Consort (Beyond Ontariese 6) (15 page)

Read Consort (Beyond Ontariese 6) Online

Authors: Cyndi Friberg

Tags: #paranormal romance, #futuristic romance, #steamy romance

BOOK: Consort (Beyond Ontariese 6)
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She was silent for a long time, her
body pliant. He’d reached mid-thigh when she asked, “Were you
shocked by what we told you today?”

He cringed. Reviewing her past was
counterproductive to igniting her passion, but he understood why
she needed to talk. They couldn’t build a future together until her
past was at rest. “It wasn’t shock so much as distress and anger. I
knew you’d suffered abuse, but the things I’d imagined were nothing
compared to what you described. And I know you both just skimmed
the surface of what really happened.”

Wiggling around until she lay on her
side, she propped herself up with one forearm. She struggled to
keep her breasts covered as she shifted positions, so he helped her
sit. Her modesty was charming, but unnecessary. If all went as he
hoped, they’d both soon be naked and modesty would be the furthest
thing from her mind. He eased her legs apart and stepped between
them, lightly resting his hands on her thighs.

Thinking about you in any
sort of peril makes me want to destroy things.” He moved one hand
to her shoulder and raised her chin with the other. “I’ve lived a
very long time and I wasn’t always this civilized. If Hydran
weren’t already dead, I’d be on my way to Earth right now, focused
entirely on his slow and painful destruction.”

Her gaze warmed and she hooked her
feet around the backs of his legs, pulling him closer. “And the
fact that this isn’t the body I was born in doesn’t bother

Remembering her emotional retreat the
night before, he hesitated with his answer. “You know I find this
body pleasing, but you are so much more than a body to me. It
wouldn’t matter what you look like, I’d still want you.”

She smiled and placed one hand on his
chest, still guarding the cloth with the other. “You learn

If he pretended not to have any
interest in the subject, she’d realize he wasn’t being entirely
honest and he wanted honesty between them, honesty and trust. “I
wouldn’t mind knowing what you looked like before. I admit it. I’m
curious.” He expected her to push an image into his mind. He’d seen
her sister and her daughter, so he wasn’t concerned about what she
might show him. He waited for her to react, but she just

Charlotte and I are
identical twins. I looked exactly like her.”

He returned her smiled, glad she
hadn’t avoided the request. “Well, I’ve always thought Tal was a
lucky man, so apparently I find you attractive in any

But you’re partial to
blondes?” Her smile faltered and she lowered her gaze.

He cupped her chin and
guided her gaze back to his. “I’m partial to
.” He started to kiss her then
changed his mind. He hadn’t finished her massage. “Lie back down,
but on your back this time.” Her eyes widened and she started to
protest, but he pressed his fingers to her lips. “I told you
turnabout would be hell.”

With the cloth carefully pressed to
her breasts, she lay down and stared up at him. Her eyes were wide
and uncertain, her body tense all over again.

He took one of her hands and slowly
pulled her arm away from her chest. She allowed him to unfold her
elbow, but her fingers were still clenched. “I’m not going to hurt
you. What’s the matter now?”

There’s one more thing I
need to tell you.” She sounded utterly miserable.

Not a chance.” He scooped
her up, cloth and all, and headed for the bedroom. “If I listen to
one more piece of information, my head will explode. I don’t want
to think about you in a place like Operation Hydra. I need to know
you’re safe and in my arms.”

But this is—”

He silenced her with his mouth,
kissing her deep and long, until she was too breathless to speak.
“The only words I want on your lips are yes and Indric. Do you
understand me?”

Yes.” She returned his
kiss for a moment then whispered, “Indric.”

He set her down on the middle of the
bed then stripped off his clothes with a frantic series of
movements. She’d been watching as he shucked his pants, but her
gaze hadn’t returned to his face. Emboldened by her stare, he
stroked his length and moaned at the simple pleasure. “You do this
to me, Cinarra. All I have to do is think of you and I’m hard for

She sat, forgetting about the cloth as
she focused entirely on him. “May I?” Her hand trembled as she
reached for his shaft.

Catching her wrist, he shook his head.
“Not tonight, love. I’ve waited too long.”

He eased her down then placed her hand
on the bed just above her head. As he reached for her other hand,
she moved her arm into position without his assistance. Her subtle
surrender recharged his control. She was nervous and unsure. He
needed to slow down and bring her along gradually.

Folding back the cloth, he bared her
entire body to his ravenous view. His chest refused to move and his
heartbeat echoed in his ears. She was perfect, soft ivory curves
and pouty pink nipples. He wanted to start with her toes and lick
his way up to her lips, but she was covered with massage

He sighed and crawled onto the bed
beside her. It was probably better if she accepted his touch before
he introduced other intimacies. Her entire body was firm and toned
and an inevitable question sprang into his mind. Krystabel had
given birth to twins, but it was possible that the Mystic had still
been a virgin when she’d died.

He wasn’t even sure how to ask her,
but he really needed to know. The last thing he wanted was to hurt
her in his haste to join his body with hers. Seeing no way around
it, he looked at her and asked, “Have you done this since you’ve
been on Bilarri?” It was the least offensive way he could think of
to ask the question.


She didn’t elaborate and he was glad.
Thinking of her with another man made him feel savage and
possessive, and she needed patience and tenderness right

He stretched out on his side and
slipped one arm under her neck. She turned her head as he lowered
his, and her lips parted at the first brush of his tongue. She
tasted of spiced wine and something uniquely Cinarra. He delved
deeper, intrigued by the taste. Her tongue curled around his as he
began to explore.

He took his time, starting with her
upraised arms and intentionally avoiding her breasts. She grew
restless and arched her back, but he ignored the obvious
invitation. She’d had no trouble teasing him, binding him with his
promise while she learned his texture and shape. It was his turn to
drive her crazy.

With a strangled groan, she tore her
mouth away from his. “Touch me.”

I am touching

No. Really touch me.
You’re not the only one who’s waited nine years for

Unable to argue with that logic, he
curved his fingers against the fullness of her breast and sucked
the nipple into his mouth. Though her arms and legs were slick and
supple, he found no massage oil here. Damn good thing too or his
favorite masseuse would be looking for a new position, or

She gasped then whimpered as he moved
from one tender peak to the other. Her skin was unbelievably soft
and he loved the feel of her hardened flesh against his tongue. He
left one nipple wet and pebbled as he teased its twin then switched
sides and started the process all over again.

You need two mouths.” She
pushed her fingers into his hair, but he raised his head and
growled at her.

Hands back where they
were. I didn’t give you permission to touch me.”

I need permission?” She
didn’t sound amused.

Tonight you do.” He was
too aroused, too primal to give in completely.

Reluctantly she raised her arms again
and buried her hand beneath her head. “I suppose I deserve it,” she
muttered. “I was merciless with you.”

Merciless? He grinned against her
skin. She hadn’t even taken off his pants. She didn’t know the
meaning of the word, but it was not yet time to teach her. Instead
he shifted over her, easing her legs apart so he could kneel
between them and use both hands.

The position was more dominant, far
more to his liking. She was spread before him, open and ready, if
still a bit unsure. He caressed her breasts for a few minutes
longer as he watched emotions pass across her face. He saw desire,
anticipation and pleasure, but there were still flickers of fear.
Her lips remained parted and rosy from their kisses, her eyes
dilated and were passion bright. He worked her nipples into tight
little peaks then slid his hands down her sides.

His gaze rushed on ahead, fascinated
by her alabaster skin and her soft pink folds. Her legs were slick,
but the oil stopped well short of his target. “Have to taste

He lowered his head between her thighs
and drew her scent deeply into his lungs, savoring the rich musk,
imprinting it on his memory.

Please.” Her voice
trembled and her thighs quivered. “Either lick me or give me
something to squeeze.”

His dominant nature rebelled against
the order and he slowly pushed his middle finger into her heat.
He’d meant to punish her for her impatience, but the firm grip of
her inner muscles made him moan. “Gods you’re hot. And

Before she could reply, he circled her
clit with his tongue and slid his finger in and out of her passage.
She was soft and open, ready and accessible. But it wasn’t good
enough. He wanted her wild, as desperate for him as he was for

She flattened her feet against the bed
and rocked her hips, driving his finger deeper and increasing the
pressure of his tongue. He withdrew his finger and concentrated on
her clit, unwilling to follow her silent command. Control was
essential to his passion. She had to learn to follow his

When she finally stilled and opened
her legs wider, giving him better access, he gently parted her
folds with his thumbs and pushed his tongue deep into her

Indric!” She shook and the
start of an orgasm rippled around his tongue.

His savage nature told him to make her
wait, to build the intensity along with her need, but he kept his
tongue deep inside her and used his thumb to send her over the
edge. She cried out sharply and her inner muscles gripped him again
and again.

Wanting to share her pleasure, he
instinctively reached for her mind. She resisted and he pushed

Don’t!” She shoved him
away, kicking out as she scrambled back and huddled against the


Pleasure and dread inundated Cinarra
with alternating waves. Her body was still humming from the most
amazing orgasm she’d ever experienced in her life and yet Indric’s
unexpected assault on her mental shields made her feel violated and

do that again.” She drew her
legs up to her chest and wrapped her arms around her knees,
carefully keeping her feet together.

He looked dumbfounded for a moment
then horrified. “I’m sorry. I should have realized you wouldn’t
want anyone in your mind.”

I can’t stand it. I’ve
tried and tried, but it always sends me into a panic

It’s second nature for
Bilarrians to flow through each other’s minds. I did not mean to
frighten you.”

I know.” She took a deep
breath and then another, determined to regain control of her
emotions. “Just give me a minute.”

He grabbed one of the massage table’s
cloths and casually draped it over his lap, but she saw what he was
trying to hide. He was still hard and needful, and she’d failed
him—again. She bowed her head and closed her eyes, unable to hold
back tears. “This is why you should find someone else.” She sobbed.

Very gently he touched her arm then
eased into position beside her. He wrapped his arm around her
huddled shoulders and pulled her against his side. “I don’t want
anyone else.”

The words had been meant to reassure
her, no doubt, but they shattered what remained of her composure.
She turned into his embrace and clung to his strong body, sobbing
so hard she could barely breathe.

Grief, fury and loss paralyzed her
mind. All she could do was release the long suppressed emotions and
let him rock her in his arms. It could have taken minutes or hours,
she was honestly not sure. She was lost to everything but the
emotions pounding her being like hail. Reality returned by degrees.
She felt his tear-soaked chest beneath her fingers and heard the
steady thumping of his heart.

One death wasn’t enough
for what that bastard did to us.” His arms tightened just a little,
letting her know she’d heard without distracting her with words. “I
saved his daughter’s life while I was just a child myself. That’s
how he realized I was different. Special.” She shuddered. “I’ve
come to hate that word. We had ‘special’ abilities and ‘special’
programs and ‘special’ motivations when we didn’t give him what he

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