Complete Works of Fyodor Dostoyevsky (75 page)

BOOK: Complete Works of Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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“How! have you been at Natalia Dimitrievna’s? Why, you —— !”

“What! — she offended me last week? is that what you you mean? Oh, but, my dear, I
to go and have a peep at the prince — else, when should I have seen him? As if I would have gone
her but for this wretched old prince. Imagine — chocolate handed round and
me left out
. I’ll let her have it for that, some day! Well, good-bye,
mon ange
: I must hurry off to Akulina, and let her know all about it. You may say good-bye to the prince; he won’t come near you again now! He has no memory left, you know, and Mrs. Antipova will simply carry him off bodily to her house. He’ll think it’s all right —— They’re all afraid of you, you know; they think that you want to get hold of him — you understand! Zina, you know!”

Quelle horreur!

“Oh, yes, I know! I tell you — the whole town is talking about it! Mrs. Antipova is going to make him stay to dinner — and then she’ll just keep him! She’s doing it to spite
, my angel. I had a look in at her back premises.
arrangements, my dear. Knives clattering, people running about for champagne. I tell you what you must do — go and grab him as he comes out from Natalia Dimitrievna’s to Antipova’s to dinner. He promised
first, he’s
guest. Tfu! don’t you be laughed at by this brace of chattering magpies — good for nothing baggage, both of them. ‘Procuror’s lady,’ indeed! Why, I’m a Colonel’s wife. Tfu! —
Mais adieu, mon ange
. I have my own sledge at the door, or I’d go with you.”

Having got rid of this walking newspaper, Maria Alexandrovna waited a moment, to free herself of a little of her super-abundant agitation. Mrs. Colonel’s advice was good and practical. There was no use losing time, — none to lose, in fact. But the greatest difficulty of all was as yet unsettled.

Maria Alexandrovna flew to Zina’s room.

Zina was walking up and down, pale, with hands folded and head bent on her bosom: there were tears in her eyes, but Resolve was there too, and sparkled in the glance which she threw on her mother as the latter entered the room. She hastily dried her tears, and a sarcastic smile played on her lips once more.

“Mamma,” she began, anticipating her mother’s speech “you have already wasted much of your eloquence over me — too much! But you have not blinded me; I am not a child. To do the work of a sister of mercy, without the slightest call thereto, — to justify one’s meanness — meanness proceeding in reality from the purest egotism, by attributing to it noble ends, — all this is a sort of Jesuitism which cannot deceive
. Listen! I repeat, all
this could not deceive me
, and I wish you to understand that!”

“But, dearest child!” began her mother, in some alarm.

“Be quiet, mamma; have patience, and hear me out. In spite of the full consciousness that all this is pure Jesuitism, and in spite of my full knowledge of the absolutely ignoble character of such an act, I accept your proposition in full, — you hear me —
in full
; and inform you hereby, that I am ready to marry the prince. More! I am ready to help you to the best of my power in your endeavours to lure the prince into making me an offer. Why do I do this? You need not know that; enough that I have consented. I have consented to the whole thing — to bringing him his boots, to serving him; I will dance for him, that my meanness may be in some sort atoned. I shall do all I possibly can so that he shall never regret that he married me! But in return for my consent I insist upon knowing
you intend to bring the matter about? Since you have spoken so warmly on the subject — I know you! — I am convinced you must have some definite plan of operation in your head. Be frank for once in your life; your candour is the essential condition upon which alone I give my consent. I shall not decide until you have told me what I require!”

Maria Alexandrovna was so surprised by the unexpected conclusion at which Zina arrived, that she stood before the latter some little while, dumb with amazement, and staring at her with all her eyes. Prepared to have to combat the stubborn romanticism of her daughter — whose obstinate nobility of character she always feared, — she had suddenly heard this same daughter consent to all that her mother had required of her.

Consequently, the matter had taken a very different complexion. Her eyes sparkled with delight:

“Zina, Zina!” she cried; “you are my life, my — —”

She could say no more, but fell to embracing and kissing her daughter.

“Oh, mother, I don’t
all this kissing!” cried Zina, with impatience and disgust. “I don’t need all this rapture on your part; all I want is a plain answer to my question!”

“But, Zina, I love you; I adore you, darling, and you repel me like this! I am working for your happiness, child!”

Tears sparkled in her eyes. Maria Alexandrovna really loved her daughter, in her own way, and just now she actually felt deeply, for once in her life — thanks to her agitation, and the success of her eloquence.

Zina, in spite of her present distorted view of things in general, knew that her mother loved her; but this love only annoyed her; she would much rather — it would have been easier for her — if it had been hate!

“Well, well; don’t be angry, mamma — I’m so excited just now!” she said, to soothe her mother’s feelings.

“I’m not angry, I’m not angry, darling! I know you are much agitated!” cried Maria Alexandrovna. “You say, my child, that you wish me to be candid: very well, I will; I will be
frank, I assure you. But you might have trusted me! Firstly, then, I must tell you that I have no actually organized plan yet — no
plan, that is. You must understand, with that clever little head of yours, you must see, Zina, that I
have such a plan, all cut out. I even anticipate some difficulties. Why, that magpie of a woman has just been telling me all sorts of things. We ought to be quick, by the bye; you see, I am quite open with you! But I swear to you that the end shall be attained!” she added, ecstatically. “My convictions are not the result of a poetical nature, as you told me just now; they are founded on facts. I rely on the weakness of the prince’s intellect — which is a canvas upon which one can stitch any pattern one pleases!

“The only fear is, we may be interfered with! But a fool of a woman like that is not going to get the better of
!” she added, stamping her foot, and with flashing eyes. “That’s my part of the business, though; and to manage it thoroughly I must begin as soon as possible — in fact, the whole thing, or the most important part of it, must be arranged this very day!”

“Very well, mamma; but now listen to one more piece of candour. Do you know why I am so interested in your plan of operations, and do not trust it? because I am not sure of myself! I have told you already that I consent to this —— meanness; but I must warn you that if I find the details of your plan of operations
dirty, too mean and repulsive, I shall not be able to stand it, and shall assuredly throw you over. I know that this is a new pettiness, to consent to a wicked thing and then fear the dirt in which it floats! But what’s to be done? So it will be, and I warn you!”

“But Zina, dear child, where is the wickedness in this?” asked Maria Alexandrovna timidly. “It is simply a matter of a marriage for profit; everybody does it! Look at it in this light, and you will see there is nothing particular in it; it is good ‘form’ enough!”

“Oh, mamma, don’t try to play the fox over me! Don’t you see that I have consented to everything — to
? What else do you require of me? Don’t be alarmed if I call things by their proper names! For all you know it may be my only comfort!” And a bitter smile played over her lips.

“Very well, very well, dear! we may disagree as to ideas and yet be very fond of one another. But if you are afraid of the working of my plan, and dread that you will see any baseness or meanness about it, leave it all to me, dear, and I guarantee you that not a particle of dirt shall soil you! Your hands shall be clean! As if I would be the one to compromise you! Trust me entirely, and all shall go grandly and with dignity; all shall be done worthily; there shall be no scandal — even if there be a whisper afterwards, we shall all be out of the way, far off! We shall not stay here, of course! Let them
if they like,
won’t care. Besides, they are not worth bothering about, and I wonder at your being so frightened of these people, Zina. Don’t be angry with me! how can you be so frightened, with your proud nature?”

“I’m not frightened; you don’t understand me a bit!” said Zina, in a tone of annoyance.

“Very well, darling; don’t be angry. I only talk like this because these people about here are always stirring up mud, if they can; while you — this is the first time in your life you have done a mean action. —
action! What an old fool I am! On the contrary, this is a most generous,
act! I’ll prove this to you once more, Zina. Firstly, then, it all depends upon the point of view you take up — —”

“Oh! bother your proofs, mother. I’ve surely had enough of them by now,” cried Zina angrily, and stamped her foot on the floor.

“Well, darling, I won’t; it was stupid of me — I won’t!”

There was another moment’s silence. Maria Alexandrovna looked into her daughter’s eyes as a little dog looks into the eyes of its mistress.

“I don’t understand how you are going to set about it,” said Zina at last, in a tone of disgust. “I feel sure you will only plunge yourself into a pool of shame! I’m not thinking of these people about here. I despise their opinions; but it would be very ignominious for

“Oh! if that’s all, my dear child, don’t bother your head about it: please,
don’t! Let us be agreed about it, and then you need not fear for me. Dear me! if you but knew, though, what things I have done, and kept my skin whole! I tell you this is
in comparison with
difficulties which I have arranged successfully. Only let me try. But, first of all we must get the prince
, and that as soon as possible. That’s the first move: all the rest will depend upon the way we manage this. However, I can foresee the result. They’ll all rise against us; but I’ll manage
all right! I’m a little nervous about Mosgliakoff. He — —”

“Mosgliakoff!” said Zina, contemptuously.

“Yes, but don’t you be afraid, Zina! I’ll give you my word I’ll work him so that he shall help us himself. You don’t know me yet, my Zina. My child, when I heard about this old prince having arrived this morning, the idea, as it were, shone out all at once in my brain! Who would have thought of his really coming to us like this! It is a chance such as you might wait for a thousand years in vain. Zina, my angel! there’s no shame in what you are doing. What
wrong is to marry a man whom you loathe. Your marriage with the prince will be no
marriage; it is simply a domestic contract. It is he, the old fool, who gains by it. It is
who is made unspeakably, immeasurably happy. Oh! Zina, how lovely you look to-day. If I were a man I would give you half a kingdom if you but raised your finger for it!
they all are! Who wouldn’t kiss a hand like this?” and Maria Alexandrovna kissed her daughter’s hand warmly. “Why, this is my own flesh and blood, Zina. What’s to be done afterwards? You won’t part with me, will you? You won’t drive your old mother away when you are happy yourself? No, darling, for though we have quarrelled often enough, you have not such another friend as I am, Zina! You — —”

“Mamma, if you’ve made up your mind to it all, perhaps it is time you set about making some move in the matter. We are losing time,” said Zina, impatiently.

“Yes, it is, it is indeed time; and here am I gabbling on while they are all doing their best to seduce the prince away from us. I must be off at once. I shall find them, and bring the prince back by force, if need be. Good-bye, Zina, darling child. Don’t be afraid, and don’t look sad, dear; please don’t! It will be all well, nay,
well! Good-bye, good-bye!”

Maria Alexandrovna made the sign of the Cross over Zina, and dashed out of the room. She stopped one moment at her looking-glass to see that all was right, and then, in another minute, was seated in her carriage and careering through the Mordasoff streets. Maria Alexandrovna lived in good style, and her carriage was always in waiting at that hour in case of need.

“No, no, my dears! it’s not for
to outwit me,” she thought, as she drove along. “Zina agrees; so half the work is done. Oh, Zina, Zina! so your imagination is susceptible to pretty little visions, is it? and I
treat her to a pretty little picture. She was really touched at last; and how lovely the child looked to-day! If I had her beauty I should turn half Europe topsy-turvy. But wait a bit, it’s all right. Shakespeare will fly away to another world when you’re a princess, my dear, and know a few people. What does she know? Mordasoff and the tutor! And what a princess she will make. I
to see her pride and pluck. She looks at you like any queen. And not to know her own good! However, she soon will. Wait a bit; let this old fool die, and then the boy, and I’ll marry her to a reigning prince yet! The only thing I’m afraid of is — haven’t I trusted her too much? Didn’t I allow my feelings to run away with me too far? I am anxious about her. I am anxious, anxious!”

Thus Maria Alexandrovna reflected as she drove along. She was a busy woman, was Maria Alexandrovna.

Zina, left alone, continued her solitary walk up and down the room with folded hands and thoughtful brow. She had a good deal to think of! Over and over again she repeated, “It’s time — it’s time — oh, it’s time!” What did this ejaculation mean? Once or twice tears glistened on her long silken eyelashes, and she did not attempt to wipe them away.

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