Complete Works of James Joyce (197 page)

BOOK: Complete Works of James Joyce
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1 Where Buickly of the Glass and Bellows pumped the Rudge engineral.



2 Matter of Brettaine and brut fierce.


3 Bussmullah, cried Lord Wolsley, how me Aunty Mag’ll row!







Uteralterance or

Coss? Cossist? Your parn! You, you make



the Interplay of

what name? (and in truth, as a poor soul is



Bones in the

between shift and shift ere the teath he has




lived through becomes the life he is to die



The Vortex.

into, he or he had albut — he was rickets as to



Spring of Sprung

reasons but the balance of his minds was



Verse. The Ver-

stables — lost himself or himself some som-




nione sciupiones, soswhitchoverswetch had




he or he gazet, murphy come, murphy go,




murphy plant, murphy grow, a maryamyria-




meliamurphies, in the lazily eye of his lapis,















Vieus Von DVbLIn, ’twas one of dozedeams




a darkies ding in dewood) the Turnpike under




the Great Ulm (with Mearingstone in Fore




ground). 1 Given now ann linch you take enn




all. Allow me! And, heaving alljawbreakical




expressions out of old Sare Isaac’s 2 universal




of specious aristmystic unsaid, A is for Anna




like L is for liv.
Aha hahah, Ante Ann you’re




apt to ape aunty annalive! Dawn gives rise.




Lo, lo, lives love! Eve takes fall. La, la, laugh




leaves alass! Aiaiaiai, Antiann, we’re last to




the lost, Loulou! Tis perfect. Now (lens




1 Draumcondra’s Dream country where the betterlies blow.



2 O, Laughing Sally, are we going to be toadhauntered by that


old Pantifox


Sir Somebody Something, Burtt, for the rest of our secret stripture?







Sarga, or the

your dappled yeye here, mine’s presbyoperian,



path of outgoing.

shill and wall) we see the copyngink strayed-


Docetism and

line AL (in Fig., the forest) from being con-


Didicism, Maya-

tinued, stops ait Lambday:1 Modder ilond


Thaya. Tamas-

there too. Allow me anchore! I bring down



noth and carry awe. Now, then, take this in!



One of the most murmurable loose carollaries



ever Ellis threw his cookingclass. With Olaf



as centrum and Olaf’s lambtail for his spokes-



man circumscript a cyclone. Allow ter! Hoop !



As round as the calf of an egg! O, dear



me! O, dear me now! Another grand dis-



cobely! After Makefearsome’s Ocean. You’ve



actuary entducked one! Quok! Why, you



haven’t a passer! Fantastic! Early’ clever,



surely doomed, to Swift’s, alas, the galehus!



Match of a matchness, like your Bigdud dadder



in the boudeville song, Gorotsky Gollovar’s


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