Companions (30 page)

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Authors: Susan Sizemore

Tags: #Horror, #Contemporary, #General, #Fantasy, #Fiction, #Occult & Supernatural

BOOK: Companions
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The drying blood from her own wounds was a rich perfume to him, but this wasn't the time or place to indulge in tasting it. Magic or no magic, people would notice the damage to the place soon.

"Come on," he said and lifted her gently in his arms.

He thought she kept her eyes closed because, though she could feel the rush of air on her skin, she didn't want to know they were flying.

Selena opened her eyes when she was sure she was standing on a firm surface. Even then, she waited a while before she looked around. They were in a parking garage. Steve leaned against the door of his black Suburban, wearing jeans and a black T-shirt. She wasn't sure when he'd had time to put on clothes, but he could move fast. She smelled smoke.

"Oh, my god, the boys!"

He put a hand out to stop her before she could run off. "Show's already over. I checked in on them before I rescued you. Haven's currently helping the other two dispose of the bodies of the ones who didn't run away."

"Oh. Good." Selena swiped hair out of her face. She was so tired and so glad this was over. She only relaxed for a moment though. "Shit. That means you know about us."

"The companions support group? Yes."

Was that an evil twinkle in his narrow blue eyes? "What?" she demanded.

"I go by the screen name Ghost." She hit him on the shoulder. "You did call for help from the group. I came, didn't I?"

"You knew about us all along!"

Istvan put his hands on Selena's lovely, sturdy waist and drew her close, savoring her warmth as much as her indignation. He really was going to lick all the blood off her soon, and the scent left by Rosho's touch. "Shh. You don't want anyone to notice us, do you?"

"Ghost. You're Ghost."

He smirked. "On the Internet no one knows you're a vampire."

Her fury singed him. "You spied on us."

"I participated." He saw her mentally flipping through every chat room conversation she'd had with the group. "You're more worried about what you said when you were bitching about your 'friend' than you are about incriminating the revolutionaries, aren't you?"

"Damn right. It only fed your ego. I remember Ghost encouraging me to bitch a few times." She shook off indignant embarrassment and got back to business. "What are you going to do to us?"

"I'm a ghost in the machine," he said. "What can a ghost do?"

She was wary yet hopeful as she tried to read his intentions. "You'll let us have a revolution?"

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"No." He put a finger over her lips before she could protest. "But I'll help you pursue justice. Within the Laws," he added sternly. "You're very tired," he added, cradling her face between his hands. He held her gaze with his. "You don't want to talk anymore right now."

She slapped at his hands. "You really think that's going to work?"

"It's worth a shot." He took a step back, but he still held her. "How about, I'm really tired and I don't want to talk anymore."

"Okay," Selena agreed. Some of the tenseness left her, but an emotion he read as honest affection remained. For him? She said, "I need to let Aunt Catie and Siri know about — "

"Haven and the strig can fill them in."

"I don't suppose I should go back to the reception looking like this. Unless you'd like to meet my relatives."


"Fine. You want to go back to my place?"

He thought of her warm bed and her soft breasts and her affection. Sex with affection sounded nice.

Later. He needed fierceness first.

"I know what you need," Selena said. "I want to fuck your brains out, too."

They were so very alike. Soul mates, like her aunt and Lawrence had explained in one of the conversations he'd overheard. He wondered if he should tell Selena that he'd never been far from her side while she was under threat from Rosho. He protected what was his.

"I'd love to stay the night," he told her. "But I won't stay longer than that," he warned. Why did she keep smiling at him? "I'm not the settling down type."

"I know."

She wasn't buying his lone wolf line anymore, was she? Istvan barely believed it himself. He'd always said he'd never have another relationship, but she was a Roma girl and so strong and beautiful and determined and —

He tried, "You won't want me to stay. I'd get in the way of your trying to sneak around me to continue the revolution."

She put her hands on his shoulders and drew him closer, the superior smile turning seductive. Her gaze was the one burning into his, and it was full of the irresistible promise of sensual delights. His senses reeled. It didn't help that he was already horny from the fight with Rosho. He wanted her, and she knew he wanted her, and she projected her desire for him for all she was worth. Okay, so she'd learned that there were ways a companion could influence a vampire. "Get in the car," he ordered roughly. Selena sent tingling heat through him as she stroked his cheek, then hurried to obey. She was lucky he didn't drag her in the back and have her right now, but his own true love deserved better than that after what she'd been through.

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As she settled into the passenger seat, she said, "You really have got to get a different car."

"Yes, dear," he answered meekly. He quirked an eyebrow at her. "I suppose you'll tell me to take out the garbage next."

"Oh, no," she said sweetly. Her lips curved into the most captivating of smiles, and she had the audacity to pat the Enforcer of Enforcers on the arm. "You already do a pretty good job of that on your own."

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