Read Confessions of a Bad Boy Online

Authors: J. D. Hawkins

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College

Confessions of a Bad Boy (11 page)

BOOK: Confessions of a Bad Boy
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re you awake

The voice breaks through the groggy mist of the morning and pulls me to reality with a thump.

“Um…yeah,” I say, rubbing at my eyes before opening them.

Jessie and I are wrapped together, our legs entwined, the satisfying weight of her on my chest. I look down and feel the softness of her hair under my chin, see the beautiful smoothness of her breast pressed up against my front. She looks up at me, her face perfect in the morning light, and I suddenly realize I’ve got a huge hard-on pressing against her thigh.

“Is it possible that we could, I don’t know, forget that last night happened?” she says in a soft morning voice.

“Uh…sure. I mean, we did it before, right?”

“Right. And the alcohol.”

“Yeah. Definitely the alcohol,” I say, swiping hair from her forehead and continuing down to stroke the back of her neck.

“And the whole situation, being here at the retreat.” She practically purrs as my hand moves lower, to squeeze at a knot in the taut muscle of her upper back.

“That played a big part. For sure. It’s definitely a weird situation.”

“And unpredictable things happen in weird situations,” she says, drawing her fingernails softly down my chest.

“Absolutely,” I agree. “And you’ve been so stressed at work lately.”

“I am. I’m really stressed. And you’re trying to impress your boss and stuff.”

“Yeah, that definitely plays a part...”

We look at each other innocently, begging for confirmation from the other.

“It’s perfectly understandable we’d do something like that,” she says, shrugging a little.

“Of course!” I say loudly, as if the alternative would be stupid. “Who wouldn’t understand, given the circumstances?”

“And…I mean…it would even be understandable if it happened again…” Jessie trails off. “I mean, one would think.”

I gulp deeply, my cock feeling like it’s grown a full inch.

“One would,” I say, moving my hand further down her back to the line of her ass. “I think…while we’re at the retreat…anything would be forgivable…”

I feel her fingers wrap themselves tightly around my cock.

“Just while we’re here…in these circumstances…” she says, sliding down my body, tilting her head and quirking a brow at me for confirmation.

“Right,” I say, combing my hand through her hair as her breasts move down either side of my cock. “Anywhere else and this would be—” I stop to groan a little as her lips close tightly over the head of my dick. “Bad.”

She moans, her mouth filled with the end of my dick, and the vibrations send a burst of pleasure through me that makes me pull her hair. She sucks and pulls her head back, hard and slow, until my cock pops out of her mouth. “So bad,” she pants, eyeing my dick like it’s gonna save her life.

With her hand gently jerking me off, she bends down and takes my balls in her mouth. I watch her arched back, ass up in the air like some magnificent landscape, as she starts to suck.

“Shit. That’s good,” I growl, as she works me. “Very fucking good.” Incredible sensations pass over me as she works from a gentle rhythm up to a pounding thump. She rolls her tongue a few more times around my shaft and then pulls away, and for a few seconds I’m in agony, teetering on the edge of rapture, at the gates of paradise.

“Are you close?” she says, her sultry voice filling my ears like a command from God.

I look up and see the glint in her eyes, relishing the power she has over me right now, enjoying the fact that she’s created a storm inside of me that only she can calm now. Her hot, wet lips so close.

“Yes. Fuck…”

She presses her closed lips to the end of my cock, making them real tight, and sucking it through her lips like an ice pop. I throw my head back uncontrollably, giving every essence of my being up to her. Suddenly she’s working my cock so brilliantly it’s difficult to believe she’s doing it with just her mouth. It feels like there are multiple mouths there, numerous lashing tongues, each one connected to all my nerve centers, sending me through loops of sweet anticipation and hard-hitting satisfaction. I hold on like a man falling to earth as I begin to thrust into her mouth, groaning uncontrollably and struggling to savor each beautiful, passing moment of ecstasy as it whips past me.

Soon it becomes harder to hold back than to let go. When I come, I come hard. Like a punch in the gut that knocks me out, so drained that I feel like my body might float away. Jessie urges it out of me, sucking my juice ravenously, wrapping her tongue around my cock and swallowing it with lidded eyes and soft moans.

I lie back for a few moments, completely spent, remembering what it feels like to be human, somehow out of breath. Jessie rolls off to the side, and when I sit up I immediately notice the relaxed look on her face, the satisfied rise and fall of her breasts.

The urge to kiss her tenderly, to take her in my arms, passes as quickly as it comes. All the feelings of guilt, of Kyle, of what this might do to all of our relationships, start creeping back into my mind like dark clouds.

“Just while we’re here, at the retreat, right?” I say.

She opens her eyes and looks at me, a note of seriousness suddenly in the repose of her face.

“Right. Just while we’re here.”

fter a big breakfast
with some of the other couples, though I note that Dominique is conspicuously absent, I leave Jessie behind and agree to play a round of golf with a few of the ‘old boys.’ Normally I find golf about as boring as hitting tiny balls with a giant stick, but after spending so much time with Jessie, I’ll take any opportunity for both of us to get a break from each other. Maybe it’ll do us some good, because sticking together seems to be turning into a very bad idea.

The only problem is that as soon I get away from Jessie, I think about her even more.

Five of us drive out to the course, enough to keep the inside-jokes, backroom dealings, and masculine atmosphere going the whole time, but I’m on automatic throughout. My mouth makes sounds, my body plays the game, but inside I’m wrestling with questions and problems like a hormonal teenager with nosy parents.

The biggest problem, besides that it’s fundamentally wrong to fuck someone you grew up making mudpies with, is that Kyle would tear me apart like a chicken wing if he found out. He already hates Jessie’s boyfriends enough to the point that if he had any actual say, he’d sign her up for a nunnery until she was forty-five. But
I’m supposed to be the guy he can trust, pretty much part of the family. I’m supposed to be the guy he comes to when Jessie stops listening to him.

It doesn’t help that Kyle knows exactly who I am: The ‘Bad Boy.’ The serial womanizer for whom a third date is a long-term relationship. The Romeo whose mother tongue is body language, and who’s worked through the Kama Sutra twice over. The guy who hates reliability, sticking around, and building a genuine emotional connection that lasts – precisely the things that Kyle wants for Jessie.

I get so terrified thinking of Kyle’s reaction that I over hit every drive well past the green. It’s not just the fact that Kyle would leave me scattered in several pieces all over L.A. if he found out, it’s the betrayal. Kyle’s been my best friend for as long as I can remember. And now that I’m an adult, he and Jessie are the only friends I’ve kept for that long. He was there when I needed a friend – which was pretty much my entire childhood…

If Kyle wasn’t so protective, so damned judgmental, things would be fine. Things
be fine. Jessie and I are on the same page now. What happens at the retreat, stays at the retreat. Once we leave Napa, we’ll just forget all of this happened – last night, this morning, whatever happens next…

Around the sixteenth hole I start thinking about what will happen next. Just thinking about how Jessie looked this morning, naked and hungry between my thighs, makes me shudder and tighten up with the prospect of a round two. Her ass in those jean-shorts, her lips in the pool, the sounds of her losing control when she comes.

Then another thought strikes me like a blow to the head. If anything goes this weekend, then
why the fuck am I out here playing golf?

I clear my throat. “Gentlemen, I’m very sorry to, uh, leave this so close to the end, but I’ve got to get back to the retreat,” I say suddenly, already walking backwards.

The others look at each other and then back at me. “Something wrong?”

“Yeah. Nothing serious…actually, yeah it’s serious. An emergency.” I wave my cell phone, as if I’ve just received an urgent message. “I’ve really got to get back. It’s urgent.”

“It must be,” David laughs. “If you’re going to try and get back on foot. Here, take my car. We’ll all try to squeeze into Jim’s car – God knows it’s big enough.”

David tosses me his keys and I offer a quick salute of gratitude before turning and jogging back through the course, the sound of their laughter behind me.

everal broken speed
limits and a bad parking job later I’m running through the grounds of the retreat asking people where ‘Tessa’ is like I’m looking for a criminal on the run. Eventually I find her stretched out on a lounge chair by the pool, deep in conversation with a vaguely familiar Australian woman in big sunglasses who looks like she’s just as enamored with Jessie as I am. She’s wearing nothing but a bikini under a thin, see-through sarong and she grins at me when she sees me jogging toward her. As if I needed any more convincing.

“Hey, Tessa!” I say, stepping in front of them.

“Oh, hey. You’re back early. This is Caroline. Where’s everyone else?”

“Um…they’re on their way. I had to come back before them. Something…I need you for a moment.”

Jessie looks at Caroline then back at me.

“Can we do it later?” Jessie asks, ever-so-slightly pleading.

“Not really. But it won’t take long…I mean, not if…”

“Oh, it’s fine, darling,” Caroline says in her Australian drawl. “I’m not planning to move from here until they stop serving drinks – which they’d better not.”

Jessie beams at the woman as she gets up.

“Great! Enjoy the daiquiris. I’ll be right back.”

“Bye Nate,” Caroline says with a grin before turning back to her cocktail.

I grab Jessie gently by the arm and urge her forward alongside me.

“Do you know who that was?” she asks in a shocked whisper as soon as we’re out of earshot.

“Caroline, right?”

“Yes! Caroline Tiernan. She’s, like, the most amazing costume designer around right now! She just arrived this morning!”


“We’ve been talking for hours. She is

“I told you this trip would be worth it,” I say, as I bring her inside the retreat and guide her through the corridors.

“She’s been going through some of my ideas with me. I think I’ve learned more today than I did in my three years of costuming classes in college.”

“That’s really fucking awesome!”

“That’s not even the most awesome thing –
she wants me to show her my designs!

“And thus, a star is born.”

“I’m just on such a high right now, I don’t think I’ve ever – wait, what’s going on? Why did you drag me back to the room?”

I shove open the door, drag her inside, slam it shut, then slam her up against it.

“Oh,” she says, her surprised eyes narrowing into a look of suggestive mischief. “I see.”

Pressing my body up against hers, I take a moment to appreciate having her to myself again. The smell of her sun-baked skin filling my nose, our faces so close I can see the flecks of yellow in her hazel eyes, lips so close I feel every fragile breath on my face. I rake my fingers gently up her side, enjoying the way her skin trembles under my touch, until I find the string of her bikini top, and reach around to her back.

“Since nothing counts while we’re here,” I whisper, bringing my lips close to her ear, “I wanna make the most of it.”

She giggles a little, throaty and deep. It’s a green light, a red flag, a starting pistol. Her way of saying ‘go for it, I’m all yours.’ I put my hand around her throat and guide her mouth to mine, pressing swollen and wet lips together, tongues flickering against each other like stoked flames. Bolts of strength surge through my body as I press up against her, my nerves overloaded with desire for her. My hands work automatically, untying her bikini top and tearing it off her as she moans and gasps at the aggression of my tongue-fucking, giving herself entirely to the power of my body forced against her.

Dirty, nasty, beastly feelings I never knew I had start to take over. I’ve never felt this guilty, this
and I’m starting to see why it’s so popular – it’s a hell of an aphrodisiac. Turning me wild, untamable, an animal whose only purpose is to fuck. I grab her arm and pull her away from the wall, tossing her face first onto the bed and then stalking up behind her, undoing my fly, like I’m picking my moment to pounce. She looks back at me, over her shoulder, a sly grin on her lips. A challenge.

I grab her sarong, tied in a loose knot, and pull it away like a showman, unveiling the irresistible line of her waist, the statuesque arch of her back. On the bed, on all fours, she lowers her head like a cat stretching, pushing her ass up and back towards me, a ripe peach ready for plucking, a sweeping landscape begging to be explored.

“Give it to me,” she moans.

I smack my hand against her ass and she squeals with delight. I run my hand roughly down the slope of her back, up to her hair, the grab a fistful and pull it, causing her to gasp with thrilled surprise. My cock nestles between her ass cheeks, and she rolls a little back and forth, gently stroking it between those enticing humps.

“So you like it rough?” I snarl, plucking a condom from my pocket and tearing it open with my teeth.

Her husky laugh tells me she does, and I smack her ass once again, this time drawing a long moan from her. I pull her hips back toward me and grab her ponytail in a firm tug, forcing her to press herself up against me. The condom now on my cock, I move it down between her ass, down to her pussy, pushing it between her thighs, enjoying the way she squeezes it between them, the way the smooth fabric of her bikini bottoms feels against its head.

BOOK: Confessions of a Bad Boy
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