Confessions of a Teen Nanny 03 - Juicy Secrets (11 page)

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"I knew Graydon and Cam couldn't be up to any good," Liz said. "I knew it."

"I should have known it," Adrienne wailed. "Why do I always give people the benefit of the doubt?"

Liz and Adrienne sat in Emma's room on Sunday morning--the day of the benefit--working out the details of Adrienne's revenge. Liz had been both horrified and disgusted by the shocking plot between Cameron and Graydon, and she had promised Adrienne she would be on board for anything Adrienne wanted to do.

"Speaking of benefits . . ." Liz looked at Adrienne. "What are you going to do about the Young Lions event?"

"I'm going," Adrienne said firmly.

"Are you kidding me?" Emma shrieked. "I thought you said you went to a school for smart kids. You are so dumb!"

"Actually, Emma, I think you'll approve." Adrienne

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shut her eyes and shook her head. "Though I'm being a terrible role model and encouraging all kinds of bad behavior."

"Really?" Emma asked, suddenly interested. "Like what?"

"Do you have Mimi's phone number?"Adrienne asked Liz. "I tried to look it up, but the family is unlisted."

"You need Mimi's number?" Emma asked. "I can get it for you."

"How?" Adrienne asked. "You can't ask Cameron for it. She can't know that I'm going to talk to Mimi."

"She won't," Emma said, turning to her computer keyboard."I've done this before. It will just take a minute."

"What are you doing?" Liz asked as Emma's hands flew over the keyboard with the same agility she demon- strated at the piano.

"I'm hacking into Cameron's Sidekick," Emma explained. Suddenly the screen went pink, and scores of phone numbers appeared against the background.

"917-PCS-MIMI," said Emma triumphantly."Thirty- eight seconds.That's a record, even for me."

"You're a wonder," Adrienne said. "I knew you were the perfect ally. Hand me the phone."

Adrienne punched in the numbers and waited for Mimi to answer. She crossed her fingers for luck. Liz and Emma watched her with curiosity.

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"Hello?" Mimi answered cautiously. Adrienne figured it must have been because she recognized Cameron's num- ber on caller ID.

"Mimi? This is Adrienne Lewis. You probably don't remember me, but a couple of months ago we had dinner at Khmer with Cameron Warner."

"I don't," Mimi replied, annoyed. "And I don't know how you got this number."

"That's not important," Adrienne said. "What is important is that I know that Cameron has been trying to destroy you ever since you won Deb of the Year. I know that she was behind that nasty piece on Page Six, and I know that even now she wants to make sure you are embarrassed at the Young Lions event at the New York Public Library."

"I'm listening," Mimi said."What's your name again?"

"Adrienne," she replied.

"Right," Mimi said. "The redhead. I remember. The one with the dull boyfriend Cameron turned into a play- thing."

"Ex-boyfriend."Adrienne winced. She hated that Mimi remembered her as someone Cameron had tromped on.

"What do you want?" Mimi said.

"I want to meet you in an hour to tell you how I'm going to help you stop Cameron."

"It sounds to me like you want to fix Cameron even

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more than I do," Mimi said."Well, okay, I admit I'm curious. But I don't want to meet you in public. Cameron will hear about it. Come to my place.Ten-oh-one Park Avenue."

"Which apartment?" Adrienne asked.

"Oh, please," Mimi said."Just ask for me at the door." She hung up.

"We're meeting her at her place in one hour,"Adrienne announced.

"Adrienne, what are you going to do?" Liz asked.

"I'm going to get Princess Mimi to help me make New York see what pigs Cameron and her brother are." Adrienne sighed. Plotting revenge against Cam and Graydon was the only thing that was keeping her from sobbing into her pillow all day. How she hated that they had used her!

Adrienne turned to Emma. "I may need you to help with some of the technical aspects, since you seem to be so good at spy toys."

"You see," Emma said, "my CSI training comes in handy."

The three girls froze at the sound of a knock on the door.

"Adrienne?" Graydon asked from behind the door. "You need a ride home?"

"Here goes nothing," Adrienne murmured, slipping the disks into her bag. "Everyone act normal."

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"Stay out, you creep!" Emma shouted.

"Normal, Emma!" Adrienne whispered.

"That is normal!" Emma hissed back as the door opened.

"So, you want to take off ?" Graydon asked, leaning in the doorway.

"Actually, Liz and I have plans," Adrienne said.

"Getting ready for tonight?" Graydon asked. "I can't wait to show you off to all of New York at the benefit."

"I can't wait to go," Adrienne purred, sidling up to Graydon and letting him wrap his arms around her. Stay calm, Adrienne told herself. Resist the urge to strangle him.

Graydon leaned in toward Adrienne. "And after the event," he whispered, "I've got a big surprise for you."

"Graydon," Adrienne said, putting as much flirtation into her voice as she could, "I can't believe that anything you could do would surprise me."

"I bet I can!" He smiled, and Adrienne wondered how she had ever seen that grin as anything other than a slimy smirk.

"Liz, see you around. Munchkin," he added, address- ing Emma, "you have got to get out more." Graydon grinned and left the room.

Adrienne, Liz, and Emma all looked at one another, then simultaneously mimed gagging.

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"Now tell me why you're here," Mimi said, settling into a gilded chair in her vast living room. She picked up a glass of iced tea from the silver tray brought to her by her uniformed butler.

"We have a proposal for you," Adrienne said. She sounded more confident than she felt. Mimi's extraordi- nary penthouse was extremely intimidating. She was really grateful that Liz had agreed to come with her.

"Just get to the point," Mimi snapped."I have Frederic Fekkai coming to do my hair in an hour."

Adrienne swallowed and glanced at Liz. Liz gave her a small nod of encouragement. Well, I've come this far--and it is for Mimi's own good.

"There's something you need to hear." Adrienne held out a CD.

Mimi looked at the disk disdainfully, but she took it and got up from her chair. She touched a button on a remote control and a large painting of a castle rose on the wall, revealing a hidden stereo system. She slipped in the disk and turned up the volume.

"So, the article went well, huh?" Cameron asked.

"Better than you imagined," Graydon responded."How great was it that it ran in the same issue as the photos of us reading to those kids?"

"Mimi's such an idiot." Cameron giggled."She'll never figure out that I was the one who switched the papers and

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leaked the rumor. Princess she may be, but I think the inbreeding has knocked out a few brain cells. Mimi's not exactly the brightest diamond in the Fallschirm family tiara."

Adrienne glanced at Mimi. Although the princess seemed perfectly composed, Adrienne noticed two bright pink spots high on her normally pale cheeks.

"I'm surprised you asked her to be part of the presen- tation," Graydon said."I'd think you'd want all eyes on you. You don't usually like sharing the spotlight."

"I didn't want to have to write that stupid speech about funding and percentages and crap," Cameron said. "Let her be the drone."

"She's going to get up onstage in front of all those people who think she's practically illiterate?" Graydon snickered. "Genius. I wish I'd thought of it."

"This benefit should shove Mousy Mimi off the society pages once and for all."

"Enough," Mimi said, clicking off the CD player. She looked at Liz and Adrienne with new respect. "I don't know how you two got this," she said, "but I'm in. What do you need me to do?"

Adrienne walked to the curb, where the Warner town car sat waiting. The chauffeur opened the door, and Adrienne slipped in, lifting the hem of her Zac Posen dress so that she wouldn't step on it.

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"Are you ready for an absolute blast?" Graydon said, leaning in for a kiss.

The only blast I want to see tonight is your plan blowing up in your face, Adrienne thought. She forced herself to kiss him back, knowing that her scheme depended on Graydon believing all was well in Warner-land. Pretend he's Orlando Bloom, Adrienne told herself. Pretend he's Jake Gyllenhaal. Pretend he is anyone else--just don't throw up.

A few days ago they would have used this time alone in the car for some serious fooling around. Now she hoped she could hold him off till they got there. She really didn't know how well she could pretend to be into him anymore. Fortunately, traffic on Fifth was light, and they soon pulled up in front of the library.

Graydon pulled her a little closer. "I have something for you." He reached into his pocket.

"Tonight's a big night for us," he said, looking deep into her eyes. Adrienne wanted to Taser him. "We should celebrate in a very special way." He pressed a key into her hand."This is for the Royal Suite at the Waldorf-Astoria-- for when the party's over."

"Wow," Adrienne said, fighting the competing urges to laugh and to deck him. "You think of everything, Graydon.That is so special."

"No, you're the one who is special," Graydon said."So different from the other girls."

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Right. So different, you think it's cute to humiliate me just to amuse yourself and Cameron. Luckily, her hurt and shame had been completely taken over by anger, and she didn't feel the urge to cry--just the determination to make sure he got what was coming to him.

Graydon helped Adrienne out of the car and took her hand.The long, wide steps to the library were covered with a red carpet and votive candles.The cameras flashed as they ascended the stairs, and the socialites around them smiled at the paparazzi.

They reached the top of the stairs, and Adrienne peered inside the historic, majestic New York Public Library.

The white marble gleamed in the Astor-Lenox-Tilden Hall, and the gilded names of library donors carved into the walls sparkled in the party lighting. Enormous floral arrangements stood on either side of the doors, and more flowers were draped along the molding like garlands. Gorgeous people in elegant gowns and handsome tuxes chatted animatedly in groups.

What a pretty setting, Adrienne thought, looking up at Graydon, for such an ugly scam.



the center of attention

L iz gripped Parker's hand as they stood on Forty-second Street and waited for the light to change.The imposing white library building seemed strangely ominous to her. Maybe it was the special lighting that made it shimmer ghostlike in the spring night. Or maybe I'm just worried about what's going to happen tonight, she thought. To Parker, to Adrienne, to everybody.

Parker had the cab drop them off on the opposite side of the street so that no one would see that he wasn't arriving in a limo. Unlike the rest of the guests tonight, he had only two transportation options: subway or taxi.

Parker stared across Fifth Avenue. Photographers were snapping pictures and shouting out the names of the celebrities and society people attending the benefit.

"Oh, man," he murmured. "The vultures are out in force tonight."

"Do you think the other entrance will be open?" Liz asked.

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"What other entrance?" Parker asked.

"On the Forty-second Street side," Liz explained. "When I did research here, I got out of the subway right next to a side door."

"Good thinking," Parker said. He gave her hand a squeeze.

Liz squeezed back. She was really glad she had been able to talk Parker into attending the benefit. She wanted him to see that his life wasn't over just because of his dad's problems.

They crossed Forty-second Street and hurried toward the narrow stairs which led to the side entrance.

"You were so smart to remember this entrance," Parker said. "It's really--"

"PARKER! PARKER!" a dozen voices shouted at once, as the paparazzi leaped from behind the bushes where they were hiding, their cameras exploding with flashes. Liz suddenly saw the world as if it were lit by a strobe light.

"Is your dad innocent?" one reporter shouted.

"Will you visit him in jail?" shouted another.

"How does it feel to be poor?" shouted a third.

Liz felt Parker freeze. "Come on!" she urged. She yanked him through the crowd toward the door.

A library security guard stepped outside and prevented the reporters from entering the building. It gave Parker and Liz a chance to slip into the foyer.

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"Wow, buddy," the guard said after he had locked the side entrance. "You famous?"

"Sort of," Parker said. "Is there another door out of here?"

"Parker, come on," Liz coaxed. "We're here. Let's go upstairs and have fun."

Parker sighed."All right," he said."I give up. Let's go."

They showed the invitation to the guard and then climbed the steps to the main entry hall of the library.

Liz gasped.

The chandeliers were dimmed, and the hall was dec- orated with dozens of fully grown birch trees, their branches hung with tiny votive candles that flickered in the dim light.Thousands of trailing strands fell from the trees, some a few tiny inches, others grazing the floor. As Liz approached one of the trees, she realized that the strands were composed of thousands of rose petals threaded onto silk cords.

"I can't believe it," Liz said. "It's all so beautiful."

"You are beautiful," Parker said. "That I'll admit."

Liz flushed with pleasure."Well, I guess that's the most important."

Luckily, because of Graydon's position as co-chair of the Benefit Committee, he had a lot of meeting, greeting, and handshaking to do. That meant Adrienne just had to

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plaster a big fake smile on her face and not cringe if he touched her.That was easier than having to talk to him, or worse, flirt and kiss.

Butterflies were break dancing in Adrienne's stomach and she wasn't sure if it was nerves or Graydon making her want to barf.Was her plan going to work--or was it going to backfire horribly?

Graydon slid his arm around Adrienne."Did I tell you how gorgeous you look in that dress?" he said.

Adrienne glanced down at the sea green gown she was wearing. The intricate seaming formed leaf patterns across the bodice of the dress, and pale beige fur trimmed the scooped neckline.The color set off her red hair beauti- fully, and the slim fit showed off her tiny waist.

Her shoulders sagged as she remembered how excited she had been when she had tried on the dress, how much she had looked forward to coming to the benefit as Graydon's date. Back then, she'd thought tonight would be memorable as the night she'd take her place in front of all of Graydon's society friends as the girl he loved. Instead, she was just some toy mouse he and Cameron were batting around between them for amusement--like a pair of nasty cats.

Graydon nuzzled the back of her neck and she flinched. She felt him pull away, startled. Recovering quickly, she said, "That tickles!" She forced herself to giggle.

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Graydon picked up a champagne flute from a waiter's passing tray. "Drink?"

"No thanks," Adrienne said. She needed every one of her brain cells tonight. Where is Liz? It would be a lot easier to manage Graydon's groping if she were here with me.

Adrienne finally caught sight of Liz coming into the main hall with Parker. Liz looked drop-dead gorgeous in a striking midnight blue Armani--bought on super-sale at the legendary Loehmann's. But even at 75 percent off, it must have put a serious dent in her college fund. Parker looked every inch the sophisticate in his black tie--a junior James Bond. But both of them looked a bit strained.

"Well, Parker's either got serious stones, or he's a flam- ing fool," Graydon said.

"What do you mean?" Adrienne asked.

"Showing up tonight," Graydon explained. "Everyone in the city is here. Including most of the gossip columnists and society editors in New York."

"Good,"Adrienne said. Graydon looked at her sharply.

"I mean, that's cool." Adrienne smiled sweetly. "It shows what an important event this is with you and Cam as co-chairs."

"Hey, there," Liz said, walking up to them. Parker looked around, anxiously trying to gauge people's responses to him. Adrienne glanced around, too. A few kids were staring, but most were just into snacking on the tiny hors

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d'oeuvres and talking. Maybe tonight won't be so hard for Parker after all, she thought. That will be a big relief for Liz.

"Hi, Liz, hey, Parker," Graydon said. "Um, Adrienne, we should get our seats."

Adrienne glanced up at him. He seemed eager to get away from Parker, as if Parker's family problems were con- tagious. What a jerk, Adrienne thought. They'd been pals all through prep school. Then again, why am I surprised that Graydon has no sense of loyalty?

"Well, well," said a voice behind Adrienne. "Is a char- ity giving away free tickets to this event now?"

Graydon stepped aside, and Cameron joined the group.

She looked incredible, as always. Her hair was pulled straight back, and she was wearing a long white Gucci dress that hugged her body.

"So, Cameron," Adrienne said, quickly changing the subject. She knew Cameron's dig was aimed at Liz and Parker. "It must be exciting to be presenting tonight."

"Yes," Cameron replied. "It's wonderful to have been blessed with so much money, and to be able to uphold the family reputation by doing charitable works." Cameron looked pointedly at Parker, who squirmed under her unspoken criticism.

"Well," Liz said brightly, "we'll see you all upstairs."

No! Adrienne's brain screamed. Don't leave me alone

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with these two! But after Cameron's snide remark to Parker, she knew there was no way he and Liz were going to hang out with them.

The butterflies in Adrienne's stomach turned into bats as she climbed the stairs with Graydon and Cameron to the Main Reading Room. Adrienne's green eyes widened as they entered.The room was breathtaking.

The long reading tables with their brass standing lamps had been transformed into long banquet tables covered with linen and gold-banded china. The lamps had shades made of garlands of rose petals, and the scent of flowers filled the room.The soft lights flattered everyone, even the figures on the incredible ceiling murals.

"Quite romantic, don't you think?" Graydon said to Adrienne. "The perfect prelude for our special night."

She bit the insides of her cheeks to keep from blurting out a barrage of insults.

Cameron's icy eyes flicked from Graydon to Adrienne. "Is that true?" she asked."Will you and Graydon be going somewhere tonight? Like all the way?" She snickered.

I know where you two are going--straight to hell! Adrienne thought.

"Well?" Cameron pressed.

"We're going to get to know each other . . . better," Graydon said. He pulled Adrienne in closer. "Isn't that right?"

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"He's absolutely right, Cameron," Adrienne said."I'm getting to know the real him." And what a real slimeball he is.

"Oh, Gray," Cameron said."We just have to go say hello to the Huntingtons." She slipped her arm through Graydon's. "You understand, don't you, Adrienne? Family only."

"Gee, Cameron," Adrienne said, "I feel like I've been learning all about how to be a Warner." And you're about to find out what a quick study I am.

"You'll be fine on your own, Adrienne," Graydon said.

"Yes," Cameron added, "I'd hate to have to explain that my brother is actually dating the help."

Cameron and Graydon strolled through the crowd, heads together, talking and laughing. Probably congratulating themselves on how amusing their little bet is turning out to be, she thought. Just you wait.

Adrienne felt a freezing cold hand on her back. She spun around and saw Mimi behind her. She quickly turned back so that it would look as if they weren't speaking. Adrienne pulled a DVD out of her evening bag and passed it to Mimi, who immediately disappeared into the crowd.

Here we go, Adrienne thought.

Soon everyone was sitting in their seats, and Adrienne found her spot with Cameron and Graydon right up front.

"James Brightlock," said the man on Adrienne's right, "Allied Capital."

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"Adrienne Lewis," she replied, shaking his hand,"Van Rensselaer High."

Mr. Brightlock laughed and turned to Graydon."Gray, how's your dad? He must be very proud of you two."

"Oh, he is," Cameron gushed.

Mr. Brightlock craned his head around."Where is he? I'd love to talk to him about this new investment I'm very excited about."

"Oh, he couldn't make it," Cameron said airily. "He'd rather be the genius behind the scenes. He hates fuss."

He'd rather stay home and drink, you mean, Adrienne thought, though she was surprised that Mrs. Warner wasn't here. She thrived in these social settings.

As if she'd read her mind, Cameron continued, "And Christine just couldn't bear to leave his side.They're just so cute together."

"Besides," Graydon added, "this is really Cameron's night to shine."

Ahhhhh, that's it, Adrienne thought. Christine proba- bly desperately wanted to be here, and Cameron nixed it because she didn't want to share the spotlight.

To her surprise,Adrienne was actually relieved to hear that Christine wasn't going to be there to witness the humiliation awaiting Cameron and Graydon. The COW was selfish, vain, self-centered, and a royal pain, but she wasn't actually cruel. She didn't deserve to have to deal

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with the drama of the Warner kids going down in flames.

She can read all about it on Page Six tomorrow. Adrienne smirked. And then the fireworks will really begin for Cameron and Graydon.

"Oh, look, it's starting," Mr. Brightlock said, as Mimi took the podium at the far end of the room."I'm surprised to see Miss von Fallschirm up there."

"Oh, that was my idea," Cameron announced. "I just thought it would be good for her to share a little of my joy. After the whole scandal, she was just devastated. But I feel it's important to face up to the terrible mistakes you've made."

Mr. Brightlock wasn't the only person at the benefit surprised to see Mimi. A low murmur circulated through the crowd.

"Good evening, everyone," Mimi said. Her voice could barely be heard, despite the microphone.

Poor Mimi, Adrienne thought. Everyone at this event thinks she's dumb AND a cheat. She's got a lot of courage. Adrienne didn't think she could stand up there in front of all these people knowing they thought the worst of her.

She could see Mimi tremble a bit--though she wasn't sure if it was from nerves or anger at how Cameron had totally trashed her reputation.

"Oh, poor thing," Cameron said gleefully."She sounds so nervous and unsure of herself. She really should never

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have been made Deb of the Year. You need much more poise and self-confidence to handle all the responsibilities."

"Someone like you," Graydon said.

Cameron lowered her eyes demurely. "Well, I would never say that. . . ."

Adrienne fought the urge to smack Cameron. Instead, she focused on her plan. She gave Mimi what she hoped was an encouraging smile. The truth will come out soon, she thought.

Mimi must have understood, because she nodded back and cleared her throat. "Welcome to the Young Lions of the New York Public Library Benefit." She sounded more confident.

Good, Adrienne thought. Keep thinking about the payoff.

"Cameron Warner has graciously invited me to tell you about the Warner family's many contributions to the library, and all the good the foundation has done over the years."

Mimi launched into a long speech filled with facts and figures about donations, growing the endowment, commu- nities served, and philanthropic trends. She even ran a PowerPoint program with graphs and pie charts.

Adrienne's eyes began to glaze over. No wonder Cameron wanted Mimi to present this portion of the program, Adrienne realized. Cam wouldn't want to do the boring bit, much less do the research!

BOOK: Confessions of a Teen Nanny 03 - Juicy Secrets
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