazel eyes drilling into her as Riley removed his shirt and climbed onto her table.

Unable to stop herself, she glanced over. She was expecting Aaron to grin or do something else to tip her off that he was enjoying her discomfort. That had to be why he’d come—to rattle her cage. But he didn’t smile. He seemed to be on edge throughout the massage, especially when it was over and Riley signed up for twenty future appointments.

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