Complicated Matters (28 page)

BOOK: Complicated Matters
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   The third week she got desperate and broke into his house during the middle of the night. She crept through the living room and found herself staring down the barrel of his police revolver.

   She held up both her hands afraid to breathe. “Don’t shoot.” 

   “What kind of a whack-job are you?” Taylor holstered his gun. “I could have blown your damn head off.” 

   She lowered her hands. “At least I’d have your attention.” 

   “What you have is breaking and entering charge.” He checked the doors to make sure they were locked. “How did you get in here anyway?” 

   She folded her arms in front of her chest. “Do you really expect me to answer that?”

   “I’m sure you can find your way out. I’m going back to bed.”

   Farrah followed him and laid down.

   He moved over to the edge of the bed. “What in the hell is going on with you?” 

   “I came here to talk.” She curled up next to him. “But if you’re too tired, I’ll wait until morning.” 

   “Move over.” He grabbed the bedpost. “I’m almost off the bed.” 

   Farrah got up and lay down on the other side of him. 

   Taylor moved over. “Now what are you doing?” 

   “Proving to you that I’m not a leper.” 

   “I know you’re not a leper. You’re a friggin’ addiction.” He clenched his jaw for a few seconds then relaxed. “And I’m the damn junkie who didn’t think it would hurt to try that first taste.” 

   She propped up on her elbow. “What are you talking about?” 

   “I’m talking about that day we went horse back riding. I was just out there making sure you didn’t go anywhere near that explosion sight. The next thing I knew, we’re sitting under an oak tree, and I’m fantasizing about kissing you. I was glad when you said you and Ted never came out there together. It kind of made it our spot. 

   “When we went to Hank’s, I could’ve stayed out there on that dance floor all night with you.

   “And who could forget that night in my bedroom when you tried to awaken me from that nightmare? When I woke up and realized it was you I was holding, if you hadn’t been so scared, I would have made love to you right there. Every time I look at your side of the bed I think I smell you perfume.”

   No one ever spoke to her like that. She looked directly at him. “I had no idea.” 

   “Fate couldn’t have done any better if it stuck you in a syringe, and jabbed the needle in my vein. You think you’re just this little farm girl. But woman, you had me wanting to hold you since the day we met.” He turned his back to her. “Never mind. You got me babbling like some damn, lovesick school boy.”               

   Farrah noticed something was missing. “Where’s your wedding picture?”

   “A friend told me to stop trying to love a ghost.”

   “So, does that mean--”

   “That means nothing has changed. You still have goals you want to meet, and I want to see you do it. Otherwise, you’ll always wonder what if.” He turned toward her. His expression softened. “You know I’m always going to be there for you. And after you’ve conquered the world, I’m gonna be right there waiting. Just like always.”




   Four years later:


   Taylor stood in the shadows of the stage curtains holding a dozen red roses. He wiped his sweaty palms on the pants of his new, dark-blue suit and checked his reflection in the small window of a dark room and brushed a piece of lint from his light-blue shirt.

   “Farrah Patrice Mathews,” the University of Florida President announced from the graduation podium.

   Farrah was a striking figure as her long, blonde hair cascaded down the back of her black graduation gown.

   He loved her hair.  He was glad she didn’t cut it like some women do when they reach their twenties.

     She walked across the stage radiating confidence and sophistication, hardly resembling the fierce, little girl who stole his heart all those years ago. 

   He stepped out of the shadows just as she was about to pass him. “Hello, Miss Mathews.” 

   “Heath.” She flung her arms around his neck. “You came.” 

   He dropped the roses to keep their thrones from sticking her. The moisture of a single tear dampened his skin as she nuzzled the side of his face with her cheek. “Of course I did.” He tasted her lips. Hunger and desire overcame him. He cupped the back of her head with his hand and kissed her harder. His rough lips nibbled at her velvety skin, while his tongue intertwined hers. He released her and smiled. “Wow. I hope that’s not going to cause any friction between you and, who is it this month?” 

   “There’s only one man for me.” Her blue eyes reflected the hall lights causing them to sparkle. “I guess once you had perfection nothing else will do.”

   Taylor bowed his head and remembered the roses. He picked them up off the floor. “The-These are for you.” His hands were shaking. “They looked a lot better when I bought them. I guess I’ve been drinking too much coffee today.”

   “They’re beautiful.” She inhaled their sweet fragrance. “Thank you.”

   Taylor took a deep breath and regained his composure. “I know it’s a big night. But if you can spare a few minutes I’m staying at the Gator Lodge. Room three ten.” He handed her a key card. “Don’t worry about the time. I’ll be up.”

   “My family is taking me out to dinner.”

   He felt his heart sink. All his plans were about to be cancelled.

   She looked away for a second, then her face lit up. “But I know they would love it if you joined us.”

   “That’s your time with your family.” Taylor loosened his tie. “I couldn’t intrude.”

   “Are you sure?” She bit her bottom lip. “I invited you here. I don’t want to you off.”

   Taylor framed her face with both his hands. He descended upon her mouth. “Does that answer your question?”

   “Damn, girl.” A redheaded girl walked up behind Farrah. “You’ve been holding out on us.” 

   “Shellie Granger, this is--”

   “The finest looking screensaver I have ever seen.” She grabbed Taylor’s hand as she interrupted her friend. “You can crash my hard drive anytime.”

   “Why don’t you say it a little louder, Shellie?” Farrah raised her voice. “I don’t think the rest of the graduating class heard you. Special Agent Heath Taylor, this is my best friend and roommate, Shellie.” Farrah grabbed Shellie by her hand and gave her a little squeeze.

   “I’m sorry.” Taylor let his eyes bounce between the two women. “What’s this about a hard drive?”               

   “All those texts, emails, and long phone calls and she didn’t mention how many times you two have crashed her computer? What do you two talk about?” Shellie put her hands over her ears. “Never mind, I overheard a few times. We finally solved the problem with a thumb drive or two. The girl saves everything you send.”

   “Really?” Taylor winked at Farrah. “Why, Miss Mathews, I didn’t know you cared so much.”

   She blushed. “Four years, not counting the time you spent protecting me, and you still have doubts?” She fluttered her eyelashes. “What does a girl have to do to prove herself, Special Agent Taylor?”

   “Come by my room and find out.” He moved in for one, last kiss. “I’ll be waiting.” 




   At the Gator Lodge, Taylor began working on his own celebration.  He chilled a bottle of champagne on ice, and put two glasses in his hotel refrigerator.  His own satin sheets and matching comforter replaced the motel sheets.  Then he scattered oil candles about the room. 

   A lead-crystal bowl of chocolate covered strawberries sat on a small table next to a photo album.
Just about perfect--I hope.

   He double checked his pants pocket.
Good, the ring’s still there.

The clock on his night stand read nine o’clock. 

   Farrah should be here any minute now.
He lit the candles and stretched out on the bed.  Closing his eyes, as he thought about how the timing might finally be right.




   Farrah slipped the key card in the locking mechanism.
She flinched when it unlocked louder than she expected. 

   She hadn’t seen her family in almost a year, and Alex brought his new girlfriend along. The joking and goofing around went on much longer than she had anticipated.

   She almost called to cancel on Taylor, but her fingers kept messing up the speed dial.

Their relationship evolved over the years. They were more than friends and less than steadies. They both wanted more, but Taylor wouldn’t let her give up on her dreams.

   She walked around his room.
Wow, he really went all out. 

   She thumbed through the photo album laying on his dresser. It seemed to be telling a story. A few newspaper clippings of her high school games. There were pictures of her and him from long weekends they spent together throughout the years, and the one taken in his old Camarro the night they went to Hank’s the first time.

   Newspaper clippings about his law enforcement accomplishments, preceded pictures of a little house overlooking what Farrah recognized as the Suwannee River.
He seems to have built a nice life for himself.

The unmistakable pop of a champagne cork caught her attention. She turned around. 

   Taylor was filling two glasses. He handed her a chilled glass. The bubbles threatened to flow over the brims.

   She put the photo album down and grasped the glass. “Is this supposed to take some of the edge off?” 

   “I hope not.” His smile gave her an uneasy feeling. “As I recall, the edge is kind of nice.” 

   She traced the edge of the photo album with her forefinger. “What are we drinking to?” 

   “I’m not sure yet.” He fondled the silver basketball necklace he gave her when she made the U of F team. “Did you get that big WNBA contract you’re always talking about?” 

   She glanced down and to her right. “No. I blew my knee out during the last game of the season.”

   Taylor winced. “Painful.”

   “Poor me.” She looked up into his gorgeous, dark eyes and smiled. “I’ll just have to settle for coaching high school basketball in Live Oak. The job offer came this morning.”

   Taylor swallowed hard. “Did you say Live Oak?”

   She watched his Adam’s apple bobble up and down. She wanted to kiss it. “Yeah.” Something told her his cabin was somewhere in the county. “What about you? Did the President call wanting you to join the secret service?”

   “I hope he never does. I’d hate to turn down the most powerful man in the world.” He nuzzled her neck. “Did you enjoy the story so far?” 

   Farrah wanted to distance herself from him, but he slipped his arm around her waist. Her knees grew weak from his touch. “I didn’t see a woman in those landscapes.”

   “I’m hoping that will change soon.” He set his glass down and reached inside his pocket. A single, solitaire diamond sat atop a band of white gold.

   Farrah stared at him, her mouth slightly open.

   “My thoughts exactly.” He met her stare, and covered her mouth with his. His hot lips conveyed his hunger and desire. 

   She stumbled.

   He steadied her. “Are you okay?”

   “Yeah. I guess I’m not much of a drinker.” She opened his hand and picked up the ring.  “Is this for me?” 

   “It is, if you’ve accomplished all you goals.” 

   “I still have two more dreams.” She enjoyed playing with his mind.

   “Oh.” Taylor turned around.

   “Would you like to hear what they are?” She grasped his forearms, forcing him to look at her.

   “Go ahead.” He sighed. “Dazzle me with you ambition.” 

   “A little blond-headed boy, and a little dark-haired girl.” She removed his jacket. “But I’m going to need an assistant.” She removed his tie. “And only the most qualified candidate will do.”

   He swallowed hard.

   She unbuttoned his shirt enjoying the way he reacted when he wasn’t in charge. “Will you accept the assignment, Special Agent Taylor?”

   He put his arms around her. “I’m a little rusty on the aspects of this game. I might require some extra practice.”

   She put the ring on her finger and slipped her arms around his neck. “You’ve got to be game-ready by July.” 

   “Then we haven’t a second to waste.”





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