Conspiracies: The Facts * the Theories * the Evidence (36 page)

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Authors: Andy Thomas

Tags: #Conspiracy Theories, #Social Science

BOOK: Conspiracies: The Facts * the Theories * the Evidence
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Extra-Terrestrial Conspiracies: Arguments For

So many ancient cultures record stories of beings from the heavens
visiting our world and interbreeding with humankind that they
cannot just be symbolic and must record something tangible

that occurred long ago – Bloodlines are without doubt jealously
maintained among monarchies and noble dynasties, something

which could have more meaning than meets the eye – Reports of
UFOs are made too often by qualified professionals and reliable
military personnel to all be imagination or mundane phenomena,
and it is clear that overt cover-ups are maintained – Whistleblowers
from Roswell seem convinced that what crashed there was not

human in origin and should therefore be taken seriously – Too

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many abductions are reported for all of them to be lies, and if some
occur through a col ective psychological experience, surely this is
an important phenomenon worth study in itself? – The reptilian
agenda sounds outlandish on the surface, but a significant number
of people believe in it and it may embody at least some important
truths – Child abuse is so serious that if it takes extra-terrestrial
theories to bring it to the surface, then the association should not be
entirely rejected.


The evidence that visitors or infiltrators from other worlds,

both friendly and hostile, may be routinely interacting with us

is not easy to discount completely in the light of the evidence.

Information on UFOs and other unexplained activity
very clearly covered up – literal y, in the case of documents which have been force-released under Freedom of Information requests,

with much of their crucial content blacked out in the name of

‘national security’.

For those unable to accept the more paranormal connotations

of global agendas, however, perhaps there comes a point where it

matters not whether the perpetrators of abuses and controls are

human or extra-terrestrial. If the actions are the same, then the counteractions must be so too. Ultimately, the population of the

world has to deal with its rulers, whatever their real form might be, and the assertions made about the kind of consciousness that

might be driving the New World Order agenda remain relevant

either way.


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chapter 8


Behind virtual y every conspiracy theory of modern times lies the
thread that each component may serve a wider purpose: that of
laying the foundations for a ‘New World Order’. The belief that
a shadowy ruling elite is gradual y implementing a political y,
economical y and social y unified planet to its own blueprint
by any means necessary has become a central pil ar for most

truthseekers, who see it as a plot to dominate through suppression
of freewill and subjugation through fear. Derided by sceptics as
the ultimate expression of misguided paranoia, the NWO theories
have nonetheless made many people take a serious look at how

their world is governed.

i) one WorlD governMenT

New Freedoms, Old Bonds

In 1913’s
The New Freedom
, a collection of speeches and essays, future US president Woodrow Wilson wrote the following curious



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Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field

of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody,

are afraid of something. They know that there is a

power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful,

so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had

better not speak above their breath when they speak in

condemnation of it.

While academics have other interpretations, this passage is seen

by conspiracy theorists as an acknowledgement of the covert elite al uded to many times throughout the book you hold now. Perhaps

ironical y, Wilson’s proposed ‘new freedoms’ wouldn’t last long

once he was in office, and he would go on to help found the Federal Reserve and a number of other institutions now traditional y eyed with suspicion. Nonetheless, this may be an overt reference to the all-pervading forces that are said to be putting the blocks into place for the New World Order. This staple of conspiracy doctrine is

widely perceived as the underlying thread that binds together many of the plots, assassinations and political deceptions which keep

researchers busy.

‘New World Order’ is not a term invented by truthseekers, but

one widely employed by politicians envisaging a state of global

unity, stability and prosperity. With certain countries policing it, of course. Such talk has inevitably become the target of intense

scrutiny by those who fear that what the NWO is real y moving

towards is a ‘one world government’, a geopolitical super-entity to end all independent sovereignty and place great power into very

few hands – hands that already have blood on them.

Origins of the New World Order

It could be argued that the Roman Empire and other ancient

models (
chapter 2) were attempts to implement an enforced 226

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unification long ago. Run by a central body using a network of

puppet provinces across the known world, it is a history surely

not lost on today’s planners. The genesis of the modern NWO,

though, may have been seeded by the European secret societies

of the 18th century. Those who believe occult agendas lie behind

the project traditional y cite a short-lived Bavarian order, the

Illuminati, as being one of its starting points. Although official y suppressed by 1785, the order is widely believed to have survived underground, infiltrating governments, financial systems and

religious institutions, quietly implementing rule from the shadows through every group from Jesuits to Zionists. The many fictional

representations of the Illuminati have probably blurred the reality and imbued whatever passes for them today with an unlikely

omnipotence, but the name has stuck as a catch-all term for the

perceived ruling elite.

The Illuminati, combined with higher degree Freemasons

accused of contributing to the NWO agenda, are considered to

have adopted (if as an affectation) their intrinsic mysticism and occult symbols from archaic cultures, predominantly Egyptian.

Much of this knowledge is itself believed to have been preserved

through the ages by the Rosicrucians, Knights Templar, Knights

Hospitallers and other mysterious orders, jealously guarding

important wisdoms for the exclusive use of the elite. This claimed influence from aeons past has fed directly into the extra-terrestrial bloodline theories discussed in chapter 7.

For all its supposed Bavarian influences, the true NWO

blueprint is considered by scholars such as Terry Boardman to

have begun with the ruling classes of Britain and America in the

19th century.1 But the influence of secret societies on the founding of the USA in 1776 is widely believed to have been profound. It

has led extremist Christians to accuse America of having been

formed on Satanic principles with a view to fulfilling the biblical prophecy of the Antichrist, whose coming has supposedly been

nurtured in the centuries since.


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Conversely, others believe that underpinning US politics

is a conviction that it is America’s duty to help bring about

the New Jerusalem spoken of in St John’s Book of Revelation.

Problematical y, the prophecy cannot manifest (neither

can the much-desired ‘Rapture’, where the devout hope for

bodily ascension into heaven) until the cataclysmic battle of

Armageddon has taken place. To some, this explains why world

peace has not resulted from America’s policies, if bringing about the apocalypse is its real agenda. Warlords convinced they are

doing God’s work (as George W Bush told Palestinian officials

he was, when asked why he invaded Iraq in 2003) worry some

people.2 Certainly the influence of evangelical ‘End-Time’

preachers like Ted Haggard on presidents such as Bush has

been powerful, and other leading politicians have shown similar

leanings, with Hil ary Clinton said to be a member of the End-

Time movement ‘The Family’. If certain citizens of America see

themselves as being God’s new ‘chosen’ people, taking on or

sharing the mantle of the Israelites, this could be a factor in their country’s proactive role in setting up a New World Order, using

it as a vehicle for their own beliefs.

The other major founder of the NWO vision, Britain, may have

similar convictions in its own ‘chosen’ status (with Tony Blair

also having taken advice from Haggard). With many legends

claiming that the Holy Grail was brought to British shores,

it could be that biblical threads from long ago are once again

being used for nationalistic ends. Perhaps it seemed natural that Britain, with its own burgeoning empire and as one of America’s

parent nations, should join forces with its progeny to reignite the dreams of an all-powerful political union to lead the world. By

the 1870s, high-society links between Britain and America were

blossoming, and the creation of the Pilgrim’s Society in 1902,

and the Round Table soon after, cemented bonds further, with

an aim of uniting the moneyed classes across the Atlantic.


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new world order conspiracies

The Project Grows

Some reject the idea that religion underpins the NWO agenda,

seeing it as a smokescreen for more earthly concerns of money,

power and ideology. Indeed, when one of Britain’s leading

politicians Arthur Balfour wrote to America’s President Theodore

Roosevelt in 1909, esotericism seemed not to be in his mind,

lobbying instead for what Terry Boardman aptly describes as:

A global Anglo-Saxon confederation that would police the

world with the navies of the two countries and through their

invincible domination bring eternal peace and prosperity.

Over the years, similar proposals would follow Balfour’s invitation, which some would say was duly, if quietly, implemented.

Meanwhile, more public cal s for a New World Order were made

by leading academics such as H G Wel s and Bertrand Russel , if

founded in more Utopian ideals – that is, if Utopianism includes

an open avocation of eugenics, which is another plan still feared to be lurking in the background.

However, if an Anglo-US alliance was the original core of the

NWO, the two World Wars – considered by some to have been

contrived for its very purpose (
pp. 68, 75) – saw a rebalancing of the driving forces behind it. After 1945, a blitzed and economical y weak Britain was suddenly, to appearances at least, now a secondary force to the thriving USA. Along with a number of new countries

aspiring to NWO ideals, America forged ahead with alliances and

campaigns of its own, while the controversial 1948 foundation

of the State of Israel refocused attention back onto the original promised land. However, the continued importance of institutions

such as the financial City of London (effectively an independent

state within the UK) and the British monarchy, reptilian or not,

meant that certain powerful threads remained. Even now the USA

goes out of its way to court British support for its actions, which 229

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is perhaps an odd thing for a superpower to do. It may be that the oft-mentioned ‘special relationship’ is more meaningful than at

first appears, as Anunnaki bloodline researchers certainly believe.

Critics of NWO theories maintain that, by conspiracy theorists’

own arguments, the contention that events such as the
sinking and the attack on Pearl Harbor had to be engineered to

bring the USA into both World Wars (
chapter 3) is a sign of transatlantic division, not background union. Likewise, the

traditional US unwillingness to comply with policies of the UN

and NATO (founded in 1945 and 1949, respectively) that don’t

suit it could also be seen as evidence that America would resist

absorption into a one world government. Conspiracy defenders,

however, claim these ‘reluctances’ are part of the sleight of hand, feigning one stance but implementing another, albeit with a little petty hustling to ensure the New World Order continues to be led

by one of its primary founders.

Likewise, sceptics who attack truthseekers’ beliefs that

the EU is one of the roads towards the Orwellian superstates

allegedly envisaged by the NWO often do so on the basis that

the euro has proved to be a contradictorily unstable currency.

This is countered by the assertion that it was always
to be unstable. Realizing that an overtly federal system would

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