Coming to Colorado (18 page)

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Authors: Sara York

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“More than okay, you being here is amazing. I don’t know what I would have done without you.”

“This is crazy, and I want to talk, but I need to think first. And I’m just plain exhausted.”

“Sleep, babe, we can talk in the morning.” Davis kissed Ryan’s forehead and rolled to get up.

“Where are you going?” Ryan clutched Davis’s arm.

“I need to turn off the lights, lock the bedroom door, and go to the bathroom. When you wake in the morning, make sure to get me up.”

“Okay. Good night, Davis.”

Davis put one knee on the bed and bent over Ryan, brushing a gentle kiss over his lips. “And if you wake up in the middle of the night with a hard on, I want you to put it to good use.”

Ryan chuckled and ran his hand over Davis’s chest. “Trust me, I will.”

Davis switched off the main light and stood in the bathroom doorway, watching Ryan get comfortable in the bed. He did trust Ryan, and that was weird. Usually, it took him a while to get to the trusting part. Actually, he didn’t think he’d ever trusted another man before, not like he trusted Ryan. He shook his head and closed the bathroom door, letting Ryan go to sleep.

After taking a piss he moved to stand in front of the sink and stared at himself in the mirror. Was he making a mistake? He needed to call his handler, but what if he decided not to go back into the business? Right now, his future was up in the air, his path uncertain. Duff and these men had thrown him for a loop, and then there was Ryan. What the fuck had happened there? How could he be so in tune with the guy and not really know him? Tonight, when he’d been in bed with Ryan, it felt like making love, not just sex. He knew sex because that’s all he’d ever had, and what had just happened went beyond sex and into something totally unknown to him. It was as foreign as the moon’s surface.

Maybe living at this place, this ranch with Ryan, would be best for both of them. He didn’t know what he’d do if Ryan decided to leave. Never before had he ever considered putting another person ahead of his work, but with Ryan it was different, and he sure as hell didn’t want to ever lose the guy.




Chapter Twenty


Ryan woke to the soft snores right beside him. He blinked and adjusted, rolling over just enough to see Davis’s face. He smiled to himself, remembering how Davis had been with him the night before. It had been very romantic and special as Davis had gently taken him, possessing him fully. It really was unlike anything he’d experienced before. Usually, it was fucking and everyone involved knew it meant nothing. But Davis had touched him deeply, and he was afraid of what that meant.

He climbed out of bed and headed to the bathroom, trying to be quiet and not wake Davis because he planned on climbing back into bed and falling asleep with the guy, snuggling close. Mid piss, the door opened and Davis walked in.

“You didn’t wake me.”

Ryan finished and turned to stare at his new lover. His eyes raked down Davis’s torso to his dick and balls. His own cock started to grow, lengthening.

“I was planning on coming back out there and getting into bed with you.”

“Mmm.” Davis moved to the toilet, and Ryan stepped out of his way.

He looked under the sink and found some mouthwash which he took advantage of. After he spit into the sink, he leaned against the wall, watching Davis move. The man was beautiful, his body amazing. Ryan drew in a slow breath and began stroking his own cock.

Davis rinsed out his mouth then turned to stare at Ryan. “What are you thinking?”

“That fucking you this morning would be a good idea.”

“That’s obvious, but about this place—what are your thoughts? We need to talk before they come back.”

“We? Sounds like...” Ryan shook his head.

Davis grabbed his own chin and scratched the stubble on his jaw. “Let me ask you this, if I stay, will you?”

“This place is all sorts of freaky weird, but I’m intrigued. I want more answers, but I think I want to stay. And you being here, it’s more than just a bonus, it’s what I want. I want you here with me.” Ryan pushed off the wall and moved to stand in front of Davis.

“So if I left, what would you do?”

Ryan could tell Davis was holding his breath, his brows were pinched together, the worry obvious. He’d had boyfriends and a few girlfriends, but never had he ever been this serious before. It scared him that he didn’t really know Davis, but they had a connection he couldn’t deny.

“Babe.” Ryan reached up and touched Davis’s chest, resting his palm in the center, right over Davis’s heart. “I want to be with you. It makes no sense, and maybe after a few weeks we’ll figure out that we aren’t working and one of us will back off, but I don’t think that’s what’s going to happen.”

Davis nodded as he lifted his hands, placing them on Ryan’s hips, tugging him close. Their dicks brushed against each other and they both moaned. Davis’s hands tightened on his waist.

“You’re so freaking sexy,” Davis groaned.

“In the morning, when they come in to get us, we ask a ton of questions, but we make sure they understand we’re together,” Ryan said.

“About that, my dad doesn’t know I’m gay.”

“Oh shit, is that going to be a problem?”

“I don’t know. I’m not willing to give you up just to please him. He’s from a different time though, a different era. He may be disgusted that we’re lovers. Let’s be wise when we tell him. These guys are strong and dangerous.”

“I think Roger’s gay,” Ryan said.

“Yeah, I thought the same thing, but that doesn’t mean anyone else is. We don’t know them.”

“No we don’t.” Ryan slid his nose over Davis’s neck. “But I know you, and I know I want you.”

Davis’s body shook and he threw his head back, letting Ryan have access to his neck. He kissed a trail up to Davis’s ear then down over his shoulder to his pec. He slid his tongue out and over Davis’s nipple, taking a long, slow lick.

“Oh damn, that’s good,” Davis groaned.

Ryan smiled against Davis’s skin and laughed. “I think we’re going to have a bit of fun together.”

“What ever gave you that idea?” Davis asked as he reached for Ryan’s cock. “You feel very good in my hand.”

“I’ll feel even better in your ass. Let’s go back to the bedroom, I want you now.”

Ryan followed behind Davis, liking the view he had of the man’s muscular backside. They tumbled into bed, Ryan ending up on bottom. Davis rolled a condom onto Ryan’s dick and lubed him up before straddling him.

“You okay with this?” Davis asked.

“Fuck yeah. You above me, sinking down on me is totally a turn on.”

Ryan held Davis’s waist, supporting him as he lined up and lowered down on his dick. Ryan ground his teeth together and arched up slowly, trying not to slam his hips into Davis, though that’s what he wanted to do. Davis threw back his head and moaned as he lowered all the way. It was erotic and sensual, and Ryan felt like he’d struck gold. How the hell had he gotten this lucky?

Davis rode him well, giving Ryan not only a good fucking, but a show too. He wasn’t going to last long. The need to go at his own pace slammed him. Ryan reached up and tugged Davis down on top of him, wrapping his arms tight around the man.

“Hold on tight, I’m going to flip us over.”

Davis helped him roll and then he was on top. He pushed himself up, hanging over the guy. Sweat covered Davis’s chest and brow. He’d been working hard, and Ryan wanted to show his appreciation. He hooked one arm under Davis’s knee and pushed it back, giving him a better angle. Davis moaned and arched up. Ryan didn’t hold back and slammed in then pulled out before pushing in slowly.

“More,” Davis begged.

“You want more of me?” Ryan growled.

“Yeah, more. Fuck me harder.”

“My pleasure,” Ryan drawled as he slid in, pushing as deep as he could before pulling out and slamming back into Davis.

They were both gasping for breath, with sweat beading on their bodies. Davis reached between them, stroking his own cock as Ryan continued to pound into him. They both had their eyes open and their gazes met, holding as they went from fucking to something deeper. He swore something tangible actually passed between them. The physical act could end, but what he’d just shared with Davis had to keep going. Ryan lowered and brushed his lips over Davis’s mouth.

“Come for me, babe,” he whispered as he felt his grasp on his orgasm fail. He came, his whole body going stiff and his eyes slamming shut as he fell apart over Davis.

He cracked his eyes open, catching the last of Davis’s orgasm. The man’s ass was clenching around him, leaving him trembling. Davis slowly stilled and caught his breath. Ryan knew he couldn’t walk away from this, ever. Ryan grabbed the condom and pulled out slowly, cringing as Davis winced on the exit.


“It’s okay, that part always hurts. I’m fine.”

Ryan got up and tossed the condom into the bathroom trash before coming back with a hand towel. He swiped at the cum on Davis’s belly, then cleaned up the lube on Davis’s ass before dropping into bed.

“We’re going to do this, aren’t we?” Ryan asked.

“What, stay here?”

“That and be a couple.”

Davis turned on his side, his face illuminated by the bathroom light. “Is that what you want?”

Ryan could have read something into Davis’s question, but he saw the honesty in the man’s gaze. Davis may be sure of himself, and he may be powerful, but the man actually feared losing him. Ryan skimmed his fingers over Davis’s chest and cupped his hand behind Davis’s neck. “Something passed between us just now, at least I thought it did.”

“I felt it too.”

“What do you think?” Ryan asked.

“We have a lot to learn about each other, and I’m crazy for saying this, but I don’t want to be apart from you. I’m willing to blow off everything as long as I get to stay with you.”

“Even living with your dad?”

“He can’t do for me what you can. Does that mean you want to leave?”

“No, I want to stay. When I left the military, I was dissatisfied.” Ryan trailed his fingers down Davis’s arm and over his chest, enjoying the feel of Davis’s soft skin. “It wasn’t that I didn’t want to do anything for my country, I just didn’t like being told I had to do something and having no say in the matter.”

Davis snuggled closer and kissed his cheek. “What do you mean?”

“Like, there was this one guy we had to take care of. I didn’t agree with killing him. Well, I did, but there was information we could have obtained. As it was, we killed him, never got the information, and I’m sure people suffered because of it. He was into human trafficking. I know he had more than just one base of operation, but the powers that be wouldn’t find out where the second base was. We don’t know how many people we condemned to death because we decided to kill him instead of capturing him and interrogating the guy until he talked.”

“That’s harsh. I hate people who sell other people. It pisses me off. Most of those girls and young boys are treated so brutally once they’re sold.”

“Yeah, stuff like that. I hate that kind of stuff, and I hated that I was powerless in the military.”

“We need to get up soon,” Davis said. “They’ll probably come in close to seven or so.”

“What time is it now?”

“It’s six forty three.”

Ryan moved closer and buried his face in Davis’s shoulder. “I don’t want to get up. I’m tired, and it’s almost nine in Boston. Damn, boy, you wore me out last night.”

Davis chuckled and slapped his ass. “And I’ll do it again tonight.”

Ryan glanced up, his gaze connecting with Davis’s. “Do you promise?”

“Yeah, I swear I’ll wear you out tonight and the next, until you beg me to stop.”

They both laughed as Davis tugged him near and pressed his lips to Ryan’s. Their lips slid against each other’s, Ryan’s opening when Davis wanted in. The slow kiss gathered steam until they were both breathing heavy. Then Davis pulled away and sat up, his breathing erratic.

“If we had the day alone, I’d not let you out of this bed.” Davis stood and turned, his dick hard as a rock. “Look at me. We just finished having sex, and I’m already turned on again.”

Ryan couldn’t help the grin that turned his lips up. “You’re so fucking sexy.”

“Come on, we need to shower. They’ll be in here soon enough.”

The last forty-eight hours had brought so much change that he wondered if he was really here. Ryan closed his eyes and shook his head. He hoped he was making the right decision. Having Davis here helped, and he sure as hell didn’t want to lose Davis, but could he give up everything and move here to this ranch?




Duff pulled him aside the second he came in. Davis looked to Ryan and the other guys, but Duff got his attention and held it with his words.

“I want you to know before this goes any further that the room has a camera in it.”

Davis’s heart stuttered and his head spun. Heat filled his face and anger blurred his vision. “What?” He growled between his teeth.

“Don’t worry, I shut it down as soon as I figured out what was going on. I didn’t start it up until this morning and then I shut it down again after—well, after I saw.”

About a thousand things came to mind, but he pushed them all away and found Ryan’s gaze. Fuck, he’d not even thought of a camera, and here their private moments had been caught by these people.

“Davis, I’m serious. I turned off the feed. No one watched what happened between the two of you.”

He struggled to meet Duff’s gaze, but he wouldn’t hide. He’s spent too many years hiding who he was and what he wanted. “Are you disgusted?” He had to know what his father thought. Right now, he had no clue how the man felt.

“Only at myself for not seeing it earlier. I don’t care if you’re gay. I’m more surprised that you’ve been working with the CIA for years and I never knew.”

They stared at each other for a long moment as Davis processed the information. “You swear there is no tape, no recordings, nothing that could be used against Ryan later?”

“No, son, there isn’t anything like that and if there were, I’d delete it.”

“How will the other guys react? I mean, I don’t want Ryan getting hurt.”

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