CONCEPTION (The Others) (21 page)

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Authors: Sarah McCarty

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His growl was as wildly primitive as she could have wanted.
The air swirled with power and lust and then his cock was pushing at her mouth
with relentless pressure, demanding admittance as he tugged her hair, forcing
her head back. She gasped at the dual assault, every nerve ending leaping with
an ecstatic “Yes” as his shaft pushed past her lips. The force of his thrust
drove her back. His hand caught her head, protecting her as his body followed
hers into the shower wall. His free hand slammed against the tile above her head,
catching his weight as his penis spread her lips. Water sprayed his chest
before rebounding into her face.

She had only a second to catch his expression before the
spray forced her to close her eyes. Without sight, her other senses surged
forward into the almost forbidding mantle of power that welled off him. She
caught his thighs with her palms, trying to push him back as he overwhelmed
her. Immediately, that sense of power surged against her resistance. She jerked
back into the shower wall so hard she could feel the individual tiles biting
into her back. She wanted him wild, but this was more than wild. This was Deuce
at his most primitive…and this was scary. Through the violence of his need came
a stroke of calm.

“Take what you need, my mate.” The familiar command caught
her panic and gentled it. She opened her mouth, accepting his dominance as he
thrust his cock within. Immediately, the aggression she feared tapered off into
the urgent drive of desire. His hand slid lower, applying pressure at the base of
her skull, tilting her head back. His cock slid easier, deeper. “That’s it.
Take me.”

She didn’t have any choice. He leaned in as he pulled her
forward. Her lips stretched painfully around the thick shaft as she struggled
not to choke. His hand brushed her neck and the tight muscles relaxed. She took
him more easily. “More now.”

She opened her eyes and looked down at the
thick cock buried in her mouth and the whole lot left over. She couldn’t
believe she’d taken what she had. She shook her head, her teeth grazing his
shaft as she did. He thrust to the back of her throat. The water pounded on
them, around them. There scents mingled in the moist air. His cock pumped in
and out of her mouth with a relentless rhythm, demanding something from her.
She brought her hands up to his thighs and pushed.

His index finger traced the line of her cheekbone before
drawing over the curve of her cheek to trace the corner of her mouth. His hand
dipped to wrap around her throat. The gesture was at once intimidating and possessive.
“Open for me.”

He couldn’t mean what she thought he meant. He leaned
forward. She dug her nails into his thighs and pushed back. He groaned. Before
she could blink the water out of her eyes, he had her hands trapped above her
head. He held her there, half-kneeling and half-suspended while he stood above
her, his hair hanging in wet ropes around his massive shoulders, looking down
at her with pure satisfaction on his starkly handsome face. Her body jerked
with the sensual pleasure of being helpless in his arms.

“I like you like this even more.” He withdrew his cock
slowly until just the tip rested on the shelf of her lip. She didn’t move,
didn’t dare breathe, waiting in an agony of anticipation for what he’d do next.
His foot worked between her legs. Something hard and round nudged her labia,
working forward.

“Hold still now. “ Her very womb wrenched within her body as
he worked his cock back into her mouth at the same time his toe nudged her
swollen clitoris. His cock hit the back of her throat and panic struck through
her desire, yet even that seemed to egg on her lust. She tried to turn her
head, but couldn’t.

“Hold still,” he repeated.

It took everything she had to obey. His hand cupped her
throat while his toe rubbed delicately on her distended clit. “You will submit
to me, Edie.”

It wasn’t a matter of submission—it was a matter of physics,
and this was never going to work. She lashed his cock with her tongue. Sucking
as best she could, trying to rush him to completion. His deep groan told her it
was working. Through the spray she glanced at his face. His features were hard
with desire. His eyes glittered with intent, the black depths swirling with red
lights. His toe flicked her clit again. Too quickly, too lightly. She stretched
to make a deeper connection. His laugh swirled through the mist. When she
looked up again, he was waiting for her.

“Make me want to give it to you.” It was a dare.

Did he think she couldn’t? She tugged at her hands. He shook
his head. “With just your mouth.”

She narrowed her eyes in a glare that just added a hint of a
smile to his challenge.

“Giving up already?”

Not likely. She bobbed her head on his cock in tiny
increments, before frowning up at him.

“You want me to play fair.”

She nodded.

He sighed as if it were some hardship and pulled back until
his cock head rested just inside her mouth. “Better?”

Yes, that was definitely better. She had leverage now and
she had every intention of using it to her advantage. She bobbed and sucked and
lapped. She probed the tiny slit in the head and swirled her tongue around the
surrounding flesh. He moaned and twitched, but didn’t come. She sucked harder,
worked him deeper.

“So good, Edie mine,” he groaned as he pumped into her
mouth. “I could fuck your beautiful face forever.”

She didn’t have forever. Her jaw was aching and she was
tiring. She knew she could give up. Let him win. It didn’t mean anything. It
was just a silly game but she couldn’t get his expression out of her mind. That
drive to dominate. Even if she wasn’t planning on staying his mate forever, she
wasn’t going to be a second-class citizen to his will, and giving up now would
definitely make her that.

Her tooth caught on the flared head of his cock. His whole
body jerked. She paused, remembering his reaction when she’d bitten his chest.
Very slowly she drew back until his cock slipped almost out, then tilted her
head so she could catch his fat cock head on her lip. His disappointed moan was
music to her ears. She let his cock pop free of her mouth before catching it on
her chin. Holding his gaze, she smiled. Then just as slowly ducked her head,
still holding his gaze, and worked him back into her mouth until the broadest
part of the spongy head lay nestled between her lips. Very deliberately she
pulled her lips back, letting him see the teeth that now imprisoned him. When
his breath caught and his nostrils flared, she bit down.

hips slammed forward, driving her back into the wall. His shout sent whorls of stream
fleeing. His hand on her neck held her still as his cock surged past her
resistance and into her throat. There was a sensation of extreme pressure. She
couldn’t breathe but there was no pain. Deuce held her there for a
heartbeat—impaled on his cock, groaning as his hips jerked. His shaft pulsed
against her lips and in her throat. As if it took everything he had, he pulled
back, his cock leaving her throat with a reluctant snap, and then her mouth was
flooded with his seed. Her pussy clenched as she hung in his hands, sucking his
big cock. The coiled tension exploded into savage bliss as his seed filled her
mouth and his scent filled her nostrils.

With every spasm of her orgasming pussy, she drew more and
more of his hot seed in as he shuddered and gave her all he had. When she
couldn’t coax another drop out of him, and the spasms in her pussy had died to
gentle waves, she simply held him in her mouth, hanging limply in his arms, too
drained to move.

Deuce’s breathing slowed from labored to normal. He released
her arms and let her drop to her knees, but kept his hand on her neck. He
pulled her face between his legs. As water poured over her head, he ordered,
“Kiss my balls.”

His tone left no room for resistance. She pursed her lips,
pressing delicate kisses over the soft skin. There was a metallic squeak and
the water stopped. He spread his legs. “That’s it. Nice and soft.” He directed
her attention to the left one. “Now, let me feel your tongue.”

She slid her tongue around each orb, working between them.
His hand twisted in her hair, pulling her mouth up into his balls, directing
her attentions with his touch. She could feel the tension in his grip as she
opened her mouth and took one of the soft-hard balls inside. It was a totally
submissive posture, and it was turning her on like hell.

His “Good” was a rasp of sound. His “Do the other” barely

She did, enjoying the knowledge that she was pleasing him.
It was her turn to moan as he pulled her away. He stroked her cheek. She looked
up at him. His cock rose anew against the backdrop of his hard abs. She licked
her lips as a bead of come welled in the tip.

He shook her head slightly to get her attention. She
reluctantly switched her focus to his face. “Women of the Chosen attend their
mates this way after mating and when a need to pay tribute is required by their

The haze left her world. “Pay tribute?”

“It is an ancient custom.”

She sat back. Out of the heat of the moment, it sounded
barbaric. “One we’ll be breaking with.”

His grip on her hair tightened. “It keeps peace among the
Chosen mates and reminds all of the natural order. Without it, there would be

“I don’t think so.”

“On what do you base your objection?”

“It’s demeaning.”

“Chosen women are honored above all others. They in turn
honor their mates this way.”

“I don’t like it.”

Deuce could not believe she would deny this part of her.
“You lie.”

As if he’d struck her, Edie jerked away. He held her easily,
controlling the move so she did not wrench her abdomen. “I do not.”

She did. Her pleasure scented the air around them. He did
not know why she denied it. “You liked it and would have come again from it,
had I allowed you that pleasure.”

Her face paled to deathly white and she stared at him with a
wounded look in her big blue eyes that said her world had shattered. “That’s
not true.”

He rubbed his cock along her cheek. She shivered in a purely
involuntary reaction to the dominant gesture. “You are naturally submissive. It
is my pleasure to attend to the needs that brings.”

He caught her hand before she could land a punch. “You

“I do not understand your hurt. It is good that you are this
way. It will allow for harmony in our home.”

“Because you like to be the one to give the orders?”

That might have been sarcasm in her voice. It did not
matter. It did not change the truth. She would need to accept that.

“Yes.” He grasped his cock in his hand, and tilted her head
back. “It pleases me to see you on your knees, eager for me.” He pumped his
cock through his hand, not holding back, letting more come flow to the head,
noting the stronger scent of her renewed arousal. “Even now your body readies
for mine, aches for my seed with as much fervor as I ache to give it to you.”


He could not tell if she was denying him or the reaction of
her body. It did not matter. “Yes.”

He pulled her closer, close enough that even with her weaker
human sense she had to scent him. A quick glance down showed her nipples drawn
up diamond-hard. “When you are balanced and it is safe, I am going to spend
weeks pleasuring you.” He could not wait. Her gasp and the strong scent of
arousal told him she couldn’t either. “But for now, you will see to this new
need you have created.”

If human looks could kill he’d be dead. He ignored her
displeasure and lifted her into his arms. Bohdan said she could take as much as
she needed this time. So far, her body had not protested. It was encouraging.

Her weight was as nothing, a precious burden he could hold
forever. She glanced at the window as soon as they cleared the shower stall. He
felt her guilty start, followed quickly by a surge of determination as he
crossed into the bedroom. She thought to run again. Anger, primitive and wild,
rose within, breaking through his forced calm, smashing his patience to bits.
She was his. She would accept this, and she would not run.

He dropped her on the bed. Before she could bounce to her
feet, he placed his palm on her chest, stretching his fingers up the slope of
her breast, pressing in, the round indentations satisfying his need to mark her
in a way she would recognize. With his other hand, he turned her head, holding
her steady to the angle of his cock. “Taste me.”

She kept her lips firmly closed. Water from her hair soaked
the pillow, creating a halo of deeper color around her head. He bent his knees
slightly, drawing the tip of his penis from one corner of her lips to the
other, coating her lips with his seed until they glistened in the low light,
one more mark of his possession. He stood, letting his shaft bob against her
cheek. With his thumb, he pressed the silky liquid between her lips. Her eyes
closed as they always did at the first taste of his seed. Her shudder and the
goose bumps that sprang up on her flesh were dead giveaways to her pleasure.
“Open your mouth.”

She barely parted her lips.

“Wide enough to receive my tribute.” Her eyes popped wider
than her mouth. “Did you think only women paid tribute?”

Her narrow-eyed glare spoke volumes. He shook his head at
her lack of understanding. All things required balance. Even mating.

“I am forbidden to spill my seed other than for your
pleasure. Not by my own hand, or by another’s, can I be delivered relief from
the desire you create. In this way I honor you.” He tapped her lip with the tip
of his penis. “Stick out your tongue.”

As she did, slowly and suspiciously, he told her, “You will
not move through this. You will remain still and obedient, and accept my
tribute with the respect it should be given.” He rested the head of his cock on
the tip of her tongue. “Do you understand?”

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