Confessions (25 page)

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Authors: Sasha Campbell

BOOK: Confessions
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Lying in bed at night, all I could think about was Leon and how lonely I was. It wasn't fair. I tried to do everything right, and what had it gotten me—heartache.

Someone was out to get me. They had slashed my tires. Wrote on my glass. Thrown a brick through my windshield and followed my ass around town. But the worst thing of all was the letter to my husband.

Someone wanted revenge, and I needed to find out who that person was. One thing for sure, whoever it was knew enough about me to share my past with Leon. The only person I told my personal business to was Nikki, but I knew she wouldn't do no shit like that. There were my brothers, but they would never hate on me either.

I forced myself to go to work when what I wanted to do was lie in bed and never get up. I buried myself in my work. Then four days after my heartbreak, Yolanda moved out onto the floor and asked for everyone's attention.

“I would like to announce the name of our new director. Let's give a round of applause to Maureen.”

Everyone started clapping. Several looked over in my direction, waiting to see my reaction. I thought it was going to hurt, hearing she got the job that was supposed to have been mine, but it didn't. That job didn't even matter to me anymore. Even though Leon and I were no longer together, I still didn't want it.

Maureen looked over at me and gave me a triumphant smile. That bitch had no idea the only reason why she had gotten the job was because I had turned it down. I waited until Patricia had gone to lunch before I went over to Maureen and congratulated her.

She looked surprised. “Uh…thanks.”

I leaned against her desk, arms crossed, watching her eyes as I asked, “How's things with you and Michael?”

“Fabulous. Why?”

I shrugged. “Well, a couple of weeks ago, you were worried about him mess—”

“I've taken care of that problem,” she replied, quickly cutting me off.

My brow rose. “Oh, really, and how's that?”

“That's personal and none of your business.”

“Come on, tell me. What did you do, slash her tires? Send her husband a letter?”

Her eyes widened. “She has a husband? Do you know something I don't?” she added with a confused look.

I laughed and moved toward her. “I don't know. You tell me.” It finally dawned on me, Maureen was too dumb to do any of those things. She wasn't anywhere near as smart as I had originally thought.

“Trinette, I have no idea what you're talking about. If I'm going to be your boss, you're going to have to understand I can't share my personal life with you anymore. What would it look like, me hanging with the support staff?”

Leaning forward, I whispered for her ears only, “I guess that means you won't be hanging out with Chuck anymore either.” Maureen's eyes grew wide with fear. All I could do was smile. “Don't get the shit twisted. The only reason why you got the promotion was because I turned it down. If you don't believe me…ask Yolanda.” Smiling, I moved over to my desk and retrieved my purse. “I'm going to lunch.”

On the ride over to Harry's Chicken & Seafood, I thought about Maureen's behavior. If Michael was messing with someone, it definitely wasn't me. I thought she was too dumb to be stalking me, but I wasn't quite ready to take her off my list of suspects.

I parked and walked into the restaurant and spotted Nikki sitting at a booth in back. “Hey,” I said as I flopped down in the seat across from her.

“Hello,” she mumbled. She avoided eye contact, so I could tell she was still angry at me. “I went ahead and ordered.”

“Thanks.” I cleared my throat. “Look…I asked you here because I wanted to apologize. I'm really sorry, Nikki. You're right. All I've ever done is fuck around on Leon, and no, I don't deserve to get my husband back.”

Her eyes met mine. “I wouldn't take it that far.”

I shook my head. “No, it's true. I used up all my chances living dangerously on the edge. I love having power over men. I like knowing I can be the richest bitch in St. Louis by using the power of my own pussy. It's sad but true.”

“I heard your coochie ain't all that,” she teased.

“Then whoever you were talking to lied. 'Cause this shit is dripping in gold.”

She laughed, and despite my jacked-up life I joined in. “Listen, I've lost everything else in my life, but I can't lose you, too. You're my best friend, and I don't know how you have put up with me all these years, but one thing I know is your friendship means the world to me.”

“I love you too, Netta. I've learned a long time ago, you are who you are. And I can either be one of those people who loves you or one of those who hates you. I decided just to let most of your shit go in one ear and out the other, and I love you regardless.”

I stuck my tongue out at her, but inside I felt so good. Nikki was a sister to me, and whenever everything else in my life was going wrong, it was a relief to know she was still there.

As soon as the waitress left after delivering our drinks, Nikki looked over at me and asked, “Have you found out yet if that man's wife is stalking you?”

Shaking my head, I took a sip of my drink. “Nope. I think she might be a little too naive to step to me like that. What's even worse is, she's now my new boss.”

“Ouch! I guess that means she got the director's position.” When I nodded she added, “How do you feel about that?”

“I really feel better than I thought. I hate the fact she got it and that seems to be the only thing that pisses me off, but other than that, I would take Leon over that job any day.”

“I sure hope the two of you can get back together.”

I shrugged and wasn't about to put much stock in that thought at that point. “Maybe one of these days, but I need to get my head on right first.”

Nikki gave me a weird look, then reached across the table and placed her palm to my forehead. “You feeling okay?”

Laughing, I slapped her hand away. “I'm feeling fine. Probably better than I have in a long time. Graduation is right around the corner, and after that…well…I don't know, but at least I have options, and it's definitely time for me to try doing things a little different.”

Nikki nodded, then reached for her glass.

“Have you heard from Kenyon?” I asked. Her stalker cracked me up.

She frowned at the mention of his name. “No, not even an e-mail in over a week, thank God. Hopefully, the ex parte scared his ass.”

“I can't believe he showed up in New York! Maybe that psycho has found him someone else.”

“Let's hope so.” She took another sip, then smiled over at me. “I've got some good news.”

“What?” Whatever it was had her eyes dancing with excitement.

“Donovan's coming home in two weeks.”

“You're serious?”

She started nodding her head as a tear rolled down her cheek. “I'm so happy.”

I winked at her. “I'm happy for you.”

“This will be our time to start over fresh. I want us to work. I'm ready to have another baby.”

My eyes grew wide. “What?”

Nikki drew in a shaky breath. “I'm serious, Trinette. I think I've mourned over Mimi long enough. She's gone, but I'm not, and I need to start living again.”

“Good for you,” I said, giving her a high five.

“I've already stopped taking my birth control pills.” Something over my shoulder grabbed her attention. Nikki leaned in close. “Netta, there's Jay.”

I swung around on my seat and sure enough, there his fine ass was. “I'll be right back.” I rose and sashayed my hips in a slamming Vera Wang dress up to the cashier and tapped him lightly on the shoulder. He looked surprised to see me.

“Hey, Netta…uh…whassup?” His eyes darted all around, acting nervous as hell.

“I should be asking you that.”

“I've…uh, been meaning to call and talk to you,” he shot back.

I quirked a perfectly arched eyebrow. “Oh, really, about what?”

Just then his baby mama Ronnie came over and pushed up close to her man. “Hey, Trinette. Whassup, girl?”

I looked her dead in the eye to see if there was any indication she knew about me and Jay. To my relief, her smile looked genuine. Jay looked relieved as well.

“I should be asking you,” I replied, pointing to her stomach. She had to be at least five or six months pregnant. So that's what Jay been meaning to talk to me about.

“'Bout to have another baby by this fool here,” she said, smiling as she spoke. “But at least he finally made it official.” She held out her hand, wiggling her ring. I glanced up at Jay with my brow raised with a look of amusement. I guessed he'd been meaning to talk to me about that as well. He finally decided to marry Ronnie.

“Wow!” Her ring was maybe a half carat at its best. Jay is such a cheap ass! “It's gorgeous,” I lied. Then I couldn't help it. “Look what my hubby got me.” I held out my hand and showed her mine.

“Daaayum! Now
a ring,” she replied, then rolled her eyes in Jay's direction. I guaranteed he'd be back at the jewelry store the next day.

I winked at him. “I'm happy for both of you.” And I was. I thought I would be hurt to know Jay had chosen another woman over me, but the truth of the matter is, I never wanted Jay, but I didn't used to want him with anyone else either. But now I no longer felt that way.

He looked relieved. I guess he was expecting me to show my ass. “Thanks, Netta,” he replied, then glanced over to my booth. “Is that Nikki sitting with you?”

I nodded. “Yep.”

“Do you know if she's heard from Kenyon? I've been trying to reach him all week and he hasn't been answering his phone or been at work.”

“Puhleeze, she put an ex parte on that stalker! Ever since his daughter's car accident, he started acting crazy.”

Jay gave me a weird look. “Daughter? Kenyon's daughter died of crib death when she was three months old.”

Hell, nah! My mouth was wide open. This story got better every day. All of a sudden I started laughing hysterically and dragging Jay over to Nikki at the same time. “Nikki, giiirrrl, you've got to hear this.”


“I am so happy for you,” Trinette replied. I knew it was hard for her to be happy for me when her marriage was in a shambles, but it showed she was a true friend. “We need to go out and get you new luggage. Something pink.”

I frowned. “You know I'm not about to go to the airport with some loud-ass pink suitcases.” I started laughing and she joined in. At least she was laughing.

Trinette suggested meeting for lunch when I had called her that morning to tell her Donovan was back in the states and I was flying to meet him in Miami on Friday. We'd decided to go on a second honeymoon and start our new life off fresh. I had no problem with that. I definitely needed to get away. It had been two weeks since I discovered the truth about Kenyon's daughter. He was still acting psycho, calling my phone all hours of the night. Anonymously, of course. Otherwise he'd have been violating the terms of his ex parte and I'd have him arrested. The man wasn't stupid. Just psycho.

I glanced down at my watch. “I guess we better get outta here. You've been gone for lunch long enough.”

“Nikki, I am not worried about Maureen, trust me.” She gave me a look that said there was a lot more to that story. I decided to save that tale for another day when I'd time to spare.

“I really wanna get to JCPenney and do some shopping,” I suggested.

“Okay, I'll go with you.”

My head whipped around. “Are you feeling well?”

Trinette gave me a weird look and laughed. “Why you say that?”

“Because you don't shop at Penney's, remember?”

She shrugged. “I guess it's time for me to accept I'm not rich and the clothes at JCPenney are cute and at least it's affordable.”

I punched her playfully in the arm. “Looka here. My girl's tryna change! She's finally bringing her head out from the clouds.”

She gave me a sad look. “Yeah, I just wish I did it while Leon and I were still together.”

“It's not too late,” I reassured her.

She rose and tossed down enough money to cover the bill. “I'm not so sure.”

I got up from the chair, shaking my head. “I don't care what you say, Leon loves you and I
he'll take you back.”

“I hope you're right, but I need to make sure I am ready this time. Come on, let's ride in my car. I'll bring you back after we get done shopping.”

“Cool.” I loved her Benz. It was so smooth, I see why people spend the money to own one.

We got into her car and had gone three blocks when I looked into the side view mirror and noticed a black car was riding on her ass. “You see that car on your bumper?”

Trinette glanced up into her rearview mirror and nodded. “I see her. That's the same bitch who tried to run me over.”

“What?” This was the first I'd heard of that, or maybe I hadn't been listening.

“I bet you it's the same female who sent Leon that letter.” She made a quick left at the next light, and the black car turned as well. “Hold on.” Trinette made a U-turn at the corner, and sure enough the car followed. “Told you that crazy bitch is following me!”

She wasn't lying, the car was coming up behind her and riding on her ass again. I tugged on my seat belt to make sure it was secure, then gave her a sidelong glance. Trinette had the look in her eye that she was ready to fuck somebody up.

“I bet you that bitch is the one who also slit my tires.”

I looked over at her, mouth wide open. “When did that happen?”

Shaking her head, she spat, “You don't wanna know, but I've got a sneaky feeling it really is Maureen riding my ass.”

a strong possibility, considering you were screwing her husband.”

Trinette briefly took her eyes off the road. “I also caught her screwing the security guard.”

Damn. DFS was a regular soap opera.

When Trinette stopped at the next red light, I swung around on the seat and looked inside the car behind us, trying to catch a glimpse of who was behind the wheel, but the windshield was tinted too dark.

“Can you tell who it is?” she asked.

I stared a little longer, then turned back around. “Nope. I can't even tell if it's a male or female.”

Trinette released a crazed laugh. “Oh, it's definitely a female. Trust me.” She peeled away the second the light turned green, and the car was close behind. “What the hell does she want with me?” she screamed.

I'd be lying if I didn't say I was worried about how it was gonna turn out. “I guess she wants you to leave her man alone.”

“I stopped fooling with Michael a while back,” Trinette barked as she turned on the main road toward the mall. “I wasn't lying when I said I was committing to my marriage.” She glanced out her side view mirror. “Why's she playing? Don't she know I will whup her ass?” She stopped at another red light.

“I guess she doesn't think you'll go there.”

“Then I'ma have to show her. Hold on!”

I braced myself. The light turned green, and Trinette started to pull away when she suddenly slammed on her brakes so hard the car behind her crashed into hers, throwing me forward in my seat.

“You okay?”

Thank goodness I was wearing my seat belt. “I'm fine but your airbag doesn't seem to be working.”

Trinette released her seat belt. “I'll worry about that later.” We climbed out the car just as the woman in the car behind us took off running. “Oh, no, you don't, bitch!” Trinette reached for something on the floor in the back of her car, then took off after her.

“Netta, where you going with that hammer?”

“I'm about to get my life back!”

Traffic had stalled in both directions, but there was no way I was letting Trinette go after that woman without a witness. As angry as she was, there was no telling what she was liable to do. I turned off the car, locked our purses inside and headed in the direction I saw her heading.

The female was tripping over her heels while Trinette was too stubborn to leave her fifteen hundred dollar Jimmy Choos in the street. Whoever the woman was, she had long dark hair, and from what I could tell she was thick. Before Trinette went back to school, we used to jog three evenings a week, so running was not that big of a deal, although we hadn't done so in months.

“Netta, wait up!” She looked like a damn fool running down the street swinging a hammer in the air. I tried to run as fast as I could because there was no telling what my girl was bound to do when she caught that female. Trinette's life was a mess. She had lost Leon because the woman she was chasing had sent her husband a damaging letter. There was no telling what Trinette would do to her if I wasn't there to stop her.

As soon as I turned the corner, I spotted Trinette heading down an alley. I increased my speed and started gaining on her, which wasn't hard to do, considering she had on designer pumps and I was wearing flats.

“Trinette, wait up!”

She ignored me and kept on going. I have to say that stalker chick was running for her life. Someone must have given her the memo and told her Trinette was not to be fucked with.

Then everything happened so fast. That female dodged between two cars, and another car was backing out of his garage and tried to stop but wasn't quick enough, and that chick went flying over into some trash cans near a fence.

“Oh, shit!” I screamed, and whizzed my way down the long alley, because I didn't need to get hit, and grabbed Trinette just as she was prepared to pounce on the woman.

“Let me go so I can beat that fuckin' bitch's ass!” she cried, and tried to break free of my grasp while swinging the hammer in the air.

“Uh-uh, she's already laid out. What more do you want?” Holding onto her, I moved up closer. “Who the hell is that?”

“If you let me go, I can find out!” Trinette replied, then pulled free, but not before I snatched the hammer from her.

The black man who had been backing out of his garage was standing over the woman, and his fat stomach was blocking our view. “Ma'am, are you okay?” He looked scared to death. So was I. Luckily, we were in an alley and there was no one else around.

Trinette and I moved in closer just as the female sat up, leaving the long black wig lying in the grass. My mouth dropped and I heard Trinette suck in air. That wasn't a female. It was a damn man!

“Who the hell is that?” I looked to Trinette for answers. Her eyes grew large, and then she dove on top of him.

“Cory…you bastard!” she screamed, and started clawing at his ass, kicking and punching. It took the man and I both to pull her off him.

Cory sprung to his feet and started laughing hysterically while Trinette continued to kick and scream.
was Mr. Lottery winner?

“Gotcha!” he cried.

“You mothafucka! You ruined my life!” Trinette screamed, and balled up both fists. Just as she was about to lunge at him, I stepped in between them.

Cory quickly sobered. “And you ruined mine! You can't be playing with people's emotions. You told me to get rid of that bitch car, so I did. I test drove a different car every week, trying to get your attention, but you were too busy messing with all them other dudes to notice. Then I finally found out who the man was in the photo I found in your drawer…your husband. I was so mad, I flat your tires, tossed a brick through your window and left you a lovely message on your windshield.” He shrugged. “And when none of those things worked, I felt it was time Mr. Leon knew who his wife
was. Doesn't feel so good, does it?” he added with a smile. “That will teach you not to call my mama!”

Cory started laughing again, and I didn't even try to stop Trinette when she reached down, grabbed the hammer off the ground and threw it straight at his forehead, knocking him flat on his ass.

The driver of the car and I looked at each other at the same time.

“You see anything? I didn't see nothing,” he said.

“Neither did I.”

“Me neither.” Trinette and I replied at the same time.

All three of us turned around and got the hell out of there.

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