Connor (14 page)

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Authors: Dormaine G

BOOK: Connor
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“What does that mean?”

I shook my head. “I will explain later. Selene did a good job on her own. I certainly wasn't any help. We do need training in the worst way. You should have seen her. She handled two of those huge things with no problem. I felt helpless and weak.” That was a feeling I don't ever want to feel again.

“I didn't mean anything by saying 'girls.' I'm just saying it wasn't a fair fight, that's all. Don't beat yourself up. None of us would have done any better. And you're not weak, Connor, you're one of the strongest people I know. Since you came into the group, we have discovered things in that short amount of time compared to the months without you. Plus, taking on Scott, and we know what he is capable of, you walked away with barely a scratch.”

I doubted that, but I know he was trying to make me feel better. “Thanks, Tony.” I gave him a hug, then went to go clean up.

“I will wait for you here,” Tony said as I left the room.

The pain medication was finally kicking in. I set my things on the bathroom counter and turned on the shower.

I checked myself in the mirror, which was a frightening sight. My skin was ashen colored. My lip was bloody from when I bit down on it slamming into the sidewalk. My back had bruises on it from left to right. There were cuts on my front, back, and legs. There was so much wear and tear on me, I looked like a Dalmatian, and I didn't even remember collecting them all. No wonder I was hurting so badly.

When the bathroom filled with steam, I stepped into the shower. The water stung at first but eventually became comforting. I sat down in the tub, hugging my knees, soaking in the water. I must have reached my fill of emotions because the dam of tears broke through and rained down on me. I thought about the adoption, my parents never telling me the truth, creatures trying to kill us—the list went on.

I don't know how much time had passed, but I got it together and started showering. My mom always said, “Every once in a while, a good cry is needed in order to move forward.” She was right. I felt better.

Washing my hair, I found dirt and grass hiding in it. There was even a red piece of something in it, gross. I always had a head full of wild curly hair. I never liked it growing up, especially since Ebony had controlled wavy hair with natural highlights, she claims, whatever. I have grown to appreciate its wildness because it's like me— different. I like it even more now, especially knowing I can hide things in it. Got to look at the perks, right?

There was a knock at the door. “Yeah?”

“Hurry up, Connor, your parents are headed this way.” It was Tony. How could he possibly know that?

“Selene got word,” Tony said.

Now that's just creepy but Tanzia did say we will answer questions without being asked. “Okay, I'm almost done.”

Finishing up, I hopped out, dressed quickly, slapped some gel in my hair, and pulled it into a ponytail. I even put on some of Ebony's cover-up so my parents won't see my battered face. As far as my lip, I will come up with some excuse.

Running out the bathroom, I heard everyone downstairs. I threw my dirty clothes in the hamper and headed down, but my dad met me on the stairs.

He grabbed me up so tightly, nearly squeezing the life out of me. It hurt, but I bore it because I needed every bit of it. I wanted to cry and tell him I knew everything and that he could trust me with it. That I'm not mad at him and it's okay, but I didn't. I wanted to remain his little girl for just a while longer. I don't care what any stupid paper says or how we came to be; he is my dad, and this is my family.

Holding back the tears, I pulled away from him, acting as if I had no clue. “Dad, what's up?”

I felt frozen in time as his face held that expression he every so often gave me, the one where words were never spoken. It wasn't a particularly odd expression really, but it stood out in my mind because he only shared it with me. All these years, I never knew what it meant, but now I know. It was the burden of my truth and the secrets not his to tell. He must have always been so torn between his untold lies and worried about my safety, our safety. My truth must have weighed on him throughout the years, and for that, Dad, I am truly sorry.


“Oh nothing, doll face. We heard about the commotion outside in front of the house and were concerned…” He snapped out of it and became the strict dad I knew him to be. “Hey, you didn't call us like you said you would when you made it in, remember? What happened to your lip?” “Sorry, but as you can see I'm fine. Oh nothing, you know how clumsy I am,” I said, smiling back at him,

hoping he believed me, back to the norm, right?

“You look sick. Are you sure you're okay?” he asked, checking me out.

I swallowed hard and held back new tears. I hate it when someone asks if you are okay when you're on the verge of tears. It makes the tears want to pour. “Yeah, just a little tired, but I'm okay.” Honestly, I had no other choice.

Chapter 25

My dad and I headed down to the living room where my mom was thanking Selene for checking in on me.

“I know she is a teen, but they are not as grown as they would like to believe,” I heard my mom telling Selene.

“No problem at all. I saw the lights were on and wanted to check on her,” Selene said.

I stood next to my mom who pulled me close to her. I didn't see Tony or Bynder around. I listened out and heard them in my backyard talking. Bynder sounded stressed but had a feeling that was the norm for him. I excused myself and went to go check on things.

I spotted Tony, leaning against the gazebo, watching Bynder pacing while on the phone. “What's going on?” I asked when I reached Tony.

“He can't reach Khan. Everyone else is accounted for except Khan and Byron. He has called everyone to warn them about the attack, but now he is calling around everywhere to see if anyone had heard from him.”

“So does he think Khan and Byron were attacked too?” I asked, getting worried.

“He didn't say but I would,” Tony said. “Khan was supposed to make sure Byron made it in after he dropped everyone off, then check in like always, but he didn't.”

“I'm sure they are all right. Hey, why did you two come back to Selene's tonight?” I asked.

“Bynder had business out here, so that is why Shak took Scott home and Bynder followed me. We were outside my house talking when he picked up on something and raced back here.”

I was about to say something when I heard my mom. “Connor, are you out here?” She will be on worrywart mode for a while. I told him, “Let me see what she wants and try to hurry up as soon as possible.”

“What were you doing out there, honey? Just stay close, okay.”

“Where's Dad? Did he go to pick up Kane?” I asked. “No, he is going to spend the night at the sitter's. He's

playing with another kid she is sitting for. I'd rather him not come home to this commotion anyway. As for your dad, he is out front, being nosy as usual,” she said, shaking her head, hugging me as we walked back in.

Selene, my mom, and I were in the kitchen waiting for a pot of tea to heat up and having girl talk. I was so anxious to find out what was going on, unlike Selene who sat there calmly. She was driving me nuts.

When my mom got up to get the pot, Selene whispered to me, “Relax or your mom is going to pick up on your behavior.”

I looked at her as if she was speaking non-English. “Relax? Didn't you hear Khan is missing?” I asked.

“Yes, but we have
out,” she said. “
, what are
?” I asked.

“What you would call hunters, but they search for the missing by use of visions they receive from impressions.

That gives them a sense of all entities. Their senses are not limited like ours.”

My mouth was open to respond, but before I could say anything else, my mom was back with the tea. She was busily pouring our tea for us when she asked, “What were you saying, honey?”

I rolled my eyes and shook my head at Selene who gave me a raised eyebrow. I took a deep breath before answering. “Nothing, Mom, just nothing,” I said between my teeth.

My dad strolled into the kitchen with updates and gawked at the tea my mom offered, but his reaction was more like she offered him blood instead. “I'll pass. Tonight calls for something a little stronger.” He poured that nasty brown liquid called liquor into a glass and continued with the updates.

I never really realized how adorably handsome he was with his curly black hair and long eyelashes like Kane. His eyes always lit up when he gets the scoop on something. He was tall and thin and had a habit of talking with his hands in his pockets. Is that why I like it when guys do that?

“So the driver claimed the man appeared out of nowhere. They did a sobriety test, and it was clean, from what I overheard. The car must have caused some major damage to his face because the dead man looked badly beaten and disfigured. The cops seemed suspicious of the driver, so they took him into custody, and that was it. I feel for the driver, I really do, but people need to slow down in a residential area,” my dad was saying, now enthusiastically throwing in his version of the story.

As we were sitting there listening, I became utterly amazed as to how clueless my parents were to what was going on in the world, but how could they know? It was at this very moment I realized I need to protect my family. Protect them as they have always protected me.

We sat and talked for a while until finally it was time to part. As we walked Selene to the door, she stopped to give me a hug and whispered to meet her in my room ASAP.

Shortly after she left, I told my parents I was tired and wanted to go rest in my room, then I said my good nights.

Chapter 26

I found all three of them in my room. Bynder and Selene were having a heated discussion about something. They were speaking
. It would sound kind of nice if they weren't shooting out the words at each other.

I turned on the TV for noise blockage, even though no one was around to hear. By now, my mom was probably having a glass of wine and unwinding. She doesn't like drinking in front of us. I guess it's a mom thing.

“What's going on?” I asked Tony, who was sitting on my bed, catching flies with his mouth open. Why do boys concentrate with their mouths open? It's so caveman like.

Tony shrugged. “Bynder got a call from someone, and Selene obviously didn't like something he said because check it,” Tony said, pointing at them. “They have been at it ever since.” He was now smiling and appeared to be engrossed as they went back and forth at each other. I don't know how long this had been going on, but someone needed to stop them, and being that Tony had not made a move to put a stop to it, I had to.

My left hand went up waving as I cautiously approached the war zone. “Hello, um, guys, time out, but what is going on, and what were those things tonight?” I asked, hoping they would not lash out on me for interrupting, but they are supposed to be the adults here.

They immediately stopped talking, stepping away from each other. Bynder had his back to us facing the window, while Selene tucked her hair behind her right ear and cleared her throat before answering. “Those things are called
(whoa-lers). They are hired guns someone paid to come find us and report to him or her.”

Bynder turned around and rudely said, “Too bad for them they won't be able to report to him, I am sure of it.” Aware we came late in the game, but I was betting that comment was for Selene. The tension in the room was so thick, you could almost choke on it. I again cautiously said, “Okay. That's good to know.” Not even coping yet with the reason they are unable to report. “Why did they

look like that, and what did they want?” I asked.

Selene glared at Bynder for a second, then turned away, not paying Tony and me any attention. She sat down on my window seat in front of my bay window and stared out into the night, disassociating herself from us.

Bynder waited to see if she was going to continue and, after realizing she wasn't, answered instead, “They are paid guns, half giant, half human. They move exceptionally fast so they are hard to see at first. They are bounty hunters, dirty cops, or boxers by trade. They were given our location, and waited until we dispersed, then attacked. They are good hunters, but not always reliable. Being greedy creatures such as they are, one saw an opportunity and took it. First at the Caring House, and yes, you all could have died. Connor, you first if we didn't get to the room soon enough. I know you sensed something was wrong, but you chose to ignore your instincts,” Bynder said.

“Wait one of those things was in the room with me tonight? Why did they attack again after you stopped them?” I asked, chills running down my spine.

“They usually work in groups. Most likely one went rogue and decided to attack at the Caring House without orders. The others probably figured that if they captured Selene too, they could sell her for a bounty, while capturing you as planned. Connor, whoever hired them wanted your abilities. It was a dumb move on their part because they walked away with nothing, not even their lives. No one ever accused them of being bright,” Bynder explained.

“They may not be bright, but they sure are strong, and I have the bruises to show it, see,” I said jokingly, trying to lighten the mood. That was a no-go. Tony gave me an “are you kidding me” face. You know, the one where you look gassy.

“I find it too coincidental that they went after you again tonight, Connor, right after you confirmed carrying three
, one more than normal. It is not rare, but it does make you special, signifying your bloodline,” Bynder said.

I wanted to ask what Selene meant by royalty earlier tonight, but she interrupted, “It is not what you think. There is no proof.”

“Do we really need more proof, Selene? We all have sensed it, and as much as you want to deny it, you have to admit you have felt it too,” Bynder said.

They said nothing, standing there facing each other. This was crazy bizarre. I gathered he didn't trust someone as she did, and I had a feeling that person was Khan. We waited it out, but once again, with no help from Tony, I elbowed him.

“So we are in danger then?” Tony asked, stating the obvious. Now it was my turn to give him a “really” face.

“Yes, you are, all of you. When the one who hired them does not hear back from them soon, they will send more.

That is why it is imperative we teach all of you how to hone in on all your skills. Although I have a feeling we may not get the chance,” Bynder said.

Did he really need to look at me when he said that? Give me a break. I did my best tonight. What did he mean, not get a chance?

“What is going on with Khan?” I felt for Selene, but we need to know what.

“We do not know yet. We have
out, and hopefully they will get back to us soon,” Selene said, and that was it for the night.

They told us they would take turns keeping watch tonight. Apparently, we're not supposed to need that much sleep, especially the older we get. I so don't agree with that one.

“Good night,” Bynder said, nodding his head, then jumped out of my second-story window. Tony and I ran to the window right as he landed on his feet like a cat. He surveyed the area first, then took off, running exceptionally fast, not like Byron fast, but fast enough.

Tony looked back at Selene. “Can we really do that?” Selene smiled for the first time in a while tonight, then

said, “Yes, but I would not advise it at this time.” Her smile faded as she looked at me, and I knew exactly what she was thinking. “Be careful and try not to get too close,” I would have if only it weren't too late.

“Thank you, Selene, for tonight. I wouldn't be here if it were not for you,” I said.

She grabbed both my hands. “Well, I am glad I was there for you as I always have been and always tend to.” She squeezed my hands, then turned to Tony. “Good night, Tony,” she said, then she too jumped out the window, taking off, running right as she landed. How cool was that.

I grabbed a big blue pillow off the floor, sat cross-legged on the edge of my bed, and sighed for the umpteenth time tonight. Tony fell into a wicker chair off in the corner.

“All these years I thought Selene was this nosy neighbor always getting me into trouble. Little did I know she was trying to keep me from getting into trouble.” I slumped back onto my bed, gazing at the stars my dad and I had put on my ceiling when I was a kid. So many years had passed since then, but they still glowed brightly in the dark, one of the few things in my life that had remained unchanged.

“I know Shak worked hard keeping me out of trouble because, man, when I think back, my boys would always say I had a guardian angel. If they only knew,” Tony said, tossing a pillow in the air. From the smirk on his face, I could tell he was thinking of some near-miss incident and seemed pleased with himself.

I was going to ask but then decided not to. Some things are best kept secret, or I would have to divulge some things like pulling the fire alarm in school, accidentally damaging neighbors' properties, and so much more, but we don't want to go there. What can I say? I was a feisty kid.

I stretched out on my bed, yawning a little too loudly. Okay, it sounded more like a lion's roar. Tony cleared his throat to remind me of his existence. “What are you looking at? I'm tired,” I said.

He said nothing as he squirmed in the chair that suddenly became uncomfortable. I watched him awhile, then slid over only after I felt as if he was tortured enough. “Don't get used to this.”

He strolled over, taking his time; he was so full of it. He lay on his back with his hands behind his head and asked, “What do you think about tonight?”

I rolled over to my side, head on my pillow to look at him. “Which part, the meeting or the '
' attack?”

He turned his head to face me. “Either, shoot, both.” “I was scared and pissed at first being held captive,

then amazed at what we are, and that there are others out there who want to harm us. Shocked to find out my boring dad is a part of a secret society that paid him to adopt me. Also, what's up with my age and the fact they didn't seem to want to discuss certain topics?” I really didn't think I had that much to say, but it all rushed out.

“Don't hold back now.” He laughed. “Seriously though, I kind of felt that way too, except age and the scared part. I don't get scared.”

“Oh, whatever, you so were. You hardly said anything tonight. What's with that?” I asked.

“Nothing. Unlike most people, I like to listen first, then let it all sink in. It's how my mind works. You common folk can't understand that,” he said.

I punched him in his arm, but I think I did more damage to my hand. He finally admitted he was pissed at first, then thrown off about the whole situation.

We joked around, allowing ourselves to forget our new responsibilities, the harmful things we are now aware of, and the accountability of our actions that lay outside these four walls for a brief moment. We allowed ourselves to be everyday, ordinary teens.

There was a bang at the door then
the door swung open. I didn't have time to flinch before Ebony stormed in. “Who are you talking to in here?” I was so busted.

I glanced to my right where Tony lay, but she couldn't see him. Good reflexes. “What do you want, and don't you know how to knock? This is my room, you know,” I said, pissed that she walked in uninvited. “I thought vampires had to be invited in.” I love vampires but she doesn't, and she hates it when I call her one.

“Don't play dumb. I know I heard a male voice.” She stood there in her unflattering putrid-pink pajamas with her arms folded waiting for an answer. If only Robert could see her now. She had curlers in her hair and pimple cream on her chin. She looked like the Wicked Witch of the West. I take that back, she was uglier.

“It's the television.” I shouted at her when she came over to look under the bed. Tony lay there on the bed, watching her. “Get out. What are you doing home so early anyway? Aren't you supposed to be sneaking in a few hours from now anyway?”

“You better not have had a boy in here. I'm only looking out for you, silly girl,” she said, ransacking my closet. She's nuts. “Oh, yeah, and don't think I don't know you got me into trouble always whining about me lying as to why I get in so late.”

“Oh please, you're only looking out for your reputation at school. Besides, last time I checked, I had parents you know, the ones you do lie to.” I said standing on my bed. I hated her with a passion and wanted her out. Tony grabbed my leg, getting my attention. He pointed to my things lifting in the air, but Ebony was too busy in my closet to see. I shut up for a second, relaxed, letting my stuff fall back down. This is going to be so hard.

“Hey, hey, what's going on up here,” my mom said, running in. Oh great, here came my parents. Tony jetted across the room as Ebony leaned against my bed and sat in the once unbearable chair, enjoying the whole show. I was so embarrassed. “We can hear you two all the way downstairs in the den.”

Ebony told them I have a boy in my room. “Okay, okay, you two, knock it off. The both of you are acting like a bunch of three-year-olds,” she said. “Now you know Connor doesn't have any male friends like that.”

“Connor, get off your bed,” my dad said, trying to talk over us, but we were going at it. Really, Dad, that's all you care about? Instead of helping me get this bug problem called Ebony out my room, he leaned against the wall with his arms folded, taking it all in. Ugh, guys.

“Geez, thanks, Mom, thanks,” I said, my feelings hurt. “Well, do you, Connor?” my mom asked.

Rolling my eyes, I said, “Of course not, Mom.”

“I'm telling you, Mom, she had a boy in her room. I heard him,” Ebony said, still fighting her cause.

“Well, where is he, Ebony? Do you expect us to believe he jumped out the window?” My mom asked, unaware of that possibility.

“Can you tell her not to barge in next time?” I demanded, trying to remain calm.

“I said all right, Connor. Now go, Ebony, or no game for a week for you. And if you don't clean this room, no swim team next for you, Connor,” she said. How unfair was that. Ebony came in and destroyed my room, but I have to clean it up. Who cares at this point, as long as she was gone.

I slammed the door and locked it. Utterly humiliated and still pissed, I started cleaning up, avoiding eye contact with Tony.

“Wow, and I thought my family was cracked. Your sister is no joke, and what was going on with her face?” Tony asked from the corner chair.

“She was just being Ebony, and she cannot help her face. She means well in her own twisted way, but she comes across all wrong. I don't even know how she has friends. Sorry about that, but you don't have to enjoy it so much.”

“Don't be. I found it quite entertaining, especially when you stood on the bed. So how did it feel to finally reach five feet?” Was he seriously cracking jokes right now? “All that was missing was popcorn.”

“Ha-ha, all right, let it go already.” I cut him a look. “Okay, I will stop,” he said, pretending he was zipping

his lips shut as he sat on my bed.

“Anyway, we were discussing life and the many possibilities it held,” I said, still picking up the mess Ebony made.

“Jokes aside, you have to get a hold of your emotions, Connor. Remember the locker at school and the fight with Scott. Your telekinesis is obviously a direct line to your emotions. What if Ebony turned around and saw half your things floating? She would lose her mind. Could you blame her? If she flipped over you having a boy in your room…”

He was absolutely right, and I told him so when I sat down next to him. I have to control my emotions and think first. What if not only Ebony saw but my parents did too?

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