Confessions of a Wild Heart (32 page)

BOOK: Confessions of a Wild Heart
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“Miss Thing is in the back,” Jasmine said, pointing a ridiculously long, orange nail toward the dining room on the back side of the bar and stage. It didn’t take long to recognize Ase as he strutted out of the kitchen. And Jase couldn’t deny Ase did anything but that.

But he should. He was all hedonistic swagger, those hips going, that walk all business. Ase’s black sleeveless shirt was tight enough to see every muscle, his skinny jeans displaying that mouthwatering ass.

God, but Jase wanted to fuck the man in the middle of the restaurant. And this was it. Ase turned to look at the door and met eyes with Jase. And that fucking smile that spread across his sexy face jerked the rug from beneath Jase. As he approached, his biceps flexed as he slid the serving tray he’d been carrying, underneath his arm. His tattoos were prominently shown with the way his shirt ended at the top of his well-rounded shoulders.

Ase’s eyes glittered, highlighted by heavy black eyeliner, which somehow made them look larger and more soulful. But the smile that was all for Jase… It was brilliant and made his eyes sparkle with love. Yes. Love.

When Ase was in front of him, he was a bit taller than usual. But then, black stiletto heels had a way of making that happen.

“Nice shoes,” Jase said. “How do you serve tables in those things?” But damn if they didn’t make those legs look good.

“Nice flannel. How do you get laid in that?” Ase teased, fingering Jase’s collar.

Jase smirked. “I have my ways.” He lifted his untucked shirt front and pushing his jeans down just a hair to reveal the lacy women’s boy shorts he wore underneath.

Ase looked as surprised as Jase had hoped, then his eyes went dark and sexy hot. He ran a finger where the silken underwear ran over Jase’s hip.

“Baby steps,” Jase said, winking. “And you were right. Like a silk hammock for the jewels.”

Ase laughed happily from deep in his chest. “God, I love you.”

Jase’s cheeks ached from smiling so hard. God it was good to see this man, know he’d get to see him almost every day, that they were working on a future. He still felt honored Ase had gotten through all he had, was this beautiful soul and picked simple Jase Emery from Bumfuck, Texas.

           “I love you, too.” Ase bent down a hair, and they kissed quickly. Wouldn’t do to lose tips because he was taken. When Ase pulled back… Fuck. That smile, those eyes. His Ase was back.

Kind of.

No, Ase wasn’t the same. He was a lot like the Ase he’d been before, the one Jase dreamed of for so long, missed. Only not. He’d been broken. And beautifully, as only someone with as much heart as Ase could do, he’d put himself back together again. Bit by bit. Sure, there were cracks and imperfections now, maybe a missing piece here or there. He wasn’t as shiny and new as he’d once been. But goddamn, he was even better now with his flaws and the character that made him uniquely Ase. Wild and free and fucking stunning to look at.

“Welcome home,” Ase said.

Yeah. Home.

“You too,” Jase said. For that, Ase put their foreheads together for a moment.

“Thank you,” Ase said, quietly, with meaning. Then he turned with a flirty, devil-may-care, mischievous grin, one that promised he was gonna give Jase hell tonight, and he strutted back to the kitchen, heels and all.

That was some hell Jase was totally looking forward to.






Kade Boehme is a southern boy without the charm, but all the sass. Currently residing in New York City, he lives off of ramen noodles and too much booze.
He is the epitomy of dorkdom, only watching TV when Rachel Maddow or one of his sports teams is on. Most of his free time is spent dancing, arguing politics or with his nose in a book. He is also a hardcore Britney Spears fangirl and has an addiction to glitter.
It was after writing a short story about boys who loved each other for a less than reputable adult website that he found his true calling, and hopefully a bit more class. A member of Romance Writers of America's New York City Chapter and Rainbow Writers of America, Kade works as a full time writer.
He hopes to write about all the romance that he personally finds himself allergic to but that others can fall in love with. He maintains that life is real and the stories should be, as well.


Feel Free to Get in Touch With Kade:



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Wide Awake*

You Can Still See the Stars in Seattle
(Wide Awake #2)

A Little Complicated*
Gangster Country*

Wood, Screws, & Nails
with Piper Vaughn
Keep Swimming*
Going Under (Keep Swimming #2)*

Chasing the Rainbow*


Don't Trust the Cut*
Trouble & the Wallflower*
Where the World Ends*
Teaching Professor Grayson
with Allison Cassatta
We Found Love
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Chance of the Heart*

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