Confession (9 page)

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Authors: Gary Whitmore

BOOK: Confession
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Jimmy found her sitting out on the sidewalk two streets over from the town while making his rounds.   She was singing out the Hank Williams song
I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry
song, as loud as she could.

So he stopped his car and got her in the backseat.

After he placed her in one of their two jail cells, he made a pot of coffee.

“Hey Jimmy.  Did I ever tell you that I think you’re a handsome young man?” called out Nancy from the bars of her cell.

“No,” said Jimmy then he poured himself a cup of coffee.

He walked back over to his desk and sat down.  He picked up his current issue of his
True Detective
magazine and read his article while he sipped on his coffee.
  He grabbed his pack of Lucky Strikes from his desk, lit a cigarette and smoked while he read the magazine.

“Well you are and if you want, you can come fuck me,” called out Nancy.

Jimmy couldn’t believe his ears.  He never had a woman offer him sex in his life.  The thought of finally feeling his cock slid in a pussy was turning him on.

He walked away from the coffee pot and headed down the hallway that housed the two jail cells.

He walked up to Nancy’s

She looked at him and winked.  She turned and walked to the wall to her right.  She unbuttoned her Capri pants and slid them down to her knees. 

Jimmy couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw her slide her panties down to her ankles.

“Come on boy.  Fuck me,” said Nancy while she wiggled her bubble butt ass cheeks.

Jimmy unlocked the jail cell and opened up the door.

He went cell and immediately removed his gun belt and tossed it on the bed.  He unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants.  He lowered his pants and boxers at the same time down to his ankles.  He already had a boner.

He walked up to her and she reached around and assisted guiding him inside her.

Jimmy smiled at the feeling of finally being inside a woman.  He grabbed the sides of her hips and started pumping her.  He pumped faster and faster.  Then after a minute of pumping, he exploded inside Nancy.

He pulled out and got redressed.

“You men are always so fucking quick,” said Nancy unsatisfied with Jimmy’s performance.

He left the cell and locked the door.

Nancy got redressed while Jimmy walked down the hallway.

She got on the bed while Jimmy went back to his cup of coffee.

Jimmy went to his desk and sat down.  He had a huge grin while he drank his coffee.  He was no longer a virgin.


October rolled around and Jimmy and Ricky started their own yearly tradition.  They would go fishing and camping outing on Artabatian Lake outside Pierce, Mississippi.


Meanwhile, up at Quantico, Virginia, twenty-two year old Robert Fillert started his first day with the FBI Academy.  He recently graduated from Georgia Tech with a degree in Criminal Justice.  Robert was so happy as being a FBI Agent was a childhood dream.   All Robert wanted to do was to put the evil criminal behind bars.  Little did he know that one criminal would be his toughest case in the


It’s back to reality…


In Daytona Beach, Sam sat in his lazy boy chair in his den.  He highlighted some more items in the A Killer’s Tale book.
  He had this weird feeling that this author was making a connection to the fictitious Robert Fillert with Sam’s career.  


In Kissimmee, Marty read The Killer’s Tale while Becky reminisced with some old pictures of Allan with the kids.  It was from a trip to Disney two years ago.


In Curtis, Mississippi, Billy was pissed with A Killer’s Tale book.

Chapter 7


Killer’s Tale


Two years had passed and it was now 1956.

Jimmy still loved being a deputy with the Boldger Police department and love having the feeling of power over people.  A lot had happened during these past two years.

Jimmy would still arrest Nancy during one of her drunken spells and fuck her back in one of the jail cells.  Sometimes she wanted sex and sometimes Jimmy forced himself on her.  She knew she couldn’t say anything about that so she tolerated his forceful ways.

Melvin also talked Jimmy into becoming a KKK member and he loved how the colored folk feared this organization.  


It was August of 1956 and Jimmy found a new hobby while patrolling the streets of Boldger late at night.

It started on August 11th
and was a hot and steamy Friday night.  The night sky was full of twinkling stars and a full Moon.

Jimmy did his usual patrol around town every two hours.

It was eleven at night and he decided to check out the clearing down by the lake.  He loved peeking in the windows of a car at the lake and scaring the crap out of the teenage lovers.  Jimmy figured if he didn’t get a chance with getting laid down by the lake, why should any other teen.

Jimmy drove his squad car out of town and headed down Route 123. 

He made the left turn down the dirt road that led to the clearing by the lake.

When he got close to the clearing he turned off his headlights.  He drove his car slow and entered the clearing and saw a black 1950 Ford pickup truck parked in the clearing with the front end pointed at the lake. 

Jimmy turned off his car engine and could see a lone person behind the wheel of the pickup truck. 

He quietly opened his car door and stepped outside then quietly closed his door.

Jimmy had a smirk while he tiptoed over to the pickup.

He got to the driver’s door of the pickup and looked in the window.  He saw a black hair girl giving a white Alvin Cooper, a sixteen boy a blowjob.  It took Jimmy a few seconds to realize that that black haired girl was fifteen-year old colored girl Lizzy Sharp.

He tapped on the driver’s door window.

Alvin glanced over at his window with a smile.  He stared at Jimmy for a few seconds and it dawned on him that Deputy Nalla was peeking at him.  “Shit!” yelled out Alvin from inside in a panic from inside the truck.  Alvin pushed the head of the colored girl off of his erection.  His erection quickly turned flaccid while he looked over a Jimmy.

The colored girl looked bewildered as to why Alvin pushed her away.  Then she looked over at Alvin and saw Jimmy standing outside the pickup.  She got scared, as she always feared Jimmy knowing he was part of the Klan.

Jimmy stared at the two and got an idea.  “I want the colored girl out of the truck,” he said.

The colored girl scooted across the seat of the truck, opened the door and got outside.

“Go home Alvin and I won’t tell your daddy about this.  You know he’ll beat your ass raw if he finds out,” said Jimmy.

Alvin nodded that he agreed with Jimmy and started up his pickup.

Jimmy and the colored girl moved away while Alvin backed up his pickup.  They watched him drive away out of the clearing and head down the dirt road.

Jimmy looked at the colored girl in the darkness of the lake.  “Now, what am I going to do with you Lizzy?”

“Please don’t tell my paw,” she said with pleading eyes that looked scared.

Jimmy looked at Lizzy who wore a worn white flowery dress to her knobby knees and was barefooted.  “I know you’re paw will beat you for sucking a white boy’s cock,” he said.

Lizzy’s eyes welled up and knew Jimmy was correct.  “Please don’t tell my paw, please.”

Jimmy looked at Lizzy and knew he had her right where he wanted her.  “Come with me, Lizzy,” he said and motioned for her to come over to him.

Lizzy reluctantly walked over to Jimmy knowing he would take her to his paw and tell him what she did.

Jimmy grabbed Lizzy’s left arm and walked her over to the rear of his car.

He moved her and bent her over to where her face was on the trunk of the car.  He leaned down and moved her feet apart then lifted up her dress and exposed her backside.  He noticed in the Moonlight that Lizzy didn’t wear any panties while he unbuckled his belt.

Lizzy knew what Jimmy wanted and she wasn’t a willing participant.  “I don’t know about this Mista Jimmy.”

“If you don’t, I’ll tell your paw,” said Jimmy while he unzipped his trousers then lowered them down to his ankles.

Lizzy knew she didn’t have a choice, as getting the belt on her ass cheeks by her paw was not an option.  So she just stayed in place and waited.

Jimmy pulled down his boxers and already had an erection.  He moved closer to Lizzy.   He reached down and rubbed her bare crotch.  After a few seconds of getting Lizzy primed, he penetrated her and started humping her.

Lizzy was relieved that this only lasted two minutes.

After Jimmy got himself redressed, he placed Lizzy in the backseat of his squad car.  He got behind the wheel, started the car and drove out of the clearing.


Jimmy drove back into town and stopped on a street by the edge of the colored section.  He looked back at the backseat.  “Okay Lizzy, I won’t tell your paw and was we did tonight will be our secret.”

“Yes Mista Jimmy,” said Lizzy and she felt a bit relieved that her paw wouldn’t find out.

“And Lizzy, you will do me whenever I want.  Understand?  You know what I can do.”

“Yes Mista Jimmy.”

“Good, now go home.”

Lizzy opened up the rear door, got outside, closed the door and ran off down the street.

Jimmy drove away
while he lit up a Lucky Strike cigarette


The months had passed and it was now the spring of 1957.

Jimmy spent the last year with his occasional nighttime meetings with Lizzy.  Sometimes he would take her down to the lake in the middle of the night and screw her in the backseat, or other times he would have her give him a blowjob while he parked along a street in Boldger.

But while he had sex with her, he often thought about that dead colored girl in the woods when he was twelve years old.  While he screwed Lizzy he kept on thinking about that naked colored girl.  He even started to think about taking Lizzy out to that same spot and beating her to death.  But he fought back those urges.


It was the
of 1956 and Robert Fillert had completed the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia and started his first assignment in the Field Office in Atlanta.  He already made his first arrest of three bank robbers that hit banks the States of Georgia, Tennessee and Alabama.


It was August of 1957 and during this hot and humid month, Jimmy got another taste of killing another human being.

It apparently happened during Friday night on August tenth.  Sixteen-year-old Emily Mochrie came home at ten that night crying.  When her father Gus Mochrie asked what happened, Emily said an unknown guy that wore a black ski mask raped her while she walked home from her girlfriend, Amy’s home.  He came up behind her and forced her way penetrating her from the rear.  She only saw the back of his head when he ran away. 


On Saturday morning, Jimmy’s brother Ricky, told Jimmy that he saw a colored man, named Howard Williams running down the street and removed a black ski mask off his head.  Jimmy of course told Sheriff Damon.

This was an open and shut case as far as Sheriff Damon was concerned so he summoned the boys. 


Later that night, Sheriff Damon, Melvin, Jimmy, Rick, Sam, John, Carl, and Max met at Melvin’s home at ten. 

“We can’t have these uppity colored scum raping our young women,” said Melvin furious over the situation.

“I agree,” said Rick.

“Me too,” said Jimmy.

Sam, John, Carl, and Max all nodded in agreement.

“Then we have to take care of this situation to send a message to the rest of the colored folk,” said Sheriff Damon.

“Then we know what needs to be done,” said Melvin.

“Yep, we don’t have a choice,” said Sam.

“Poor Emily.  Raped by some colored piece of shit,” said Carl and he looked furious.

“We does justice get served?” asked Max.

Sheriff Damon looked at Melvin. 

“Tomorrow night.  We can’t take a chance on him leaving town,” said Melvin then he looked at Jimmy.  “You ready?”

“I’m ready,” Jimmy replied and couldn’t wait. 

“We meet at the church at ten tomorrow night,” said Sheriff Damon.

Everybody nodded in agreement then Melvin broke out eight cans of Black Label beer from his refrigerator.  He handed a can of cold beer to each of the guys. 


It was Sunday night and the town of Boldger was quiet.  A 1952 Dodge Cornet with four occupants inside and a 1951 Chevrolet Fleetline Deluxe with two occupants inside pulled into the parking lot of the First Baptist Church of Boldger.  Both cars had Mississippi license plates.

Ricky, Sammy, Sheriff Damon and Melvin got out of the Dodge dressed in their KKK glory suits with their hoods removed.

Jimmy, Carl, John and Max got out of the Chevrolet dressed in their KKK glory suits with their hoods removed.

They all gathered in front of the Dodge and Sheriff Damon looked the guys over for a few seconds.  “Let’s go get some justice,” he said then placed his hood on his face.

All the other guys nodded in agreement then placed their hoods over their heads.

The eight Klansmen got back in the two cars and drove out of the parking lot.


A little while later the Dodge and Chevrolet raced down one of the dirt roads in the colored section of town.

They stopped in the weedy front yard of the Williams shack.

The eight Klansmen rushed out of the two cars and headed to the front porch of the Williams shack.

“Get out here, Howard Williams,” yelled out Sheriff Damon from behind his hood.

The eight guys waited for a few seconds then the front door of the shack opened and Howard Williams a fifty-two year old man appeared in a white tee shirt and boxers at the door.  His eyes widened with fear the second he saw the eight Klansmen on his porch in their glory suits.  He knew they were here for coffee and social talk.  He panicked, turned around and ran through his living room.

“Cover the back,” Sheriff Damon told John and Sam.

John and Sam ran off the back porch and ran to the rear of the shack.

Sheriff Damon and the rest ran inside the house.

John and Sam ran to the back of the shack the second Howard ran out of the back screen door.

John tackled Howard to the ground.

“I did nothing,” cried out Howard while John pressed the left side of his face into the dirt.

“You’re a fucking liar, Howard,” yelled out John while he got off Howard and brought him to his feet.


Three minutes had passed and they had Howard, still in his tee shirt and underwear, in the backseat of the Chevrolet and sat between Jimmy and Max.

Howard was scared to death while the car drove down his street.  “I didn’t do nothing,” he said.

“Don’t you lie to us,” said Jimmy.  “We know what you fucking did.  You raped young Emily Mochrie on Friday night,” he added.

“I didn’t rape any white girl.  I promise,” said Howard and he was dead serious. 

Jimmy elbowed Howard in his face.  “Fucking liar.  We hate you colored folk when you lie all the time.”

Howard remained quiet, as he knew any more talk would get another elbow or possibility a fist.

While the Dodge and Chevrolet drove off down the street, Howard’s wife, Anita and ten-year-old daughter Molly watched from the front porch of their shack.  Anita’s eyes welled up and she knew Howard would not be coming home.  This was an all too familiar sight in the Deep South during these times.  And the colored folk had nobody to complaint to who would listen and stop this activity.


Five minutes passed and the Dodge and Chevrolet drove to a secluded area of the woods to the east of Boldger.  They stopped with the headlights illuminating a large oak tree with a nice thick horizontal branch to the left of the trunk.  On that branch was installed a noose earlier this evening.  Below the noose were too small wooden stools.

Everybody got out of the Dodge.

Carl and John got out of the front of the Chevrolet. Jimmy and Max got out and dragged a reluctant Howard with them. 

“Please let me go.  I swear I didn’t rape that white girl.  I swear!” Howard pleaded with Jimmy and Max.

“Shut the fuck up and take your punishment like a man,” said Sheriff Damon while he walked over to Howard.

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