Coming Home (Homeward Bound Series Book 1) (23 page)

BOOK: Coming Home (Homeward Bound Series Book 1)
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Chapter 41





I was starving but I knew better than to get my hopes up about the quality of food we’d be served tonight. Club food was routinely terrible. Watery gravy, overcooked dry roast meat, and cold vegetables, so when the plate was put down in front of me I’ll admit I was pleasantly surprised. I received a hunk of steak smothered in a thick mushroom sauce with steamed carrots and asparagus. With alternate service, my mouth watered when the plate was put in front of Spencer. I knew I wanted his meal instead; a roasted chicken breast with sweet potato mash and steamed green beans.

“Hey Spencer…” I cooed sweetly.

“Oh-oh. I know that tone.” Derek laughed as he took a huge bite of his steak.

“What’s up, Pippi?”

“What’s the chance you’d want to give me the chicken?”

“You want my chicken?”

Fluttering my eyelids dramatically, I looked up at Spencer. “Please.”

Mischief was written all over his face. Beside him, Derek chuckled deeply, nudging him in the ribs. “What’s in it for me?”

Two could play at this game. Leaning over, I whispered in his ear before sitting and watching with amusement as he turned beet red. Without another word, he switched our plates, shook his head, and cut into the steak.

Turning my attention to the chicken in front of me, I cut off a sliver and popped it in my mouth. It was perfect. Tender and moist. It was delicious. So much so that I didn’t know where the moan came from that fell from my lips.

“That brings back memories,” a sickening whiskey-drenched voice breathed into my face.

There was something sinister and familiar about the voice. And the stench.

Too afraid to move or look over my shoulder, I dropped my knife and fork to the plate with a clatter. With shaky fingers I reached out for my water glass and took a long swallow.

“Shit, Zoe, you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” Derek’s voice echoed in my head but his words didn’t break through the haze.

In that moment I didn’t know what was wrong with me. My whole body was tingling and every hair was standing on end. Even the smell of the chicken in front of me made me nauseous. Something was not okay. I was not okay.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Spencer spin in his chair and address the drunken intruder. “Kane, you’re smashed. Again. Get out of here and sober up,” he said sadly, nudging his brother away before turning back to me. “Zoe, you okay? You’re scaring me.”

I was beyond help. I could feel every nerve ending standing on end. I was sweating profusely. Grabbing at the hem of my dress, I tried to pull it down as far as I could. I didn’t want even an inch of skin exposed.

“Fuck, Zoe! Talk to me. Please. What’s wrong?” I could hear Spencer’s voice but it sounded muffled. Everything did. “Derek, help me.”

When someone’s hands landed on my forearm, I couldn’t contain the sound that burst forth. I screamed bloody murder.

A deep, maniacal laugh boomed from behind me and I knew. I’d heard it before. I knew exactly where I’d heard it.

“It’s him,” I said. In my head it sounded like I’d screamed the words.

The snicker came again. “She didn’t scream like that when it was my hands on her, big brother!”









Chapter 42





It took a moment for reality to sink in. Even though I’d heard it direct from his own mouth, part of me couldn’t believe it. I didn’t want to. Fuck! He was my baby brother. My twin brother. I was overcome by the sinking feeling that he was the monster that haunted Zoe’s dreams. He was the monster that had broken my girl then abandoned her, battered and bleeding. He was the monster responsible for destroying her forever.

“Kane,” I growled under my breath.

I looked over at Zoe and didn’t even recognise her. She was a mess. Shaking and pale. She looked as though she’d pass out or vomit or both any minute. And I knew. I knew but I didn’t want it to be true. How could it be? How could he do something like that? One look at Zoe and I had no doubt.

“What’s the matter, big brother? Embarrassed that she squealed like a stuffed pig and clawed at my chest like a tiger when she was wiggling about beneath me? She needed a real man and she got it. Your precious Pippi loved every minute of it,” Kane slurred.

Being that drunk didn’t make him smart. Fuck, if he was the prick responsible he was the dumbest fuck around. A fury consumed me that I’d never felt before. I wanted to end him. I wanted to hurt him and leave him permanently scarred. Pushing back from the table in one movement, my chair went crashing into another table, causing all attention to focus on the two of us.

Standing before me was a man I didn’t recognise. If I was being honest, something hadn’t been right with Kane for a couple of months now. He’d been oddly distant. Drinking more. Partying harder. Once or twice I’d even been convinced he was tripping on something, but I’d dismissed it. I didn’t want to think of him as a junkie. He was my brother. Now though, now things were different. He’d basically just confessed to being a rapist. A guy who thought it was okay to treat women like a punching bag. And not just any woman. Zoe. Pippi. My Princess.

With my hands clenched in tight fists at my side, I eyed him. He was a mess. He was drunk and dirty and God knows what else. His suit jacket was ripped and his shirt missing a few buttons. He looked as though he’d already gone a few rounds. He wasn’t going to walk out of here―not without going another couple.

“What. Did. You. Say?” I growled through gritted teeth.

My jaw was set firmly, ready to take the hit if he managed to land one. I hoped like fuck he wouldn’t.

“What’s wrong, Spence?” Kane yelled dramatically waving his arms around above his head. I didn’t need to look to know that every set of eyes was now firmly fixed on our show down. “Don’t you want everyone to know what sort of hot piece of ass you’ve got warming your sheets? I mean, fuck, it took you long enough.”

I’d heard enough. I threw the first punch, and when my fist collided with his jaw, I felt no remorse.

“Spencer, stop!” Mum’s voice cried from across the room.

“Stay out of this, Mum,” Kane warned as he steadied.

“Before I beat the living shit out of you, I’ve got to ask. Why? Why the fuck would you do that? How could you?” I spat angrily.

The truth was I didn’t care what the answer was, I was still going to pummel his ass, but I had to ask. I needed to know what possessed him to do something so totally unforgivable.

“You really want to know?”

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak, but my fists clenched so hard that my knuckles were turning white under the strain.

“’Cause I could. She was there. And when I figured out who it was, Zoe, your precious Zoe. Princess Pippi who could never do anything wrong―I had to. She deserved it. Fuck that, Spencer―you deserved it. You were always so fucking high and mighty, it felt fucking fantastic to watch you fall,” Kane recounted with a sinister smile.

I couldn’t hold back longer if I’d tried. Gasps of shock echoed around me but I couldn’t place them. It was on. If that wasn’t the most fucked reason I’d ever heard I don’t know what could ever top it.

Kane launched at me, wildly flailing about. He landed a few good blows to my stomach and ribs. I knew I’d be sore in the morning but I didn’t have time to worry about that. Tossing him off me like he was nothing, I watched as he landed with a thump amongst the chairs, his head bouncing off the wood.

With Kane temporarily out of the way, I turned back to Zoe. She was still shaking. Pulling her into my arms, I hugged her tightly. Probably too tight. She gasped under the pressure but I couldn’t pull away. Tears were streaming down her face, leaving a sticky trail in their wake. Her makeup was ruined and so was her night.

“It’s okay, Princess. He won’t hurt you ever again,” I promised.

I didn’t see the movement behind me but Zoe did. I didn’t know why she reacted the way she did. Instead of cowering behind me, she stepped out and confronted Kane. Head on.

“You’re a sick bastard, Kane. You deserve to rot in jail for what you did,” she snarled before spitting in his face. It was the most disgusting and courageous thing I’d ever seen in my life. I was damn proud of my girl.

But Kane was a mean, cruel bastard. Instead of taking it like a man, he wiped the spit away with the back of his hand before backhanding Zoe across the cheek. As she went flying I tracked her with my eyes. I heard the room gasp, but I didn’t care. With the adrenaline pumping wildly, I ran straight for him, catching him in the stomach with my shoulder, sending us both careening across the room, knocking into people as we went. I heard a few squeals and grunts as we landed, but I didn’t care. Nothing could make me care right now.

Thankfully, I’d landed on top and stumbled to my feet quickly. When Kane made it halfway to his feet, I looked at my brother. His bloodshot eyes were empty. Pulling my arm back, I let go and landed a punch to his face, which sent blood spurting from his nose. As he grabbed for his face, I turned away, disgusted. I couldn’t look at what he’d become.

I went over to Zoe, where she lay in a crumpled heap on the floor. The few people who’d rushed to her aid, including Mum, looked up at me. My heart broke. It broke for Zoe, who was once again broken, battered, and bleeding. And it broke for my mother. What she’d just witnessed no mother should ever see. What she’d heard Kane confess, a mother should never hear. I knew it would break her heart and haunt her forever. I couldn’t deal with that now. Zoe needed me. Again.

“Princess, are you okay?” I puffed. I hadn’t realised how much throwing punches could take out of you.

“Sp-en-cer,” she gasped as blood trickled over her lips.

Fuck me dead she was in a bad way. Kane had almost destroyed her again.

With trembling fingers, I reached for her. When I saw they were covered in blood, one of the ladies at Zoe’s side handed me a napkin. “You’ll be fine. I love you and I promise, no one will ever hurt you again.”

As the words left my lips, Zoe’s eyes went wide and all the colour drained from her face.










Chapter 43





Spencer was beside me, promising me the world when Kane stepped up behind him and punched him in the back of the head.

He’d never seen it coming.

When he slumped forward into my lap, I screamed and I couldn’t stop. His eyes were wide open and unblinking. Within seconds they were glassy and my heart died. I wanted to die.

As chaos ensued around us, I knew Spencer was gone.

I didn’t need a doctor to tell me.

I knew.

I felt it.

My heart felt it.

I didn’t move.

I couldn’t.

It took all of my strength to raise my eyes and watch as Derek tackled Kane to the ground and slapped the handcuffs on him. Once he was secure, Derek looked over at me sadly.

“Zoe…” His voice was broken.

Everything was broken.

Everyone was.

I don’t know what happened after that. When I woke up I was back where it all started. Lying in a hospital bed, a needle in my arm, and a harsh white light blinding me. My hand was wrapped in warm fingers. Forcing my eyes to focus, I saw Derek by my bedside.

“I’m so sorry, Zoe. I never imagined…” his voice trailed away as the tears flowed.

I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. It didn’t really matter. Nothing did. I mean, what could I say anyway? Spencer was gone. And Kane was a monster. Things couldn’t get any worse.









Chapter 44





It had been three months since that rainy day when we’d lowered Spencer’s casket into the ground. It was a day I’ll never forget. A day that will haunt me forever. The whole town was there, dressed in their best. I’d been asked to be a pallbearer but I had something more important to do. I knew Spencer would understand. I had to get Zoe there.

She was a mess. For weeks afterward, she didn’t leave Spencer’s house. She sat around all day in his clothes, sobbing or staring at the walls. Every time I saw her I tried to get through to her, but nothing helped. I brought her food and force fed her at first. Little by little, she started to come back to life.

With Kane in jail with no chance of bail, Zoe had been left their construction company. As quickly as the ink had dried on her signature, she shut it down. When I’d asked her why, she just looked at me blankly and said she could have no association with something that Kane built. I understood but it felt like I was losing another part of them. Maybe the only part I had left.

At night Zoe screamed. Every damn night. After the second week of her hermit status I’d moved in. I packed up Kane’s room, tossed out his bedding, repainted the walls, and removed all trace of him before making the room my own. At first it was only temporary. Just until Zoe found her feet. As the days passed, she didn’t get better.

As much as I loved home, it didn’t feel like it anymore. Too much had happened. Too much bad shit had gone down. So one non-descript Tuesday morning, as Zoe forced down a cup of tea and half a slice of dry toast, I’d broached the subject. “Zoe, I think it’s time we get out of here.”


“I can’t do this anymore. You can’t do this anymore. We need to leave. Let’s go to Melbourne. Start again.”

The moment the words were out, Zoe had a panic attack. A full blown, desperate for air, hyperventilating panic attack. As I helped her through it, the decision was made. She wasn’t getting a choice. We were getting the fuck out of here. Jenna was already gone, unable to stand the sights and the weird looks, and the hushed whispers everywhere she went. Now it was time to get Zoe out before she got worse―if that was at all possible.

Once she was breathing normally, I handed her a bottle of water and wrapped my arm around her. At first she jumped at my touch, but day by day she was getting used to me being around. No one else had been able to get within arm’s length of her, but I could. For some reason, she let me in. Although I had no idea why, I wasn’t about to question it either.

“Do you still have your place in the city?” I asked.

With wide, vacant eyes, she nodded.

“Okay then. We’ll leave on Friday. Something’s got to change, Zoe. I can’t do it anymore. It’s just too fucking hard. I need a change.” And the truth was, I did.

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