Conklin's Foundation (Conklin's Trilogy) (19 page)

BOOK: Conklin's Foundation (Conklin's Trilogy)
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I held his face in my hands, wanting to wash away the insecure man in front of me.  As humbling as it was to see Tyler act so unsure, I wanted my confident and mischievous lover back.  “You promised you would bring me around your family, Tyler.  If it’s that bad, we will go to your condo in Chicago, and start our own perfect Christmas night early.”

His eyes were as wide as saucers as he took a hard swallow.  I stood on my tip toes, giving him a gentle kiss on his lips.  He wrapped his strong hands around my wrists, holding my hands in place.

“My feelings for you won’t change, no matter how
different our families might be.”

His shoulders relaxed, his lips moving up sli
ghtly.  His eyes were still wide but a softness shown through.  Was that what he was so worried about?  I wouldn’t be interested in him once I knew where he came from?  I kissed him again.

“It will be okay,” I
encouraged.  He sighed and nodded his head, hugging me tightly.  I met his embrace, rubbing his back, enjoying the smell of his sporty cologne.  Even though Tyler held me close, at that moment I was holding him, and I could hardly describe the feeling that spread throughout my body knowing I could comfort him.

“Ready to go back out there?”  I
asked quietly, smoothing a hand down his spine.

I felt him nod his head into my neck, not letting
me go.

“Good.  Because Michael is going to accuse us of sneaking away
to indulge in other Christmas gifts,” I teased.

I felt Tyl
er’s warm breath caress my neck. A grin escaping him.  He leaned back looking down at me.  “I don’t think I’m ready for that kind of conversation in front of your parents,” he smirked, his normal mischievous grin returning.

I grinned back at him, taking his hand to walk out of the bathroom.  When I tugged on his hand, he tugged back.  I turned to look up at him.

“I love you, Becs,” he whispered, a shyness spreading across his face as he bit down on his lip. 

My heart swelled, more pieces jumping out of my chest
to meld with Tyler’s.

Chapter 11


It was 1:00pm by the time we left my
parents’ house.  They both gave Tyler and me huge hugs, thanking Tyler for coming and wishing us a Merry Christmas.  My mother even told us to say the same to Tyler’s family.  Heather gave me a thumbs up, as if to say good luck meeting the man of my dream’s mother.

The ride in the Lexus was slow and quiet for the first hour.  Tyler seemed distant and in his own world. I wondered what he was worrying
about.  I knew he was nervous for how his family would act around me.  But it seemed like there was more.

“What time is your mother expecting us?”  I asked, breaking the silence.

“Dinner is at 6:00pm.  I didn’t really tell her a time,” he replied, his eyes still fixed on the snowy roads.

“Oh, so we should be there early with the time change?”

Tyler nodded, still seeming distracted.

“Good, I was hoping we could stop at your place.  I want to change into something a little dressier.”

Tyler glared at me.  “You don’t need to change.  What you are wearing is fine.”

His tone was quick and sharp.

“I really don’t want to be wearing plain jeans the first time I meet your mother, Tyler,” I said quietly, staring down at my hands in my lap.

“Well I don’t wa
nt you to wear some short dress either!” he snapped.

I winced at his bluntness, my body shifting closer to the window. 
Was he worried about my looking nice for RJ to see?  Did that mean what I was wearing now wasn’t flattering?  I bit my lip and crossed my arms, staring out the window.  No need to make small talk if he was going be in a foul mood the whole ride.

He let out a big sigh after what felt like hours bu
t was only minutes.  “My condo isn’t on the way.  It would take us an extra hour or so to stop with the traffic.”

I nodded my head.  I forgot how big Chicago was and that his parents d
idn’t actually live in the city.  Their “family home” was in the suburbs.

“Is it really because of RJ?” I weakly asked.

Tyler wouldn’t meet my eyes, but only gripped the steering wheel tighter.

“You do know how
outrageous that sounds, right?  That you would rather I look sub-par instead of presentable because you are worried about what RJ is going to do or say.  Your thoughts on RJ making a move on me are absurd,” I huffed, crossing my arms tighter.

“That’s not it,” Tyler bit back, clearly irritated.

“So you are going to pass up
an excuse to spend less time at your family’s house, the house you have been trying to avoid going to all day?  Just so I can’t put on a dress?  I wanted to curl my hair, too.”  I felt hurt.  He was being ridiculous.

He let out a loud groan
, banging his head back on the headrest.  “Becca… aren’t you the one who wants to go spend time with my fucked up family?”

I didn’t reply
but looked out the window, hugging myself tighter.  Why did I have the urge to cry?  I didn’t like when he was so stern with me, when he raised his voice and was short.  I felt like a child.

As though he were counting to ten to calm his nerves, Tyler finally glanced over at me.  “No one else will be dressed up.  I will throw on a
t-shirt if it makes you feel better.”

“Why, so we can both look sub-par?” 
my voice cracked.

He groaned again, rolling his eyes.  “
Damn it Becca, when are you going to believe me when I tell you how beautiful you are?”

I looked down, feeling stupid for being so insecure.

Tyler looked over at me, letting out a deep breath.  “You are beautiful.  I will make a point to tell you every morning and every night.  Whether your hair is up or down, in sweat
s or a floor length gown, makeup or no makeup. Although I personally prefer you without.”

I gulped, brushing away a tear.  I felt guilty for
worrying he thought I looked unattractive. 

“Thank you,”
I croaked. 

“You don’t need to thank me,” he said quietly.  “I should thank you for putting up with my bullshit.”

A small giggle escaped me.  Tyler looked over at me, his lip twitching as though he was trying to contain a smile.  He shook his head as I laughed some more.

When he turned to look back at the road, he became serious
again.  “RJ will flirt with you. I’m sure Mitch will too.”  He took a deep breath again.  “It will bug the shit out of me.”

“Tyler, you know I won’t flirt back.  You know I would never take any advancement f
rom either of them, from anyone,” I said.  “You’re all I want, remember?”

I reached over and patted his thigh.  He was unbelievably tense.  I could feel his muscles bulging through his jeans.
He looked so pained again.  I wanted to unbuckle my seat belt and hold him.

“I know,” he whispered, taking a long blink.

“Then relax.  If this goes
horribly, I won’t ever make you bring me to your family again, I promise,”  I said with big sincere eyes.  I ran my hand up and down his thigh, trying to get his muscles to relax.

I took off my seat belt
and sat up on my knees, leaning into his side.  Tyler was puzzled at first as I wrapped one arm around his bicep and kept one hand on his thigh.  I kissed the soft spot just below his ear.  He half smirked as I kissed him again but lower on his neck.  He tilted his head to the side, his smirk expanding.  Both of his hands were still on the steering wheel.

“What are you doing?
” he asked with an amused laugh.

I nibbled his ear and smirked.  “Trying to get you to relax.”

He chuckled again.  “If you move your hand up higher, that might help.”

I kept my teeth on his ear and gently shook my head no
then returned to my seat.  Putting my seat belt back on, I gave Tyler a flirty grin. 

He bit his lip, his eyes on the road.  I swore he was blushing. 

When I put my hand back on his thigh, he was no longer tense. 

Ha, sexual acts and
innuendos always work!

covered my hand with his, brushing his thumb along my knuckles, shaking his head back and forth.

“What?” I asked with a huge grin on my face.

“You’re a tease,” he said.

I shrugged my shoulders.

“Can I ask you something?”  Tyler asked, his good mood returning.

I nodded my head.

“How did your parents meet?”

“In high school.  My dad was a foster kid, and my mom lived with her aunt.  Both of their parents died when they were young.  I guess they always had that inner bond.”

He looked out the window, something reeling in his head.  “They have been together ever since?”

I nodded my head, confused by his random questions.  “Yeah, I’m sure they have had their ups and downs, but I think they are in it for the long ha
ul.  I mean, they survived my siblings and me throughout our tween and teenage years, what could be worse than that?”

I saw Tyler smile, but it didn’t touch his eyes.

“They give me hope,” he murmured, his thumb still skating along my knuckles.

“Hope for what?” I asked, still confused.

He turned to look at me, lifting my hand to his lips.  “Us.”

My heart pitter pattered.  I loved when he
talked about
.  I loved how he wanted a future.

“I want what they have, Becca,” h
e whispered into my hand.  “They remind me of my grandparents.  How your father is successful at both business and a marriage is inspiring.”

I looked down towards my feet, taking a deep breath.  My dad was successful, and even though I loved him as he loved my siblings and
me, I didn’t know him.  He really didn’t know a lot about me.  We didn’t have dinner every night to talk about our days at school or our extracurricular activities.  I had told myself numerous times I didn’t want that.

“He did juggle everything well, but…”  I sighed again.

“But what?” Tyler questioned, giving my hand a squeeze as he dropped it from his lips.

“One of the things Gage and I talked about was my father.  How he knew I didn’t want what my mother had.”

“What do you mean?”  He asked nervously.

“I rarely saw my father growing up.  I saw how it hurt my mother when he would call every night telling her he wouldn’t be home for dinner.  One day a week
isn’t going to be enough for me,” I whispered, afraid to look at him. 

“Baby…my job may take me places, but I promise, it would never come before you.”  He brought the palm of my ha
nd back to his mouth, giving it gentle kisses.  I smiled over at him, wanting to believe him.  He was home at a decent hour when he was in town, but what would happen when the company expanded?  Would he have to juggle another city?  Be gone all week and only home on the weekends? 

I murmured as convincingly as I could.

gave me his flirty Conklin grin and turned his head back to the road, randomly kissing my hand.  I could only hope what he was saying was true but only time would tell.



Taking a deep breath, Tyler entered the passcode to open his parent’s house
.  I gripped Tyler’s hand tightly as we stepped into the vast circular foyer.  Black marble floors were below our feet with a grand piano in the center, automatically playing a melody.  The walls were white stucco with large elaborate paintings opposing each window. 

I heard voices as we turn
ed into an extremely large room with pure white carpet and cream furnishings decorated elegantly.  The walls were stucco as well, with more large windows overlooking a massive lawn.  One wall was covered in white shelving, filled with books, a desk in the corner.  Tyler pulled me into another room where we heard voices.

It was a vast kitchen, all black cupboards and granite countertops, intricate tiling throughout the floor
s.  I saw Nathan leaned against the counter holding a wine glass.  His head veered up from the woman he was talking to, a lopsided smile crossing his face.  His hair was neatly styled as he wore charcoal dress slacks with a button up shirt, his black belt matching his black shoes. 

I took a sharp breath
in and stood semi behind Tyler. Why was Nathan dressed up?  Tyler told me everyone else would be wearing jeans.

The woman Nathan was talking to turned, a huge smile on her face.  She looked very young, but as she walked closer to Tyler and
me, her age showed more.  Probably in her late 40s, early 50s, her hair was long and blond, curled elegantly.  Her green eyes sparkled as she looked between Tyler and me.  She was dressed in a form fitting dark green long sleeve dress with gold jewelry galore, long necklaces and flashy bracelets.  I felt my face flush with embarrassment and anger.  Neither of them were wearing jeans, and I felt even more out of place than usual.

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