Conquering Alexandria (2 page)

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Authors: C.M. Steele

BOOK: Conquering Alexandria
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Chapter 2—Max

“Hey, Mom, I’m on my way. No, don’t worry. We’ll do dinner tonight.” My parents had been worried about my eyesight that was damaged while I was in college. I took a nasty hit, lost my helmet, and cracked my head on the frozen ground. It was scary all around, but after the initial injury, my eyesight had no longer been perfect. It wasn’t terrible, but I had a hard time focusing on things that were close.

“I got to go. I’ll call you later.” Marcus had just pulled up to the facility, and I was truly nervous. Since they started the laser procedures, they had improved over the years, but it was a big deal. I wanted someone with me, but I was afraid of my reaction should something go wrong, and I didn’t want witnesses.

I walked in with Marcus right behind me. He had been with me for the past decade. A former Navy Seal, he was an expert at keeping me safe. I really didn’t have many problems with safety, but I had a stalker who only noticed me when I went to a movie premier with a friend. She started following me, and it became a problem when she had gotten into my office and left me a gift. She’d been slick, and no one knew who she was and was still on the loose. I ramped up the security in the building and also at my penthouse. I wasn’t letting her get close like that again. It was another reason I wanted to get this done. It sucked that I couldn’t see well, but even worse when I had a crazy person after me.

I reached the receptionist, and my jaw dropped. “Miss Davis, what a pleasure to see you again.”

She turned crimson and greeted me. “Mr. McCain, it is good to see you as well. Although I’m sorry that we’re meeting in not so great circumstances, again.”

“It’s not as bad as it could be considering I get to see you. I am stubborn. I should’ve had my eyes fixed a long time ago. Now I can’t wait to see clearly again without having to wear glasses.”

“You don’t like wearing glasses? Why?”

“I just don’t.”

“I think you would look handsome in glasses.” She turned beet red as she covered her mouth and then turned around to her desk and reached for something. Oops, it seemed like she hadn’t meant to say that.  I smiled deeply. That she thought I was handsome was a great start.

When she turned back, she had a clipboard in her hand with a pen. She refused to look up at me as she said, “Mr. McCain, Dr. Reeves will be with you shortly. Please fill out these forms and have a seat over here.” She stood and walked me to a set a couches that looked very comfortable. I sat down and pulled her down to sit next to me. I realized my eyes were not that good because they were not comfortable at all.

“Thank you, Miss Davis.” I tipped her chin to look at me. “No need to be shy. I’m glad you think I’m good looking. If you want me to wear my glasses for you, I will, but you have to promise not to laugh.” I smirked as though I was joking even though I was serious about her not laughing. I really liked her, and I couldn’t tolerate that ridicule from someone who I wanted to get to know. I slipped on the glasses as I filled out the form and looked up to see her staring at me practically salivating.

“Wow, I don’t know why you would think I would laugh—you look very distinguished.” I wanted to jump up and ask her out, but I wasn’t going to do so until she lost the boy. However, I did want to get to know her fine ass. “May I ask how long you have been working here? I don’t recall seeing you during my first meeting with the doctor. I wouldn’t have forgotten someone so pretty.”

She blushed beautifully. “Mr. McCain…” I shook my head at her. “Max, today is my first day here. This was the interview I came from on the day of the accident. I had gotten the position on the spot. My first since I graduated college.” Shit. I forgot she mentioned that already. Damn, boy, your mind was too busy contemplating fucking her to pay attention.

“How long have you been with your boyfriend?”

“We just started dating about four months ago. Why?”

“Just wondering how hard I am going to have to try to get you away from him.”

“Mr. McCain, that is not very nice. Do you normally break up couples?”

“Actually, no, I never have. I don’t take another man’s pussy away, but you would be the exception to that rule, beauty.” I was letting it all out. I had nothing to lose and everything to gain.

“Max, you really do need Lasik. Tell me I am beautiful afterward. You may want to eat your own words once you can see that I am extremely plain and not your typical fare. Please fill out the forms, and I will inform the doctor you are here.” She shook her head and rolled her eyes before getting up and turning around.

Sassy little thing. I was definitely stealing her away. She walked to the back as I filled out the tedious paperwork. Once I finished, Dr. Reeves appeared. “Max, it is good to see you again. We will begin momentarily. My receptionist Alex, here, is new, and her training is in progress. Which I have to do since my last one left so abruptly.” He seemed ticked about that, but I understood good help was hard to find. After seeing Dr. Reeves with the other receptionist, I was sure the girl had her reasons. My curiosity always got the better of me.

“What happened to the cute little blonde you had here?” My sweet Alexandria looked a little peeved at my observation of the previous receptionist. “She just called and quit. I have no idea why, but I needed a replacement right away, and Alex here has the necessary skills.”

I didn’t like the way the fucker called her Alex. It sounded like he was caressing her name. I noticed before that he was a little too close to the other receptionist. Dr. Reeves is a married man, and at the very least, he was flirting with the young ladies that worked for him. I never understood why the fuck a man who was going to be cheating would get married in the first place. If he laid a hand on my Alexandria, I would kick his ass.

“Miss Davis and I were just discussing the fact that she was new to the company, so no need to worry about making me wait. I understand.” I looked to see if she was uncomfortable with him near, but she was just typing the information I had filled out on the form into the computer. Just then the office phone rang, and my girl answered it.

“Dr. Reeves, it’s the police. They would like to have a word with you,” she said after she put the call on hold.

“Alex, I will take this in my office. Mr. McCain, please take a seat, and I will be right with you.” I was curious as to why the doctor had the police calling him and why he seemed to expect the call. When he entered his office and closed the door, I walked up to Alexandria.

“Do you know why the police are calling your boss?”

“Don’t worry, Max, sir. I think it has something to do with his car. It was stolen last night. He was on the phone with them this morning when I arrived.” I was glad that was all it was; I needed to get this done like yesterday.

It was ten minutes later when the doc came out of his office. “Mr. McCain, unfortunately I have to go down to the police station and will not be able to complete the procedure today.” My anger was starting to show, and the arrogant prick tried to appease me. “There are two options available. I have a colleague who can do the surgery, or we can reschedule for another day.”

I was pissed he acted like I was some normal customer. I came from one of the most distinguished families in the state. “Dr. Reeves, neither option is ideal. I am not having this done for cosmetic purposes. I need this done, and I am a busy man. I don’t have time to reschedule. What qualifications does your colleague have?”

“I am sorry, but they are insistent that I go down to the station to speak with them. My associate Dr. Phelps, who works here once a week, has been an Ophthalmologist for twenty years. His clientele are wealthy members of society. He prefers to spend time with his family, so he only works one day a week. I have called him, and he is on his way.”

“That will have to do. I have set up the time and cleared my schedule to accommodate the necessary time for recovery, but nothing more. I will have your colleague do the procedure because I need it done—today.” I was not happy at all about it. Since it allowed me to spend more time with Miss Davis, I would stay and meet with Dr. Phelps. If I didn’t like the fucker, I would cancel and reschedule, and my mom would just have to deal with it.

Once the doc left, I was alone with her and got to talk to the lovely Miss Davis before this Dr. Phelps would arrive. I was all smiles for her, and my bodyguard, Marcus, looked at me like I lost my mind. “So tell me… what did you major in?”

“I majored in Business Administration. I know being a receptionist is not a great start, but I needed the job. My scholarship money was almost out, and my rent is due.”

“Don’t you live with your boyfriend?” I asked, hoping it would be a no.

“No, I don’t. It’s too soon for anything that serious.”

I smiled with immense pleasure. “Well, good, because I am not giving up.” She was just about to say something when the door opened, and in walked a fucking pretty boy muscle head. I wanted her to ignore the fucker, but she was the receptionist, so she couldn’t.

“Trevor, what are you doing here!?” So this was the boyfriend, fucking chump. I was way better looking than him.

“I came to take you to lunch.” He gave me a look as if to say
who the fuck are you?
If he kept it up, I would show him.

“I can’t go right now. The doctor had to step out, and I am waiting for the other doctor to come.”

“This guy doesn’t look like he will steal anything. You can leave him alone for half an hour. I missed my girl.” He grabbed her hand, and I wanted to rip it out of his grasp. Marcus walked up to us. I guessed my anger was visible. My anger grew when I noticed the barely visible fresh hickey just below his collar. I didn’t want anyone else until I had her, and the thought of her so horny that she marked him, well, it just pissed me off.

“Actually, Alexandria and I were having a lovely conversation, and it would be bad for her to get fired in her first week for leaving the client unattended. So maybe another day, boy.”

“Dude, you don’t speak for
girl. I do.” Before I could deck the fucker, the other doctor walked in and up to Alexandria. This gentleman looked like the consummate professional and had a kind smile.

“Miss Davis, I am glad you could fill in so soon. Welcome aboard. Which is my next patient?”

“That would be Mr. Max McCain, here.” She pointed to me, and I wanted to go and bite her finger, then kiss it and make it better. Damn, the things I wanted to do to her.

“Hello, Mr. McCain. I am sorry that you have been waiting. I will just get everything prepared, then we can get started.” The doctor shook my hand and noticed the jackass to my right. He turned to him and added, “You, sir…I cannot take any more patients today. You will have to reschedule with Miss Davis.”

“Actually, I came to take my girl here to lunch, but she was not able to leave.”

“Yes, that is true. I will need her help with the procedure, so perhaps you can take her to dinner instead?”

“Sounds good, doc. Baby, I will see you later.” He kissed her right on her pretty little mouth. I wanted to deck the fuck. The doctor chuckled as he walked back to his office. So he thought that shit was funny… prick.

I was taken into the back room where it would be done. The doctor instructed Alexandria to get me relaxed and seated in the chair. Once that was done, he ordered her to lock the front door so there would be no disturbances.

“Mr. McCain, I know a pissing contest when I see one. While she is gone, I wanted to tell you that I don’t require her assistance, but I could tell you wanted him out of here without her leaving with him. I know the feeling. I was once in your shoes, so calm down there, young man. He looks like an ass anyway.”

I laughed a little. Okay, so I wasn’t the only one who thought he was a douche. “We met on Tuesday, and I was surprised to see her working here. Her boyfriend had to show up today. I think I’m being tortured. I don’t want the last image I have of her to be of them kissing.”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence, but it won’t be.” he replied. The doctor called out into the hallway. “Miss Davis, can you come in here?”

“Sorry, sir. The phone was ringing, so I picked it up.” She rushed into the room looking anxious.

“Anything important?”

“No. Just someone needing to schedule a visit.”

“Okay, can you place the vest on Mr. McCain here? I want you to get some experience with the processes.” He winked at me the minute her back was turned. I liked him a lot. Now if he got my eyes working great, I might have to send him a present.

“Okay,” she said warily, as though she was afraid to come near. She laid it on my chest, and I felt her hands touch my shoulders. I looked directly in her eyes. “Alexandria, you are beautiful, and I want you to know that my eyesight isn’t that bad. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen now, and will be after. By the way, that blush is so hot.”

It made her redder, and I smiled as she smacked my shoulder and said, “We’ll see.”

She left the room as the procedure began, and it wasn’t half an hour before I was sitting up and it was all done.

My vision was already better. “Tell me, Max, how is your vision?”

“It has improved immensely. I need to see her.”

“Ha. I assure you she is still beautiful, but you will need to wear your glasses for the next few days because you will have moments where your vision will blur.”

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