Connections (15 page)

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Authors: Amber Bourbon

Tags: #older man younger woman, #erotica ff, #erotica book erotica kindle erotica adult fiction, #teacher and student erotica, #actress, #unexpected romance, #erotica couples, #erotica mf, #Erotic Romance, #erotica adult passion, #erotica adult, #mistress

BOOK: Connections
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It’s him, isn’t it? You want to be with him, don’t you?” Jordan rubbed her face, tightened her eyes.

No, its not Gavin. Not really. You’re not the first woman I was with, but I think for now, you’re the last.” Cassandra confessed. “Gavin isn’t the first man I was ever with, but he won’t be the last one either. For now, I need to be alone, figure out who I am. I want to be alone right now. You don’t. I’m not the right person for you; I don’t think I ever was. She or he is out there for you. Someone who is comfortable with what you want, and how you express that.”

Jordan covered her mouth, a sob escaping her throat. She waved her hands, fanning her face as the reality of everything struck her. “Why do you have to be right?” the hot tears streaked her face.

Cassandra sighed, “Because I took the time to reflect on who I am, who I want to be. I think you need to do that as well. I’m sure someone is up to fulfilling your sexual appetite, but that’s not me anymore.”

Jordan nodded as she looked down at herself, “God, what a fool I’m being.”

Go home, if I find anything that’s yours I’ll bring it to work tomorrow.” Cassandra hugged her gently.

Wrapping her arms around her tightly Jordan didn’t want to let her go. She started to nuzzle Cassandra’s neck, her lips planting soft, gentle kisses leading up.

Cassandra pulled away, “We can’t Jordan, not even to say goodbye.”

Jordan reached for her, “Please Cass, I

She closed her eyes; bit her lip for a moment, trying to figure out her thoughts, feelings in this moment. It would be so easy to give in, to make love to Jordan right now, right here. She felt Jordan pull her close, their lips meeting in a soft urgency Cassandra had never felt before.

Jordan’s hands worked their way under Cassandra’s sweater, her smooth skin under her fingers until she reached the clasp of the bra.

We shouldn’t do this Jordan.” Cassandra leaned her body in as she said it, knowing part of her wanted this last moment, wanting this to be closure.

Let us say a proper goodbye.” Jordan stepped away from Cassandra as she moved towards the bedroom door. “We were together for far too long, not to say goodbye.”

Cassandra watched as Jordan disappeared into her bedroom. She knew they didn’t
to do this to say goodbye, yet at the same time, she wanted to do this. It felt like something she
to do. To finally let this chapter close.

The scent of garlic hit her nose, and she stopped in the kitchen, turning the burner off, grabbing a can of whipped cream. She might as well have fun in this goodbye, shouldn’t she?

Jordan was already naked, stretched out on the bed, waiting to be devoured by Cassandra. She smiled when she appeared in the doorway with a can of whipped cream.

Naked already? That’s half the fun, peeling your clothes from your body.” She pulled her sweater and t-shirt off, revealing her unclasped bra which she quickly discarded.

Jordan sat up on the edge of the bed as Cassandra came towards her topless. Her hands grasped the button of her jeans as she leaned forward, kissing the soft skin of her stomach as she pulled the zipper down.

Cassandra pushed her jeans down with one hand while she had the other clasped on Jordan’s bun. Her feet pulled her jeans off, thankful that her panties had gone with them. She pushed Jordan back on the bed aggressively as she shook the can of whipped cream.

Jordan watched as Cassandra pulled the lid off with her teeth and put her finger on the trigger, aiming the can at her breasts and then naval.

Cassandra felt the shock of the cold cream on her body before she threw the can on the bed, crawling towards Jordan. “Hungry?”

Starving” Jordan moved closer licking the cream off one breast and then the other while picking up the can. “The naval is a start, but you know what I want Cassandra. What I always want.”

Cassandra rolled onto her back, spreading her legs. She couldn’t deny how aroused she was right now with Jordan as she sprayed her pussy and thighs with the cold whipped cream.

Jordan’s tongue moved like a hungry kitten licking up the cream strategically on her thighs before moving to the main dish of Cassandra’s pussy. The sweetness of the cream mixed with the saltiness of Cassandra as she slowly tasted her, teasing the different folds with flicks of her tongue.

Cassandra was surprised by how turned on she was at the moment, she felt herself get lost in the moment as she looked down only seeing the top of Jordan’s head. She was close, her body eager to release when Jordan pulled back, her hand rubbing her own clit as she watched Cassandra’s confusion.

Pussy against pussy.” Jordan’s eyes were dark and confident as she pulled Cassandra’s leg around her as she moved closer.

Cassandra bit her lip as she saw the glistening on Jordan’s pussy. She moved closer until she could feel the wet heat against her own. Their legs grew tense as they held on to each other as they began moving against each other. The proof of their desire mixing, dripping on their legs as a passion Cassandra hadn’t felt with Jordan in far too long released.

Jordan let Cassandra’s leg go and started to rub on her other leg as she started to quiver with the pleasure she’d been craving for a week.

Both women were panting, as they lay back on the bed. After a minute or two Cassandra jumped up and went towards the bathroom before looking back at Jordan, “Get dressed, leave your key on coffee table. That was a very good Good-bye.”

Jordan stared at her, “You’re fucking kidding me. We make love and you think you can just kick me out? Like I’m some fucking whore.”

Your words, not mine. I said we could do this as a good-bye, not as a welcome back.” Cassandra slammed the bathroom door behind her.

Jordan flipped the door off and looked around for something she could throw, finding a picture frame, hurling it towards the wall, hearing the glass break as she exited, finding her clothes.

This hadn’t worked. She thought if anything could it would be a seduction. She couldn’t have been more wrong as she took her keys from her bag and slammed them down on the table, pulling her clothes on. “Go to hell Cunt!”

Cassandra heard Jordan call out before the door slammed shut. She stood under the hot water of the shower, soaping up her body, feeling sick with herself over what had just happened.

It was over now. Jordan knew it. She would have to accept it.

The damage was done.





Carter was thankful that the day was over. All day long he’d been dealing with teenagers and their raging hormones. He only cared about one teenager’s hormones and his own. As he got out of his car he tugged at his tie to loosen it.

The afternoon was sunny, but the fall air was crisp the promise of winter just around the corner. This also meant that in a few weeks he’d be off work and get to enjoy several days of doing nothing until Zach came back from Colorado ready for his big city move.

Carter could barely believe that his twin brother was going to be playing for the Yankees. They had both dreamed about it as children, yet it was coming true. At the very least Carter could live through his brother.

When he opened his door, something wasn’t right. Something was off, the air was filled with cinnamon, pine, and something he couldn’t put his finger on. “Hello?”

Eva came out from the hallway with a box of Christmas decorations, “Hey! I didn’t expect you home so soon. I thought you had a meeting after school.”

Carter rubbed his forehead; he wasn’t in the mood for her right now, not that he ever really was. “No, that’s tomorrow. Most of the Yearbook staff is at the Newspaper meeting today.”

Oh, well I was going to set this up for you. I know decorating really isn’t your thing, but I thought you could use the holiday spirit.” Eva put the boxes down on a table.

Listen, you need to go Eva. I don’t want to decorate, I just went to make some food, take a shower and go to bed.”

It’s three-thirty in the afternoon.” Eva reminded him.

He bit his lip, “Eva, go away.”

But Carter--”

Go.” He opened the door, finding Amanda walking up the front steps with a cookie tin.

Eva stared at Carter for a minute, and then at Amanda. “I see, well I think I get what’s going on here.”

Amanda was confused as she watched Eva grab her bag and storm towards the door.

Eva stopped in front of Carter, her acrylic nail pointed towards him, “You should be ashamed of yourself you sick fuck. I get it now. You’ve been using me, stringing me along this whole time, so you could what, try and fuck the neighbor girl?”

I’m just bringing over cookies, my Mother asked me to.” Amanda clutched the cookie tin to her chest.

Eva turned and laughed, “Oh please, I’ve seen the way you’ve looked at him for years. You’ve been waiting for him to seduce you, haven’t you?”

Amanda stammered, “I’m a, I’m a, virgin.”

Eva rolled her eyes, “Doubtful. I should go to the school board. But I won’t. That would be way too easy for you. Both of you.”

Carter and Amanda stood in silence as Eva stormed down the walkway towards her car across the street. Watching as she flipped them off as she drove away.

I am so sorry about that, she was just here when I got home. I told her to leave and you showed up, with cookies.” He let Amanda into the house.

My Mother really did send me over with them; I found the note when I got home from school.” Amanda kept her arms wrapped around her chest. “This isn’t a good idea, is it?”

Carter realized just because it had felt so good to be with her, that they shouldn’t keep this up. “No, it’s not. We need to stop this, at least for now.”

Amanda nodded, “After graduation, maybe if things haven’t changed.”

Tell your Mother thanks for the cookies, you’re grade is already an A in my class, she doesn’t have to bribe me.”

I think she’s trying to butter you up so that you don’t complain about the construction she wants to do this summer.”

Let me guess, gazebo in the backyard?”

Yeah” Amanda smiled softly, “I should go, I feel like your friend is just circling the block waiting to catch me leaving hours from now.”

She probably is crazy bitch. I’ve been trying to get rid of her for years. I guess I’m finally fed up enough.”

You know, Carter, maybe we don’t belong together, but sometimes we get so obsessed with an idea, we can’t see the reality. I think that’s what is going on with your friend.”

When you get older Amanda, you’ll find that some things are ridiculously obvious, and others are just a mess, when they shouldn’t be. This is one of those things. I’ll see you in class tomorrow. Go work on that paper I assigned today.”

Amanda left the cookie tin on the couch and went to the front door, “Thanks Mr. Jensen.”

Carter just nodded as he watched her leave. He locked the door after her, leaning against it as he tried to figure out when his life became this. What had happened to his dreams? His hopes and passions? Had he gotten so used to the attention as small town charmer that he let himself ignore the dreams he had?

He tore his tie off and flung it on the couch, when had he decided to be a teacher? That had never been his goal in high school, he’d been a star Baseball player, and he’d had his pick of the girls, and had chosen Shayla.

He grabbed a beer from the kitchen and went up to his bedroom. His head was spinning now, and all he wanted to do was sleep. Let the events of the day wash away from him. Let it be over.

Tomorrow it would start again, a passionless day of teacher; yearning for something he wasn’t even sure what.

Collapsing on the bed, he closed his eyes, hoping that his dreams would lead him to a passion he forgot, a dream misplaced, some sort of answer on what he was supposed to be doing.

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