Connections of the Mind (17 page)

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Authors: Roseanne Dowell

Tags: #Romantic Suspense Novel

BOOK: Connections of the Mind
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A vision of Jeremy appeared in her mind. He lay in bed, someone stood over him, holding a knife. Again, she tried to scream, and nothing came out. She looked around her room. A tall, metal vase stood in the corner. She grabbed it and flew across the hall.

Shoving the door open, she raised the vase above her head and raced to the alcove. A man turned toward her just as she brought the vase crashing down on his head.

Jeremy sprang up in bed, looking at her. She stood next to his bed in her nightgown. She put her hand to her mouth, squelching the screams that now forced their way out. Sobs erupted from her throat.

Mrs. Marlin ran into the room, flicked on the light. She stared at Rebecca as she stood next to Jeremy’s bed, the vase hanging at her side.

“What?” Taken aback, she froze when saw the bundle at Rebecca’s feet. “Oh dear Lord,” she whispered. “Jeremy!”

Jeremy shook his head, looked from Rebecca to his mother and back again. “Becca, what’s going on here?” He shot her a look of astonishment and distrust. Did he think she was trying to kill him?

Rebecca backed away, the vase fell from her hand. Tears spilled from her eyes. She looked at the body sprawled on the floor, blood oozed from his head.

“Oh my God, I killed him.” The words came out little more than a whisper. She sank to her knees.

Jeremy got up, followed Rebecca’s gaze to the floor. He bent over the body and felt for a pulse. “He’s still alive. Mom, call 911.” He moved to Rebecca, helped her up, and took her in his arms, held her, and stroked her head.

Rebecca’s body trembled, her knees turned to jelly. She pulled away, ran to the bathroom, and vomited. After running water over her face, she came back into the hall. The chief, policemen, and paramedics brushed past her.

Jeremy waited outside the bathroom for her. “Okay?” He opened his arms, and Rebecca collapsed into them. He led her to her room and sat on her bed.

“It’s Lee Derrick, the pizza delivery boy.”

Rebecca nodded. “Something woke me. I saw him cut the screen and climb in the window...” She choked out the words. “I saw him next to your bed. I tried to scream, but no sound would come out. I didn’t know what else to do.”

Julia came in with a glass of warm milk. Rebecca drank it, knowing sleep wouldn’t come any more tonight. Besides, the chief would want to talk to her.

Sitting nestled in Jeremy’s arm, the realization she had accomplished what she came for and could return home hit her. She didn’t want to leave, something about this town and Jeremy captivated her. She wanted to stay, had fallen in love with him. He said he loved her. Did they have a future together? Lord, she hoped so. Leaning against Jeremy, Rebecca closed her eyes. This was where she belonged.

It seemed like hours before the police left. The chief took her story, looking like he disbelieved her, but couldn’t disprove it with two witnesses to support it. “They took Lee Derrick to the hospital with a concussion. He’ll make a full recovery,” the chief said. “I’ll question him later in the morning. I can’t imagine why he wanted to hurt you, Jeremy.”

“You can’t imagine...” Jeremy scratched his head.

“Well,” the chief stood up to leave, “I guess we’ll find out later.

“You’re a mighty brave young woman.” He turned to face Rebecca. “I imagine our boy here would be dead if ‘twern’t for you.”

Rebecca shivered as she remembered the knife Lee held poised, ready to plunge into Jeremy when she had stormed into the room.

After they left, Rebecca dozed in Jeremy’s arms, and the next thing she knew, sun streamed through the room.

She sat up and eased off the bed, careful not to wake Jeremy. She used the bathroom then came back and stood at the window, thinking back to all the fun she and Jeremy had. To the passion he ignited in her. Funny, she had just spent the night in his arms, in bed, under his mother’s roof. Would wonders never cease? She loved Jeremy with her whole heart.

Rebecca couldn’t go back to her previous life. To the boring job. There was still the course to finish. What happened after that, well, she’d deal with it when the time came. If Jeremy asked her to stay, she would.

The ringing phone jolted her back to reality. Jeremy sat up, looking dazed.

Rebecca turned from the window. “Morning.”

He rubbed his eyes, reminding her of a small child. “Guess we fell asleep.”

“Yeah, I’m surprised. I guess exhaustion got to us.”

Julia came to the room, stopped at the door, hesitated. “Um, uh, Jeremy, Dan called. They’re going to the hospital to talk to Lee. He wanted to know if you wanted to go along.”

Jeremy got up. “Yeah I do.” He left the room, and Julia stood looking at Rebecca.

“I don’t know how to thank you.” Julia twisted her hands, her face lined with worry. She came into the room and stood next to Rebecca.

Rebecca put her hand on Julia’s shoulder, drew her close, held her for a moment, and then released her. A comforting silence lingered between the two women.

Rebecca didn’t feel the need to speak—the hug said it all. Besides, how could she tell Julia in these few short days that she had fallen in love with her son?

Julia smiled. “Coffee’s ready, when you are. Would you like some breakfast?”

“Just coffee is fine. I’ll be down after I shower.”

Julia nodded and left the room. Rebecca opened her bag. She had forgotten about Jeremy’s clothes. She almost laughed out loud. Good thing Mrs. Marlin had left. She took out her clothes for the day.

“Oh my gosh, Lester.” A vision of her brother huddled in bed in a hotel room with Allison curled next to him came to her. She grabbed her cellphone, flipped it open. Nine missed calls. All last night from Lester. She punched in his number. God, she hoped nothing happened to him or Allison. Why had he called so many times?

“Beck, are you okay?” Lester answered on the second ring.

“I’m fine, what about you and Allison?”

“We’re fine. Are you sure you and Jeremy are okay?’

“I’m positive. Why did you call so many times last night? It says I missed nine calls from you. What’s going on?”

Lester sighed. “We were worried about you and Jeremy. I had a horrible feeling something happened to you. I thought you were in trouble. Then when you didn’t answer your phone. Hell, I was worried sick about you.”

Rebecca sat on the bed. “You had a feeling about us?”

“Yeah. It was weird. I couldn’t shake it. It was like…I don’t know what it was like. I can’t explain it.”

“You don’t have to. I know what it was like. Are you sitting down, Les?”

“Yeah, why?”

“’Cause I have to tell you something. Can you put it on speaker so Allie can hear too? I only want to have to say this once.”

“Hold on.”

“Beck, are you okay?” Allie said.

“Yeah. I’m fine. Someone tried to kill Jeremy last night. He…”

“What?” Lester screamed. “Where are you? I’m coming over there. What the hell is going on, Beck?”

“It’s okay, Lester. Calm down. There’s no need to come here. I’ll meet you later for lunch and explain the whole thing. I’m fine. Jeremy is fine. Honest.”

“Oh my God, Beck. Are you sure everything is okay? I mean…I don’t know what I mean. Can’t we come there? See for ourselves. Your brother is walking around in circles.”

“Okay, fine. Come here. But give me some time to shower and stuff. Okay? You have to remember Mrs. Marlin has had a big shock, so don’t come storming in here like crazy people, okay? Get some coffee into Lester, maybe some breakfast. I’ll see you in about an hour.” Rebecca hung up before they had a chance to respond. Just what she didn’t need was her brother pouncing in here trying to take charge.

She picked up her clothes and headed for the shower. Her cellphone rang before she got to the door. She flipped it open. Lester again.


“You forgot to tell us where Jeremy lives,” Allison said.

Rebecca couldn’t help but laugh. After all the tension of last night and this morning, it felt good. She gave Allison the address and directions. “Remember what I said about calming Lester down. I don’t want him upsetting Mrs. Marlin anymore than she is.”

“Promise. See you in an hour.” Allison hung up.

After her shower, she entered the bright yellow kitchen. Julia sat at the table, a contemplative look on her face.

Rebecca hated to disturb her. She went to the old-fashioned stove and poured herself coffee then joined Julia at the table.

Julia looked up, as if surprised to see her.

The door banged, and both women jumped at the sound. Jeremy stormed into the kitchen. Rebecca’s stomach tightened, her head began to ache, and her heart thumped as if it wanted to pound out of her chest, as Jeremy’s anger seeped into her.

“Jeremy, what is it?” Julia went to her son. “What happened?”

That bastard
!” He balled up a towel and threw it across the room. “He killed Pop.” Tears fell on his cheek. He brushed them away.

“He killed Pop, and he tried to kill me.” He slid to the floor, buried his head in his hands, and let the tears flow.

Rebecca went to him and knelt beside him. She took him in her arms and held him. “Shush,” she whispered. “It’s okay.” She soothed him.

Julia sank into a chair. Tears streamed down her cheeks. The door slammed again, and Dan’s stocky frame appeared in the doorway. He looked from one to the other and went to Julia.

“Jules.” He took her hand, helped her out of the chair, and put his arms around her.

“I don’t understand, Dan, I just don’t understand. Why?” She spoke through her sobs.

“Revenge.” Dan took a breath, caressed her back and continued.

“Mike arrested Lee’s mother, Mz. Derrick, a long time ago for drugs and alcohol. The court sent her for rehabilitation. Lee was just a kid, so the court put him in a temporary foster home.” He led Julia back to her chair, went to the stove, picked up the coffee pot and refilled her cup, then poured one for himself.

Sitting down next to her, he took a sip. “When she got out, she went on a drinking binge. She died later the same night, alcohol poisoning.”

Rebecca gasped. Jeremy calmer now, stood up, helped Rebecca to her feet, and poured them each a cup of coffee. They joined Dan and Julia at the table.

“The foster parents abused Lee, beating him every day, and they made him work on their farm after school. No one ever knew. The Johnsons didn’t come into town much, ‘cept on Sunday for church. Lee quit school at sixteen, and no one questioned him. The beatings continued until Old Mr. Johnson died when Lee was seventeen.” Dan stood and moved around the kitchen, running fingers through his hair. He shook his head.

“Lee confessed to killing Mr. Johnson. He had a bad heart; Mz. Johnson thought he died in his sleep. No one suspected. Then Lee spent some time in jail a few years back for attempted burglary. He got time off for good behavior and took the job at the pizza shop a year ago.”

“Oh dear Lord.” Mrs. Marlin wiped the tears from her cheeks.

Jeremy slammed his fist on the table. “So he got away with two murders all this time?”

“We got a psychiatrist gonna examine him to see if he’s sane enough to stand trial. I believe they’ll find him so.” Dan went to the sink, rinsed the cup, and put it on the sideboard. He came back, leaned toward Julia, and kissed her cheek.

“I have to go, Jules. I’ll see you later.”

She returned the kiss, got up, and walked him to the door, leaving Rebecca and Jeremy alone.

Rebecca shifted in her chair, uncomfortable with Jeremy for the first time since she met him. She lowered her eyes, twisted her hands, an ache began deep in her stomach. Crap, Lester would be here any minute. She didn’t need this now. Maybe if she called him, she could stall him.

The doorbell rang. Too late. She stood and looked at Jeremy. “That’ll be Lester and Allison. I told them they could come over. I hope you don’t mind.”

“No, I don’t mind. I guess they have as much right knowing what’s going on as we do.”

Mrs. Marlin came into the kitchen, followed by Lester and Allison.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Lester hurried to Rebecca. “We just heard what happened in the restaurant. Why didn’t you tell me on the phone?”

Rebecca sighed. She should have known they’d hear about it. Forgot how fast news spread in small towns. “I’m fine. Really. Look, can we go someplace for coffee?”

“No need to leave, dear, I can make more coffee. Would anyone like some breakfast?”

Jeremy came to stand by Rebecca’s side. “Sit down. We’ll explain what happened.”

Later, after all the excitement died down, and Mrs. Marlin insisted on fixing everyone breakfast, Lester and Allison left to register at the cabins. “No point in wasting a week’s vacation,” Allison said.

Mrs. Marlin said she had an appointment, and Jeremy and Rebecca were alone for the first time in hours.

“What are you going to do now?” Jeremy asked. “Are you going home?”

Rebecca stood, smoothed her blouse and looked at him. “I still have to finish my course.”

“And after that?”

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