
Read Commander-In-Chief Online

Authors: Mark Greaney,Tom Clancy

Tags: #Thriller

BOOK: Commander-In-Chief
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The Hunt for Red October

Red Storm Rising

Patriot Games

The Cardinal of the Kremlin

Clear and Present Danger

The Sum of All Fears

Without Remorse

Debt of Honor

Executive Orders

Rainbow Six

The Bear and the Dragon

Red Rabbit

The Teeth of the Tiger

Dead or Alive
(with Grant Blackwood)

Against All Enemies
(with Peter Telep)

Locked On
(with Mark Greaney)

Threat Vector
(with Mark Greaney)

Command Authority
(with Mark Greaney)

Tom Clancy Support and Defend
(by Mark Greaney)

Tom Clancy Full Force and Effect
(by Mark Greaney)

Tom Clancy Under Fire
(by Grant Blackwood)


Submarine: A Guided Tour Inside a Nuclear Warship

Armored Cav: A Guided Tour Inside an Armored Cavalry Regiment

Fighter Wing: A Guided Tour of an Air Force Combat Wing

Marine: A Guided Tour of a Marine Expeditionary Unit

Airborne: A Guided Tour of an Airborne Task Force

Carrier: A Guided Tour of an Aircraft Carrier

Into the Storm: A Study in Command

with General Fred Franks, Jr. (Ret.) and Tony Koltz

Every Man a Tiger: The Gulf War Air Campaign

with General Chuck Horner (Ret.) and Tony Koltz

Shadow Warriors: Inside the Special Forces

with General Carl Stiner (Ret.) and Tony Koltz

Battle Ready

with General Tony Zinni (Ret.) and Tony

G. P. Putnam’s Sons

Publishers Since 1838

An imprint of Penguin Random House LLC

375 Hudson Street

New York, New York 10014

Copyright © 2015 by The Estate of Thomas L. Clancy, Jr.; Rubicon, Inc.; Jack Ryan Enterprises, Ltd.; and Jack Ryan Limited Partnership

Penguin supports copyright. Copyright fuels creativity, encourages diverse voices, promotes free speech, and creates a vibrant culture. Thank you for buying an authorized edition of this book and for complying with copyright laws by not reproducing, scanning, or distributing any part of it in any form without permission. You are supporting writers and allowing Penguin to continue to publish books for every reader.

ISBN 978-0-698-41061-9


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.



United States Government

Jack Ryan:
President of the United States

Scott Adler:
secretary of state

Mary Pat Foley:
director of national intelligence

Robert “Bob” Burgess:
secretary of defense

Jay Canfield:
director of the Central Intelligence Agency

Dan Murray:
attorney general

Arnold Van Damm:
President Ryan’s chief of staff

Peter Branyon:
CIA chief of station, Vilnius, Lithuania

Greg Donlin:
CIA security officer

United States Military

Roland Hazelton:
admiral, chief of naval operations, United States Navy

Scott Hagen:
commander, captain of USS
James Greer
(DDG-102), United States Navy

Phil Kincaid:
lieutenant commander, executive officer of USS
James Greer
(DDG-102), United States Navy

Damon Hart:
lieutenant, weapons officer on USS
James Greer
(DDG-102), United States Navy

Richard “Rich” Belanger:
lieutenant colonel, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, United States Marine Corps; battalion commander of the Black Sea Rotational Force

The Campus

Gerry Hendley:
director, The Campus/Hendley Associates

John Clark:
director of operations

Domingo “Ding” Chavez:
senior operations officer

Dominic “Dom” Caruso:
operations officer

Jack Ryan, Jr.:
operations officer/analyst

Gavin Biery:
director of information technology

Adara Sherman:
director of transportation

The Russians

Valeri Volodin:
president of the Russian Federation

Mikhail “Misha” Grankin:
director of the Kremlin Security Council (Russian intelligence)

Arkady Diburov:
chairman of the board of directors of Gazprom, Russian natural gas company

Andrei Limonov (Mr. Ivanov):
Russian private equity manager

Vlad Kozlov (Mr. Popov):
intelligence operative in the Kremlin Security Council

Yegor Morozov:
intelligence operative in the Kremlin Security Council

Tatiana Molchanova:
television newscaster, Novorossiya (Channel Seven)

Other Characters

Martina Jaeger:
Dutch contract killer

Braam Jaeger:
Dutch contract killer

Terry Walker:
president and CEO of BlackHole Bitcoin Exchange, cryptocurrency trader

Kate Walker:
wife of Terry Walker

Noah Walker:
son of Terry and Kate Walker

Eglė Banytė:
president of Lithuania

Marion Schöngarth:
president of the Federal Republic of Germany

Italian paparazzo

Christine von Langer:
former CIA case officer

Herkus Zarkus:
Lithuanian fiber-optic network technician; Land Force soldier

Linus Sabonis:
director, Lithuanian State Security Department

Common Acronyms and Abbreviations

Lithuanian police antiterrorist operations unit

Antisubmarine rocket

Antisubmarine warfare

Central Intelligence Agency

Chief of Naval Operations

Phalanx close-in weapons system

Defense Intelligence Agency

Federal’naya Sluzhba Bezopasnosti, Russian State Security

Joint Special Operations Command

North Atlantic Treaty Organization

National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency

National Security Agency

Office of the Director of National Intelligence

Office of Naval Intelligence

Remote Administration Tool

Search and Attack Unit

Secret Internet Protocol Router Network—Classified network for U.S. Intelligence community

Special Operations Forces

Tactical Air Controller

Tactical Action Officer

Undersea Warfare Evaluator

Very High Readiness Joint Task Force—NATO

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