Read Confessions at Midnight Online

Authors: Jacquie D’Alessandro

Tags: #love_contemporary

Confessions at Midnight (17 page)

BOOK: Confessions at Midnight
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"Go?" She adopted her most innocent air and batted her eyelashes. "But I haven't finished my ice."

"I'll buy you another one tomorrow." He stood and held out his hand. The smoldering look in his eyes left no doubt that he wanted her as much as she wanted him. And as soon as possible.

She intended to see to it that he didn't have long to wait.

She gave her lips a dainty pat with her napkin, then placed her hand in his to arise. Surrounding herself with her usual air of proper dignity, she allowed him to escort her to his carriage. With his gaze never leaving hers, he took the seat opposite then gave the driver the signal to depart. As soon as they began to move, he flicked the velvet curtains closed.

"Come here," he said, his voice a low growl.

Instead of complying, she reached out and unfastened his breeches. He watched her through half-closed eyes, his chest rising and falling with his rapid breaths. When the buckskin placard opened, she wrapped her fingers around his erection and gently squeezed.

He sucked a harsh breath. "Carolyn…"

A pearl of fluid glistened on the tip, and with a single fingertip she slowly spread the moisture over the head. Never had she behaved in such a bold manner outside the bedchamber. But something about this man and his passionate reactions to her brought out a daring, adventurous spirit she hadn't previously known she'd possessed. An untouched spirit whose emergence was clearly aided by the sensual images her readings of the
had embedded in her mind. The Anonymous Lady had described, in detail, the joys of making love in a moving carriage. According to the
, it was an experience not to be missed, and Carolyn had no intention of doing so.

Keeping her gaze locked with his, she brought her finger to her lips and brushed her tongue over the tip, tasting the salty tang of his essence. Her womb clenched at the fire that blazed in his eyes.

"Carolyn…" Her name was a harsh groan filled with need and want. "Come here."

This time she complied, and rose from her seat. Before she so much as blinked, his hands slipped beneath her gown and skimmed up the backs of her thighs to cup her bare bottom and draw her closer. She gasped at the contact, at his kneading, caressing fingers. Bracing one hand on his shoulders, she straddled his thighs, used her other hand to guide him to the opening of her body, and slowly rubbed the velvety head of his erection along her wet, swollen folds. The musky scent of her arousal and his heat filled her head, along with his low growl of pleasure.

Unable to wait any longer to feel him inside her, she sank down, a slow, slick impalement that pulsed sweet, hot pleasure through her. When he was buried to the hilt, so deep she swore he touched her heart, his splayed fingers clenched on her bottom, pressing her tighter against him.


The way he said her name, a cross between a prayer and a growl, touched something deep inside her. And there was only one response.

"Daniel." She shifted against him. "You feel so… oh, my." Her words dissolved into nothingness when he flexed his hips and embedded himself deeper.

"You feel so… incredibly good," he whispered, leaning forward to graze her neck with his teeth.

Spurred on by his words, she slowly rose, then sank down again, her movements aided by the gentle rocking of the carriage. And then she was lost in the pleasure of her downward strokes and his increasingly demanding upward thrusts. Their pace quickened, both of them straining, panting, seeking the deep next stroke. Her climax exploded, and with a cry she couldn't contain, her body arched as the tremors throbbed through her. With a fierce groan, Daniel ground his hips into hers and she felt him pulse inside her.

Limp and breathless, with delightful ripples still shivering through her, Carolyn melted against him. She rested her forehead against his, and their rapid breaths mingled, fanning her overheated face.

"I give you my word," he said, his words husky and unsteady, "that I will, very soon, seduce you slowly. I swear it has been my intention, but you keep disrupting all my fine plans."

"Are you scolding me?"

"Yes, although by 'scolding' I actually mean 'don't ever stop.'" He slipped his hands from beneath her gown and framed her face between his palms. He looked into her eyes with an expression she couldn't decipher, then slowly leaned forward. Their lips met in a deep, passionate kiss that tasted sweet and delicious, flavored with blueberry ice. He ended the kiss as slowly he'd started it, then lifted an edge of the curtain to cast a quick look out the window.

"We'll be home soon."

She heaved a sigh and wriggled against him. "Which means I have to move."

His lips twitched. "Not necessarily. My staff knows not to open the door until I draw back the curtains."

His words stilled her. She knew he meant them only to reassure her that they wouldn't be caught in dishabille, but they also made it patently obvious that while making love in a carriage was a new experience for her, it wasn't for him.

A jolt of something that felt exactly like jealousy stabbed her, and she inwardly scowled at the ridiculous sensation. She knew he'd had previous lovers-many of them, according to everything she'd heard. She also knew he'd have more lovers after their liaison ended-a realization that seized her insides with an uncomfortable sensation that resembled a cramp.

She tried to shove aside her thoughts as she moved off him. Accepted his proffered handkerchief to wipe away the evidence of their spent passion. Rearranged her skirts while he realigned his clothing.

Yet her disturbing thoughts continued and a frown puckered her brow. It didn't matter how many women came before her, or how many would come after her. Or if he made love to them in his carriage. It didn't matter at all. Not one bit. This was nothing more than a temporary affair. Edward was the love of her life. Daniel-and the
-had merely brought her passions back to the surface, and naturally they'd be strong at the moment, after having been suppressed for so long. Her mind knew it, yet somehow the area surrounding her heart still felt… bruised.

"Carolyn? Is something wrong?"

She blinked away her unsettling musings and looked at him. Noticed the concern clouding his blue eyes. And before she could stop herself, she said, "You've done this before."

The instant the words passed her lips, she wished she could recall them. It was none of her concern, and truth be known, she didn't want to know. Especially if she and their tryst lacked in comparison.

His gaze searched hers then he said slowly, as if carefully choosing his words, "As I've no desire to lie to you, I won't deny I've… had relations in a carriage before." Then he leaned forward and grasped her hands, squeezing them tightly, his serious eyes pinning her in place. "But I've never wanted any woman as much as I want you, Carolyn. I said that I make you melt, but the truth of the matter is that you make me melt. Every time you touch me." He raised her hand and pressed an ardent kiss against her palm. "Please do not ever compare yourself to any other woman, because you are absolutely incomparable. In every way."

To her mortification, hot moisture pooled behind her eyes. She blinked it away then gave a quick laugh, one comprised mostly of relief. "Even though I disrupt all your fine plans?"

He smiled. "Actually,
you disrupt all my fine plans. In the most delightful ways."

Of course he tells every woman that
, her inner voice taunted. She shoved aside the irritating voice with another forceful reminder that this was nothing more than a temporary arrangement with a very charming man who would soon move on to the next woman who caught his fancy. So she'd concentrate only on the here and now and enjoy her time with him while it lasted.

"In that case," she said, "do you have any plans for the next hour or so?"

"All my plans for the rest of day involve only pleasing you." He waggled his brows. "What did you have in mind?"

She couldn't help but laugh at his exaggerated lascivious expression. "Do you ever think of anything besides…

"Of course. Only a moment ago I was wondering what you wore to bed at night."

She tried to suppress a laugh and failed. "I'm afraid that qualifies as a sensual matter."

"No, that is a
matter." His gaze wandered over her. "So… what
you wear to bed?"

"I couldn't possibly tell you. After all, a woman must have her secrets."

"You realize you're enticing me to find out."

She hoisted a teasing brow. "From what I can see, you are excessively easy to entice. Now about your plans for the next hour or so-I have a request."

He reached out and brushed the backs of his fingers over the outward curve of her breast. "Whatever it is, I shall do my utmost to oblige you."

"Without even knowing what it is?"


"What if I were to make an utterly outrageous demand?"

"I would do my utmost to oblige you. Does your utterly outrageous demand include removing our clothing?"

She gave his arm a playful swat. "See? Another sensual matter."

"No, another
matter. But whatever your request is, rest assured, you've only to ask."

Even under their lighthearted banter, she had the impression that he was completely in earnest. "You must be taken advantage of quite frequently by making such generous offers."

"On the contrary, I've yet to be taken advantage of because it isn't an offer I make frequently."

His words, spoken in that soft, serious voice… that voice… that deep, sensual voice…
Botheration, where was I
? Oh, yes her request.

She cleared her throat. "I'd like to discuss Katie with you. And meet your family."

A wary expression crossed his features, then his expression went blank. "My family? I'm afraid that's impossible, as they are traveling on the continent."

"I meant your animal family. Your pets."

family," he said, sounding relieved. He lifted her hand and pressed a warm kiss on the sensitive skin of her inner wrist. "I'd be happy to discuss Katie or any topic you wish. As for my pets, it would be my honor and pleasure to introduce you, although I must warn you, they are an unconventional lot."

The carriage jerked to a halt and Daniel flicked back the curtains. "Ready?" he asked with a smile.

"Ready," she agreed.

But was she? To enter his home, yes. But her inner voice shouted a warning that she wasn't in the least bit prepared for what entering into this affair with Daniel would ultimately entail. What continuing it would mean to the carefully constructed existence she'd built for herself. And in spite of her best efforts to tamp down that voice, it continued to whisper through her mind.

Chapter Fifteen

Everyday items took on entirely new and sensual meanings with my lover. Jam and honey spread on skin made for delicious midnight snacks. And my silk stockings made perfect ropes for tying my lover to the bed…

Memoirs of a
Mistress by An Anonymous Lady


he instant Barkley opened the door and Daniel and Carolyn entered the foyer, they were besieged by his "family," all of whom barked or meowed in assorted octaves with varying degrees of loudness. He wondered if his pets' less than perfect outward appearances and near deafening greeting might repulse her as they had the last several women he'd invited into his home. But rather than backing away from the healed-over infirmities and chaos, Carolyn grinned and waded right into the fray.

The cats wound between his boots, while his four rambunctious dogs proceeded to welcome him with an enthusiasm that would suggest he'd been away for weeks. They clearly approved of Carolyn, who, after a few preliminary sniffs, they greeted as if she were their long-lost best friend. Every bark and meow seemed to ask him,
Who is this delightful creature you've brought us

He looked at Carolyn's bright smile and his chest seemed to constrict.
She's Carolyn. And you're going to adore her

Daniel crouched down and was immediately the recipient of a surge of joyful canine affection that nearly upended him. Carolyn laughed at the frenzy and crouched beside him. And was instantly showered with enthusiastic doggie affection and feline purrs.

"They're wonderful," she managed to say between breathless laughs as she petted and scratched and dodged canine kisses.

"They're insane," Daniel corrected, unable to keep from chuckling in spite of his exasperated tone. "Allow me to introduce you," he said, raising his voice to be heard above the din. He patted the shaggy-haired mud-colored dog of dubious ancestry that had no tail. "This is Stubby." He then nodded toward a medium-sized tan dog missing a hind leg who was trying mightily to lick Carolyn's chin and said, "That flirtatious fellow is Limpy."

"I'm guessing this is Baldy?" she said, scooping up the soulful-eyed, hairless puppy that squirmed with panting delight.

"Correct. And this little devil is Droopy," he said, picking up a small black and white, wiggling puff of fluff that sported only one spiky ear, the top of which flopped over. He then nodded toward the pair of cats who now sat sedately several feet away, tails curled around themselves, watching the proceedings with haughty feline disdain that clearly indicated they viewed such canine goings-on as undignified. "Blinky is the pure black one with one eye," Daniel said.

"Yes, I saw her last night."

"Tippy's the calico. She's the only reserved member of this wild bunch and is missing part of a front leg. The pair of them believe this is their house. They kindly allow me and the servants to reside here, but only so long as we continue to feed them. I'm convinced they spend all the time they aren't sleeping plotting ways to get the dogs to move out."

He set Droopy down then rose and extended his hand to her. Carolyn placed Baldy on the marble floor, then slipped her hand into his, a simple action that surely shouldn't have sped up his heart as it did.

Once she stood beside him, he stared down at the prancing quartet of dogs and commanded, "Sit." Recognizing the Voice of Authority, Limpy, Stubby, and Baldy instantly obeyed. Droopy, however, continued to stand and wag his moplike tail.

Carolyn chuckled at the small dog who gazed up at her through adoring black button eyes. "He appears to need a bit more training."

"She," Daniel corrected. "And I'm afraid there's a bit more needed than simple training."

"What do you mean?"

"She doesn't speak English."

Carolyn blinked. "I beg your pardon?"

"I suppose I should say she doesn't
English. Samuel found her outside a building where he heard voices yelling in French."

"I've never heard of such a thing. Perhaps she has suffered some hearing loss due to her injury."

"Oh, she hears fine. Especially when food is mentioned."

"Have you tried speaking French to her?"

"Unfortunately my French is abysmal and I've yet to make inquiries of anyone who speaks the language regarding appropriate doggie commands." He shot her a hopeful look. "I don't suppose you speak French?"

"Only a bit, and not with any proficiency, I'm afraid. Still, I could try." She looked down at Droopy then cleared her throat. "

Droopy's bottom instantly plopped onto the marble tile.

Daniel stared for several seconds then laughed. "You're a genius!"

Carolyn grinned. "Hardly that. And my accent is awful."

"Nonsense. It's perfect. And now, my lovely genius, can you please tell her to stop chewing my boots? And my furniture? And my walking sticks?"

"I'm afraid I don't know how to say any of that."

"My boots, furniture, and walking sticks are devastated. But please, try something else."

"All right." She pursed her lips then said, "
Me parler

Droopy answered with a series of nonstop, enthusiastic barks.

"What did you say?" Daniel asked over the noise.

•"Speak to me.'"

"Excellent." When Droopy continued to bark in a deafening fashion, he added, "Hopefully you know how to say 'be quiet.'"

She looked down at the yapping ball of fluff. "
Calmez-vous, s'il vous plait

Droopy instantly fell quiet.

"Brilliant," he said. "I must write down those commands. You have my eternal gratitude."

"Perhaps you can teach her English by saying both the French and English commands together."

"See? I told you you were a genius."

She laughed. Looking at her, bathed in a swath of sunlight pouring through the window that seemed to surround her in a golden halo, her eyes alight with merriment, she literally stole his breath. His ability to speak. Indeed, his ability to do anything other than stare at her.

He wasn't certain how long he stood there doing just that before she asked, her voice laced with amusement, "Might your eternal gratitude include a cup of tea? There's still the matter regarding Katie I'd like to discuss with you."

Her words broke through his befuddlement and he gave himself a mental slap. Bloody hell, one look at her and he completely forgot himself. "Of course. Perhaps even some biscuits."

At the mention of biscuits, Droopy barked twice. Daniel looked down at the tail-wagging dog. "Ah, yes, you understand 'biscuits,' don't you?"

Droopy barked again, and this time Limpy, Stubby, and Baldy joined in. Carolyn laughed. '"Biscuits' is apparently part of a universal language."

"Apparently," he agreed. He turned to Barkley, who stood at his post near the door. The butler's gaze rested upon Carolyn with a sappy expression that indicated that he, too, found her enchanting. Good God, did there exist a man with a pulse who didn't fall under whatever spell she cast? Apparently not, because as far as Daniel knew, Barkley was quite impervious to feminine wiles. At least while he was on duty.

"Tea in the drawing room, please," he said to the butler.

Barkley blinked, as if coming out of the same sort of trance that had claimed Daniel. Indeed, he looked so befuddled, Daniel was tempted to laugh. "Yes, my lord."

"How has Katie fared in my absence?" he asked.

"Very well, my lord. She's up and about and feeling much improved. Mary has remained with her and is instructing her on the workings of the household. Samuel is watching over her as if she were the crown jewels."

Yes, Daniel had noticed his footman's attentiveness this morning. It seemed clear Samuel's attention was more than simple concern-the young man was smitten.

Smitten… his gaze rested on Carolyn.
I know exactly how he feels

He frowned at his inner voice's whisperings. Bloody hell, what rubbish. He wasn't smitten. Smitten meant one's heart was involved, and his most assuredly was not. He was merely… in lust. Granted,
in lust, but nothing more. Absolutely not. Only a fool would fall for a woman whose heart belonged to another man.

Shaking off all ridiculous thoughts of being smitten, Daniel escorted Carolyn down the corridor to the drawing room. The dogs pranced after them, followed by the cats, who strolled along at a more sedate pace.

"So is this all of your family?" she asked.

"All the furry sort who reside here. There's a feathered fiend by the name of Naughty, but he's not presentable enough to meet a lady."

"Oh, yes. I recall Katie mentioned a parrot. I'm most curious as to why he's named such. I'd like to make his acquaintance."

Daniel coughed to hide his horrified laugh. "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you cannot meet Naughty."

She lifted her brows. "This from the man who said he'd grant any request I made?"

"You do not want to meet Naughty. He used to reside in a pub frequented by very unsavory sorts who taught him very inappropriate phrases. I assure you he is very aptly named."

She halted, bringing them to a stop, and planted her hands on her hips. He heard a muffled tapping sound and realized it was the toe of her shoe hitting the carpet. "I've never heard a bird talk before. I'm sure he's delightful."

"He's a menace."

"Consider me duly warned."

"You'll be shocked."

"I'm not as delicate as you think. Perhaps I can teach him some manners."

"Doubtful. He's very set in his ways." Noting the determined glint in her gaze, he narrowed his eyes. "Are you always this stubborn?"

She lifted her chin a bit higher. "Occasionally. When I want something."

"Would you like to know what
want?" Without giving her a chance to reply, he snatched her against him and covered her mouth with his. She gasped, effectively parting her lips, and he deepened the kiss, his tongue exploring the delicious warm silk of her mouth. She melted against him, entwined her arms around his neck and mated her tongue with his. A groan vibrated in his throat. Bloody hell, how had he survived the last quarter hour without kissing her?

He pulled her tighter against him, lost in the feel and scent of her, and kissed her as if he were famished and she a twelve course meal. His body hardened and he settled one hand over the luscious curve of her bottom and slowly rubbed himself against her. By God, she just tasted and felt so damn

A series of barking sounds broke through the haze of desire engulfing him, and he slowly raised his head. And moaned at the sight of Carolyn's flushed face and moist, kiss-swollen lips. She blinked her eyes open and he stared into their aroused depths. He then flicked a scowl down at his quartet of dogs, all of whom stared up at him with curious gazes. Part of him wanted to banish the beasts for interrupting his kiss, but he grudgingly admitted that if they hadn't, he would have pressed Carolyn against the corridor wall, lifted her skirts, and shocked the entire household.

Damn it, what was
with him
? The way she robbed him of his control was both troubling and irksome, and becoming more of pressing problem. How did she make him forget all sense of time and place like that?

"Heavens," she murmured, reclaiming his attention. "You're very good at that."

He swallowed the humorless sound that rose in his throat. Gratified as he was to hear her say so, he felt like an uncouth, groping green lad. "I could say the same to you."

She seemed to suddenly recall where they were and stepped back. As much as he didn't want to release her, he forced himself to do so. If for no other reason than to prove to himself that he could.

"Since you're determined, shall we go see Naughty?" he asked.

Her lips twitched. "I thought I just had."

"I meant the parrot."

"Oh. In that case, I accept."

They continued down the corridor, dogs trotting at their heels. When they entered the library, they were greeted by a loud squawk. Blinky and Tippy settled themselves at the base of Naughty's large dome-shaped cage and stared at the colorful bird with the zeal a highwayman would bestow on a money-stuffed purse.

"Lady Wingate, this is Naughty. Please do not say I didn't warn you."

"Hello, Naughty," she said.

Naughty sidestepped around his cage then fixed his beady, black-eyed gaze on Carolyn. "Lift your skirt, hussy."

Daniel pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. He'd known this was a mistake.

"Goodness, you are naughty," Carolyn said.

"Drop your drawers, strumpet," suggested Naughty.

"I'm afraid I cannot," Carolyn said in a perfectly calm voice, "as I'm not wearing any."

Daniel nearly choked on his laughter. Carolyn threw him a sideways glance. "Are you certain he learned these things in a pub and not from you?"

Daniel placed his hands over his heart. "I swear. I would have taught him useful phrases."

"Hmmm. I'd think you'd consider 'lift your skirt' and 'drop your drawers' very useful."

He moved to stand behind her and slipped his arms around her, encircling her waist. "Is that an offer?" he asked, nuzzling her fragrant neck with his lips.

"Certainly not. Especially since, as I just pointed out to your parrot, I'm not wearing any drawers."

He lightly bit her earlobe, and absorbed the slight tremor that ran through her. "If you keep reminding me of that, we won't get out of this room until sometime tomorrow."

She turned in his arms and he looked down into eyes filled with an intoxicating mixture of arousal and mischief. "But you promised me tea. And biscuits."

The word
brought a sharp yap from Droopy.

"There are other things I'd much rather give you." he said, giving her pelvis a light nudge with his.

"Oh? Diamonds? Emeralds? Pearls?"

He raised one hand and cupped her breast. "Among other things."

She leaned into his touch, her nipple pebbling beneath her gown. "Now who's being Naughty?"

BOOK: Confessions at Midnight
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