Conklin's Blueprints (25 page)

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Authors: Brooke Page

BOOK: Conklin's Blueprints
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The friction below me was growing harder, and I couldn’t take it anymore.  I needed him inside of me.  I moved down and pulled on his pants and boxers freeing him.  My eyes widened when I saw him. 

Oh my God!  Was that really inside me the other night

I hastily closed my eyes, worried he might have seen my reaction to his size. He helped me to completely rid of his pants and Under Armour boxers from his body and started tugging on my panties.  Once they were off my hips, Tyler grabbed my waist and held me still.

“There are condoms in the top drawer,” his breath was heavy with need.  I quickly reached over and fumbled in the drawer and pulled out one of the packages.  He had quite a few for someone who didn’t have sex that often.  I was going to have to ask him about that.

I handed him the package but he held my hand at the same time.  “Will you put it on?”  His voice was a plea.  I shakily opened the package and bit my lip.  His eyes watched me with excitement as I peeked down at him.  He sensed my embarrassment and said, “I can do it if you want.”

I shook my head and rolled the condom down him, never taking my eyes from his.  His chest rose at the same rate my trembling hands moved down his length.  He put his hands on my hips and helped me hover over him.  My body was shaking with anticipation.  I watched Tyler’s eyes roll backwards and his jaw relax as I guided him inside me.  The sight of his reaction was such a turn on as I started to move.  It was so deep this way, and I could feel his impressive length the farther I tipped my hips back.  Tyler moved his hands up over my hips to my waist, gently pushing me back even further. When I tipped my head forward again, I opened my eyes and noticed he was watching me intently with his mouth open.  My conscious overrode my wanton state as I moved down to kiss him, not wanting him to see me so exposed.  His hands tightened around my back as I kissed his lips through our mangled breaths.  He suddenly sat up startling me with his quick movement and the sudden change of depth inside of me caused me to gasp.  He pushed my hips down into him and he lifted upwards causing me to shudder with pleasure.

“God you feel amazing,” he moaned into my mouth as he flexed his hips upward again.  All I could do was garble in agreement.  I met his hips with more force causing him to grunt and tip me closer to spiraling out of control.  My pace intensified as Tyler met my every move.  He pushed down on my lower back causing me to explode with shivers as I dug my nails into his shoulders, squeezing my chest into him.  He thrust into me twice and then joined me in my bliss.

Once our breathing finally calmed, I loosened my grip on his shoulders and relaxed into him putting my head in the crook of his neck.  Tyler continued to hold me tight and nuzzled my shoulder.  He gently lifted me off of him and removed the condom, throwing it on the floor, and then laid us both on our sides facing each other.  I sighed into his neck, “That was nice.”

He smirked and rubbed his nose against mine.  “What are you doing the rest of the weekend?”  He said gazing at me while stroking my hair.

Lying in bed with you.

“I don’t have anything planned.”

“Will you go to Chicago with me?  I have a few meetings tomorrow.  We could spend the night and then spend the day in the city on Sunday.  I have a nicer place there.”

I bit my lip trying to contain my glee.  I wanted to spend every second of the weekend and then some with him.  Then my face fell when I thought about Sunday.  I had only been to a few family dinners since I had been back.  My mom really wanted me to come this Sunday because my siblings were for sure going to be there.  I hadn’t seen Heather in a while either.  She was almost seven months pregnant. 

Tyler must have noticed my expression.  “I would understand if you didn’t want to come with me,” he said, clearly looking disappointed.

“No, I just have to be back by Sunday afternoon.  I promised my mom I would come over for dinner,” I said, trying to not hurt his feelings.  “I would love to spend more time with you though.”  I looked up at him through my eyelashes.

A smile played on his lips.  “Then come with me.  I will get you back by Sunday afternoon.”  He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me as close to him as he could.

“What time do we need to leave in the morning?”


“What?”  I exclaimed, pulling back from him.

“Our flight is at 6:00am.  We have to get to the airport at 5:00am,”  he said moving in to give me a kiss.  Did he already buy me a ticket, hoping I would have forgiven him and decide to travel to Chicago with him?  His fortitude annoyed me.  Maybe I shouldn’t have forgiven him so easily.

“Nathan was going to come, but last minute had to be in Chicago today so we have a floating employee seat.”

Okay, my annoyance left me quickly, but what about clothes?  “Ty I don’t have any clothes.  We will have to leave earlier so I can stop and get some from my condo.”  He brushed his knuckles across my cheek and looked at me with adoration, but it quickly faded and he looked like he was afraid to tell me something.

“Don’t be mad, but I talked to Jamie last night and she packed a bag for you,” He said searching my eyes trying to gauge what my reaction would be.

I looked at him skeptically.  He obviously did think I would forgive him easily.  The thought depressed me.

He put both of his hands on my face and spoke quickly, “Jamie answered your phone when you were in the shower last night.  She started to lay into me about lying to you and did her duty as a best friend.  But then she softened a bit and told me about your meeting with Ashlynn and thought I would be forgiven if I intervened.   I told her I would be delighted and then I asked her if she wouldn’t mind packing a bag for you.  I picked it up from Jamie’s office earlier this afternoon.”

I was silent.  I didn’t like that he had talked to Jamie behind my back.  My entire body screamed at me to not be jealous or feel uncomfortable, but the little bird in the back of my mind kept reminding me of history repeating itself.

He kept his eyes on me. “Are you mad?”

I closed my eyes and gulped then shook my head.  “No, just one less thing we have to do in the morning,” I whispered.

He leaned up on his elbow and cocked his head at me.  “What’s wrong?  You look like something is on your mind.”  He became more serious.

What was I supposed to tell him?  That I didn’t like him talking to my best friend?  How ridiculous.  I should be ecstatic that Jamie answered the phone and gave him her wrath, but at the same time she knew I wanted him and helped him to win me over.

“It’s stupid, and it’s nothing,” I said shaking my head.

He sat up and pulled me up with him.  I kept the sheet over my chest, and stared down at my nails.

“Becca, is it because I talked to Jamie?  I didn’t mean to go behind your back; I was desperate to make amends with you.”  His eyes looked pained.

I gave him a half smile and held his face.  His five o’clock shadow was scruffy, and I liked how it felt on my fingers.  “I know, and I’m grateful. I just… I got a little jealous that’s all, it’s no big deal.  The feeling came across me before I could think how ridiculous it was,”  I said letting out a small laugh.  I didn’t want him to dwell on it.

“Baby doll, I would never make a move on your best friend or anyone for that matter.  You are the only one I want.  I meant what I said at dinner; I would deny anyone and call them out on it.”  I smiled at his endearment.  He was pleading for me to believe him.  I did believe him a hundred percent, and I knew Jamie would never betray me like Ashlynn did.  History just had a tendency to stick in the back of my mind whether I wanted it to or not.

I kissed his lips.  “That is one thing from dinner I do believe.” 

“Oh?  Did you think I wasn’t being sincere the whole time?”  he said pulling away from my kiss.  I flushed under his stare.  How was I supposed to tell him I thought some of it was for show? 

“I just think maybe some of it was to shut Ashlynn up or to try and make me feel good,” I said, pulling the sheet tighter around my chest.

“I meant everything I said Becca.  I wouldn’t have said any of it if it weren’t true.”

I peeked up at him, “Even about the Enterprise Yachts account?”

An amused smile came across his face.  “Okay, so that wasn’t entirely true… speaking of which, why did you tell Ashlynn you would be her maid of honor?”

I shrugged my shoulders, “I know Ashlynn can be a lot, and yeah she did stab me in the back, but we have history, and she doesn’t have any other friends really.  How do you tell someone you have known your whole life no?”

He cocked his head and frowned at me.  “How can you forgive her so easily?”

“I guess I just don’t like the thought of hating someone.”  It was true; hate could control someone so easily.  Your mind becomes consumed, and the negatives take over your life.  I didn’t want to talk about it anymore.  The thought of what Ashlynn did was unsettling to me, and I didn’t want to hate her.  The more I would think about it, the harder it would be to deny the feelings.  Tyler quirked his head still not understanding me.  I needed to change the subject, and I knew exactly how to do it.

I leaned into his ear and said, “Besides, if Ashlynn were a better friend I wouldn’t be in this bed with you.”  I tried to sound seductive, running my fingers down his sternum.

Tyler sucked in a quick breath of air and pulled the sheet down, gently laying me on the bed underneath him.  He looked into my eyes and said, “That is a very good point.  I will have to thank her.”  I grimaced at him.  There would be no need for extra contact with her.  He smirked and started to kiss me again. 

I held his head and deepened the kiss.  His tongue penetrated my mouth as his hands gripped my shoulders. His mouth moved from my lips to my neck.  He kept a gentle slow pace, causing my body to slowly rev up again.  I trailed my hand down his chest and abdomen and ran my fingers across the V that led downward.  He gasped into my mouth as his body started to shiver. 
Hmm he likes this.
Bravely I took both hands and ran the pads of my fingertips along each side of the V, stopping just inches from him.  His chest was heaving as his eyes were screwed shut.  He wasn’t able to focus because he was shaking so badly.  I felt the urge to comfort him; maybe I had crossed a line?  I moved my hands up and gently grabbed each of his biceps.

“Are you okay?”  I whispered into his mouth. 

He nodded his head rapidly and mumbled,  “Uh huh.” 

I grabbed his face with both hands and gave him a tender kiss, debating if I should move my hands down further again.  Although he seemed to almost fall apart, his answer assured it was a good type of unraveling.  He slowly opened his eyes as if he was reading my mind.  I searched his eyes, then bravely ran my hand back down his chest and followed downward.  I gulped at his intense stare and then moved my hand to wrap around him.  His eyes rolled back as his chest heaved again.  I moved my hand up and down while watching his face intently.

“Oh… baby…”  His words were mangled with heavy breaths.  He leaned down on one elbow and reached for the drawer with the condoms in it.  He put the wrapper next to his mouth and tore it open, spitting the ripped piece to the side of the bed.  He leaned on his side and his hand wrapped around mine.  “As amazing as this feels, I want to be inside of you,” he breathed, removing my hand so he could put on the condom.

Instead of rolling on top of me, he rolled me to my side so I was flush against him.  He hitched my leg up over his thigh and guided himself inside me.  I gasped as he rocked his hips into me, pressing his palm on my lower back, urging me deeper into him.  I had never done this position before; come to think of it, I had never done what he did earlier, both of us sitting up like that.  I was normally too shy to try new things or too drunk to experiment.

I leaned back, trying to find an angle to hit my sweet spot.  I doubted that I would come again, but every thrust he made felt so wonderful. 

He leaned up on his elbow and moved his hand to my backside, pulling me against him. 

“Oh…God Becca…I want to feel you baby…”  His words were turning me on, causing the ache in my belly to come closer to the surface.  My breathing became more intense with his every word.  Normally I would feel silly and lose my drive when guys would start talking, but not Tyler’s voice.  It was low and sexy and filled with equal need.  I could hear the effect my body was having on him, which turned me on even more.  Tyler noticed and took advantage.

“Do you like this?  Does it feel good?” he moaned into my mouth.  I groaned again, his voice bringing me closer and closer.  He pulled my leg up higher on his hip and slowed slightly, stroking me in just the right spot.  My breathing became shallower with each slow stroke.  He knew he had found the spot, and continued at a delicious pace causing my skin to tingle all over.

“Oh… right there… that’s the spot… isn’t it baby doll?” he murmured into my ear.  I moaned even louder, and with one last stroke I was in oblivion, garbling strangled versions of yes into his mouth.  With the vibrating of my insides, Tyler pulled my thigh closer and pounded his hips into me until his body stilled and relaxed into mine.

My body turned into dead weight as a dropped my head on the pillow.  My thigh was dangled across Tyler’s hip as my hands were pulled up next to my chest on the bed.  Tyler’s hand was firmly grasping my thigh as his elbow gave way crashing onto the pillow next to me.  Once his breathing finally became normal, Tyler ran his hand from my thigh up to my waist, and gently pulled himself out of me.  He moved his other arm from under his side then rolled over quickly to remove the condom and rolled onto his back.  He pulled me over to him so my head was lying on his chest. 

Holy cow.
  Being able to get off was usually hard enough, but to do it twice in one night?  For someone who seems to not have sex a whole lot sure knows the right way to move his hips.  I was beginning to fear the unbelievable connection we had, not only physically but emotionally.  He was so attuned to my body and my feelings it was as though we’ve been with each other for a long time. 

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