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Authors: Kate Gordon

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Fantasy, #paranormal romance, #Secret service, #faerie, #Elves

BOOK: Conspiracy
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Ninth Crossing: Conspiracy


Book Two




Kate Gordon


Author’s Note

Ninth Crossing: Conspiracy
, is Book Two of the Ninth Crossing series. If you have not obtained Book One,
Ninth Crossing: Discovery
, it is strongly recommended that you avail yourself of the earlier portion of the story. Here is a short excerpt from the Amazon book page which summarizes the plot from book one.


When a woman says she loves a man more than her own life, it’s understood she’s speaking metaphorically. But then, she just might be serious.

Reagan Sullivan is a thoroughly modern woman. She’s thirty-one, an honors graduate of Yale, and a six year veteran of the Secret Service, sworn to protect the vice president of the United States—who happens to be a widower. A good looking widower. Despite these accolades—and distractions—Agent Sullivan is a no-nonsense woman in every respect.

Her younger sister, Heather, currently a Rhodes Scholar PhD. candidate and an Olympic rowing medalist, is also a product of the twenty-first century. Together they’re an unbeatable combination … and not bad on the eyes either.

When Reagan meets two Irish elves—one of whom kidnaps her from a ladies bathroom in Oslo, Norway—all bets are off. These elves are nothing like you imagine. Both are well over six feet and strikingly handsome. And both think Reagan is quite fetching herself. And they’re not guarding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but they do have a twinkle in their eyes and romance in their hearts.

If that wasn’t enough, when Reagan meets her fifth-great-grandmother, Eimile, born in Ireland in 1630 … and she turns out to be the current-day queen of the Western Realm … and she puts Reagan’s life in danger to save the kingdom … well, things get a little more airy-faerie.

But not everything is so calm in the Western Realm. A Civil War is brewing, the vice president of the United States is in danger, and Reagan has to come to grips with a discovery that changes her life forever. Humor and light-hearted romance, yes, but a serious story about corruption, power, and the length to which men - and women - will go to achieve their ends. Elf or human.

The Ninth Crossing series is the creation of established authors, Gordon Ryan and Kate Armitage, writing under the pen name of Kate Gordon.


He paced back and forth, a slew of profanity ripping harshly into the cold night as he recalled the latest vision. They came unbidden, sometimes not for weeks, months, or even a year, but as soon as he’d left the Western Realm and entered the human world, he’d been knocked down by the force of the latest revelation. One thing he could count on, whether the visions were welcome or not: they always came true.

Even as a child, he’d been gifted with the
. It was a frightening experience for a young boy, but now as a man, he still felt a stirring, an anxiety. This time it wasn’t the young child’s fear of the unknown, but his knowledge of what consequences awaited the arrival of this premonition.

Meanwhile, the Realms were in chaos. The
had taken full control of the Eastern Realm. However, King Aegir and Queen Mallorie were safely tucked away in the human world until order could be restored. He was on his way to see them now, but his plans were going to have to wait.

Again, he groaned with the vision fresh in his mind. He sat on the grassy knoll, tired of pacing around the same spot. It wasn’t that he didn’t desire her. In fact, the scene he had witnessed not only played out in his mind, but also in his heart. They were smiling at each other, so in love, so happy. Her white lacy gown and his traditional robes brooked no question that he was envisioning his marriage and his wife-to-be. The depth of his emotion was as real as if it had just happened an hour ago. For all intents and purposes, the woman he saw as his wife
his, and yet she was not. There were many obstacles in the way, but he was willing to cut through them to get her. He was, after all, first and foremost, a warrior.

Chapter One


There was no blood, but there very well might be soon if these stubborn men didn’t cool their hot Irish and Bulgarian tempers. I sat by the fireplace in the large gathering room of the castle as Ian, Mick, and Gregor argued. Heather smiled sweetly at me and nodded in their direction,

“I can see Ian is feeling much better. Your healing arts are impressive, Sis.”

I gave an unladylike snort as I watched my love throw his hands up in frustration. “If I didn’t know any better, I wouldn’t have believed he was at death’s door just two short weeks ago.”

“I do know better, though,” Heather replied, “and I can see the toll it’s taken on you.” She gave me a quick hug. “I’m so glad you’re recovering. I wouldn’t want to journey through the Elven world without you.”

As Heather squeezed me, I could feel the stiff and sore muscles and unseen wounds from the physical burden of healing Ian.

“I’m fine, Heather. Please don’t worry about me. Colleen is much worse off than I am.”

Colleen was the Western Realm’s royal healer. Trying to heal Ian had almost been the undoing of her small, frail body. Although I was a new healer, my strength increased with each crossing of the portal. Colleen and I had managed to help bring Ian back far enough that he was able to help us in the healing process. It seemed that all elves had some healing power, even if only over their own body. Of course, Ian was heir to the Western Realm, and therefore, incredibly powerful in his own right. His recovery had been swift, and now he was anxious to get back to the job of saving the Realms and perhaps thousands of humans too. He was nothing if not ambitious.

The argument among the men continued as I watched him use his hands to animate his objections to something Michael said.

Gregor was a completely separate issue. I have to admit he impressed me, but at the same time, I was reluctant to embrace his friendship with complete confidence. He stood out due to his substantial height, and the scowl on his face didn’t attempt to hide his threatening appearance. He shook his head and continued to resist both Ian and Mick.

“I don’t think it’s safe to keep the king and queen in one place for too long,” he added. “I have men out now searching for a secure location, but that’s almost impossible knowing we have a traitor somewhere among us.”

Heather nudged me and gave a little shiver. “That man is scary,” she said, barely audible.

I nodded. “If it wasn’t for Ian’s total trust in him, I’d wonder myself. He risked his own life to save us, though. We owe our freedom to him.”

The battle continued as the three elves discussed the next action to be taken and Mick pressed his point.

“Ian, now is not the time for you to go back to Washington. You’ve only just returned and the Western Realm needs you, especially given the current situation.” Mick stood tall in the circle, his posture proud and rigid.

“Mick, we’ve just learned that Tony is the heir to the Eastern Realm, and with his mother coming from the Western Realm, he might even have more claim to our kingdom than either of us do! I can’t think of a more important place to be right now than by his side. In the first place, if he doesn’t know who he is, he’s in real danger from our enemies. If he
know, he’s potentially a threat to the
Sidhe Maith
, despite his maternal link. Not to mention the fact that he’s one of the most powerful men in the human political world. Before long, he’ll be on the campaign trail. He’s hard enough to protect when he’s not visiting four states in one day.”

“Everything I’ve seen so far tells me he doesn’t know who he is, ” Gregor argued. “He was hidden away as an infant, raised by human parents, and from what we know, all his powers lie dormant. As you know, it’s the power of the Realms that fosters the innate talents we’re born with. Tony won’t show any signs until he’s crossed over.”

Silence fell as the men considered the best course of action. Something Gregor said bothered me, but I wasn’t sure what it was. I saw Ian glance over at me, obviously deep in thought. As our eyes met, a small smile crossed his face. We’d come a long way in the eight months we’d known each other. I didn’t think it could happen to me, but I was completely and totally in love. I was also headed back to D.C., and I was still trying to figure how our relationship was going to play out with the secrecy we needed to maintain. I was his boss and everyone around us would see me in that light. I had to be careful that they didn’t see the
light that Ian aroused in me.

I stood and walked toward him. He grabbed me around the waist, pulling me close and planting a kiss on the top of my head. I replayed the conversation in my mind, knowing something was amiss.

“Gregor, something you said made me think,” I said.

Gregor turned toward me and waited for me to continue.

“You said that once Tony crosses over, he’ll start to acquire the Elven powers that have been dormant.”

Gregor nodded. “Yes, that’s correct.”

Ian paled. “I didn’t even catch that, Reagan.” He turned to Gregor. “Tony
crossed over.”

” Gregor exclaimed. “When did this happen?”

“Not too long ago,” Ian explained. “He was attacked outside the White House by a couple of
and he was badly injured. I sifted him to the Western Realm, where Colleen healed him. We made sure when he returned that he didn’t remember anything that had happened.”

“Does it matter which Realm he sifted to, Gregor?” I asked.

Gregor was silent for a moment, considering my question. “No, either of the Realms would have the same effect. I think it’s even more important that you return to keep an eye on Tony and see if he manifests any changes.”

“Agreed,” Ian said. “Mick, this decides it. You need to take over here while Reagan and I go back to D.C. and handle the situation there.”

Mick scowled, but he nodded his acceptance. “It’s not that I don’t want to fill in here, Ian. I just think the Realm needs you right now. But I can see how important this is and why you need to be there.”

Ian grabbed his younger brother in a bear hug. “You’ve done a great job supporting Eimile, Mick. I can’t think of anyone I’d rather have in charge.”

Gregor, obviously growing impatient with the show of emotions, gave a big sigh. “So, we still have the issue of relocating Queen Mallorie and King Aegir. Their daughter, Alisha, is also with them. We need to get them moved somewhere before they’re discovered.”

“I know a place they can hide,” Heather said from the other side of the room.

Everyone turned to look as she stood and walked toward us.

“Our family has a cabin off the Virginia coast that’s always stocked with beer and pretzels.” Heather smiled at me. In high school, we had tried to sneak a beer at midnight, but instead found the fridge padlocked with a note on the door that said ‘
Don’t even think about it
.’ “Dad has a yacht, too, in case we need to move across the bay.”

“That’s a fantastic idea, Heather. Dad wouldn’t have any problem with us using it.”

Eimile entered the room and all eyes were focused on her.

“I hope you have room for one more in this cabin.”

She looked lovely as ever in a pale yellow robe, her long hair in a formal chignon at the back of her neck.

“Aunt Eimile, I’m not sure what you mean,” Ian said.

“I mean just what I said. I’m coming with you to see Mallorie. Ever since I learned she was alive and living in the Eastern Realm, I haven’t been able to sleep, eat, or think. She disappeared almost sixty years ago without a trace and I’ve thought her dead these many years. I need to know what happened to her.” Eimile sat on one of the plush settees and gave us each an imperial look. We looked back with blank faces. I was confused at her desire to leave the relative safety of her Realm.

“Eimile, this won’t be a fun trip. It’s incredibly dangerous,” Mick said.

“Nevertheless, I
go.” Eimile’s voice was determined, and I had no doubt she would do exactly as she pleased.

My heart was breaking for the woman I had completely accepted as my grandmother. In the short time I’d known her, she’d become more than just a distant ancestor. I knew she cared for me like she would a daughter. I had gotten the impression that I was beginning to fill the hole left behind when her real daughter, Mallorie, had disappeared and been presumed dead. I couldn’t even imagine how Mallorie had ended up in the Eastern Realm, then to have no contact with her mother for all those years.

Heather must have felt the same way. “I don’t see why Eimile can’t go. She’s got every right to see Mallorie and find out what happened to her all those years ago.”

Gregor glared at Heather. “You’re daft, woman. This isn’t a tea party. We’re trying to stop an assassination.”

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